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Sukubia Scarmon

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Everything posted by Sukubia Scarmon

  1. Livingroom 4th story House number XX Streetname Central District City County state country continent planet ... And so forth!
  2. I was hanging out around a dude who was smitten with me, but also tried to be superior to me. Does that make sense? Like, he wanted to lecture me to impress me, I guess. Once, he claimed that SL RP is superior to RP in World of warcraft, because it "doesn't make sense, everone is having *name of famous, unique sword that is deeply tied into the lore of said game - that you could get again* (Ashbringer, in case you know). " Like, dude could not understand that some parts of games are game-mechanic only. There's maybe a handfull of people who try claiming they got the real deal in RP, and nobody takes those seriously. Dude ignored that argument, and brought up levels and bosskills. As in, if you, as the player, killed any boss, that'd mean your character has done that in roleplay, which, no, no they don't. He could not understand the concept of doing things out of character. Actually, we had a few of those conversations, where he would spew utter bullcrap and adamantly refused any logic. That was a wild ride for my sanity.
  3. I also got two lenghty letters! Only one was for me, tho. The other was apparently for some other women, but maybe the witness that was putting them in the letterboxes was tired of running around doing that crap as well, lol.
  4. I only open the door if someone made an appointment with me. Three times I opened the door without appointment; First to my grandmother, whomst I've never given my adress, nor did I want her to have it (Thanks, mom), second to Jehovas Witnesses, and third was some representatives of an internetprovider and energy provider (Or are they called solsistors? - You know, the sales people who try to hassle you into signing contracts at the doorstep ). Since I want to feel safe at home, I thusly play dead whenever the doorbell rings. Either people make an appointment, or they text me when they're feeling spontaneous.
  5. I mean, yeah, that's why they do it. On one hand, I get it, making clothes and rigging it for multiple bodies is a pain. And I am absolutely okay to give them more bucks for their bang - in the end, I WANT my creators to make stuff and get paid for their work. But I don't want to be "forced" to dish out the biggest bucks when I now I only want maybe 1-3 colours.
  6. I wait for them to ask me for my opinion, to which I will offer constructive criticism in a polite manner. Otherwise I'll shut my piehole.
  7. Never seen a perfect avatar, all have flaws. I have a hard time approaching people, no matter how they look, lol.
  8. ...I got a new neighbor on my mainland parcel. And OF COURSE they raised the ground so now I have two green grass walls surrounding me, raising some of the ground on my land...even tho the new one isn't as high, but still. And OF COURSE the neighbor made no effort to make the side facing me at least somewhat presentable. And OF COURSE I had to promtly return some of their ugly ass SCULPT trees because they overhang on my property. I think I'll be removing my build and raise my ground as much as possible, see if they like that. Well, I know, it's mainland, no control over what kind of dipcraps you get as neighbors and stuff, but uugh. Edit: I went to an event to dry my tears with some shopping, saw a nice dress I like.. and of course, the fatpack has mod rights. I stopped buying from creators who pull that crap.
  9. Oh. I did not know that the LL viewer doesn't do that. That's kinda sad. If I could not have derendered my neightbours crappy cityscape, I'd have ditched my piece of mainland. (I wish I could derender that she raised the ground to level her piece, making me facing a wall of grass. *sobs*)
  10. Wait, it temp-rezzez the whole shop? Sound a bit abusive to me. As in, the owner abusing a system, they seem to ackknowledge that no one wants to see it, but forces people to by temp rezzing it. I'd AR it, arguing that it's done so people cannot blacklist it. I don't think that should be circumventable.
  11. Depends on context. I'd be polite and decline in most cases. If it's someone who clearly either wants to insult or neg me, or confuses me with their personal doll, or feels entitled to decide how I present myself... That'd be very catastrophic. For them.
  12. And then there's me, fully aware I'm a 12 year old trapped in a 35 years old body! Petpeeve: Doing a hunt that has you collect points, the items that gives those reset daily. The price I want is 300 points, and how many points did I have in the end? 290. *Bites into the desk* I'm too impatient for this
  13. I don't drink beer, lol. But I do have Weißwurst and Bretzn for lunch here on a semi-regular basis, heh. Including a pretty nice view of the alps. Life's good, haha.
  14. Pet Peeve: Being to late for my favorite topic. Caaaats. Pet peeve: My cat licking me a lot. Like, she loves to groom me. I know she does it because she loves me so much and is super comfortable with me, but.. sandpaper-tongue, lol. Pet peeve: being in munich, so no taking pictures in SL for me. I can be online, but not around too many people, and with low graphics. I guess I have some time to plan a few outfits for Fallen Gods Anniversary in October, lol. (Can't really plan for Fantasy Faire, since I mostly get inspired by the regions and goodies there.
  15. In dem Fall das eine Region voll ist, bekommt man vom System schlicht die Meldung dessen, und verbleibt auf der Region von der aus man versucht hat sich zu teleportieren.
  16. Just having it, and it's so good: Noodles of your choice (currently using up the last of my whole-grain noodles) Creamy spinach with garlick, creamcheese, salt and pepper. Quick, easy and tasty!
  17. Yeah, I move right past those. I move especially seething past those if the exclusives are black/white/Gold. I move furiously past those, if they get broken up in smaller fatpacks, but if you want the complete outfit you have to pay almost 6k. Hahaha, no.
  18. It may also just be a matter of who is in charge of filtering the entries on that day/hour. And maybe their mood. Like, some are more strict than others, I guess. But yeah, I'd resubmit, maybe after a day or two.
  19. I don't tend to give objects names, mainly because I tend to get attached and will have a hard time tossing it when needed, as well as feel guilt. When I was a teen, I had an alarm that was a rooster. Really cute, worked great until one day I accidentaly threw it on the ground when I was still half asleep, and it broke - to this day, I feel guilty and sad about it. I have absolutely no clue why I am this way.
  20. A long, long time ago I fiddled around with the settings of a collar I had - that I was actually pressured into by some weirdo who didn't understand the concept of NO, at a time where I didn't understand the concept of putting up and enforcing boundaries. Well, I did successfully weasel myself out of that mess, but I enjoyed the look of that collar as an accessory, still do, and I love to play around with stuff like that. Also thought I was a submissive for a long time, I am not. Holy ***** I am absolutely not. I do have a kink, tho. Aaaand you do not need to know more, lol. So, I fiddled with that, and absend minded as I can be, I accidentaly set it to open access, and promtly forgot about that. My question now is. What part of that is explizit giving consent? The accidental part? Or the forgetting part? Or is it both?
  21. You'd be better off chosing a few bloggers of your liking directly and just outright ask them their rates and compare. You won't likely get a universal answer here, since almost everyone handles that different. And asking isn't a comittment anyway.
  22. Reading this made me realize I am the WORST German, since I'd say EVERYTHING is better than beer, haha. I will never understand how anyone can drink that, much less in the morning. Let's make a deal, you can have all the beer, I get the vla and stroopwafels! Yeah, that's definately a bit harder. Since I know it's a specific subset of Germans for both of us, I'd say it's about seclusion in essence. Maybe even about identity, need to give that some thought. How German do you feel?
  23. I love me my dutchies. From my experience, they're pretty cool peeps. And I'm not just saying that because I live so close to them I can almost taste the vla. Other than that, I learned that I do not mesh well with most of my fellow Germans.
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