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Sukubia Scarmon

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Everything posted by Sukubia Scarmon

  1. That's something I use in arguments about Gamepublishers/devs becoming "evil", like ActivisionBlizzard, Bethesda, etc. They all start out with fun games, passion projects, and then they gain success. And in come the people with the suits. Those are bad news. They don't see users wanting a good game, they see numbers and those need to become bigger by any means. But the worst is when the psychologists enter. Because that is when they tend to become anti-consumer, and try every trick in the book to exploit people so their precious numbers rise more and steeper than before.
  2. So... basically the difference between a regular gacha and conveyor belt style gacha is that with the later you know the first purchase (and that it'll always be a common item, since nobody would leave the machine when it's something more worth than the pullprice) I'm pretty dissapointed. In the same way I was dissapointed when I saw that a game I used to play, that has an extremely predatory itemshop, now featured a way to earn their stuff ingame. Didn't figure out that implemented that due to the new legislation around lootboxes and stuff. The thing is, they made the rates at wich you earn the credits so abysmal low, you gotta be extremely patient. Cheapest stuff to buy starts at 2000 - which are the commons nobody wants, and you can earn up to ....60 a day. I hate this, this is obviously just the barerst of minimum, just to be on the safe side. But it's a big fat middlefinger to the spirit of the law, and says a lot about what they think of their users.
  3. I find it interesting that I - as someone who screeched pretty loud about my dislike for gachas - am apparently: -pissed I didn't get the gachas I wanted - believing I'd now get all gacha items, including rares at pull price - angry at the success of others - hating fun. Heh. Keep going.
  4. I wish it'd be something that is *fair* - but as long as the scripts inside those machines cannot be looked into, and creators trying their best to screw over their customers, I'll still be against that. The same dishonest scripts can be put into a conveyor belt style machine. I never had something against the simple gachas. You know, where it's an item in different colors, or different items, but they all had the same chance. Nothing more. I was okay with adding fatpack rares. Heck, I was okay with having rares in general, if they're not having an abysmal low chance. But they have. Have you read what scripters and people with extensive knowledge said about those scripts in those machines? Abysmall low rates, ADDED in chances of getting a duplicate the next pull (wich I had assumed to be a glitch, but apparently, it's not), that you only can get a rare after so many pulls, and more dishonest, exploitative crap. Most people who defend and want to continue gachas are creators and resellers - some users as well, but I cannot understand those at all - most consumers don't want this. I know it's more lucrative for creators - nobody would pay 5k just for a pair of horns, yet you have people putting in more than that to get them, because sunken cost fallacy, and because it'S harder to track how much you put into it if you play a bit every day/week/month. I want creators to make money. If they need to raise their prices to better reflect the worth of their work, so be it. I am all for that. But not so much that it becomes a get rich quick scheme where the topdogs get 1000's of real life dollars because thause they sell 1 item for 20 real life dollar. That's just greedy. I want some respect for their customers, and exploiting and using human imperfection against them isn't exactly respect.
  5. I hope it's ot, since that's still gacha with extra steps. We all know that it's about the randomised chance to see what item will be next.
  6. I'm losing my faith in humanity. I swear, people WANT to be scammed.
  7. Okay, locked vendors are nice and stuff, but I doubt that's what the majority will be doing. Imagine a new event full with those vendors. One person at a time until they're done? That's gonna be problematic. Those vendors for really popular gachas? Problematic. I'm not going to stand and wait in a full store just to have a chance of giving the creator my money, lol.
  8. As far as I understood it, the "rule" was just that they could not sell the items from the event(s) as anything but gachas. Somebody else chimed in that apparently, some of the eventcreators already let go of that rule now, since otherwise the creators of those gachas could not sell them anymore at all.
  9. Gonna hard pass on those "see the next item!" type of vendors. First, because that feels to me like trying to get as close as gacha as it can possible, thus basically showing the middle finger to the spirit of the law, which leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and second, I'd be too afraid to play it if even one person is nearby, in case they snipe me, or the script lags, yada yada. I still remember that happening a lot with the really popular lucky chairs. Also, thridly - I got no time to just hang around idly somewhere.
  10. There'd also be undoubtetdly less free people in East Germany. East Germany wasn't some sort of wonderland where everyone was super happy. Holy *****, people lived in constant fear of their neighbors, or even their own family members outting them to the Stasi, putting them into prison. I rather be free and poor, in that case, thank you. That's nice. I don't see how that makes exploitation okay, tho. Could you elaborate on that? Lemme be straight with that - I don't give a damn WHY and HOW gachas came into existence. That's a nice little tidbit of information that has no relevance for me other than "Oh, nice to know" What matters to me is that something with a good goal has been twisted into a mechanism of exploitation. There's competition in SL, all right. And I understand it's hard. Mesh takes a lot of work, and you cannot compete with people who steal stuff from 3d asset sides or games, who have steamlined processes, or just have more ressources at hand to allow for cheaper prices. And no, I do not have a solution for that. But exploitation should not be one either. Edit: Also, no, why would I know of anybodies life on here.
  11. I was pretty speechless for a moment here, and not only because I just stuffed my cake-hole with a salad (not made out of cake, sadly). Yeah, I cease to have any sympathy with anyone defending that crapfest now. In general talking. I do believe there are honest and fair gachas and their creators out there, but sadly, I cannot assume they're the majority. Seen too much of people. I wish desperately for being wrong about it, tho.
  12. I'm happy about this. I hate gachas, mainly because they've become increasingly predatory and anti-consumer. I'm glad most of my favorite brands quit doing them some time ago. There's only that still does this, and to make it worse, they're one of the most predatory. I'm *still* salty about the gacha with two bland commons that are just two of the 5 Rares without the decoration, and at least one of the rares has a much lower chance of getting (ultrarare) without it ever being disclosed somewhere. (And I'm fairly sure they've been talked about as a bad example on here, without namedropiing, of course) @Adeon Writer mentioned in the beginning that he took a look at some of those scripts - them rarely being simple dice rolls, abysmall low rates, and apparently even a *scripted in* chance to get a duplicate. Let that sink in please. In a game of chance, where even if all items had the same chance of dropping you'd likely get duplicates anyway, some scripted in a higher propability to get a duplicate on top. (At least that's how I understood it. Correct me if I am wrong, please) The way gachas started out, I was fine with it. You know, the same item different colours, or different items - but all had the same chance. I was fine with the rare being a fatpack of the stuff. But I've become increasingly unhappy over the time. Complete outfits getting dissassembled and the single items barely usuable on their own, because they matched with nothing else.. yeah, nice. Ever increasingly rarer tiers with ever dropping chances.. yeah. Of course crap like that is successfull, because it exploits human imperfection. Sell me the stuff directly. I'm okay with increased prices. But make them goddamn mod and copy.
  13. Depends on the hair, actually. The older hairs do let you fully modify them - I did that a lot. The newer alpha-styles, the one that look very realistic, are not modify per se. But you can tint them via the HUD (it's in the Settings tab).
  14. No, it IS about you. You're just trying to deflect by painting it as a general issue, when everyone else has no real issue with it - you refuse to acknowledge that. Same with trying to belittle me, or outright insulting others for simply stating their opinion. I believe the irony is lost on you. However. As we like to say in Germany: You can lead a horse to the water - but it needs to drink on it's own. You are free to accept or refuse whatever I say. It's your life, not mine.
  15. No, they would not. You don't seem to have a good grasp of people. Most people dislike conflict. And telling you "yo, can't stand you, imma leave you alone now" would be conflict, because you'd simply not accept that. That much I can tell by this treat alone. What you seek is for others to basically say "It's my fault, it was unjust" and that is NEVER gonna happen. You will NEVER get that closure. Because that is not how people work. That's why being able to admit fault is a character stenght, and not just the norm. I'm gonna be frank with you - I do sympatise with you to some degree, because I see a past version of myself in this. I too had friends - good friends - leave me without ever giving me a reason. And for a very long time, I was very sad and angry about it, because it felt unjust. And just like you, I was like "they could have told me, I'd have understood and accepted it" but the thing is... I wouldn't have. Not if I'm completely honest with myself. I'd have argued, I propably would've begged for them to stay even - I don't do well on lonelyness. And today? I understand that I am a person with baggage, that my own behaviour at time wasn't the best, and I did them wrong just as much as they did me - I know why now, but back then I did not. And how could other people understand me if I cannot understand myself? I know how it feels to want that closure tho. But again - it's one of the rarest things in life, to be given closure by others. You need to move on, and give yourself the closure you need. In addition to this, given what else you said about yourself, and your penchant to make things about yourself, I think there are some issues you might want to look into. Because this isn't healthy - you are just isolating yourself this way, which seems to cause you hurt. I don't say that as an attack: please seek therapy.
  16. It'S a bit different here - they're not required to put the exact percentages of all ingredients, since recipe secrets, so incredients here are listed from most to least. The nutricional facts need to be listed, usually seperately, with exact percentages. Both get measured one time, and everytime the recipe changes. I have certain afflictions that require me to keep close tabs on my intake of certain nutrients. How is seeing them not a health benefit?
  17. Uh... okay, maybe that's some sort of missunderstanding due to me not being a native english speaker, but I was under the impression that food labeling is the act of labeling the ingredients present in a food product, the date and place of manufactoring. I believe anyone that has a severe food allergy that gets triggered with even trace amounts of the allergen would beg to differ with you, in that case. People with diabetes would need to know what's in it. I believe not dying *are* positive health effects. Being able to see if and how many carbs and sugar is in food is helpfull for people trying to lose weight, I can attest that because that's what I do - and I believe losing weight is a positive health effect as well. As for date and place of manufactoring - those become important when a charge is contaminated with something, which is something that simply can happen from time to time. That makes it much easier to determine the source which is benefitting the manufacturer as well.
  18. I just wish stuff like that would not be funded by making other people suffer, that is all.
  19. Okay, so if I understand that correctly, it's more or less the amount of regulations that seem to be the problem, and less a specific one like food labeling which you mentioned, which I'd see as important, thus my confusion. Okay, granted, there's some specific ones that seem to make it harder, but not food labeling.
  20. I do agree with that, and yeah, I see your point about the enforcing. I believe change will always start with oneself - since that is all I have control over. I do actually try to buy locally grown food in season for that reason, amongst others - but I also sometimes just don't have that choice, since my budget is severely limited. Adding to that is that my (medically nessesary) diet is also somewhat restricted, which sometimes does add to the lack of choice in where to buy what.
  21. Could that not be offset by making it more lucrative to stay in the country? Like, lowered tax for goods that are produced there, higher for imported from outside? I'm clearly no expert on the matter, I'm not even in the amateur-range I'd say. And yeah, I am aware that it'd most likely end up in higher prices for the stuff because most companies who'd leave the country for cheaper workers would certainly not shoulder the cost but give it to their customers to bear. But that only goes so far, as after a certain point, people would stop buying the more expensive product, I'd think? What would you do? Or would you say everything should stay as it is?
  22. To be fair, I think that Germany is choking on the immense amount of (general) bureaucracy we got here, so I can absolutely understand that point, and it's one of the reasons why I said we're doing okay, not great or even good, currently. Take our healthcare for example, while it's "free", it won't do much in terms of prevention. It'll mainly do stuff once the damage is already done - and that is more costly than prevention in many cases. Sure, prevention might not help in all cases, but I'm sure it'd be enough to keep the overall cost down somewhat. I don't know why it's not the case, tho. Also, I'd not think stripping the wealthy would be a feasible solution to anything either - that'd mainly also just deepen the ravine between rich and poor, and it'd be a rather a short lived bandaid for a deeper problem. It's for the same reason I don't like charities that just give out free stuff, but prefer the ones that use the money to try build up infrastructures and systems that might not help as much in the short run, but help in the long run - if that makes sense? So, what I'd prefer is not to strip the wealthy - but to prevent the gluttonous amassing of wealth by exploitations. Better and fair conditions for workers, a feasible minimum wage that reflects inflation. Proper securrity nets for when people fall out of their job/homes, and means to get them the help they need to get back on their own feet. Things like that. Sure, it'd mean less and slower profits, but.. that'd should be okay? I believe that some things simply NEED regulations, because people like Bezos have proven that they themselfes are not able to provide fair conditions. And like I said: I'm okay with people becoming rich, it's just the exploitation to get there I have a problem with. I'd absolutely rather sit at home and hate on the wealthy instead of working my ass to barely be able to feed myself and be humiliated in my basic human rights, and I am sure so would most. But the thing is - many do not have that choice. I don'T nessesarily want them to have that choice. I want them to don't need to have that choice.
  23. Maybe not fullblown socialism, but aspects of it? Dunno, Germany isn't a full socialism state, but we have aspects of it in place. I think we're doing okay with it for the most part - it's not perfect, far of that, actually, and could be better - but it also could be much, much worse. I doubt there's a perfect system. Everything has it's flaws. Even if you take the best out of everything, you don't end up with perfection.
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