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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Select your total area and then use FLATTEN. Once flattened you can raise or lower. Folks that rent seem to do this often. It really doesn't look all that great. And to the OP you really can only do so much along the property lines. Hence best to have a larger parcel than the house that is going on it :D. It looks the best if you "smooth" the area between your plot and the neighbors but if you adjoin abandoned land that is "bumpy" it is really difficult to get things to look good. Been there. Good luck.
  2. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/KraftWork/231/152/21
  3. A new Home and Garden survey just popped up at Seraphim. It gives you a chance to let designers know what is important to you. You can also win some gift cards if you are super lucky :D. It is a lengthy survey and takes some time but I think a lot of folks that watch this thread would be interested in adding their input. https://www.seraphimsl.com/2022/05/06/seraphim-home-garden-survey-with-8-chances-to-win-l5000/
  4. I have lived in both Mexico and Barbados as well as a few states in the US and many visits to Canada to visit surrogate parents. I think it is important to realize that every country has good and bad points as well as good and bad people. Attitude and choices make a big difference in finding your "perfect place" :D. Also LOL before getting to fixed on moving plans be sure and check to see if a country will take you. Many do not want Americans.
  5. :D. There is no reason that your model should be 27 land impact at one meter (oh my). Yes, you know that. What you may not know is that trying to convert models made for other purposes rather than game assets often (OFTEN) doesn't work -- and realistically shouldn't be uploaded (my opinion anyway). Other than making the model in a SIMPLISTIC form and using textures to fill in the details, you might try the decimate tool in Blender or whatever that is called in your modeling software of choice. I doubt that will help much though. You can also remove edge loops but again a lot of tiny geometry there. Models in most cases (small things especially) should be JOINED before upload. You can only have 8 materials per model or model piece (to be joined later). There are various smart ways to work around this. Use a simple cube for many small items -- for the physics part of the upload choice. Edit: Also look at the lowest LOD setting and make the smaller. There is likely no need you will need to see this from far far away. If you cannot make that number smaller then the uploader is not happy with the model :D. Good luck. Let us know if you accomplish your task. You could also put an add in the wanted section to get someone familiar with SL modeling best practices to make it over for you (most likely from scratch).
  6. One month old - 14 plus years ago Yesterday
  7. It was in part LLs decision to make the code available that made copybotting available. I was here then long ago and to say there was and UPROAR is putting it very mildly. While Opensim looks a lot like SL it is a different platform and has rules that are different in many cases. AND I can access Opensim with a simple click on Firestorm login. ^^ so it doesn't get much easier than that. Chic on the Kitely Sandobx testing physics.
  8. Gabriel has a 99 linden sale on. modern, roleplay, Asian are all covered. The sim is lovely. You can check my blog for about eight posts on fantasy faire items. No longer posting here since I got my hand slapped. Posts are tagged "Fantasy Faire 2022" The Gabriel things I featured will work for both guys and gals and also "off brand" bodies --- or at least a wide variety. Some items are all in one so 99 total. Some are in parts and you can buy as you like. There are also at least three gifts out.
  9. I use double sided mesh now and then with no issues. So I suspect you are doing something incorrectly? Try using the solidify modifier rather than the method you chose. Without more info and screenshots it is difficult to say what the problem might be. It is probably important to note WHAT is causing the high land impact. Is it the PHYSICS. There are three things that determine the final land impact in SL.
  10. Before you go too far with your project I suggest that you find out if this is LEGAL with Tilia. It sounds very "gray" to me and not necessarily supported. In order for Lindens to become USD they need to go through Tilia and peple have to agree to the Tilia TOS in order to sell. So that means if I read the rules correctly that each person giving linden dollars would also need to agree to the Tilia TOS. Many have of course but not everyone :D.
  11. For ME, this seems a good plan looking towards the future. The timing however is not the best. Not LL's fault although many of us (at least the RL folks I hang around with foresaw the recession and the inflation more than two years ago. And here it is. AND we are going into summer and I suspect -- noting the indexes that "I" watch it will be a particularly slow one. In the last month my blog readership has halved over some top numbers throughout the previous six to nine months. Earnings seem to be down a bit although since I don't cash out any longer that isn't important to me personally -- still indicative perhaps. Moreover the folks clambering at the gates of newly opened events has dropped noticeable and now I can get into "top" popular events the first day rather than waiting a week (the norm a year to two ago). The current DRAW IMO would be the ambience of "togetherness" for folks that like crowds LOL. That isn't me since I almost always have "show friends only" on LOL. Overall the move is a thumbs up for me. Better to be to early than too late and hopefully in a year or so the world economy will begin to stabilize and there will be more of a need. The other use for this would of course be large meetings for educators for example OR even very popular role play areas. People could be in more compact areas and clustered rather than needed more sims just to get enough citizens into the storyline. So far as "instancing", there have always been a few events that took advantage of "mirror sims" where creators only had to set up once but visitors could go to either place --- at least that is what I perceived as happening. This also happened in Sansar BUT the issue with that is that if it was a performance region, the people performing were only in one of the regions :D. So if you didn't get in the main area then it was pretty much like watching the event with others on TV LOL. Still at the present time getting 200 people in one place would likely solve most entrance needs.
  12. Ten Year Anniversary at Cosmo -- a few things in a quick shot. Also some nice cyprus trees and a ceiling mount light fixture.
  13. When you purchased you mesh avatar (body and head or combo) you bought the RIGHT to USE it in Second Life and only that right. I suspect you can export illegally since there was at least one badly imported (no feet or hands so really who cares) version of Lara floating around a couple of years back. In general (and only in general) if you see something in Opensim that looks as good as Second Life then it is fairly likely it is stolen. The exception would be items made by creators that have shops both in SL and Opensim. There are very few. Chic waves hands. PS. There WERE a few Opensim creators that only created for Opensim. Most seem gone now but there items can still be found as free or on Kitely market.
  14. Chic Aeon

    Mesh body

    Making a mesh body (and rigging it) is one of the hardest creations -- so unless you already have stellar meshing skills there is really no point in thinking about it -- unless you want to start now and work on a few hundred to perhaps thousands of hours to get the skills necessary. Sorry.
  15. Almost a month in at Umber I estimate that I have used about 3000 land impact on trees, rocks bushes and flowers :D. My sim mate wanted more cohesiveness for the sim so I added land forms in the far back area to match his land texture (no personal land textures inherent on mainland). I don't plan to go back there so that's fine with me. For the LIVING part of the ground level I worked on my landscaping skills -- and I can see a lot of improvement. I noted and remembered the landscaping that "worked" for me on rental houses and all of it included a LOT of intermingled plantings. I added a cliff in back of my home base and retextured (quickly LOL and lazily in my graphics program) the exterior of some row houses. The row "apartments" share a patio in the middle and that is pretty much the extent of my planned decorating there. On a photography note, I STILL miss Windlight. Some environments seem to work well and others I just can't capture them as well as I did in our OLD but tried and true system. My best photos have been with dark skies and facelights == which is kind of what I have complained about from the beginning. I don't think we should have to work so hard to capture the actual llighting in "film".
  16. I don't think that is completely true, is it? Long ago LL published info about the flow of money and just like real life governments, they "did" and "can" play with the value of the money. This is one reason why it has been SO stable over the years. I have been doing the math (not buying just seeing the US value to the lindens) at 250 to 1 for-e-ver. It is just so simple to do that way LOL. Of course we have more FEES now so "net" especially when sending out to Paypal is less than it has been historically.
  17. Anyone who followed the EEP reporting thread knows that this has been complained about since the very first days of testing. Happily people can set their own EEP if they own the parcel (or have rights to do so). I don't agree that baked lighting is bad overall; it just needs to be used wisely. There is a big difference between AMBIENT lighting and CAST lighting. I also don't agree with the comment below. There are plenty of creators that make glorious textures for their models. My bigger complaint would be that many creators do not understand LOD and PHYSICS :D. Pretty only gets you so far. I don't suspect any changes will be made until (and if) PBR actually comes on the scene here.
  18. https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/linden-homes-r44/#Section_4
  19. To be fair I think this new method is because of a comment I made on an earlier thread. That being said, it boggles my mind in general that so many folks try and make Second Life part of their thesis when they obviously haven't spent enough time here to know what it is about. Heading to streaming TV.
  20. Just in case you don't get the applicants that you desire -- I wanted to let you know that your requirements are much more strict than many of the top brands. And it would be very difficult for a blogger to make an attractive post showing ONLY your shorts for example with no other brands or even other pieces of clothing from your brand included. Long time blogger here. Over 6000 posts :D. Good luck with your search.
  21. I am going to look at this post from a "teacher's" point of view rather than the thesis writer in hopes it might shead some insight for the OTHER TONS OF FOLKS who ask the survey thing. From a teacher's perspective the survey really has little value except that the writer went to the effort to make one. If you don't have people's RL info you cannot verify that any of the "answers" are real and not reproduced. Someone could easily game the survey (and actually that appears to happen often :D). The people giving their input need to be named at least by avatar so that they could be reached to verify if needed. If a thesis writer is new to SL, the best they can do is give an overview of their first time experience and how that may have changed over time -- and how it relates to the theme of the thesis. For those older in SL who have been ACTIVE here for months to years (the OP's profile says 1 year and one month) then they should already know about the shifts that have been going on with shoppers. Reading these forum posts could get you plenty of information that you could point to or paraphrase (I am guessing direct quotes "might" be against forum rules -- I know not. Again from a READERS point of view I would be more impressed with seeing the research someone has done and seeing one on one interviews with people they have met than any survey. This is not trying to be mean, but there are better ways to make a point than an anonymous survey.
  22. Just a couple of comments as I am musing. First. Anyone else notice HOW MANY ITEMS on weekend sales have been on sale before -- the same weekend sale. It's a bit like one gacha maker of old that puts their stuff out on half price for Hello Tuesday -- like every week. I swear they aren't making anything new. There autabealaw. Secondly I was going through some older things to redo for a hunt coming up this summer and found this planter. It's cute. I like it BUT after I made it I noted that it was 19K in triangle and was aghast - berating myself that I should never had made that cool looking rope effect. NOW THIS IS ALMOT "LOW PRIM" ---- alas. OK. Moving onward LOL.
  23. For those that do not know, this is a long time brand and has been around seemingly forever but as skins.
  24. ALSO --- don't be in a huge hurry. It takes time (usually lots of time) to understand all the ins and outs of avatar creation. So practice with DEMOS. Let's repeat that === PRACTICE WITH DEMOS. Don't waste your money buying things you will just discard. Try different bodies and skins and makeup etc. This takes time. It isn't an instant gratification thing :D. Most of the folks that look pretty good have years and years of trial and error and making improvements. None of us looked fantastic when we came "out of the pod". Here is what I looked like about a month into SL. And yes, it WAS long ago but the "older" folks really did look a lot better than I did. So patience is important.
  25. BECAUSE I had to crop the photo to take out my signature in order to post the shot in the forums. It looks much better with feet and whole
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