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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Just in case you don't get the applicants that you desire -- I wanted to let you know that your requirements are much more strict than many of the top brands. And it would be very difficult for a blogger to make an attractive post showing ONLY your shorts for example with no other brands or even other pieces of clothing from your brand included. Long time blogger here. Over 6000 posts :D. Good luck with your search.
  2. I am going to look at this post from a "teacher's" point of view rather than the thesis writer in hopes it might shead some insight for the OTHER TONS OF FOLKS who ask the survey thing. From a teacher's perspective the survey really has little value except that the writer went to the effort to make one. If you don't have people's RL info you cannot verify that any of the "answers" are real and not reproduced. Someone could easily game the survey (and actually that appears to happen often :D). The people giving their input need to be named at least by avatar so that they could be reached to verify if needed. If a thesis writer is new to SL, the best they can do is give an overview of their first time experience and how that may have changed over time -- and how it relates to the theme of the thesis. For those older in SL who have been ACTIVE here for months to years (the OP's profile says 1 year and one month) then they should already know about the shifts that have been going on with shoppers. Reading these forum posts could get you plenty of information that you could point to or paraphrase (I am guessing direct quotes "might" be against forum rules -- I know not. Again from a READERS point of view I would be more impressed with seeing the research someone has done and seeing one on one interviews with people they have met than any survey. This is not trying to be mean, but there are better ways to make a point than an anonymous survey.
  3. Just a couple of comments as I am musing. First. Anyone else notice HOW MANY ITEMS on weekend sales have been on sale before -- the same weekend sale. It's a bit like one gacha maker of old that puts their stuff out on half price for Hello Tuesday -- like every week. I swear they aren't making anything new. There autabealaw. Secondly I was going through some older things to redo for a hunt coming up this summer and found this planter. It's cute. I like it BUT after I made it I noted that it was 19K in triangle and was aghast - berating myself that I should never had made that cool looking rope effect. NOW THIS IS ALMOT "LOW PRIM" ---- alas. OK. Moving onward LOL.
  4. For those that do not know, this is a long time brand and has been around seemingly forever but as skins.
  5. ALSO --- don't be in a huge hurry. It takes time (usually lots of time) to understand all the ins and outs of avatar creation. So practice with DEMOS. Let's repeat that === PRACTICE WITH DEMOS. Don't waste your money buying things you will just discard. Try different bodies and skins and makeup etc. This takes time. It isn't an instant gratification thing :D. Most of the folks that look pretty good have years and years of trial and error and making improvements. None of us looked fantastic when we came "out of the pod". Here is what I looked like about a month into SL. And yes, it WAS long ago but the "older" folks really did look a lot better than I did. So patience is important.
  6. BECAUSE I had to crop the photo to take out my signature in order to post the shot in the forums. It looks much better with feet and whole
  7. I have seen these a few places but all the place I remember are now gone. Not finding on the marketplace but assume someone here has them or knows. Thanks.
  8. One thing that most often works better is to upload the house in pieces -- so main walls, roof, floor etc rather than trying to upload all in one piece -- that "can" be done but the more complex the building the greater chance that the uploaded will cough and sputter. IN GENERAL (for cube physics)> Make SIMPLE cube shapes that do NOT touch each other in place of the more complex pieces of the finished house. Apply location, rotation and scale to BOTH house or house pieces and house physics pieces (or the one piece). Do NOT try uploading as a linkset (again possible but more difficult). Choose the physic model(s) that you made to correspond to the house parts when you upload. ANALYZE is you are using cube physics. Change the pieces to "prim" in the build menu so that door openings work and let you walk through.
  9. The two bathroom criteria will be the challenge. And the houses above aren't to the specs you wanted :D. I would look at some of the MAVEN HOMES by Cain Maven. The are mostly modern and beautifully made. A custom house will cost you much more and you will need to deal with the builder LOL too This one looks like it might work. Two bathrooms and three bedrooms but other rooms that could "become" a bedroom most likely. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/The-Avila-Modern-Home/18155477 Here is another option and it is gorgeous -- I blogged it a few years back. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/The-Barcelona/8256105 Good luck.
  10. Here's my input and a screen clip for those wondering. You have a lot of my favorite Trompe Loeil houses (blogging for the brand for over a decade and lived happily in some of them). The rental prices are very good. BUT I couldn't find any rental info at all and I looked hard and clicked on a a couple of signs. I just started flying up and happily found the houses fairly close to the ground. The houses are very close together and have a variety of themes. I am an eclectic gal but this seems very "hodgepodge" to me and definitely not the styling simplicity that the ground level has. Folks should be able to teleport directly to the rentals. Even if folks knew there were rentals they can't get there (I tried :D). And no one wants to join a group just in order to see rentals. I would reduce the amount of houses and up the prim allotment on them as most people want some land impact (more than is currently listed). Spread the house out. Like FOUR in whichever theme you want to keep and give the perspective renters a little elbow room. Also they way you have it now it seems like their friends couldn't get to visit them without joining the group. You have a good start, just need to make some adjustments -- in my mind anyway. Hope that helps.
  11. The kitchen - dining area is pretty much complete. I kept the kitchen pretty neat (there are veggies to be washed in the sink) and used the bookcase as "clutter".
  12. What ARTON SAID LOL. You need to realize that there are various uses for mesh objects and reasons to make them. One (the gazillion vertices type) is made to be used IN PHOTOGRAPHY, not in a virtual world. What we need in Second Life is different. They have a lower poly count by far (or should anyway) and are classified as "game assets" of "low poly mesh" (there are of course all types of "low" in that designation. If you see complex necklaces with tons of gemstones in SL it is most like that a good portion of the LOOK is from texturing and not triangle count. You don't need to make all the facets in order to give the impression that you have gemstones. I could go on and on but will stop here LOL.
  13. I agree that my tutorials are old and that Blender has changed :D. But that house physics tutorial is still used often and my top video of all time so if you cannot find anything NEWER (and I am guessing there is not much if anything as a whole lot of even old creators don't understand about the physics) then maybe just WATCHING it and not worrying about doing step by step would at least give you an idea of the process. Also if you haven't made a lot of other things --- like furniture which are much easier to deal with, then you may be way ahead of yourself in the learning process. It very much sounds like you are starting in "advanced algebra" when you haven't done the prerequisite course :D. Just saying. It usually takes years before folks really know what they are doing in Blender. Little by little.
  14. Here is what I ended up with. ODDLY those stairs that were included in the 4 land impact when linked are now 7 (I didn't touch them, just unlinked those cubes). The other NEW piece is 17 and I used it three times here. That of course had more vertices. The pieces DO go way down into the water for "realism" LOL. Anyway a fun project. Not sure what was happening with the LI in that build menu. Edit: Long distance LODs
  15. The Cove -- likely a work in progress but basics done.
  16. I don't post here often any longer since I am still in OLD Blender and don't plan to move on up. And honestly it doesn't look like this is a busy sub forum these days unless some posts got lost along the way. BUT I thought this was a pretty interesting screenshot and thought I would share. This is a mix of imported 'stone stairs" landform from a couple of years ago at Halloween at Babbage (on the left). The other mesh cubes are BIG and go down deep into the ground (this is on one of the color sims where you can terraform on mainland). With some actual texturing this doesn't look all that bad really but of course it was just meant as a sizing example to bring into Blender. What really surprised me what the land impact. And yes all the physics are correct. So posting for interest. That's me standing on the central platform to help you guage the size. Here is the import into Blender.
  17. Back long ago (before mesh) affiliate vendors were very popular and I believed they worked out OK for some folks, by=ut as Rowan hints at it is unlikely that they will be viable in the current economy. Even if you just want a shop in order to play "shop-keeper" it would likely be more productive and fun to start a shop with something you make yourself -- even it is isn't all that great to start out with. Shapes, textures (from texture making software) tattoos and even texturing readymade mesh will likely get you more sales for the amount invested AND you will learn some skills along the way. Also note that many "high traffic sims" are not peopled by individuals behind screens --- hence you would not be targeting any potential buyers. All important things to know. Honestly I haven't seen anything about affiliate vendors mentioned here or anywhere really for years. I hadn't though about them as I never go any places that have them.
  18. Main items in kitchen. My favorite Trompe Loeil kitchen was WAY too big for the space (not a complaint really LOL) so I took one out of a house and it is really lovely in there (more photos later). Bought some more of my favorite GACHA blinds for backups as I use a lot and got the oh so primmy (but I have thousands of land impact now and no neighbors) KAZZA bed on the Easter Egg Hunt. (see the all home funrishes thread). Meanwhile Pearl seems to be doing OK as an inside cat (it has been oh so many years but she IS getting old and likely doesn't need to wander so much these days). She does seem to be a bit puzzled though -- or maybe she just smell turkey cooking; that could be it. It is a super cute house -- one of my favorites. It is much SMALLER than it appears to be though when you start putting in furniture. This isn't a bad thing for me since I love small, but I was very much surprised as it gives the impression of being "vast" LOL.
  19. AF Group notice just now ish: Due to the marketplace outage the sale has been extended a further 24 hours. The sale will now end at 11:59pm SLT on the evening of Tuesday April 12th.
  20. Well it is still the weekend and I just went to KAZZA and that bed is $555 (and very heavy mesh as would be suspected). The #60 weekend signs are out but they are for Easter pottery things and a planter --- NOT what is pictured above at all. This is what is pictured in the gallery. So something evidently changed along the way. I did get the potted palm which will look great on my new patio. Did you mean that the bed was part of the hunt? I think we need more info or clarification :D. Thanks.
  21. WHEW!!! I just spent the last five days moving the store over and reviewing and changing 250 plus Marketplace items. I used up 4400 prims and now have about 6000 to use on the ground level. Aside from the new Trompe Loeil that I put down the first day (yes, rezzing issues but a GORGEOUS house) I did some landscaping and plunked down my one no copy item from the take up of old house cause I really didn't want to lose it. Resting now along with Pearl who looks pretty pale in this EEP setting. Maybe she is being empathic with my tiredness. This is on one of the color sims where you can terraform more like a stand alone. And water on all sides so "almost" like having your own island and definitely cheaper.
  22. Much of the "brand name" items in Opensim are stolen. It is very easy to do and pass along. At the same time, I suspect that even if the items are NOT stolen, they may not be the same quality in OS. I went back to OS this week after a couple of years and uploaded two new houses plus two remakes of older ones. They new items had perfect physics models in SL, but there was no way that they would be exactly the same in in Opensim. That is why there is a caveated on the Firestorm blog telling folks NOT to use OS Firestorm to upload mesh. Realistically it doesn't matter for small things where physics isn't all that important, but for houses -- a big deal. Since I am semi-retired (if bored) and since I just finished a very complex steampunk building hopefully for SL 19B and certainly for Engine Room Sept LOL I have no great plans to work on buildings for awhile. When I do I can always grit my teeth and use the Linden viewer. So --- it is sometimes difficult to figure out what is a honest gift and what is a stolen product -- so far as Opensim goes. On the downside there is very little premium content there simply because it can be so easily stolen or even if purchased passed along as full perm. I have made my peace with that. Many times stolen items are uploaded incorrectly and so it is pretty much easy to detect the dishonestly. Now and then actual SL creators come and put their goods out for sale or older items as gifts. I left my 2022 version of OS Chic looking pretty good. I know that three parts of her are legal and I am guessing that two parts are not. I don't like that news and I wish there were a way to be completely honest there, but tipping when you know the actual creator seems to be the only option. Alas. I at least feel good that I am contributing to the legal part of the equation from time to time. I doubt things will change though.
  23. NOT new news. Always good to pay attention and research before jumping in. I agree that is a hefty fee but plenty of folks seem to be fine paying it. It all depends on the person.
  24. )K. Thanks to you both. Actually I HAVE been in Opensim this week (new FS viewer which seems to be working fine for both as long as I don't upload houses in SL *wink*). I am wearing the Athena ( and I may have that name off as it was very early or very late -- OR the person that repackaged got it wrong) body which I got last night but assumed it was stolen as so many things in OS are. My plan was to pay the creator in SL since I do want to use the body but don't agree with the "stolen" part of the equation. So I am VERY HAPPY to learn that news. It is simple and seems to work well. And I can send a tip for its use. I also have a most likely stolen head from Catwa and I plan to pay for it in SL - LOL. Giant applause to the folks that are actually making things for OS. It is definitely difficult to look good there and keep your morals in tact. I stop in every couple of years and add some legal things to the Kitely Market, but I don't do clothes or bodies. I do have a very nifty builder's toolbelt I made years ago so I look pretty good out there on the sandbox. Off to do some tipping.
  25. I am trying to find out about the Athena body but search isn't getting me there. Is it still around? A link would be great. Thanks.
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