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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Well for that price if land impact is an issue you could toss the chair and get all the rest for 3 - 4LI. That isn't such a bad deal LOL. This is not my favorite creator but sometimes there are things that work well for some folks. Just saying.
  2. Since -- in my case I cannot log into Sansar how do you suggest that I make it so folks know. I did go on Discord and the folks there KNOW I am gone but I see no way make changes to a site I cannot get into without agreeing to a TOS or privacy policy or both that I do not agree with. Honestly -- suggestions would be appreciated. You CAN of course in your future dealings contact the seller and see if they are still around. This happens all the time and for the most part "I" am OK with it. My very favorite and very well used trees and bushes come from a seller who has long ago left the grid. Whether she actually get the money from sales -- or like me who does not but the grid owners get, "I" got to buy those favorite bushes. If she had taken them off the Marketplace that would make them completely unavailable and there are many stellar builds that while older are still great.
  3. I went over to Uber to look at that dining table. I don't need one but I had seen it and it is very pretty. The dishes with food are impressive. I wasn't sure but there is a big menu to choose food rom. The food I checked was only 1 li and the place setting is 1 li. At $119 this is a super bargain. PS @Marianne Little Those wicker chairs have HORRID LODs for folks running at 3 or below -- maybe even anything less than 4. Not that many triangles so not sure how they became so very heavy.
  4. Out for weekend sale at Black Sand, the LODs are good on this except for the headphones. Texture change (colors on the wall) so looks like it would work for a lot of folks. 10 KI for everything. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blacksticks/112/74/1872
  5. To be fair they may not have wanted to agree to a new TOS and so HAD to leave their things up. Mine have been up in Sansar still for years for that reason.
  6. New holiday group gift out at Nutmeg (REKA group). Happily it comes in three parts. THE BENCH IS FROM SWAY'S and there to show sizing. The stacked boxes are 2 LI and can be used any time . I downsized the bag as the default was really big. It is also 2 li. Both of these work fine at a distance for LOD2. The NOEL sign and branch wreath brake up badly even when I made it huge like for in a store maybe and 9 li so only useful for you LOD4 guys. It was very thoughtful to keep these separate!!!
  7. I don't get all that excited about Christmas stuff usually. I have a pretty full inventory and don't decorate ALL that much, but this is SO CUTE and would conceivably be OK outside a Belli home http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Uber/138/129/27 Serenity Style at Uber.
  8. The only thing that came to mind was this from Artisan Fantasy a few years back. A gacha item. Maybe put two together if you could find them. *AF* Gathering 5 - Candles & Oregano The demo they sent out used two with a turkey in the middle so maybe something else besides the turkey? LOL
  9. Agreed LOL and trust me I went kicking and screaming and was not a fan at the beginning. I am still missing a couple of things that I think were better in Windlight but for the most part I can get what I want. I have two main settings that I made and TRANSFERED OVER FROM WINDLIGHT (note some worked well and some not at all so it is a crap (as in dice) shoot. I have one very neutral with no shadows that I use for building and the on I have on my sims. I adjust the sun angle and sometimes a couple of other things just like I did with WL and I am mostly good to go. Someone in FS transferred a LOT of the community made WL into EEP so those are all there. You can do some spectacular things with EEP but I am not too interested in that. I just want to see things clearly and well. But we have bonded -- in what a year and a half or two? I do like the agility to have different lighting a different levels. Sometimes that could be very handy. AND the mainland folks can adjust their lighting too. So some pluses there. I can't be certain but I think the OP is in Black Dragon so not what most of us are use to looking at.
  10. While not high waisted, these are BOM (and I have abandoned appliers for many reasons). There are also DREAMER jeans which are BOM. Both of these were group gifts LONG ago (basic navy I think - I bought some other colors). They are really nice. I had looked for them before in the store and on the marketplace for my alts but didn't find them so VERY happy to see that they are available again. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BDR-OUTLET-Absence-Of-Fear-Jeans-Bleach-Indigo-6-Styles-Included-Appliers/7572043
  11. In the announcement about the new cheaper premium it said that VAT was going away. Was that JUST for the new cheaper level without mostly just land ownership as the main perk? If so I was confused
  12. I have a MUCH more powerful computer than you are pointing to here. It is my backup notebook in case something happens to my desktop. It "will" run SL on lowest graphics but fairly painfully and this is NOT in any busy place but on my own sims which are very fps friendly (128 at ground level with my desktop). As it has been stated SL is a hog -- in part because of all the not well made user creator content that SL is well-known for so hey - pluses and minus. When I joined fifteen years ago it was ALREADY that way. My friends and I joined at the same time. We were all in the computer web design business and already had powerful machines to deal with that. We all still needed to upgrade our graphics cards. Best Buy currently has a return until Jan 14th or something like that going on. So read all that return stuff carefully and if you are OK with it then get the computer and SEE how it works. Keep in mind though that SL marches onward and so it will likely work LESS well in the future. I used to buy my computers for work (usually an upgrade every six months) and usually at the top of the available heartiness of the time. Then I bought for both work and SL and now just for SL :D. If you are going to stick around it is something to keep in mind. You WILL need a new machine much more often than if you are only doing email and watching videos. Good luck. BTW I just ordered a new notebook (same specs as the one with the now broken hinge that still works but --- (I LOVE that machine and hate to see it go. We bonded bigtime this last year.). My new notebook was supposed to arrive today. It is still sitting on the loading dock. So don't take their shipping time "guarantee" as truth. Just saying.
  13. This appears to be a "gaming" computer but we all know that can be misleading. I know nothing about this graphics card. Input? This is NOT my main or would be anyway computer but if something happens to my desktop I want to be able to do minimal things in SL. Thanks. Never mind sorry. This doesn't have a touch screen and I want that :D.
  14. Teleporthub.com also puts out a list. It will be here it seems. https://www.teleporthub.com/black-friday-weekend-sale/
  15. You also have to have a minimum amount to process (there is a charge) and you need to verify your identy. https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000152322-i-submitted-my-information-to-tilia-how-do-i-know-if-i-can-process-credit-
  16. ONE more time folks. From the main build screen click the "more info" link and you will get a new pane that tells you which if THREE things is the most on the item in question. In the case of the couch it was EITHER the server weight or the physics that was the most of three. In THIS case (a fountain) it is the DOWNLOAD figure that is the most. The download figure is what changes on resizing. If you have an unscripted item that has a big download an small physics and server (more typical) you should (don't do this on no copy items) be able to link it to the couch with the couch as the root and still have the animations work. In cases with no scripting it works very well. There are a few threads about this. Here is a tutorial with screenshots. I am not sure what the forum post was but it was about when many of us were living in Snow Globe on 25 - 50 land impact :D. Every little half prim counted there. https://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2020/11/prim-magic-getting-more.html Now -- not so much. I have thousands to spend :D. I suspect a note to the creator about the script would get a fix for the missing element.
  17. This is a big set and while some of the pieces are kind of odd, I think the corner couch is quite nice. Lots of details, good triangles and good LODs. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/WerbePark/94/129/24
  18. A very pretty classic fireplace (large) out at Merak for the weekend. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Marlow/107/170/26
  19. You NEED to have Payment Info listed in order for Tilia to work. It is not a separate account, just the method that is use to exchange money. EDIT: Excuse me " game tokens for USD". Most of us here think of lindens as money I think LOL.
  20. Yes bought a whole set of fancier ones a couple of weeks ago LOL. Thanks.
  21. Well it was the one with various choices of looks, one prim and you could add your own textures. But if yours worked last year then probably not. Not sure who made it but it was one of the most popular around. Many broke last year. I put out things each day and that was a pain. So 12 Days for me :D. Good luck. Bad when you can't test until December 1 ^^, The calendar says the maker is Valerie Sockington, So beware. I am guessing it had something to do with the change in scripting so that you had to use UUID avatar key and not "name". Not a script person.
  22. Out for FLF from BALACLAVA!! Art Storage units. Definitely one of our better builders I was personally thrilled as I was about to remake an old gacha of mine for this exact look. This is SO MUCH easier. The paintings are mapped smartly so you can add your own textures to some and make things look different. And of course add single or grouped paintings in different places to the empty version. Two LOD levels 1 to 4 LI per cabinet with three shown here. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/chopsticks/79/38/29
  23. The last few times I was over there the loading screen on the beta grid specifically told you that there WAS no support any longer. You might try the "bet" Linden viewer that previews mesh? I think that is available. Might not help with everything though.
  24. So far as mesh bodies especially the Lucy body (and others) would need to be "different enough" not to be in line for a DMCA. One reason why a lot of non-Maitreya but "Maitreya sort of fits" bodies take Slink shoes (now getting to be a problem LOL). If the well-rigged clothes for Maitreya fit just as well there would be an uproar and some legal issues. We saw this long ago with skins and different companies using the same source files. It gets messy. Not following this thread; just seeing the short comments on the feed so if someone already said this I apologize. And I am VERY happy that my alts now have ears LOL. Thanks again.
  25. To be FAIR there is a ton of clothing made for Maitreya that does nto fit Maitreya or at least needs LOTS of alphaing. So that pretty much comes with the territory. Just saying.
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