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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Two things. The new skins (the last year) seems to all be EVO X. I am happy with my look but I can't use any of the "new" skins I see advertised as they are REALLY mapped differently LOL. Same with make up. So that means if folks want to continue SHOPPING they need to get a head (not just Lelutka as other brands have joined the bandwagon and are mappy to match the new skins. So IF you got a new Evo X head (from any maker) you will need corresponding skin. Very few skins come with makeup now. Typically many to most skins come "naked" so far as makeup goes. Then you buy (yes again EVO X if that is your choice) skins that go with. In the REALLY OLD DAYS each skin was sold with its own makeup. There weren't makeup layers for the most part like today. And each skin was EXPENSIVE so picking one with the makeup you liked was important. Just a bit of history.
  2. Usually it is your ad blocker or your software if you are using an ad blocker browser. That was a big problem when the process was new and apparently not fixed or at least a warning sign on the page :D. Try using a browser without ad blockers.
  3. Prejudice comes in all shapes and sizes, colors and creeds. My personal friends group is very eclectic. I think that makes life much more interesting
  4. This thread has long since stopped being JUST about Belli LOL.
  5. Just something fun to start the week with. Group Gift. Free group. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SkyBeam Hideaway/178/252/3982
  6. I just wanted to note on the "no demo" part of the equation that I have often purchased items from Hextraordinary without demos and NEVER been disappointed. It is one of the brands that I totally trust. {what next} is in that category too.
  7. To be honest I didn't read your whole rant but discrimination was in the TOS when I "signed" it fourteen years ago and as far as I know it is still there. Have you actually READ the TOS. What is in there and what happens inworld and gets enforced can be two different things. And as an aside, I had a "black" alt more than a decade ago and she got tons of compliments on her looks. So it isn't always one way.
  8. Not finding much for myself this weekend so far (still 10 o'clock on the way) but for Fantasy folks this is over at The Sales Room. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/MoonLand/182/34/22
  9. I am in 6.5.3. Not the new release. I didn't try resetting the skies in using the Linden viewer but I haven't had issues with this in FS before. And it's been a long and busy day. So maybe tomorrow. Also maybe the land owner folks will have some ideas. I did try the Linden viewer and it looks like it SHOULD work but when I hit the apply to region button the preview sky reverts to the default mainland sky. MANY TIMES. LATER: Landlord support has put in a ticket with LL. So may get fixed on their end -- hopefully anyway.
  10. I meant that the skies were STILL the default skies even though the land tab shows an EEP sky "should" be seen (see top post).
  11. Yes I mentioned that above. AND my settings are working as they should on all the other regions I have tested. So it really can't be as FS setting thing. I also restarted the region (didn't help). I also put in a ticket to the land holding company in case it is something in THEIR settings. But I have changed EEPs on their land before with no problem. Just not THIS land :D.
  12. I restarted STRAND just in case. No change. Here is what the same EEP setting looks like at UMBER. So very much not working LOL.
  13. I checked that also :D. But will do it again ....... I checked again and also checked on Linden viewer but the EEP settings just aren't "viewable". It can't really be my FS viewer settings as "shared environment" and personal lighting are working on my mainland sim as expected. I have never had any trouble with any of that. So it must be something in the region????? The region where things are wonky is STRAND. All this checking mostly for @Rider Linden :D. I am beyond stumped unless the region just isn't working as it should. I had no problems with terrain textures and such.
  14. Yes, it is. That is my quandary . I have rented sims from this same place several times. I just checked again after a relog and it is still the same mainland sky setting. I am in Firestorm but have always used that with no issues.
  15. I have done this several times before but cannot get my sky settings to stick -- let alone water. It seems like it was much easier "before". So hints appreciated. This is what my sky keep defaulting to even though I have my homemade skies "installed". I am back to a day cycle. I can find nowhere to turn OFF day cycle. Even if I make a new day cycle with all the same EEP throughout the day, and APPLY it to the region it reverts back to the typical Linden day default cycle. I can't get the sky I want to stick and become the "shared environment'. Any hints appreciated. Thanks.
  16. Day 1 Thinking out loud with prims and old mesh. Thank goodness for exporting inventory pieces. No need to find the originals in oh so many years of backup files :D.
  17. It was all pretty exciting when it opened == and in retrospect it was a precursor to Belli with the house choices and all. BUT unlike Belli there was no policing and as you say not much futuristic stuff going on. It is a good place to rent if you want adult land. Good value for the prim count. That can be said of Bay City too, but Horizons seems to be more consistently inexpensive for rents. IF the game in the middle would have taken off like The Realms (original, not current) that might have helped. But when it opened it had lots of issues and never took off.
  18. Keep in mind that the majority of folks are funning at pretty low fps. I just checked on on my version of Blender with Avastar add-on the default is 24. I don't really like making animations; rather I prefer poses but in the past I have uploaded lengthy ones with no issues so I am going to "side" with @OptimoMaximo on the fps change being the issue.
  19. And yet there are plenty of people who spend nothing and do well -- even taking money out to Paypal -- of course to do that you have to buy the minimum amount of lindens one time to prove you are "real"? At least I think that is still the rule. Not sure why :D. I have been here fourteen years or so and except for my one year in Belli where I think I had to use Paypal to pay for Premium since it was the first time, I have spent nothing and sent plenty of USDs into the corporeal world. I have never owned a sim but have rented them and even before I became a creator I earned my money rather than buying lindens. It was easier a decade or more ago than it is now, that is a given but you still CAN have a very full Second Life experience without buying linden dollars. So it is a choice how folks decide to "play"
  20. Bumping this (thank goodness I linked to an official comment in my blog or I would have never found the thread :D) as I had my first major "What the ..." inventory experience. It apparently happened this week as things were fine last Sunday. My "Accessories" folder with 327 ish items got moved under Calling Cards (which is quite a distance in the list - so not one folder down). The file was FS protected and "I" cannot move it (I just tested that again). Things are back to the way they should be now as I moved things over into another folder. But for sure, keep an eye on things still. And be careful when emptying your trash. I remember many horror stories a few years back on that and I now open each folder to make sure there isn't an important folder inside == BEFORE I empty that trash.
  21. This week's weekend sale item from Nutmeg. Bench comes PG, A and with Child avatar (not sure about the why of that). Bench is 6 li and fairly heavy mesh (read that as heavier than needs be). The planter which I really like is 5 li and much more in the "game asset" arena. Textures of course are still high rez and "heavy".
  22. Just a warning for those not familiar, this creator very often has LOD4 items so if you run at LOD2 or less they will likely not work for you.
  23. See my post on that thread. Good luck. I won't be participating but will be watching
  24. Just so you know, I tried this a year or so ago and the thread was closed (possibly deleted not sure) and I got a warning. Since then I have stopped showing fashion here and only put in screen clips on the furniture blog. I of course thought it was a good idea but apparently the PTB did not. PS. It was not that I was putting in photos of brands I blog for. Actually I do very little fashion these days except for things on sale and gifts :D.
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