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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. It is not impossible. MANY of us did it and did it well. Check the OLD Belli posts from a couple of years ago. If you buy heavy and primmy mesh -- well, yes, you will have a problem. But miraculously many of us did a fine job with 50 land impact and a small house. The reason that Belli is so LAGGY and unusuable these days (and honestly for at least a year and a half before) is because of folks using all the heavy mesh. Hopefully the 2048 Belli lots will be even fewer than their counterparts in the regular populous. I can't imagine moving around with all those textures and triangles. The key is to SHOP SMARTER. Many threads here on that if you care to look LOL. My fps in Belli are often around 10. They are 129 on the ground on my homestead. I loved being in Belli -- especially on opening day. But it is what it is. It still works for some folks and I am happy they are happy.
  2. Thanks all. There was a separate BOX that had ears in it. Will wonders never cease. Much better now LOL. Sometimes being last to the party is a GOOD thing as others have figured it out. Onward. Will adjust my blog post :D.
  3. So I got the free REBIRTH head for my alts the other day. I like that it is simple without the huds that go on forever. I also like the head now that it is in 3.0 territory. HOWEVER I can't find any EvoX skins that work with the head (or the demos of the heads to buy so this isn't a "gift head" issue) that skin the ears. As such you need to wear hair that covers ears if you want to use the new and pervasive skins mapped with EvoX. The info card says that different skin makers do things differently so far as skins and such. A a mesh creator I have a hard time seeing how skins made for LeLutka wouldn't fit on REBIRTH if REBIRTH was mapped for that. So confused here. Has anyone had luck with finding skins that will show ears? This isn't an issue with old style skins. They work fine. Thanks.
  4. Well I love making UVs -- second to creating textures (the old way) with nodes and sliders and of course lighting. I also like making physics models. So we all like something different. I think Drongle (or something close to that) gets the prize for LOD master. That was over a decade ago. I agree that there are a variety of legitimate ways to make models and LODs for them . The problem that I see happening so much these days is creators (often well-known) buying RENDER models from the web and not bothering to retopo at all and seemingly just uploading at the default the uploader chooses resulting to horrid LODs and quickly disappearing mesh for anyone not in LOD 3 or 4. Very sad. Now and then one of those creators listens and "improves" (yes a objective view) their mesh. And some simply try and cheat around things other ways. So shopping really need to pay attention and many don't know how and so just crank their computers up to LOD4 and forget that others may not be seeing what they are seeing :D. But alas, it is what it is. I was actually surprised when I looked over from so far away. Gave myself a gold star and moved on LOL.
  5. Also comes in a darker wood version. Pack includes tree without decorations. Noveny. Head towards the snowy A frame. Or do an area search of eBento. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Orchard Heights/201/45/1662 Noveny - Christmas Shelf Tree - Wood Really good LODs. 8LI at 1.66 meters. Can be linked to a high server item to save land impact.
  6. The mesh board is almost inactive these days. I can remember when there were dozens of post a day and some really stellar information shared. I am pretty much retired these days but hopped over to my building pad and saw some old things that I had out for a Christmas Event coming up soon. I still do free and charity venues :D. I think this photo pretty much tells the story about LODs. So to any new folks joining us and wanting to know about "best practices" in SL you get to decide for yourself and it seems like there are many different takes on what is best. For ME, I like to be able to see things at a distance and still have very low land impact. It can be done and it isn't that difficult. While it is great if you wan to make your own LODs I have rarely done so. I "can" but it is not my strong suit or what I am good at. What I do to compensate for letting the uploader do its thing -- is TEST. TEST TEST TEST :D. Anyway here is the screenshot that got me to thinking about all this stuff tonight.
  7. Very nicely done. I am anything but new but poke me if you need a spot filled as time goes on. I like to be supportive when I can. Don't care about selling much. It's the "experience" Events are hurting now all over so don't be sad if this isn't embraced. YOU and possibly others did a great job.
  8. Chic Aeon

    tier fee level.

    Yes, that is how it works. If you need to NOT pay extra when switching plots you have to gamble a bit. It is the most land you held in the last month -- even for a second. Sorry. Many to most of us learned the hard way and sometimes there IS no other way except to pay just once. Also make sure that in the web backend that you have your current land that you want only. This changes from time to time but in the past it would set your tier at that higher level until you changed it. I don't think it is that way any longer but again it could change so looking is good.
  9. Thanks and I will look. I have already committed to 12 days (ads go in early some places) so will be doing that but will definitely watch for it. Hopefully this will help others looking too.
  10. Also at Trompe Loeil for FLF a really big modern house with good LODs that includes a kitchen (can be unlinked from house and used alone) as well as an island. There are also some very nice rocks that can be unlinked from the house and used in landscaping.
  11. Not sure about what you mean by 3D missing. Or the character white really but I have a similar card with a less powerful machine and all is working as it should both in Firestorm and Linden Viewer. It might be your driver? Here is what I have. MY render quality is set at 6/7 so you may just NOT have the quality set right in preferences. Here is what I have.
  12. That's not completely true. My alts didn't scroll and agreed just fine. I am using FS but wouldn't think that makes a difference.
  13. Try agreeing to it in your web backend account. Both work.
  14. I have had a 3070 - since they came out. The FPS is OF COURSE going to differ greatly depending on the sim. I just came from a lovely place that was 11fps :D. I get over 125fps on both of my sims. So no matter HOW good the card is it will be dependent on the region and the builds within that region And to the person that resurrected this old thread. My sim mate has a 2060. Got it a bit before I got my new computer. He is a creator and makes mesh etc and has been happy with it so far as I know.
  15. It has always -- well fifteen years or so ago --been possible. You used to have to change settings in the viewer in a fairly complicated way. It may now be the default in some viewers. I haven't changed my preferences in years so I can't say. It is legal
  16. Wanted to note that the huge filled closet at ERFE is only 24li and packed full of goodness. The LODs seemed fine to me but be sure and check. For anyone with a huge bedroom to fill, this is certainly a bargain. The store is nicely designed with groupings in rooms which is nice to see. And as an aside -- be sure and look into the "motor home" out front.
  17. If changing to a NEW AVATAR and logging in with a different viewer doesn't work then there is likely nothing YOU can do. A support ticket is called for. you might also try clearing your cache. Not something to do often but now and then ..... I don't remember seeing that mentioned. You could also make a new avatar, go get the same gift and see if that is REALLY where the problem came from .
  18. You cannot get to your dashboard without logging in. You MIGHT be able to get here to the forums as many folks that have had trouble getting into world could. I don't have an alt that was ever on the forums so I can't test that. I can tell you that in 2013 at the time of The Great Exodus a lot of folks had to leave money behind as well as goods on the Marketplace that get sold with LL keeping the money now. My account in Sansar is still there and my Marketplace site is also. I couldn't get in to make any changes without agreeing to Tilia. And OMG I went looking for my Sansar site and found a really really nasty blog post by a controversial figure here on the forums (who I have blocked by the way). It is long and a super quick skimming only found accusations about my incorrect SL history. I don't even know what the actually blog post was referring to. FOR THE RECORD my original blog posts on much of SL history are on my blog. There are links and screenshots supporting that history. I don't feel all that bad about being a "mediocre figure" in SL. I was at the top of the food chain in RL and that's not a great place to be either. Head and eyes rolling. Believe what I say or don't folks. I am not going to justify and source every comment. You can always look it up in my archives from 2006 on Going back to making some art and building an art community. (Nope, not going to be nasty back :D) Cheers.
  19. Well for me, while I certainly didn't like the new TOS I had already opted out of Tilia and cashing out to Paypal years ago when we had to agree to Tilia terms. I am worried that we may lose even more good creators. Some I know are very unhappy and there seems to be an inordinate amount of land for rent and for sale going into November --- but PERSONALLY it doesn't effect me in any material way. I don't understand the profile picture part of the comment. I haven't been following this thread all that much :D.
  20. In the past it has always been that you could "accept" the new TOS in either the viewer or the web account. Both is not needed. I didn't need both.
  21. With all that has been happening this last couple of months, please keep in mind what I believe I said somewhere at the beginning of this thread (thank you @animats ) .... In Sansar they changed things (this before selling to Wookey ) that the ONLY money that could be taken out via Tilia to Paypal were the SALES that creatirs made using their market. So folks that may have been tipped for singing or doing work for hire withing Sansar etc could not take money out. In one way it is reasonable, in another unfair. So each person will need to decide how the new rules -- and going forward I am guessing MORE new rules -- will affect them personally. Once again the content creators are the ones getting hurt in this (at least presumably).
  22. Definitely true but "so far" things have worked out well for many folks. MEANWHILE I was reading about the Paypal upheaval on another forum (not SL ) where it was noted that to put some rhetoric in a document is WAY different than trying to uphold that position. As far as I know NONE of the somewhat bizarre statements in the SL TOS ("in the known and unknown universe" for example) have been put to the test. I opted out of all of this years ago but agree that people should always be aware of what they are signing. Now however you don't actually even need to sign due to text previously added in documents -- so I am wondering if there will BE a "click through" on November 1. It probably doesn't matter as most folks won't bother to read :D. I am betting on "no" however. There IS a reason that I watch the forums even though I don't post that much any longer.
  23. Just an addendum to anyone who might care. I uploaded this over on "the main" OS grid and it worked amazingly well. The physics weren't perfect but they were much better than I expected. This using the FS SL/OS viewer. It still got a bit confusing over on the right even with the cubes moved away some from the back wall on the physics.
  24. So I have been thinking about this thread lately as I wander and improve my rental homestead. I am still not convinced Premium Plus plus 109 a month and I am guessing a set up fee but what I did read seemed inconclusive (I read quickly so may have missed something). I pay the same amount per month depending on how you work out the exchange rate. Note however that "I" pay in lindens so there IS no exchange rate and selling lindens adds a cost there. Also you have the cost of Premium Plus which may or may not be helpful for you in other areas but that adds 20 USD a month or more ish depending on how you pay. So while I do expect some folks will go for the elitistness of owning their OWN sim others will likely just keep renting. MEANWHILE as I look around my homestead which now house a large gallery, 24 boutique galleries and 4 stand alone large gallery (most are filled with art) and still see my fps at 125 I honestly believe the trick to making things look like MORE is the landscape items you pick. After oh so many years I finally purchased *alirium* DwarfForest [OldGold] mostly because every impressively landscaped sim I had lived in used these a LOT. They can be trees, they can be bushes and they can be spun to look differently all for 3 LI. Rocks are super important for me too and the Black Forest Boulder 1 v.018 (big set) is one land impact at BIG size and has texture change options and very good LODs. So those are my person tips. PS. I still have well over 1000 land impact to use up.
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