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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. You can also list items on the Marketplace and have the EXACT location link in the description so that folks can see it inworld. They can buy it there or on the Marketplace. I have been doing that for a decade or so. Prices do NOT (now) need to be the same.
  2. Grid status says things are OK, but I didn't get an item that I paid for at Shiny Shabby and gift boxes aren't delivering at Midnight order. Redelivery isn't working either. So just a warning that something isn't quite right.
  3. Mithral at Shiny Shabby Lots of bowl and stand color choices (they all change together). Fatpack is 300 lindens, mini packs are 149. Looks like there are more choices in the fapack. Medium at LODs at this 5 li size, likely better if bigger. Good tri count for all you get. Edit: I finally got this delivered after the vendor system was up. The fatpack is simply the three versions available, NOT anything new OR the hud that goes with the tester. It does resize nicely with a much bigger version coming in at 8 instead of 5.
  4. As an aside, I have noted that now that we have moved to the cloud, things load much slower for me than before. This on a fairly powerful computer with a 3070 card and a good (not wifi) internet connection. I am on my own sim (well I share and have half but we are both very script and heavy mesh conscious) and have the newest FS viewer and updated drivers. So "for me" it definitely seems like a cloud issue as that is when it started. I never use to see my Lara body load in pieces and now I do frequently, this on a sim that often gets over 200 fps for me. It may also depend on WHERE you are connecting from; this is how the Lindens explained the cloud anyway). And yes, the invisible mesh has been a problem on and off historically but for me that hasn't been an issue so much as the loading in pieces part of the phenomenon. I am on Win10. The busy club thing when you are actually seeing the people (I turn folks off in busy places) is a whole different issue which is in theory better now :D. I cannot say :D.
  5. I typically have ONE PRIM chairs and such so the root also holds the animations and with no issues using AVsitter which is pretty much the standard. This limits the server cost and can keep a nice chair at one land impact. So really there is no "need" for that cube prim. And yes it was the "creator prim" but that could also have held the animations or they could have gone into the seat prim proper. I am guessing this is a new brand and we all learn along the way. While the shadow prim was made by the full perm designer it could have easily be replicated so that it could have been the "creator" prim also. Lots of options :D. We each do our own thing but those minimum dimensions on things that are invisible drives me nuts. No need.
  6. They do look good. AND I really wish creators would stop putting the smallest thickness prim (or mesh prim) on for shadows. Anything that limits downsizing is a pain. I am sure I have a few things out there with that issue but for a long time I have tried to watch for that minimum bit. Realistically you could get rid of the small cube item AND the "seat prim" which might save some land impact. You could even get rid of the shadow prim if you don't like those (this one was well done though). I went over the the SURGE full perm mesh store and the chair and ottoman are 799 there so ten times the price at the sales venue. I see a LOT of things that I see on the sales these days -- as well as in the regular venues many of which are no longer "original mesh". It is sized large there also
  7. Someone sent me a "better" resizer script and that DOES work. However once the chair gets down to actual people size (I AM SIX FEET AFTER ALL SO NOT SHORT) LOL The animations are very much off. The script method is a faster method for sure but still nothing I would want to "feature". So Marianne was correct except for a caveat about only some scripts will work.
  8. Tested resizer will not resize the object down just like manual.
  9. No that never works because the problem things are normally at the minimum size -0- hence the problem making it smaller manually. You normally find the "too small" piece (often shadow prim or window pane) and enlarge that and THEN things normally resize. I can only get this to resize by unlinking and then relinking. There may be a script in there causing the issue, but honestly I only bought it to blog and this is way too much effort to recommend to my readers :D. Ahh, Maybe you meant the script would make everything else smaller except the offending pieces that were already at their minimum. Good idea. I will try that. Still an unreasonable hassle IMO. If that works I may make a blog post on resizing furniture. I have actually never seen this problem before. Thanks.
  10. OK An update on this. Bought it and it is huge. You CAN resize it but in order to do that you need to find the tiny piece holding the animations and resize that as well as resizing the shadow making both larger. When you link and relink you somehow lose the animations even though the small box is still the root. I may be able to figure this out but no time now. Just be warned. It is all pretty strange and I can't see what the purpose in doing this was.
  11. 75 lindens at The Sales Room (opens at 4 am. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/MoonLand/186/74/22
  12. OK. We just must shop at different places. When reBorn first came out there was a huge list of folks on the bandwagon and some have apparently dropped making things. Maybe others have filled the gap. Probably best for most folks to check and see if the new releases of their favorite creators have reBorn in the list. Just like anything else -- demo.
  13. I don't have the body and haven't tested the demo since as a blogger I pretty much need Lara (or Legacy and I will NOT deal with the folks behind the brand :D. My only comment is that while the creator did some smart thinking getting lots of brands on board at the beginning it seems like the hubbub has died down a lot and I am not seeing all that much "reborn" items in recent clothing. So again, it depends on how attached you are to fashion. If you can't wear the items you want to buy and are not set on being mostly naked most of the time I can see an issue. That being said I have an alt with the old eBody and with a lot of work she has a fairly good wardrobe -- some free, some purchased. So as long as folks realize they made need to work hard to find wearables it is likely a good body. Happy to hear the hud was easy. eBody's hud was also easy. Some are beyond difficult and we don't need that.
  14. Out exploring I found this cute outdoor set at Dreamland Designs Forgot SLURL http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/BellaTECH Business/177/205/29
  15. Update for anyone who may have this problem in the future. Turns out that it was NOT a Windows update (for me anyway). Someone found a data port to data port cable and THAT got everything back. So by bypassing the HDMI which I had been using for over a year worked. Either the HDMI on the monitor (three years old) or on the card went out. Nice that there are options built in. SL is once again beautiful!
  16. Just a general warning from me. The biggest online retailer is no longer giving refunds on damaged foods -- they used to along with when the wrong item was sent as it has happened to me a few times. NOW you are just stuck. I ended up with three dozen protein bars that had melted (only in the low 80s where "I" am but could have melted along the way) with major texture change. No refund. They were not sent with cold packs like some membership online stores do :D. Company names have of course been excluded. Anyway beware.
  17. Hi all and thanks. All those things were checked plus about three hours more wok (not by me but my techiest friend) . Alas. Drivers reinstalled. Only the data port works AND while Nvidia recognizes my Acer monitor, Windows refuses to and reverts to default settings over and over again only enabling a lower resolution than was working before. In the end this seems to be a Windows update issue. A friend had an update the same evening with the computer shutting off. She got hers started again. I do know that the last Windows update broke my equalizer software which now closes whenever anyone tries to change the settings from the computer's defaults. Other comments on the web point to similar black screen issues after the latest update. So for now I will just adapt to a somewhat fuzzy screen and check now and then to see if things have been fixed. They have been before for me so fingers crossed. Meanwhile I am continuing to bond with my old notebook. It won't run SL in any comfortable manner though. Thanks for you ideas.
  18. Well I was going to blog that until I discovered the $200 group fee :D. So no press from me but I wish those taking part lots of fun.
  19. I can't find anything on this via Google so thought I would ask here. Friday I woke up to a black screen. Monitor appeared to be fine (and it was). Took computer into shop. They got it running again with no parts -- in their mind an Alienware proprietary parts issue (they are not fans) which causes heat build up. Anyway. Computer when picked up still in black screen mode when connected at home in its regular HDMI manner. Today after much experimentation with other monitors, cables and the like HDMI no longer works. The computer is currently using a display cable (not sure if that is the correct term). Anyway while it is working again I can no longer get 1440 resolution. I am stuck at 1080 with no option to change in either Win10 or Nvidia. The computer repair gave me some options which were over my head tech wise. This was an expensive machine and I have no desire to start over BUT "logically" it seems possible to not so techie me that the HDMI function on the 3070 died -- thus black screen problem which persisted after being "fixed" so far as the HDMI function. Is this a possibility? I may just be living in a not so pretty world. But didn't lose any settings or data so that's all good. Thanks for any ideas.
  20. It seems like a lot of the skin creators and makeup folks -- even tattoo creators have gone over to the proprietary Letluka UV mapping. Head makers are doing the same but that doesn't affect you at this point. I know there are some system skins at WOW and even some you can camp for. Just be sure and read the info on the vendor posters. It is even more confusing than before. And of course try the demos first but you seem to know that. That being said you will most likely have a seam where the head meets the body. Two types of "mesh" involved so even if the skin is perfectly made (many are not) you will still see a difference. Chokers are your friend in this case.
  21. I think a lot of that popularity was a TIMING thing. In the beginning there were mesh bodies but they had issues -- issues too big for me to opt into the mesh body arena. I didn't get a body until Maitreya came out. I wasn't alone. The bodies following after that pretty much had issues of their own -- for awhile at least. Then came the period when there were some very nice bodies but with no real clothing options. And them some super heavy bodies that took forever to load and a lot of "niche" bodies. Now there are so many brands I doubt anyone will overtake these leaders. Most of us have huge wardrobes we don't want to give up. I agree that LL picked to top two bodies BECAUSE they were the most popular and have the most clothing out there. And to @Love Zhaoying There wasn't any smiling in Sansar -- sometimes with the typists, but not the avatars anyway.
  22. The main reason that I have almost always used cube physics (except when learning the process of planes physics) is that the triangle physics was a bit "dodgy" for my liking. It worked in a sort of haphazard method and the walls were sometimes not as expected. I agree with Arton though I don't remember them ever being "one way" just "spongie". If you aren't using the Linden viewer to upload you might test using the default viewer. I suspect the results will be the same though.
  23. There is no question in my mind that the "best" body for new folks would be an all in one body that was very customizable -- the head especially as many heads just won't change that much. The Lab has failed in the avatar body area several times with two of the most recent being in Sansar. While the environment in Sansar could be stunning the avatars were pretty awful -- something many of us had to look past in order to enjoy the platform. If and when LL comes out with a "newbie body" they obviously have a problem. It will either cut down on body and head sales (I am assuming the head will be part of the body as it has been in other platforms). If it isn't "good enough" the new folks will move along exiting the program. It is a tricky teeter-totter ride. I just helped a couple of guy friends update their bodies with a group all in one altamura sale body called DARREN. It ONLY uses alpha layers to hide body areas, no cuts. Honestly this is really the easiest for new folks. Put on the dress and wear the alpha layer. I am wondering if we will have a movement BACK to the layering. This is as good as it got in Sansar :D.
  24. Agree that the plants price seems to high -- at least in today's market. It seems like many creators have chosen one of two roads -- either sale things in mass on the weekends sometimes over and over at VERY reduced prices or keep the prices high (or in some cases higher than they were three or four years ago). I am straddling the fence and I suspect that there are some creators taking that middle road along with me :D.
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