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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Along with Beq's comment. Check what level of LOD you have your viewer set on. Can you see the model from a distance at LOD4? Note that I do not think anyone should run on LOD4 -- too hard on your computer. If you model is very heavy in triangle count and if you are set on a default LOD (LOD 1 or 1.5 for the Linden viewer it is likely to give these results. Most likely you need to lower your triangle count in the object --- this if you are new to mesh making and following tutorials which are not aimed at "game asset" mesh. These are shots in the dark with the info given but the most common reason :D. Good luck.
  2. The Tilia website is offline at the moment but you can find the link to Customer Service at the bottom of this page. I would try contacting them as well as the Linden Lab support since you don't know where the problem lies -- at SL or Tilia. ESPECIALLY if you are outside the US it can be difficult to get OKed. Some folks in Sansar never were. So good luck!!!! QUICK EDIT: Actually you can get to Tilia support HERE: https://www.tilia.io/support The links are just wrong in the footer on all the pages ^^. Test, test test says the retired webpage designer. It isn't the norm though LOL so not unusual.
  3. Thanks to LittleMe for adding fairly important info *wink*. However -- GOOD sleuths (and I usually am one) could find the info in SEARCH in the viewer or by looking at my profile inworld. Always good to remember that there IS life outside the forums. That being said, the SLURL omission was not purposeful - LOL. Too many irons in too many fires lately.
  4. While we won't officially open until next month, all but one of the original galleries is filled and I added four more. This is a great start for AUGUST in SL :D. There is plenty of great art to see, gifts to pick up and a beautiful building to explore. I have added a few pieces of "top shelf" work of outside artists and there are now seating areas for small group discussions and such. These are open to everyone to use, not just ARTSCAPE Artists. There is an info board at the landing point.
  5. For those of you that never got to see this --- I just found (LOTS of looking but it was there - woot) Van Goph 3 by @Aquila Kytori Pretty much a masterpiece of mesh as art. Direct TP is here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Strand/114/109/32
  6. Art shopping. These are free http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Love Valley/81/158/2262
  7. Using not the newest FS viewer so no changes in months for me :D. I guess I should have checked to see if it was viewer specific :D. Too late now (hopefully anyway).
  8. I just checked with an alt and relogging and that isn't fixing it. seems JUST these two products - same maker but other things from them are OK. So I guess I will just change out the plants and hope that solves it. Thanks. Later: On checking it looks like that particular file (well two anyay) got corrupted. A new copy "seems" to fix it. Here's hoping it sticks.
  9. This has been happening fairly often this week which is new. A relog solves the issue. Just wondering what it IS. Thanks. I have used these same bushes for a long time but on another region.
  10. A great kitchen set out for 25 Tuesday at Munick. This may have been out before but if you don't have it ... Good LODs (not surprising). http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Port Lux/173/64/3401
  11. In general the small the audience for a particular genre the less items you will find. I can't remember seeing anything similar to your photos so I am guessing items will be VERY hard to find. This equates very well with our corporeal lives where I am having one "H" of a time finding anything that I want to buy or keep LOL. Your best bet would be roleplay creators and events, but again -- I can't remember seeing anything like you pictured. Doesn't mean it isn't there of course. Good luck.
  12. Bumping again to let folks know that items are also going missing from Marketplace folders. When you think about it that makes since since the Marketplace is now tied to our accounts and not sent from rezzed boxes. I just had a customer service issue with a product I had been selling continuously for many years (like ten maybe?) . It was missing the small version of the larger build. Both had always been in the Marketplace account as well as in the vendor inworld. Not only is the warehouse missing from the vendors, it is also completely missing from my inventory. The surround which housed it is still in the Marketplace folder AND in my vendor. But the small version of the building is no longer inside the small version of the skybox. Oh my. Rebuilding it while possible perhaps was not going to be easy (I tried) so it will no longer be for sale. I refunded the purchase price including the Linden's cut as I was told by a Linden I "had" to do. The person that bought it was also a creator and had lost a lot of items he had made recently. I also talked to one of our oldest creators of H and G the other night saying that I had been missing items and she agreed that she had also. You don't normally KNOW something is gone until you look for it of course -- or unless a customer complains. I remembered that an alt of mine had used the small warehouse for a shop MANY years ago and I suspected hers would be gone also, but no --- she still had it but it was no transfer. In theory I could put in a ticket with the UUID of the object and "maybe" bet it back but since it was linked together and the skybox was the route, it seems unlikely to work. And honestly I am just too tired to care. So that is my update AGAIN on this. It doesn't really help to know I am not alone; it sort of makes it worse.
  13. I had to smile. The first section galleries are half taken now -- and all by OLD citizens. Most older than "I" am and I am old. A couple of folks have their galleries set up (with gifts :D) and some are part way there. So stop by if you haven't.
  14. Another note to add on the Pitaya pouf ---- it is 2 land impact rather than one. It is NOT mod and the animations (put in an extra prim that really isn't needed) don't work. didn't buy them but a friend did. So the vendor info is completely wrong. He wrote to the owner so that may be fixed. The stacked printed pillows ARE mod but I think the LI is higher than the vendor states. EDIT: Only one of the stacked pillows is mod. The others are no mod with not great animations == so likely that won't be fixed. Update 2: The creator sent an older version of the pouf with only one animation. It did work but lame HOWEVER the pouf is mod so he can add his own animations. A win and quick customer support. So they ARE pretty, but ... I didn't buy anything this week :D.
  15. Lots of visual "weight" for 3 LI. Lots of colors to choose from. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Atelier/58/63/21
  16. Note that the REALLY cute industrial steampunk type lamps have LOD issues at 2LOD setting. I loved them but ... Meanwhile Nutmeg has some cute stuff again. The basket with twigs however is 5 li ^^ so beware.
  17. You might want to check out the newly opened ARTSCAPE Village. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Strand/128/128/27
  18. H and G prizes on the zerkalo hunt. Starting point here. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Vagrant and Zerkalo/192/165/28 20 items to find. Half H and G and half clothes for women (mostly maitreya and legacy) A fun new build to explore also. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Vagrant and Zerkalo/192/165/28 Forgot this nice BIG clock. A couple of items had horrid LODs so left them out :D.
  19. ARTSCAPE VILLAGE is accepting applications from artists. Membership includes free gallery with an optional skybox if needed. The community is open to all human artists (no child avatars). You can visit the beginnings of the village here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Strand/128/128/27 There is a link to the website with much more info as well as an application form right at the landing point. Your "rent" is the agreement to put out at least one new work per month (for show, as a gift or for sale) AND to have a free to all art gift out. These will change on the quarter. Opening is softly scheduled for September. I am thinking the middle of the month - or seasonal change days. Lots of possibilities.
  20. Reporting the fix on this. In the REGION tab the environment says that parcel owners can override. I had set things at the region level since there were no parcels. I had to either take that check out OR put the EEP skies in using the LAND TAB. So fixed now. Supposedly I will not forget that. EDIT: It turns out the instructions given didn't actually fix the issue. After log in using "shared" gave the Linden skies again. BUT I went into the Land Tab and chose (use region settings --- these I had changed also) and it appears to be working now. This seems a bit convoluted to me but if it is fixed I'll be happy. Fingers crossed.
  21. I am using the OS Grid version of FS (not the latest but the previous) and have had no issues with alts in SL or Kitely. If the mesh uploader isn't happy (mostly complex buildings which I seldom make any longer) then I use the Linden viewer to upload. I have had NO ISSUES so I don't think it is a FS problem per se. Having two versions of FS running and being in both SL and OS has had issues in the past. I suggest you just use the OS grid version and log on people as needed. If that doesn't work then it is most likely something ELSE in your system.
  22. Two things. The new skins (the last year) seems to all be EVO X. I am happy with my look but I can't use any of the "new" skins I see advertised as they are REALLY mapped differently LOL. Same with make up. So that means if folks want to continue SHOPPING they need to get a head (not just Lelutka as other brands have joined the bandwagon and are mappy to match the new skins. So IF you got a new Evo X head (from any maker) you will need corresponding skin. Very few skins come with makeup now. Typically many to most skins come "naked" so far as makeup goes. Then you buy (yes again EVO X if that is your choice) skins that go with. In the REALLY OLD DAYS each skin was sold with its own makeup. There weren't makeup layers for the most part like today. And each skin was EXPENSIVE so picking one with the makeup you liked was important. Just a bit of history.
  23. Usually it is your ad blocker or your software if you are using an ad blocker browser. That was a big problem when the process was new and apparently not fixed or at least a warning sign on the page :D. Try using a browser without ad blockers.
  24. Prejudice comes in all shapes and sizes, colors and creeds. My personal friends group is very eclectic. I think that makes life much more interesting
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