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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Well @Rowan Amore flunked. Oh well! This is a beyond confusing recruitment post so I don't suspect there will be too many candidates -- but we will never know LOL.
  2. While it is certainly possible not to spend any RL dollars here (Chic waves hands wildly) it was much easier to get started long ago. For almost everything there will be upload fees and this includes mesh. The lowest fee would be 11 lindens. If you just make ONE texture that would be another upload of 10 lindens at present. So one item that you make even with free programs will cost you about ten cents USD. I understand that wasn't exactly your question but there ARE costs involved in being a content creator. You can still get free tiling textures here and there and even some free full perm mesh on the Marketplace. In some cases you may need a vendor photo if you are going to sell inworld. The Marketplace is free of course and a good place to start. You CAN earn money inside SL so that you never have to spend any "real" money :D. Again that was easier in the past than now but still doable. If that is what you want to do then make those rules part of your personal "game" and let it be fun.
  3. These are outstanding if you are an arty person. Six sets in all to choose from. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Atelier/26/140/21 second picture
  4. Yes, understand but I have searched the marketplace and search and even Google and just even for scripts and found nothing. Not worrying about it any longer. Not that important. Thanks.
  5. Yes, I know that BUT since the one so many people used broke last year it just seem == well obvious, that someone would fill that void. Unless I find one which seems pretty iffy I will just do 12 days and change things out manually at NOON. That's as much as I am willing to do. It IS supposed to be fun and not work. Not offended by your comment :D. Just scratching head why there isn't something out there people can easily buy and use. Seems like it might be a meager Advent season this year.
  6. OK. The model itself is prestine but the pillars in the physics model were too close it seems. Moved them farther out and the physics weight went way down. This is good. And you can breathe out now. I am still very puzzled about the reverting part of the issue but guessing it had something to do with the physics model "touching". Quick edit: I have three NEW copies of the display out now and two are 4 LI and one remains at 3 after being set to prim. They are identical. I am going to guess that the one that says 3 will be 4 when I log on. So this apparently had nothing to do with ME but is an odd bug :D.
  7. Actually it IS there at the bottom. And I don't have any of the features that are new as I have the OS version. I have tried running them side by side and it hasn't worked well. And with the new TOS I may be doing a fair amount more over in OS LOL. Hence that is where I am at. Since I rarely make anything with physics needed these days it isn't really an issue for me. So I understand what you are saying and maybe you were posting when I was posting - who knows. But at the moment it is a moot point for me. IF I start making houses in SL again (doubtful) then I will definitely use the FS viewer. But again it doesn't seem likely. I am more into art these days and customer support which happily is pretty much non-existent as I always test test test before putting something out :D. And I see another comment from you so ......
  8. I am indeed using analyzed "cube" physics. Here is a screenshot (remember I am in the dark ages with 2.78). While it doesn't look like it in the picture the columns are all "separate" before joining and are not touching. So I have eleven "cubes" with the ones making the corner being parallelograms rather than cubes -- one vertices moved to make an angle. I am ALSO using the OS version of FS although I UPLOADED WITH THE LINDEN VIEWER as FS doesn't "do" physics in the OS version. I am going to log in with Linden viewer again and take a screenshot. I "may" care about this in the future LOL and SOMEONE may care about it now. It seems to be doing exactly what it says it will do -- in the LINDEN viewer. When I look at your very cool animated graphic I have LOTS more hulls than you. I have tried it the more streamlined way but I have never been happy with how the physics works. Too "mushy" for my tastes. Hence I am sticking with Droogle's (? think that is close) method from long, long ago LOL. But I think this has been explained well now for folks that encounter the issue. As far as I know there will not be a way to get this to upload with correct physics in OS. I'll give it a try. THERE the planes method may be the only way to go. It's iffy. I have managed getting houses up OK but ya never know. Thanks again!!!! Hope you got to drop by ARTSCAPE and see your 3D work in the big gallery. Always loved that.
  9. Nutmeg's weekend items are out. Nice. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/REKA NUTMEG/209/122/22
  10. There are currently two of these new island galleries available. Info below. Click for a notecard at the gallery landing points. 150 land impact for your art INSIDE the building. Please read all the rules before contacting me :D. Thanks. These will be for RENT (not free) at $1000 L per month payable at the first of the month starting November 1. No rent box, just pay Chic Aeon :D. There is no criteria other than keeping to the sim rules. Works can be themed or not, new or not. Retrospectives are welcome. Gifts are advised but not mandatory. The two larger buildings have generous wall space but if your work is typically huge (smile) you will need to resize to more modest house sizings. You are welcome to take part in any ARTSCAPE "event" along with folks in the main island area. There will be prominent TP signs leading to your island gallery from the landing point, around the quad. There will be a smaller sign below taking folks back to the landing point in case they don't know how to get there by themselves. These are the buildings available. These are NOT stand alone parcels but part of an artist gallery region. Gallery 2 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Strand/240/32/24 Gallery 3 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Strand/244/238/23
  11. Thanks for all of that :D. Here is a sceenshot from above. Honestly I am OK with the 8 land impact as the physics are perfect and I am still using analyzed physics LOL. I have tons of land impact, it is temporary and I am not selling it. It becomes 3 when turned phantom but I really like physics as perfect as I can get them. The point of having correct physics on this was so that items don't get stuck in the bounding box. I can deal with that of course but it is just plain messy. My OMG moments that night were the physics cost CHANGING to 3 even when prim when they had been 8. But we know now that it was temporary and a relog puts it back to 8. So it really wasn't "changing" at all. The build is basically 7 meters by 7 meters so far as size goes. I am SURE your way is better LOL. I am just old and set in my ways and have never been good at Planes physics *wink*. I think it is likely the angled corner upping the cost but I want that corner angled and I want the physics to work LOL. So there is that. Stubborn gal. If I change the build to convex hull (and then would make it phantom of course) this is what I get. So our models appear to be different somehow too. I do very much appreciate that time you took with this. Always good to have your wisdom reminding us :D. EDIT: I thought that the 3 prim land impact shifting MIGHT be because of the OS-SL viewer so I did a test in the Linden viewer and indeed it switched to 3 even when changed back to PRIM from convex hull. Hard to see in the screenshot but that is a 3 showing as cost. It reverts back in the Linden viewer also --- so NOT a viewer issue it seems
  12. This is indeed an impressive build with plenty of attention to detail. While I may never solve the mystery I hope to return and explore more later. It is great to see something taking us back to our SL roots. Thanks to you all for this labor of love. (Blog post up - love the backpack and gear).
  13. No AND they revert to 8 on relog using EITHER the Linden Viewer of FS so this is just and "oops" it seems. That's a lot of physics cost. Oh well. ODD. Thanks for the thought.
  14. This is a corner display. I wanted the physics to be correct. I uploaded with Linden viewer. When it first appeared the land impact was 8 because of the physics cost. I could live with that but it did seem high. I wondered what it would be like if I made it convex hull and turned it phantom. I didn't WANT that but was just curious. It was 3. Then when I changed it BACK to prim it was still 3. This is good news BUT ---- WHY ?????
  15. So the very popular one prim advent calendar that so many folks used broke last year. Change in scripting I am guessing. I put out my items by hand. Can those of you that had a working calendar last year recommend one? Aside from warning folks about the one that no longer works, it was difficult to tell what the actual choices might be. Thanks.
  16. I did very well there making mesh and animations but exited long before the giant hiatus which was also long before the shut down. I had bad feelings with the ending owner from another grid before she joined with others to start IW so I was leery at all times. Made a very good friend there though and had lots of fun. Agree that it was like moving back in time. EDIT: Most folks will never leave SL unless they leave "all" virtual life, but for the most part we COULD have most things in OS at the long time stable grid *wink* with no worries about content theft IF creators would come and ONLY sell on that grid. That takes a populous though and so far historically that hasn't happened. OS is WAY larger than folks perceive but most of it is completely private so not visible.
  17. Sorry about the tacky spinning graphic (I wish those were banned) but this is an important thread about changes happening in a week. @JPablo Fredriksson
  18. I had to smile as when I logged in this morning I found a notice from "one of the top OS grids" in my mailbox with a sale of a complete mini-mall. There are plenty of things that do not work in OS but getting your money out from the market is not one of hem. Each week it goes straight to your Paypal account without you doing a thing. THAT WORKS FOR ME :D. But yes for the most part the general populous will stay although I talked to one high profile OLD content creator who was definitely not happy with all the changes. You put all that has happened in the last month or so together and the picture gets pretty clear. We have already lost of ton of "good" content creators and I suspect we will lose more in the next few months as further changes emerge. Most of the artists that left never returned. So while the numbers of the populous may stay or return or even increase, we will likely have lost a lot of what has made SL a creativity platform that can earn money. I made my choices years ago and don't regret them so most of this washes over me personally. I never even used a vendor system. This very much mirrors my real life stance about not going along with the masses LOL. I suspect it is all better than closing SL and none of us wanted that. So it is what it is and many of us will adapt. I just got a new graphics program and will be making art -- well over the couch art. No vendor system, no cashing out, just fun and a creative release.
  19. While in theory you have "some" control over the ground textures it really is pretty iffy and getting sand on a seabed that moves into grass above and rocky is VERY iffy. Not only that just like on mainland the exact melding of the lines changes from time to time. My suggestion would be to rent a homestead for a week (mine is $4600 ish) and see if you can get the effect you want. There have been some outstanding notable homesteads in the past. Many have used big expanses of water and waterways to make the areas seem more "decorated". Finding sculpt plants that look good at any size helps a bunch. Landdforms - either rocky or ground texture covered can be used to give a sense of MORE with minimal land impact. So yes, I would look at "photogenic places" in the destination guide and then check whether they are homesteads or not and get an idea of what you want. I don't know how the tier pencils out and of course the Premium Plus cost but right now most folks rent homesteads. You have a lot of control on rental homesteads so personally I am not seeing a huge advantage in buying. What you can get on a homestead land impact budget will partly depend on who you are styling for. If it is JUST YOU and you run at LOD4 then you can use some very low impact items that fall apart at a close distance. If you are styling for the masses then what you can use changes dramatically -- so that is part of it also.
  20. Actually the BIG TOS change of August 2013 gave no notice at all. The new TOS just appeared on the login screen and folks needed to agree in order to get ihnworld. Some creators who made there living in SL never logged in again as doing so would go against agreements they had made in the "real world". Some left large amounts of money in game because of that. There was a huge exodus to Opensim of both creators and artists. Personally I only uploaded one graphic to SL in the year following -- that an information graphic for the LEA Machinima Open Studio Project. I was over at Opensim most of the time with the other folks :D. So having a week of notice is actually an improvement :D. There was also no notice in SANSAR when some major changes came into play. I foresaw the changes and cashed out but didn't take my products down off the market so they have been there supposedly making money with no cashing out for years (a perk for the new owners). It's all relative.
  21. I guess the question on some of our minds is how you can process credit (there is a minimum) when you are brand new? That 30 days both buying linden dollars and processing credit it there for protection (both yours and LL's). Also note that by the time you can process credit out there will be new rules. These are going into effect on October 31 so it looks like processing credit may be trickier especially for new folks with no trach record. They DO pay attention to the money trail or certainly have in the past and I doubt that has changed. Just saying.
  22. I am doubting that. The "we can change this agreement at any time and it is your responsibility to take note" clause is undoubtedly in effect. We'll see.
  23. I noted that too. So much for letting everyone know. Honestly how many folks read the notices in their backend area? A very small percentage methinks and that is the plan.
  24. Thanks for this thread, I was sort of happy about the JP Morgan part of the puzzle. I did read the new Tilia TOS which was way beyond what it used to be. I was thinking I "might" be able to cash out again SOMEDAY but I am guessing not. 1984 came and went (a VERY old movie that I should probably watch once more) but I kinda want to go live off the grid in the tundra these days. Posting a link to this thread on my blog as I am guessing most folks have no idea what is going on. Many don't care. SOME OF US DO. Long live philanthropy. I guess that choice has been determined for me. So be it. @animats
  25. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with that -- not that kind of message since it is about the REGION being faulty. My inventory is only 60K after 15 years. I keep LOTS of backups of things (sometimes that does NO good at all) but I through away a LOT of stuff too Yes all on a SSD and has been that way on this machine for a year and a half. I haven't knowingly changed anything. Windows updates sometimes make a mess of various programs but this really doesn't "feel" like that sort of thing either. Oftentimes when I have these bizarre issues (not just SL) the problems go away by themselves eventually so I am hoping that they will again. Just all pretty odd.
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