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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. I am doubting that. The "we can change this agreement at any time and it is your responsibility to take note" clause is undoubtedly in effect. We'll see.
  2. I noted that too. So much for letting everyone know. Honestly how many folks read the notices in their backend area? A very small percentage methinks and that is the plan.
  3. Thanks for this thread, I was sort of happy about the JP Morgan part of the puzzle. I did read the new Tilia TOS which was way beyond what it used to be. I was thinking I "might" be able to cash out again SOMEDAY but I am guessing not. 1984 came and went (a VERY old movie that I should probably watch once more) but I kinda want to go live off the grid in the tundra these days. Posting a link to this thread on my blog as I am guessing most folks have no idea what is going on. Many don't care. SOME OF US DO. Long live philanthropy. I guess that choice has been determined for me. So be it. @animats
  4. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with that -- not that kind of message since it is about the REGION being faulty. My inventory is only 60K after 15 years. I keep LOTS of backups of things (sometimes that does NO good at all) but I through away a LOT of stuff too Yes all on a SSD and has been that way on this machine for a year and a half. I haven't knowingly changed anything. Windows updates sometimes make a mess of various programs but this really doesn't "feel" like that sort of thing either. Oftentimes when I have these bizarre issues (not just SL) the problems go away by themselves eventually so I am hoping that they will again. Just all pretty odd.
  5. Best 25 dollar plant SET I have seen. 2LI at even bigger size. Good LODs, nice textures. Artisan Fantasy. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Artisan Fantasy/190/107/2002
  6. Hi and sorry for not getting back here. Yesterday was a blur. I haven't tried with an alt when the problem is happening although I haven't had it happen during an online time with an alt and they have been on a fair amount. This DID happen seemingly before the issue with touch (and most touch things are working fine still for me, just the payment kiosk that I know of). The FIRST time this happened a couple of weeks ago it was both STRAND (Artscape Homestead) and Umber (shop). That lead me to believe it was fairly widespread. It also lasted quite awhile but by morning all was well. Then it happened a week ago or so later. "I" do not freeze (I remember that freezing from long ago). The first time I could do many things even on the sims in question but for example my WINDOWS (Trompe Loeil building) had closed "by themselves" and clicking on them didn't turn them back to glass. Their were other similar things but no specifics that I can remember. The only other odd thing that has been happening at STRAND (I have mostly just been on my building pad at UMBER) was that a few plant textures have reverted to non-alpha. I finally figured out what was going on there and its is a very easy fix. This was happening before I ever saw the degraded message. It is in a small box on a dark background, not a blue "script" box. I will try the router power cycle. This doesn't last long and is less frustrating than the scripts don't work on the kiosk thing. They are putting fiber in around me (not to me yet) and that might possibly have some baring. I did hear from other folks that they have been having major sim issues. I didn't ask what exactly. Both Umber and Strand are very low script and low lag and kept that way purposefully so I don't think it is a overuse of resource issue. That's all I can think of. Thanks for all your input.
  7. Yes I know, I checked that first. Not it as my post stated :D/
  8. Yes, other things seem fine. I do think it is ME. Wrote to owner of board. He rebooted the sim but it can't be sim dependent since my alt can see the board. It is ODD.
  9. So I went to pay my rent at Babbage a few days ago and I can no longer see the blue pop up box (on touch) that gives info on days left and rent due etc. I assumed that either the board wasn't working or that I had blocked the board or the owner. Neither appears to be true. I tried the Linden viewer rather than FS and the problem persists. My alt can see the blue popup info box. Any ideas how to fix this?
  10. This keeps happening. Last time my scripts weren't working and things weren't loading. This time (I only stayed a minute then logged off ) my animations weren't working. It is "me" as the sim is carefully designed for no lag and minimal scripts and I get 128 fps on the ground. I have NEVER seen this message before the last week or so. Not boding well.
  11. Some (a few) groups let you apply for entry. You can look at Seraphim to find weekend groups especially that will let you "join". Note that this is ADVERTISING AND IS NOT THE LEAST BIT FREE (yes caps LOL). The other option for clothes would be things like Free Dove and Fab Free. Joining those freebie groups will likely get you some traffic. I don't know if they are free for creators or not. You can also give away free things and get coverage on your gift at both Seraphim and teleporthub.com (it's free). So personally I would go with that business model at least to start.
  12. I definitely missed this at ARISKA (two posts above ) but a friend didn't :D. I so love this. Group Gift 50 join fee. I am a fan so easy to join
  13. Very nicely made with good LODs and very few triangles. Lovely for Fall. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/xoxo/120/69/41
  14. For those that weren't around back when premium gifts first came on board as a "perk", the first were made by prominent H and G creators of the time. I remember some nice things from Mudhoney. I can't find the post from back then but I do remember the house I was living in. I wasn't premium but a friend was. I am guessing that there are plenty of good creators that can make low land impact items WITH good LODs that would be willing to give out a premium gift. Most likely those things would get used more than the often beyond "primmy" items that end up as gifts. I guess if you are new to the grid you don't know how unuseful those things are. And if I am remembering correctly that cabin first appeared as "décor" on a Linden region. Maybe on the way to the demo area of the Belli trailers? Someone will remember. Much conversation about it then :D.
  15. Over at FLF-o-ween from DRD Hard to believe this is only 30 lindens. And Trompe Loeil has one of my favorite chairs on sale as well as a new fireplace. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Willow Forest/157/103/23 Also gifts at each booth.
  16. I have been noticing on my sim with custom textures (1024s that a fairly blurry but good representation of the land texture comes on FIRST and then maybe a second or two later it becomes sharp so I am guessing that has something to do with your question. I don't remember seeing this before we went to the cloud but these days for me things are loading slower from the database almost consistently with mesh body parts floating in air. Textures are limited on my sims and my FPS on the ground is 128 so I don't think it is a region problem. It would be very cool if we could have normal maps for terrain. That would be a plus I think -- although that adds more to download LOL.. More, more give me more!!!!!
  17. I am pretty sure that the other answer here is wrong. PAYPAL deposits money in your BANK account to verify it., Once that is done you have a verified account. They also might charge your credit card to verify your account -- mine was verified a couple of decades ago or more so I don't remember that. If your account is already verified then they have no need to do that again. This form looks like you would be giving Tilia the right to charge you for any linden dollars that you purchased or other fees. So as in paying your tier or premium payments the transaction can happen automatically and you don't have to OK each thing. I can just barely read your graphic on my big monitor but that is what it seems to be saying. They won't charge you until you buy something or have tier due. You could put in a support ticket or call the billing department to verify.
  18. There is currently ONE gallery available. Just letting folks know. Free. Must be human and at least a teenager avatarwise :D. Most of our artists have very old accounts. Would be good to see some new folks wandering around :D. Be sure and read the rules before dropping your application in the mail.
  19. Have you tried using the "solidifify" modifier (in Blender anyway) and keeping the depth very thin. There is a minimum size in any direction as well as a maximum. You can get around that by adding invisible cubes, triangles or vertices around what you are uploading. If your piece of paper doesn't need to be exactly flat you can also (maybe I don't think I have tried this) pull a few vertices off the plan thus making it "fatter". Here is the LIMITS wiki https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits And I see Wulfie was typing at the same time so likely ideas there too. EDIT: And if you can add items together like three pieces of paper and JOIN THEM that would likely solve your problem also.
  20. I don't know anything about your modeling software but yes, uploading the size you want is a good plan. You can actually enlarge the model DURING the upload process on one of the tabs, but would be good to figure out how big things need to be in your program :D. We all started somewhere. I learned here a decade ago right here on the forums. It takes time! poco a poco (little by little)
  21. The biggest thing to know here is that you need to JOIN all the pieces to make one larger mesh. You have small parts that are smaller than the limit for Second Life and so the uploader makes them larger. So get all the pieces as you want them then JOIN them into one mesh and try again. Also there is no reason your mesh should cost 26 lindens to upload. 11 or 12 is "normal". This may be because of the linset rather than the single mesh. I almost never upload linksets so can't really say. That's also too many triangle for what you are making IMO but the other is more important :D. Good luck.
  22. The problem is IMO and not about this idea specifically is that like SO MANY things in SL there are more than needed and not enough populous to take part. We only have so many hours in the day. Some folks less than others. If you are a builder or have deep pockets you can build "your dream world for YOURSELF and if others like it an want to take part that works too. But we are spreading ourselves thinly these days. Not much you can do about that. I wish you luck ! Honestly.
  23. Wanted to note that the REASON the boat is 17 li is because it has EXCELLENT LODs for long range viewing which most of us living by the open water would want LOL. It is low triangle count and "I" at least am thrilled. This isn't much different than the iconic 800 linden boat still on the marketplace but not in the shop. So doing happy dance.
  24. Warning here. This is advertised (possibly my reading OR on purpose by seller as a bar set for Manly Friday, When you go to purchase (one reason WHY I HATE VENDORS) it says is the set name "gregoria booth" - nothing about "stool". What you are actually buying is just the stool. The LODs aren't great on the stool; I wanted some of the other stuff. It is a pretty stool though LOL. Anyway, a warning. You can see that the décor items break up at LOD2 from a fairly close range - some disappear completely. Oh well. This is likely no one you have heard of :D.
  25. 2 and 4 li with big texture menu. Impressively long LODs. Edit after buying. This comes with AO maps for customization. The MENU FOR TEXTURES only appears after you sit. Tons of animations. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dysfunctionality/41/150/24
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