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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Things DO disappear from our inventories with older things seemingly in greater danger so likely the database just ate it sadly so don't berate yourself . It is good you have the memories. That counts. If it was a gift and not a purchase then your chances of finding it unfortunately aren't very good.
  2. I have an Alienware computer from the mid COVID days when the 3070 chips were very hard to come by. It was a bit over #2000 then (the most expensive computer that I have ever purchased) but I am very happy with it. It has a fairly big case (black) and is sleek looking. I can run SL and bake in Blender quickly with no issues. I can run a few avatars at the same time (not while baking LOL). It does put out a fair amount of heat into the room but the COMPUTER temperature stays very low (lower than any of my past desktops). I run a 30 inch monitor or maybe 32.
  3. I had my REZZED SL birthday build from long ago disappear and hence it never made it to the event. not ALL disappeared but the main part. It also was missing from my inventory and since I built it all it was of course NOT no copy :D. I reported this and the person in charge of SL20B didn't blink an eye. I have lost TONS of things over the years -- thousands of RL dollars if I would have paid for them all). It happens. The database (and perhaps those who run it) are very fickle when it comes to protecting our stuff. I keep MANY backup copies of things and still lose them. I have even lost items that apparently were completely deleted from the SL database (that is none of my alts or even the people I had sent the item to had it any longer). Do what you can but don't expect everything to remain. I even found that my alt had lost a bunch of stuff and she has a tiny inventory. So enjoy things while you can and take some snapshots to remember. Sorry to be the barer of bad news.
  4. Freeskin and makeup from the Marketplace and some slight changes to face shape. ALSO while Friday's files worked much better for me the body still doesn't respond well to sliders as in getting those super skinny arms any more filled out and trying to add some body fat just got me pregnant in a big way LOL so reverted. Also I no longer have the AO in my Library. I DID when things were first announced. Obviously some changes afoot.
  5. Sooooooo -- I came back to say that the problems that I encountered when the body was first revealed (I got into my files like five minutes later) seem to be fixed. There are still some issues but nothing like my apparently unveiling. If I was going to a new grid (or indeed in SANSAR) I would have been very happy with this as a starter avatar. Some of the clothes are quite nice and the alphas included "should" make them work with other free bodies that have alphas and not huds. This is all straight out of the box, no changes.
  6. I don't care if Lelutka won. I like Lelutka LOL and I am wearing there head but with the OLD (thank them for keeping) option for mapping. But I tried for a whole month to find skin and makeup that I thought looked better than what I had and did not. So not holding out just waiting for something BETTER LOL. It may certainly be easier to design with. I haven't worked on skins in a decade.
  7. I am not reading all 232 posts to see if someone said this already but two things occurred to me -- one new. First off I checked and if you click on Choose and Avatar in Firestorm you get a completely blank floater. Hopefully the LL viewer goes "somewhere". The skins with the new avatars are traditional skins and now pretty much everything is EvoX (even the free things --- So THAT is going to be confusing for new folks.
  8. Good for you but we aren't supposed to "advertise" our blog posts here -- only a link in your forum footer. So you know.
  9. I just wanted to note that folks here for the most part are taking one part of the release and adding all their own "oldbie" items and yes, that looks pretty good if styled well. How many folks ONLY USED the items in the library (yes, I saw a few)? THAT is pretty dire . The clothing designers that I talked to and the forum thread here did not sound like too many top creators are going to be working with this body (for many reasons) so once again it is what it is, but "interesting" anyway
  10. The last we heard here on the forums was that LL was leaving it there. It looks exactly the same as far as I can tell. So nothing about anyone taking it over. Since the things there are free if there are no changes all should be good. I didn't look up at the shops if they were still there. Those I think were paid rentals but maybe not. Lots of chatter no follow up by LL. ALSO I haven't seen a thing about who won the birthday raffle stuff. That seems odd also.
  11. I doubt LL will OK mentors giving out notecards to places since there is according to the sign up sheet a "class" you have to go through etc. But I did just check and The Free Dove is amazingly there. We never heard back on all those suggestions from awhile ago. I would definitely be in favor a new community newbie store and would help. Better shapes for the new body would be a good idea. The ones provided were not good. I suspect you would need to make sure the body fat matched the head since a bunch of the shapes provided did NOT fit body to head.
  12. I didn't expect much but most of the shapes for gals when worn with the body and head have a neck gap (mesh doesn't match meaning the body for sure and head most likely weren't rigged right). We are not talking a difference in skin tone etc but AIR. If you get naked or are willing to and change the shape some you can easily tell that the "love handle" area is horribly rigged - designed (likely both). Then I took off my everyday skin and put on the skins from the pack and almost cried. I looked better as a newbie 16 years ago. Hence no blog post. As mentioned on another thread this was DOA. New folks are much better off with any (ANY) of the free body and heads out there. I doubt new folks will be thrilled. Hopefully all the old stuff is still available. I didn't look to see.
  13. Many of course will be sad to see you go but it is your choice and I hope it is a good one. I just wanted to say that being "old" I have been where you have been a time or two and did obviously NOT leave so I encourage you to NOT have your account deleted as you might want to return some day and oldster status is a good thing. I was going to write some pretty important stuff about eye issues and how I "fixed" mine (sixteen years ago now ) but that might remove my note so I will send you a PM. I wish you well.
  14. This was fun. Since I clean my inventory OFTEN and still have less than 70K after sixteen years including all my store and art stuff and LOTS of backups of backups --- I can't do completely "vintage" but everything here is a decade or more old. OK NOT my body LOL. So not going there.
  15. Chic Aeon

    upgrading tier

    You will pay tier on the HIGHEST amount of land that you owned in the previous billing cycle. So if you buy now you will be paying extra tier for just a few days. Which is what Littleme said but in a slightly different way. If you own more land then your tier level for even two seconds you will PAY for that extra. Been there. Sometimes there is no way around that but the best plan it to sell or abandon your old plot and then buy new just after your tier date. If you have 1/8 of a sim and then buy a 1/4 you will (I think as I am not checking) be paying for half a sim -- or whatever the next tier level would be. It is NOT prorated at all.
  16. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/REKA NUTMEG/124/100/27 Super cute for the weekend at Nutmeg. Not for the prim challenged. Not the best LODs but definitely a good value for some folks! 5 - 3 - 2 land impact -- separate pieces. You can enlarge the message board and keep 5 li and improve LODs some.
  17. Almost all the places that I have rented in the past have had a "rental agreement" sometimes in a notecard and sometimes in the land tab. And for me it was always very clear that if your paid ahead your rent would not be returned on exiting. I can only remember one place that refunded a percentage. IF the landlord in question did not have a rental agreement it was up to you to asked if you cared. Personally I have almost never paid more than a week-ish ahead just because THINGS HAPPEN and sometimes I move on quickly. The only exception I can think of in sixteen years which was in Babbage where I paid monthly -- but my Babbage rent was basically there to support the area so more like a donation to the historical area.
  18. If you have objects that are set to "share with group" as in some rentals, then anyone in the group can move things around. Setting up a privacy orb may help but depending on how things are set up they could be far away. Locking seems to be a very good idea!
  19. While I am not going to apply I am wondering how important Adobe Suite might be :D. If you are having trouble getting those photographers (ad makers) it might be because the whole world doesn't use Adobe (on purpose LOL). That's my two cents. Best of luck to you.
  20. This is cute but it has THIRTY SEVEN TEXTURES on it which means that many trips for the server to get it. Took a long time for all those textures to load for me and I have NO issue normally on my smoking computer :D. So beware of that. Might be best for photos :D.
  21. Out at the Fifty. NOT for the prim challenged but I LOVE IT !!!!! Trompe Loeil booth https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The Fifty/1/129/777 Also comes empty which of course would be fewer land impact if not as much fun.
  22. Just recalling the VERY LONG AND PAINFUL switch to EEP. That "your stuff will still look OK" idea is certainly questionable and not so surprisingly. I hope they don't switch over before they have things solved this time. Hopefully those lessons have been learned.
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