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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. Phil Deakins wrote: Oh for goodness sakes! I've just written 3 replies to a very old thread that was brought back to life with an empty post! Hrmph! OMG, what did you do Phil! You deserve a spanking. :smileytongue: :smileyvery-happy:
  2. RowanRiverSong wrote: I also have to wonder about the thinking of people who have land for sale and banlines up, so you can't look at it. There's nothing on the property but they have banlines up. How does that make any sense? It could be just a mistake: the land hasn't been for public access (this raises the ban lines). When they put it for sale they naturally should have ticked the "Allow public access" but they forgot to do so. (Or maybe they didn't want all the people looking for land leaving their dirty shoe prints on the land? Or maybe there was some other similarly silly reason? :smileyindifferent:)
  3. Perrie Juran wrote: Besides, I want to know if it makes everyone's boobs jiggle. Only for them who are wearing body physics. :smileytongue: :smileywink:
  4. Sassy Romano wrote: Just attach the object to the foot and adjust the bow to suit as you would with any other prim. It's really lazy and bad practice to just have everything attach to the default right hand because you'll run out of number of items that can be attached there. The wiki: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits "Max. # of attachments - 38 combined HUD or body attachments." It is 38 attachments maximum combined. That's the total number of attachments avatar can wear. They can be on different attachment points, and they can all be in the same attachment point. Anyway, I do agree that it is bad practice to put everything on the default location (the right hand). PS For system clothing there is the limit of five per clothing layer (as well as tattoo layers and alpha layers). Even that may well change in the future. More info here: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-6258
  5. Ok, I made a bug report, asking for a new forum area for Surveys. If such was created maybe there would finally be peace in the forums concerning survey posts. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-6267
  6. Phil Deakins wrote: LyneMarie Magic wrote: I HATE THAT NEW THING!!! HOW DARE YOU SHAKE US UP BESIDES HAVE THE NOTICE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN...AND SL ORIGINATES FROM CALIFORNIA TOO!? SHEESH! You should have more sensativity!! grumble ... groan... sigh.... A long LONG time user... Lyne I like them. Firestorm makes this even better. • One can use the earthquake effect • One can use whatever sound effect for the region restart - (I have set mine to a loud fog siren, so I can hear it even if I'm having a cup of coffee in the kitchen.) :smileysurprised: :smileyhappy: • And then one can totally disable all region restart alerts
  7. Indeed. Even though we can fly and teleport, sometimes it's cool to go to a destination by some vehicle. Once I and my friend went to a wedding reception by sailboat crossing some ten regions. When the reception was over we hopped back into our boat and sailed away.
  8. MIstahMoose wrote: Havok custom physics for mesh uploads don't work on x64 That's right. I guess that 64 bit Firestorm will get Havok library only after Linden Lab makes and releases their 64 bit viewer - whenever that is going to happen.
  9. Medhue Simoni wrote: Some day, it will be much more feasible, and we'll have many more toys to do it with. Does technology develop just by itself - we just sit and wait long enough for some magic to happen? Of course it does not work like that. To develop something lots of research must be done, experiments need to be made, stuff needs to be built. That's how new better and more advanced things are invented. Often that costs enormous amounts of money. But the money is not lost nor wasted. The money will just change hands, part of it goes here, part of goes there, part of it goes somewhere else. Often high technology research has many spin off inventions which appear in our everyday life - just like has happened with space exploration. http://www.universetoday.com/37079/benefits-of-space-exploration/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NASA_spin-off_technologies https://sites.google.com/a/scasd.org/website-design/Space-Program/positive-effects-of-the-space-program http://www.problem-solving-techniques.com/US-Space-Program.html .. and so on and on.. Somehow it appears to me that the money used on space exploration has brought forth many good things.
  10. Freya Mokusei wrote: I never had much luck with this feature, since if you Alt+Tab while wearing body physics everything goes JigglejigglejigglejiggleJIGGLEJIGGLEJIGGLE-POW. :smileyfrustrated: That's why I almost never wear body physics. Anybody who's viewer is lagging (low fps) will see the boobs doing a crazy dance. It's like a big bird starting a flight - flap, flap, flap, flappety, flap, flap... :smileyvery-happy:
  11. SaraCarena wrote: Sorry Coby but I have to put my hands up and confess that the words in quotes in my 3rd post are`nt mine :matte-motes-bashful-cute: Anyway, you quoted a matter which indeed is the truth how stuff works. Good. :smileyhappy:
  12. It looks to me as if the rigging was not done correctly. You say that the "skirt fits great in Blender" but what happens in Blender if you put the avatar there in similar poses as in SL? Does the same problem show in the skirt then in Blender too? If it does, then you need to adjust the weighting in Blender so that the skirt behaves well.
  13. My pleasure Maddy. :smileyhappy: :matte-motes-big-grin:
  14. Coby Foden wrote: Oopss... :smileysurprised: wrong aim! :smileyfrustrated: :matte-motes-bashful: But no worries, aim corrected! Shoot! :matte-motes-whistle:
  15. Medhue Simoni wrote: Ok, so what's the big deal then? If you care to watch the video you will know. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  16. SaraCarena wrote: "Video memory usage is being capped by LL at 512 MB" I`ve read somewhere that that is a "soft cap", whatever that means, but I checked what my card was doing a while ago and it peaked at 1010mb memory with just sl running on firestorm. That's true, as you said in your other post, the max 512 MB is reserved just for the textures. And it is what Linden Lab calls a soft cap. The viewer can and will exceed that cap when it needs to. And as you said too, video memory is used also to store other data besides the textures. For GPU memory usage this is what I typically observe in my system: • 98 MB - no programs running, just the OS running • from 400 MB to 1005 MB - OS plus Firestorm 4.6.5 (64 bit) viewer running The busier (i.e. lots of objects and lots of textures) the region is the more memory is used by the viewer. When I go to a less busy region the memory usage immediately goes lower. My system info: CPU: Intel® Core i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz (3411.19 MHz) Memory: 8169 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCIe/SSE2, with 1024 MB of memory Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.3221 OpenGL Version: 4.4.0 I have set the "Viewer texture memory buffer" to 384 MB in the viewer preferences. I have read that "reducing this may improve performance but may also make textures blurry." Well, I have not not suffered texture blurriness with that 384 MB settings so I keep it there.
  17. LoriLexa wrote: 1. Layer system clothes that may come with prim attachments. There are different layers: undershirt, shirt, jacket, underwear bottoms, and pants. You can’t wear 2 of the same layer, even if you ADD. So you just wear these. Excellent instructions. Only thing what I like to point out is that we can actually wear five system clothing on each clothing clothing layer. The same applies also to tattoo and alpha layers. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits "Max. # of clothing layers per slot - 5 (this includes alpha and Tattoo Layers)" [EDIT] Extra "clothing" word scratched over. :matte-motes-little-laugh:
  18. Cathy Foil wrote: Vesperia one thing you need to know is mesh created with Marvelous Designer needs to be converted into Quads before importing it into SL. If you don't you will get a weird light reflective random pattern plus the mesh won't bend as nicely as the avatar moves. It would be good if all designers who use Marvellous Designer did that. Unfortunately there are some designers who import clothes made in Marvellous Designer just as it is. Marvellous Designer mesh looks really weird, often the UV layout is weird too. The worst thing is that the mesh is unnecessarily far too dense for SL, which just adds general lag. Thus, converting the mesh to quads and optimizing it is the proper way to do it.
  19. Medhue Simoni wrote: Why is it called dragon if there are no dragons? No dragons? Yeah, not 3D ones. But, by some magic, they were able to produce a 2D version. :smileyvery-happy:
  20. VioletCities wrote: I hope this is sarcasm. What's wrong with someone looking at you? To me, that's flattering. Don't be a drama lama! Be a vain, self-centered attention seeker! lol. Yes, agreed. I often carry a sign above my head saying: "Oh, please, please. Look at me!" What's the point of buying all the beautiful clothes if nobody ever looks at them? A total waste and a very sad feeling! :smileyindifferent: :smileysad: VioletCities wrote: P.S. The above is sarcasm as well. Ditto. :smileywink:
  21. Of course you can see the effect of the alpha layer (or more correctly: alpha mask). What you cannot see is the winter mesh coat what you are wearing. In your image the invisible body area is the effect of the alpha mask - it hides an area of the avatar, just like it should do. So alpha masks work ok in your viewer. The problem is with the mesh not loading. Nothing wrong with the alpha rendering. This is really mysterious as your graphics card is ok and so is your connection speed. I'm out of ideas what's going on that the worn mesh is not loading for you. PS. Did you try to rez the winter coat on ground? And if so, did you see it? One final suggestion what I can make is that you do a totally clean re-install of your viewer, wiping everything related to the viewer from your computer - the application, application settings, cache - really everything. After that, re-install. Instructions here (if you didn't know): http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_clean_reinstall Many problems are due that there are some older files from earlier installation which could mess things. Therefore totally clean installation is very important.
  22. You are still confusing what makes part of your body invisible. It is not the winter coat, but it is the alpha mask - in your inventory it is the item named "winter coat Alpha". That makes your your body partly invisible in the areas defined by the alpha mask. You can verify this wearing just the alpha mask (i.e. the "winter coat Alpha") and no winter coat. You should see part of your body invisible. Then remove the "winter coat Alpha" and wait until you can see your body. Then wear only one size of the winter coat. Now your body should not go partly invisible. If you see something different from this description then there something very wrong going on. Anyway, the issue what you have here is that the winter coat when worn does not rez, thus you cannot see it. By the way, can you see the winter coat if instead of wearing it you rez it on ground (for example the "winter coat M)? PS some ideas: Your graphics card is quite ok. Have you updated the driver for it? If not, then it's worth a try. What is your internet connection speed? Check it here: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_speedtest Have you tried does this non-rezzing issue happen in some other location too?
  23. Looking at your Appearance window's "Wearing" tab's contents I can see that you are wearing (among other things) these: • winter coat L • winter coat M • winter coat S • winter coat XL • winter coat XS Why are you wearing all the five sizes of the winter coat? You are supposed to wear only one size - not all of them at the same time. As you are wearing all the sizes it might be that your system gets overloaded with mesh data and none of the different coat sizes coats appear in view. So, wear only one size. First detach all of those coats. Then wear only one size and see what happens.
  24. Yes, that's true the maps indeed are generated in two layers - one with the terrain only, and the other with terrain and objects. In earlier viewers it was possible to select in the world map which one to show, but not anymore. However, for example in Firestorm viewer's minimap there are options to show different things by selection, such as: • Terrain textures • World map textures • Objects • Physical objects • Scripted objects • Temp on rez objects I wonder why the world map does not have those options. PS. In the world map nicely made letterings are not very disturbing - like yours for example, actually they are quite ok. It's the whole region covering megaprim ads (like the infamous hearts :smileywink:) which are an eaysore in the world map.
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