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Pixie Kobichenko

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Everything posted by Pixie Kobichenko

  1. Splurged a half year or so back & bought steaks for family dinner. My son dropped his plate on his way to eat in front of tv, everything splattered on the tile floor. I did the courageous mom thing and gave him my plate of food & rinsed off the steak he dropped and had it for my meal. I’m still here to tell the tale.
  2. Just like buying a gum ball, gachas are not gambling. You might not get the color of gum ball you wanted for your quarter & might be inclined to continue paying for additional random gum balls. Or not. But barring a glitch, you receive a prize every time. Same with gachas.
  3. Like I said, I went down the rabbit hole on the story, following links on links from story to story following that one individual, including his own YouTube’s. The conspiracy part was that this network involved agents who were actively watching them- cloak & dagger sort of stuff, would kill them if he said too much to the documentary crew, etc. The entire side story of the young man, the trouble with the local police, neighbors, councils- all was supposed to be handled by this network of higher ups in the “Kaotians”. Who don’t exist.
  4. I went down the rabbit hole a few years ago with this “situation” that I guess could be a conspiracy tho I’m pretty sure it was just the manifestation of a disturbed individual & a lonely woman. There’s more to be found if you take time to google him. He had an apprentice at one point, but the young mans father pulled him out of it. But I think from the lack of any rec3nt news the man likely wound up in prison or a mental health facility. The gist of this guys story: there is a real gorean underworld of thousands masters & slaves that network in SL to make real life connections
  5. Okay so I’m in my mid 40s. No clue who this is, what hyper pop is even. & TY for the warning about strobes- those trigger my vertigo disorder. Anywho. Duran Duran still (at least a year ago) maintains a ghost town of a region. That’s a huge “shout out”. & it didn’t work out. & then there was the movie “Ready Player One” -the author of the book the movie was based on was an active SLer long ago- so clear tie ins. Just remember- everything is subjective & its great you found something in the video that caught your eye but it sounds unlikely to be the publicity generator you hope for SL. https://secondlife.com/destination/duran-duran this scene really reminded me of SL & i forgot- Dwight visits SL in the US version if The Office
  6. & somehow I forgot- Reverend Bluejeans (forever in blue jeans- Neil Diamond)
  7. Everything in life is subjective in terms of money & the value given to it in regards to how much of your life you ttraded away for it. Clearly after 17 years, someone finds value in the money they spend on it. I could type out the snarky response but I will snip it & say if it’s not worth your dime & the bit of your life that you get in return from SL, then you don’t have to spend your dimes there. p.s. your post really does come off as advertising. pps- I’ve visited other grids, & they look now about like a 2009 SL. & that is why they are cheaper.
  8. Just like the one winged dove, sings a song sounds like she’s sangin’ & & big fat Carolina... don’t carry me too far away
  9. I can’t link it because of forum changes but there is an entire section of clothing tutorials on SL’s wiki
  10. Warning- probably has swear words- This was fun & useless trivia that I watched awhile back- it explains a lot of how American Halloween 🎃 got to be so big on parties:
  11. 🤗. Here is one that always cheers me up- & i had pulled this up earlier because a weatherman in my twitter feed shared a picture of a herd of tarantulas 🕷 🕸 in my hometown having a convention in the middle of a rural intersection- I always think of this scene when people bring up oversized spiders, but will forever b3 one of top holiday flicks:
  12. Used to do a lot of my own pictures in SL & would drag friends into posing with me for scenes I created- Halloweenies was always a favorite!
  13. As crummy as 2020 has turned out, I heaved a sigh of relief once August was over. Once August is over, the best 0art of the year comes. We don’t get much of an Autumn where I live, we go from humid, dank, broiling summer to pipe bursting cold in a matter of weeks around Thanksgiving (American), But for a brief moment all the trees will change colors & pumpkin spice flavor will be everywhere-( last year I noticed pumpkin spice Spam & Frosted Flakes 🤢) & the family will huddle up for spooky movies & we will plan out holiday foods. Hallmark Channel will show like 12 solid weeks of holiday flicks on all 3 stations (I wish they’d leave one regular shows). But it all will culminate in this nostalgia for days gone by, with warm memories of those no longer here. So bring it on, bags of Halloween candies & pumpkin spice everything, vintage Christmas music piped over the PA system & trips true the city light displays.. I need a little extra cheer this year. 🎄 🎃 🦃
  14. Maybe the fires on the west coast have a hand in it. I’ve read that one power provider has had to take portions of their grids down to avoid downed lines sparking & causing more fires. Again I don’t know if that situation has anything to do with it- but having worked in customer care for an ISP I would get tidbits of info on what would cause my company’s outages & you’d be surprised how a situation in another state even can contribute to outages. But again I have no idea why it might be out- just pointing out that situation. source: https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/power-outages-hamper-evacuation-warnings-distance-learning-wildfire-torn-california-n1239858
  15. Green Stamp booklets were so much fun. Saving up & getting something awesome. I know they still exist in some areas but I’ve not seen them in decades..
  16. My brother’s 2nd wife passed away suddenly in 2016. Prior to that I was aware she was in SL but I don’t think we ever exchange names.
  17. I did the reduced quarterly once last year & remember it was discounted. Since then I sporadically buy a month premium then don’t bother with a home for months at a time till I buy one more month- so I guess I hadn’t noticed any changes. Sorry for the misinformation.
  18. I don’t recall ever seeing premium “on sale”? I just know if you pay a year or quarterly there is a discount.
  19. & yet you felt the need for another white knight episode. You opted to not ask for clarification. You don’t actually care what my opinion is since it doesn’t cohere with yours. You asked for an opinion. I gave mine. You demand everyone around you think the way you do. If they don’t, they’re “attacking” whatever or whomever you are discussing atm. I’ve agreed with you on many things in the forum, from racist jerks to misogynistic cretins. I’ve stood up for those I see getting stomped on. But my thoughts now are gobbledy***** *****? Or hey, here ya go- if it’s not my opinion that annoys you but rather the delivery- I have a brain tumor, called a pericallosal lipoma which interferes with a lot of my cognitive functions. It can take me ten minutes to think of the name of the color of shirt I am wearing or remember what I ate for lunch in the same day. Sometimes I start to speak & stutter out a word 10-20 times before I actually get it out. Then I will participate in conversations online & go back over something I composed & no matter how many times I reread, I’ll discover misspelled words or words I just didn’t type that are needed. There are a few other fun things I am experiencing because of it, but I won’t bore you with more of my gobbledy***** *****. (it took me about 20 minutes to type what I have thus far). But again in closing, you asked for opinions. I gave mine. Glad to see that you’re not as lily white as you’d like others to believe you to be. You’re just as opinionated & egocentric as you claim others to be.
  20. You willingly quoted my text over, but then willingly left out an important part of what I typed when you hypothetically challenged my opinion- which was the odd third person narrative therein that Pearl was referring to herself in, which I originally tried to good naturedly give a gentle ribbing to when I referenced The Jimmy episode of Seinfeld. Your challenge to me is also neglecting that I was addressing your question of my OPINION that YOU asked for regarding sex workers & the words folks use to denote them. If you want to get hung up on the fact that she has admitted to doing all this to seek attention & I find it tiresome- that’s fine by me. But if you’re going to address what I say- challenge all of it- & not just a two word bit from two paragraphs.
  21. There’s an episode of Penn & Teller’s Bullsh*t show that aired oh probably a decade ago on either HBO or Showtime. One episode dealt with the power we willingly give words & whether their importance or offensiveness is universal. I think and this is my opinion, that none of Pearls friends are being made to feel bad because they associate with a virtual sex worker. If she’s mentioned half as often that Pearl Sexton is an “escort” to them as she does on the forums, then they are well informed. They must not be bothered by it. Or they’d not associate with her. Do I care what she does In SL to live vicariously thru her avi? No. I don’t even “care” that for a good while these really odd threads kept popping up, all with the sole purpose of getting attention, because being an “escort” in SL was not garnering her enough in-world. I just get to thinking after the third or fourth page of any new attention seeking 3rd person authored thread that an emotional vampire is in my midst & I soon enough just scroll past her messages. & then my opinion of her is shaded by the attention seeking antics & has absolutely nothing to do with her 2nd life lived as an escort-hooker-prostitute-courtesan-whore-*****-whatever is socially acceptable today- which leads me to....for being offended by words- one quoted section of dialogue I found that was a quick reference was (the video is a different part of the show & more of a statement of no matter what you do or say someone, somewhere is going to have an issue) Penn and Teller return after a segment on anti-profanity advocate Ginny Foster, who suggests saying "Santa vaca!" instead.] Penn: "Saint cow". So she is literally saying, "Holy cow!", in Spanish. But "holy cow" is a derogatory reference to the Hindu belief in the sacredness of cows. Ginny certainly doesn't believe in the holiness of cows, so taking that Lord's name in vain is perfectly acceptable. She doesn't buy the holy-cow myth. Therefore, if you didn't actually believe that Jesus is God - and most of the world doesn't - if you were, for example, a Hindu, shouting… [Teller drops a bowling ball on Penn's foot.] Penn: … JESUS CHRIST'S!… name… in a situation where you… or someone you know, somehow, accidentally… dropped a bowling ball on your FOOT… would be, by Ginny's standards… perfectly polite. [Penn looks like he wants to smack Teller.]
  22. SL is not funded by a charity nor is it a charity. According to Google, the purchasing of a $1 item in 2004 now requires $1.37 in USD to obtain the same exact item (I lays think about the cost of a candy bar or gallon of gas). That’s inflation & how we’ve come to where we are in society of working longer, harder hours just to stay afloat. That goes across the board, no one is exempt. The deal with SL, is its entertainment at its core. You don’t have to partake. If you don’t feel you receive appropriate entertainment for your money- you don’t have to spend money on it. You can go elsewhere for entertainment. So far as being “appalled” that a virtual “dj” was not going to be sat at his computer while he played songs- why be appalled? Maybe something in the real world required his attention. You might try & think of that as a good thing in two parts- he values his RL over SL & 2- he made sure that there was music. He wasn’t a no-show. Bully creators who own their intellectual property? Well, again- there are other options for your dollar. And there are cliques everywhere. Yep, there sure is. That’s human nature. Sticking with those you identify with, hang around folks you have common interests with. & yes, there are plenty of chances to run into individuals you don’t like. That’s why you can mute, tp out & even X out when you feel overwhelmed. Take a break from SL for awhile. It’s not unheard of. Go find something that can help you find your happy.
  23. 3 years & 5 months later- that was one heck of a storm! ⛈
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