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i have been in sl a year now and a regular forum user, not just in sl but on various forums for different things...i was wondering..the whole sl forum doesnt appear to be very active in comparison to ther forums. Is this the norm for the offical sl forums or is there another forum elsewhere that is more active?

thanks for your responses.

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This is the only Official Second Life Forum. There are other SL related Blogs and Forums on the Web.

I enjoy attempting to provided solutions for Residents with questions or issues about SL.

The Community Guidelines might explain why this Forum may appear less active. Slander, hate, intolerance and many other undesirable behaviors are prohibited.

You must divide a people before you can conquer them; many popular website engage in this behavior for profit.

People enjoy Drama, it's dramatic. 


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For years Linden Lab has shown that it is not a fan of forums and has treated the forums as the perverbial "red headed step child".  If they could completely dump any semblance of a forum without completely alienating a sizable portion of the SL users, they would.........there was a period of time when LL actually comtemplated such a move.  I think it revolves around the basic mindset that forums generate decent and hostilities and LL wants everyone to "just get along".  LL loathes arguments and because of that, sometimes uses the sledge hammer approach to keep the forum posters in line.

It wasn't always that way though.  I think it was about 3 years ago (time flies when you're having fun :) ) we did have a very active and lively forum (with real forums software).  LL had removed the general and off topic subforums because of the forum feuds and fights (the fun stuff) and only provided subforums specifically focused on SL related topics.  The couldn't enforce their rules about fussing and fighting when we all took over the "Resident Answers" subforum for our gerneral/off topic section because LL took away the sections suited for that type of discussions........at first, we would ask a question (since the forum was for resident questions and answers) then get to real topic.(it was a joke an we all knew it.....actually it was fun).  For about a year LL ignored us on that forum (sort of like throwing up their arms and letting us tear each other up........but we actually self moderated ourselves when things really got rough).  But all good things have to come to an end and LL closed down those forums and gave us the first make believe "forums" a couple years ago.........many regulars left then.  Then about a year ago they gave us this second make believe forum.........and, again, many regulars left.  I think LL finally has what it wanted all along.  No forum........only something they call a forum.  And they finally figured out that they must moderate to keep everything focused on what they want it focused on.

These "forums" are not the best (heck, I'll say they are pretty bad) but it's the only "official" SL forum available........I choose to make do with what I got.  There are some sections that are very good and, in my opinion, extremely valuable for the residents of SL.  Answers, Creation, Technical, Commerce are a few.  The "General Discussions" section is just like the old "Resident Answers" in the real forums of about 3 years ago.......but with moderation.  I'm here and I have fun..........I check Answers a lot because that is the section I really enjoy (but General Discussions fills time while Answers is slow).



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74Theo74 wrote:

ahh i understand...so how do i find these sl feeds? also, is there an unofficial forum out there that is active ?


Log into "my.secondlife.com" under your username and click the "Trending" tab. There will be a variety of things but most good wrassling matches should turn up when they occur. You'll quickly identify the main wrasslers after digging through things, and then you can watch them and even join in.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

For years Linden Lab has shown that it is not a fan of forums and has treated the forums as the perverbial "red headed step child".  If they could completely dump any semblance of a forum without completely alienating a sizable portion of the SL users, they would.........there was a period of time when LL actually comtemplated such a move.  I think it revolves around the basic mindset that forums generate decent and hostilities and LL wants everyone to "just get along".  LL loathes arguments and because of that, sometimes uses the sledge hammer approach to keep the forum posters in line.

It wasn't always that way though.  I think it was about 3 years ago (time flies when you're having fun
) we did have a very active and lively forum (with real forums software).  LL had removed the general and off topic subforums because of the forum feuds and fights (the fun stuff) and only provided subforums specifically focused on SL related topics.  The couldn't enforce their rules about fussing and fighting when we all took over the "Resident Answers" subforum for our gerneral/off topic section because LL took away the sections suited for that type of discussions........at first, we would ask a question (since the forum was for resident questions and answers) then get to real topic.(it was a joke an we all knew it.....actually it was fun).  For about a year LL ignored us on that forum (sort of like throwing up their arms and letting us tear each other up........but we actually self moderated ourselves when things really got rough).  But all good things have to come to an end and LL closed down those forums and gave us the first make believe "forums" a couple years ago.........many regulars left then.  Then about a year ago they gave us this second make believe forum.........and, again, many regulars left.  I think LL finally has what it wanted all along.  No forum........only something they call a forum.  And they finally figured out that they must moderate to keep everything focused on what they want it focused on.



I hadn't looked at the archives in a while.

I do wonder if we could ever again have a discussion like this, 

The History of "Genitals"!


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Knowl Paine wrote:The Community Guidelines might explain why this Forum may appear less active. Slander, hate, intolerance and many other undesirable behaviors are prohibited.

You must divide a people before you can conquer them; many
website engage in this behavior for profit.

People enjoy Drama, it's dramatic. 


if it takes slander, hatred, intollerance, etc. to make a community, that's not a community I care to be a part of... Luckily overall SL seems to be far more friendly than that.

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About 3 years ago the forum was indeed very alive, however the problem was that most of it was very unfriendly, untolerant and very crude, sadly. I remember my first days on it and i was so shocked that i didn't touch it for a long time and then tried again. Same thing, but i kinda learned to ignore the rubbish, but it was very ver bad.

What LL wanted was a friendly polite forum and without RL matters.

This is the result. Appearently many ppl want to be behave crude and blunt on forums? 

The old school SL players are on some other forum. I believe it is http://www.sluniverse.com/php/

I tried it once, but the responses were kinda black humor like. Not my thingy. But they are there these days i understand.

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jwenting wrote:

Knowl Paine wrote:The Community Guidelines might explain why this Forum may appear less active. Slander, hate, intolerance and many other undesirable behaviors are prohibited.

You must divide a people before you can conquer them; many
website engage in this behavior for profit.

People enjoy Drama, it's dramatic. 


if it takes slander, hatred, intollerance, etc. to make a community, that's not a community I care to be a part of... Luckily overall SL seems to be far more friendly than that.

I shy away from drama wherever possible in real life - and a message board would be part of real life. I'm me as I sit here typing or reading. It takes time from my real life. For the latter reason I also include Second Life as part of real life (although I prefer to separate the two as to what I talk about.)

Drama belongs in the fine or performing arts, not anywhere else. Certainly not in real life.  I will take peace any day.

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Melita Magic wrote:

jwenting wrote:

Knowl Paine wrote:The Community Guidelines might explain why this Forum may appear less active. Slander, hate, intolerance and many other undesirable behaviors are prohibited.

You must divide a people before you can conquer them; many
website engage in this behavior for profit.

People enjoy Drama, it's dramatic. 


if it takes slander, hatred, intollerance, etc. to make a community, that's not a community I care to be a part of... Luckily overall SL seems to be far more friendly than that.

I shy away from drama wherever possible in real life - and a message board would be part of real life. I'm me as I sit here typing or reading. It takes time from my real life. For the latter reason I also include Second Life as part of real life (although I prefer to separate the two as to what I talk about.)

Drama belongs in the fine or performing arts, not anywhere else. Certainly not in real life.  I will take peace any day.

Slander, Hate, Intolerance, etc were always against the TOS in the old Fora also.

Those issues were swiftly dealt with when this new Forum opened.  But then we started seeing heated discussion added to the list. Essentially it appeared that any discussion that wasn't all butterflies and unicorns was subject to censorship.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Melita Magic wrote:

jwenting wrote:

Knowl Paine wrote:The Community Guidelines might explain why this Forum may appear less active. Slander, hate, intolerance and many other undesirable behaviors are prohibited.

You must divide a people before you can conquer them; many
website engage in this behavior for profit.

People enjoy Drama, it's dramatic. 


if it takes slander, hatred, intollerance, etc. to make a community, that's not a community I care to be a part of... Luckily overall SL seems to be far more friendly than that.

I shy away from drama wherever possible in real life - and a message board would be part of real life. I'm me as I sit here typing or reading. It takes time from my real life. For the latter reason I also include Second Life as part of real life (although I prefer to separate the two as to what I talk about.)

Drama belongs in the fine or performing arts, not anywhere else. Certainly not in real life.  I will take peace any day.

Slander, Hate, Intolerance, etc were always against the TOS in the old Fora also.

Those issues were swiftly dealt with when this new Forum opened.  But then we started seeing heated discussion added to the list. Essentially it appeared that any discussion that wasn't all butterflies and unicorns was subject to censorship.

Those better be decent properly attired unicorns you're talking about, or BAM  We might need to have a little talk about the butterflies too.

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UncommonTruth wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Melita Magic wrote:

jwenting wrote:

Knowl Paine wrote:The Community Guidelines might explain why this Forum may appear less active. Slander, hate, intolerance and many other undesirable behaviors are prohibited.

You must divide a people before you can conquer them; many
website engage in this behavior for profit.

People enjoy Drama, it's dramatic. 


if it takes slander, hatred, intollerance, etc. to make a community, that's not a community I care to be a part of... Luckily overall SL seems to be far more friendly than that.

I shy away from drama wherever possible in real life - and a message board would be part of real life. I'm me as I sit here typing or reading. It takes time from my real life. For the latter reason I also include Second Life as part of real life (although I prefer to separate the two as to what I talk about.)

Drama belongs in the fine or performing arts, not anywhere else. Certainly not in real life.  I will take peace any day.

Slander, Hate, Intolerance, etc were always against the TOS in the old Fora also.

Those issues were swiftly dealt with when this new Forum opened.  But then we started seeing heated discussion added to the list. Essentially it appeared that any discussion that wasn't all butterflies and unicorns was subject to censorship.

Those better be decent properly attired unicorns you're talking about, or
  We might need to have a little talk about the butterflies too.

In my early days of SL I was exploring Secret Reflections (sadly gone) when I got propositioned by a Neko and a Purple Unicorn for a three some.  I had not been sufficiently corrupted by SL at that time.....................

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

UncommonTruth wrote:

The SL feeds are here
Although they aren't really any kind of forum lol, more like facebook for avatars.

They're also the first tab of anyone's profile inworld.

But that's primarily the tool of conversations for the people who, mostly with good reason, got banned from here.


But what about those who were banned without good reason? Do you speak up on their behalf?

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Oh man those were the days, you and i got into several "discussions" under my alts name,  they were great, loved it. Heated yes, passionate about our own beliefs, damn skippy.

I think many times these discussions rallied around things LL did not want to hear, criticisms about the game and its management. I truly believe this is why they attempted to shut down the original idea of a forum. But they were never ones to look at the needs of the player in SL, their viewer is a good example.

I would love to see a section of this forum called "anything goes" no holds barred, fun fun fun for everyone..i think that would bring back alot of the amazing forum posters of the past.

Missin the good ol days...

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Well, it's true "drama" does drum up traffic. 

I am not a much of a forum dweller because of that really.

I tend to have the belief that the internet and associated anonymity that comes with "User Names" can and often does bring out the worst in humanity.

And I include myself , although my RL identity is easily found on the net and my SL name is displayed as my real name, Liz Gallagher.

I prefer this because I think as a business owner (not just SL related) it's important to display who you are and in my case where you live.

SL however is about "hiding" who you are,  even on an innocent level by way of fantasy.

This in turn can encourage people to not feel accountable for things said to other people whether in IM or in a pubic forum.

Its very similar to road rage.

We dehumanize others and only see the "car"  and not the breathing, feeling living mother, daughter, father or son at the wheel. Very few who flick the finger or honk the horn would so much as raise an eyebrow in a face to face situation where one has to look another in the eye. 

Facebook, perhaps ironically, is generating a lot of evidence of peoples lack of social awareness as more and more people report of being victimized or bullied.

I personally have had a massive fall out with my Sister on FB once over something and nothing which I am confident would not have took place had we both had the benefit of facial expression and tone of voice.

There are a hand full of exceptions to the rule of course.

Chosen Few is a person who has been an active member of SL forums for many years. He was always there to help and never "got down and dirty" with anyone nor did he partake in "cheering them on" by adding comments like "Grabs popcorn" 

Human nature is always more interested in negative news.

Newspapers and glossy magazines are glued together with tabloid exaggerations, half truths and total BS and we know its probably not 100% accurate when we read the headline but it still makes for a good story and THAT'S the reason we love to watch a good witch hunt or bitchy slap behind the safety of our PC monitors and thats why heavily moderated forums tend not to be the most active. 


EDIT - After thought.

Heavily moderated just means you are expected to behave as you would if you were in a public place with real people in real life.

We wouldn't sit in a doctors waiting room ranting and raving, bitching and  BSing because 

a) People would think you were insane and

b) You would be asked to leave! lol 

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I think the biggest fault with the forum is that lindens dont actually take any notice of it.... it took a week or more to get the ceo to come back and thank people for his birthday greetings here which for me spoke volumes....

serious comment,criticism and suggestions are lost among the drivel.......

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