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Natural Reality


Advanced Technology


This world, is it a mess or our creators brilliant success? From the first sin of Adam and Eve, they spread Gods natural disease throughout the world for we do not have purified freedom as a human being. God created Adam who was lonely and has been rewarded with the first women named Eve. She was influenced by Devils natural disease called “greed”. She ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil after our lord asked them not to eat for it contains all of the knowledge that they were already able to see in this naturally purified world. They disobeyed God’s first task of not eating the wonderful “fruit” that makes them understand the truth when being lied to. This natural fruit has been called an apple, when we finally realize we must understand God’s questions only by entering emotion of depression and prayer. In this generation we only want to be happy living life to the fullest every single day, not understanding this is only but a quest our mind shall grow in infinite space which contains a whole new reality only our technology will allow us to learn about and see, but our mind can only understand the life’s questions so much different than learning what chemicals is made their made of. As progressing humans we love this earth for its land and sea, fighting to become free creating history. Our time line is at best a mess, only wishing for great accomplishments never wanting to give material objects to others even if filthy rich. Most humans live well while plenty go straight to Hell, being punished full of despair, doing pointless things such as spending large amounts of money for our hair and not trying to look like a queer. While you all drink beer always wanting to cheer whether near or far from doing stupid things which have grew into a reality of lust and sin that we created because of our punishment. Creating more life’s that will eventually create another wife with all of the wrong information and intention to hate others for race and growing up in a different place while we are all breathing the same air living on the same Earth.

We create war which to most is a terrible thing and you just want it to stop. People become cops for a living while being assholes to others just to make a living thinking they are cleaning up the streets for pulling of soccer moms while the real soldiers are disarming car bombs. This life slowly becoming an understandable joke for we humans must live our life in an insanely complicated lie, never wanting loved ones to die yet we will kill for money and still defeated by the everlasting truth our Ancestors taught us that the average society forgot of. Without even knowing of the past reality we create a battle with and against our own skin and different race, creating war which is in the long run Gods horrible cure that the advanced nations must eventually take for our Mother’s sake to live depression and wish for no fear, being able to turn love into progress, spending billions of dollars to be the best only helping ourselves for ultimate success. Which is most natural for us because in this world nobody deserves kindness from others for the next day the will stab them in the back and feel little forgiveness as long as they get what they want. Our world is a filthy place and rarely anyone can be trusted.

Our first punishment was to ban our natural cure which is fine for our society is blind from the inside and must first realize the major prize that we can all be given only by honoring the commandments best we can. As we live and achieve great goals, experiencing all emotions of this life, we must not choose a religion as a path of life but for it to guide us through the long challenges we shall endure. Becoming grains of rice being reborn into the makers’ natural price. Giving effort to more than just our family for our world’s population is growing rapidly with horrible laws to help only the large businesses but not an individual unless you are in high demand. Humans do not deserve this cure for they miss-use it greatly and want to be cool and not act like a fool, especially in high school. They are all pathetic and should suffer deeply in Mother Nature’s pool. We humans have incredibly advanced brains which allow scientific technology that will not allow us to be overall corrupt as we join together creating many large bodies of working theories. In this bubble we cause much trouble just to live in this life we will put things into our body which will make angry men beat wife’s, make children lie, commit sins without even realizing, and worst of all thinking of plans to murder and get away clean. Becoming more and more extreme we rarely pray which is the basic way that will allow us to naturally see. For Jesus is our savior but when we see his name we are offended and know not who to be in this corrupt perfect society. He has saved us but we have choice, from day one of Adams sin our lives have begun. If we do not listen to our conscience of taking pure depression while being boosted with the knowledge of our High Priest entering the world of THC our brains will never create a purified mind that’s able to see the way of helping the large tree with an incredibly large amount of different kinds of HP. Taking damage from natural gasses and horribly thought out minds that is the devils success. Leached from souls becoming an incredible enormous unspeakably corrupt mind with his dark predators on this Earth lurking around in all places for our mind is always in a dark place that must be strong enough to enter the poison while coming out clean, being guided by cleansed light of our star.

Our brains have made natural paths in the forest which our suns light provides infinite energy. Religions believe in these symbols as God’s, which they are icons as his light is hard to understand as our life source. Our minds are too blind to realize that Christianity is much more than only wanting to learn from inside a closed door. Humans are a different race that at first to choose one religion to believe and try hard to understand it to the fullest was the correct understanding. As we move further into this time-line we need to understand it’s time to change and use these understood religions as a guide and not a life that is either right or a lie. At first you live a clean life being born from a catholic child eventually coming blind inside our reality always wanting to experience new emotion while not honoring our Father and Mother. Moving into different religions that believe in all different kinds of after-life, but always having your pure faith of Jesus which is why growing up Catholic is most important. The dark demons will not be able to consume your soul changing the way your mind works. You will be immune while having great parents that know best for you. Eventually at an older age you will be able to gain knowledge even if entering to what many think of the Devils mind, not understanding the purified truth sounds like a lie. Just as Jesus stated “All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.” Looking back at this not once, but throughout our life, understand that we must live a clean life while entering the High Priests mind we will never fail but only becoming smarter as we endure the poison of natural medicine’s knowledge. God’s questions are not a book yet a life of parables which must be understood by living life and gaining valuable knowledge. This does not include reading from books and studying for long hours to get into the best of colleges.  Understanding Life and earth’s material objects, gasses, are both most important. As gaining much information as possible will grow your star so you have yet a better chance of becoming a black hole, entering a whole new reality. Another way is finding pure love, which then brings two stars together which can create a black hole. A recycle bin of no time yet creating a brand new reality.

Listen to me for you all need help and if our advanced fancy government does not have the balls to create my reality with our great technology that will give us an everlasting feel of eternity of the birds singing and lions prowling. Your sins with limited spiritual understandment will be forever locked up in a perfect punishment of living years in only the sea or horrible life’s on land with Satan’s horrific soul leached evil progression. Not entering freedom in God’s beautiful creation of Heaven that we stare at each day in rock and gas life form. So far behind as a human mind, we do not even know we are one mind growing larger each time it thinks, even in sleep becoming a dream that we rarely remember to see. After stages past death, our mind travels into the Reality every living creature is able to see. Space is a vast darkness full of light our minds create, become a star a traveling far, and for we are expanding this universe whether you believe it or not, hide behind your wall for you will easily fall. Will we look at our everyday natural sky light as a beautiful zone with so much time being able to think, or will we walk under it and live our life’s insulting others just to get humor for we think we are free living in America the strongest country. Yet each day creating threats within all races, being so far from understandment of Space we act is if were always being chased, moving by so quickly always wanting to see change for good. This earth’s mainstream society has the understandment of a fly, doing the same thing over and over. They have so many unanswered questions of the past, their minds being too weak, definitely are not going to be given the ability to be able to think of all new ideas. While still having much time, it’s quickly running out, will they come to the conclusion to realize this change, so they can understand different mindsets that will provide such an educated thought process for the cured mind being trained by a medically cured brain which will create a whole new era in our time-line.

Mushrooms unlock a whole different part of the brain and our government has banned this advanced natural mind medicine. Not caring for the affects whilst they do not understand exactly why as we know every human will enjoy. Other than it being naturally grown and many old tribes use it for spiritual reasons, nobody will state that marijuana is the first medicine we all use daily, but only doing it to while in society. This will not give us any information for it basically is a sin. We do not use it for understanding God’s questions but for self-enjoyment around others. Then we take mushrooms with no knowledge, seeing its wacky colors not knowing what they are for or any stories behind it. Being under the influence makes us not sober, which means we don’t have control of total control in our dangerously advanced society that only favors progress. Our modern day life is a powerful antidepressant holding us back from the thought of natural life. While this being our punishment because of Adam and Eve, will we ever overcome this need incredible natural disease God’s Government has plagued on us? Are natural medicines our only fix to the correct mind-set, of creating another powerful reality eventually both knowledge of technology and natural understandment to figure out where we stand in the future for space travel and more.


Natural Reality

First thought of this to the public would be “stoner village” which too many people would be a horrible thing for laziness, while the pot smokers would love it. This is not my theory of a natural reality though. A natural reality would be a project of first, legalizing marijuana within the area. This would be built in a favored natural spot on Earth where close to civilization or further away. It would be thought of a home to some, while an amazing new vacation or “understandment” period for others. Trying this new life-style of smoking marijuana daily really seeing if it would make you a better person who looks at life in a more uplifting way. I don’t know about you, but being less judgmental about religions, races, and ideas of bettering our world doesn’t sound like a stupid thing to me, especially if it works. For the longest time, good people have looked down at marijuana early in life, while those same people started to smoke daily and understand what others do not. It’s not even worth explaining to other people the effects of marijuana, while over time our government has legalized only “medical” marijuana just because they can make money off it. How ridiculous is that? Legalizing street sold marijuana while legalizing the same buds they grow. The effects of marijuana in my opinion are really determined on the person and for what he believes. While this is not always the case, I think if a person is a really understood down to earth person about life, the Gods would not let him become punished for smoking this plant.

About it

A natural reality wouldn’t be how our society is today. When you’re with certain people, the environment changes. This is why many people enjoy hanging out with their close friends for they can be themselves around them and feel more comfortable. A natural reality would be such a different mind soothing community where you can talk to another person you really do not know, creating a mind bond which with enough time spending together, would create a flow throughout the zone. There would not be concrete sidewalks, cars or roads, massive buildings in this world. But paths to homes and different social areas whatever they may be. Stores and shops would have a fresh look to it and houses would either be a comfortable crib not to large unless somebody wealth wants to create a house in the environment. Unless we wanted to make a whole new look we can create houses like in movies such as Lord of The Rings in The Shire. I cannot explain in words the feel people would get from living in this new society. I know for a fact that our minds would release such a different emotion of life that Space Reality would see this constant joy and our Creators would know that we have changed and would then reward us with whatever idea or object we may find. Whether boosting our knowledge of space travel, or discover something else that will again be passed down in history.

The average human has not even read the Bible or Old/New Testaments, even if religious. Leading to many people creating a mind-set with no base of the truth of Jesus and what he has said and done. Ever since his time of being alive on this Earth, all humans have heard of him while praying to him daily, or being afraid just how those that wanted him crucified during his lifetime were. Even when he cleansed people of their diseases and had thousands of followers, while his disciple Judas betrayed him. Humans today are afraid of the purified truth and are so empty of faith they will work hard for their **bleep** boss and worry less about a spiritual life, yet asking God for help when things get rough. Acting like their more life is more important than religion, wishing for the most powerful High Priest to actually come down giving them help. This world does not have many years left; it is our time to change as we have learned from our ancestors. The average mind thinks of our ancestors as our past, not being important for their technology isn’t progressed as much ours is, while their minds were the most important as they predicted our many large disasters and achievements of their future and our past. Our minds are so pathetically misunderstood we deserve for the stars to fall from the sky onto this Earth as Jesus said. Even worse, our government doesn’t worry for it has nothing to do with politics and does not have any way of gaining large amounts of money, other than creating jobs and careers. Our government is a great protector, yes. We need it to advance in our creators world, but from the begging is has not been in our natural being that we must understand over time the laws must be changed as the next generation comes into this world for they are the most important. They are minds that will change the spin of our galaxy, only if we provide them with the information and knowledge, rather than repeating our life-style year after year. Following the rules by the book will not progress us in Life but only make us stronger and upgrade. We are at the peak of our technology and just ended a major war. Let’s bring peace to this world life never before, creating a massive explosion in our wing of our Galaxy, spinning us into future advancement. Space being so large science will not be able to find any other information of where we are heading. The Milky Way traveling at 1.34 million miles per hour, while coming into collision the constellation Hydra which contains 200billion stars. The Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy are approaching each other with a speed of 300,000 miles per hour. We do not know how long it will take these two galaxies to collide because we humans do not understand that we control our Galaxy. We should be comparing the major events and mind-changing emotion of our time-line with the direction of our travel. Giving us a better idea of understanding that our minds control Space Reality in certain ways. Actually being able to control our galaxy at faster speeds to travel closer to planets. Such as the new one we discovered that is 20 light-years away. Making it nearly impossible for our current technology to allow us advance there.

Marijuana has been banned for the same reason of a human dyeing. Death contains great knowledge of the spirit world and learning of first our past life and the questions we have asked. As marijuana contains great information to the mind about Life’s Questions, it’s depressing to a cured mind the government is more worried about gaining money to keep the economy going. We can keep important elections and entertainment going with a natural reality. This would improve our nation greatly which would only lead to improving other parts of the world. People would wake up knowing that our nation is really coming to a purified understandment, working together as one rather than millions of individuals creating in door societies. Shall there be an Advanced Reality working with a Natural Reality, or we will suffer the most horrific suffering as our Earth burns and creates a new just as it happened for the dinosaurs. This world next life would find our human bones, being created from the begging. Almost every human has smoked marijuana, where famous, very smart, or a bum. While making alcohol a natural tradition creating so many different kinds, gaining so much money the companies are laughing like it’s funny. Basically, if beer had marijuana affects, beer would stay legal because you can tax it. If smoking marijuana gave you alcohol affects it will still be illegalized defiantly for the affects because it would cause more deaths and our government wouldn’t tax it. This is just an example for it’s not up for humans to decide the effects of God’s natural medicine. It’s only up to us to decide and learn how to improve this economy with our material objects.

Heaven, Earth, Hell

Marijuana and mushrooms are the main natural medicine. There are more plants that contain medicine science uses today for large cures such as Iboga which have been proven to cure man made drug addiction such as heroin, cocaine, meth, and even cigarettes and alcoholics.  Many people classify marijuana and mushrooms as a drug. They are not a drug but the Devils first trick which got Adam and Eve to sin against God which then we know have been punished to our Reality of today. Simply not going straight to the kingdom of Heaven but entering this reality that is not a Natural World but one full of hard decision which is all caused by emotion. Unknowledgeable humans look at Heaven as a place where we are “always happy.” I don’t know if I should laugh at them or just feel sorry for them. They do not understand that the kingdom of Heaven and Hell is much like Earth, but from the begging it has been built just as we humans advanced on this Earth. As we die, we go through a stage understood as “Purgatory” where we confess our sins until ready to enter Heaven. Where religious or not, you will still enter these places. Hopefully endure much worse pain depending how blatantly stupid you are when it comes to understanding God. If failing this phase, wishing to be with the Satan and his army, you will then go to Hell where all of the commandments are broken. Worshiping the devil, working for him and doing his tasks he gives you just so you can prove yourself and move up the in rank. Becoming honorable to Satan is unthinkable horror that we see on this Earth. A good example of this would be Hitler and his crazy understandment which lead him to the slaughtering of six million Jews as we know as the “Holocaust.” Hitler definitely went to Hell, understanding this can be Jupiter. Jupiter is the fifth Planet which is a decently long distance from the Sun. This travel to Jupiter could have included much depression with a soul crying like never before, with all of the suffering Jews received put into Hitler’s mind so he suffers the perfect punishment from God. All of the other crimes committed by demon possessed minds can be working their way up in the Devils army and Government, as well as trying to pray which I’m sure would be even worse for the demons in Hell would be attracted to which ever mind is praying, attacking the soul with all different kinds of Hell Reality mind tricks and horrible thoughts.

This is basically the opposite of Heavens Government. Heaven is full of so much more glory and righteousness. Surely being so much more magnificent than the sights we see today in Earths Land, Space, and the crazy pictures the mind can create when on natural medicine. The feel is incredibly pure of natural love and energy. Helping others and learning about all of the questions of our past life on Earth, which included knowledge of alien life, what ancient pyramids meant, how stone hedges were created and what technology that the modern world doesn’t know of. Can these things be figured out in middle Earth? I’m sure they can with powering our minds with this natural medicine we have on this Earth. Heavens and Hells government both have their differences which is clear, but the highest force of the Lords is at equal power, being incredibly strong at the maximum emotion of Hate and Love. Of what we now know was antimatter that has created the Big-Bang and Life.

Gods and Satan’s government is much like earths. Full of high ranked officials becoming full of knowledge of long hours of studying, out smarting others to gain more power. Heaven and Hell contain Angles and Demons of many high honorably ranks as well. Becoming a great force we know as “the laws of physics or nature” which are understood by our natural mind. Humans having “choice” which allows us to be tricked into the devils powers such as greed, lust for sexuality, committing many sins to make Hell stronger. As the almighty Angles protect each human giving them confidence and the option to make correct decisions. Having many great faiths which contain prayer to make a heart and soul stronger. For is it up to humans on this Earth to decide which side they will go with. Actions being for either the best or the worst, to help others in the long run, or make life’s worse for their self.

The natural sickness is what we spend millions to be able to fix, while banning the most important natural medicine to our brains cool tricks. We do not even have a natural reality inside of Earth’s mountains, woods, beaches which allows the already cured human allowed to believe in this amazing life of a natural world. The devil is named Satan and he is nothing like Jesus. To the human mind we are so blind we look at the natural truth as poison for we are not education other than books and a brain that can study for hours to advance in this material object world. Looking at the Devil like he’s so cruel, while we humans are committing his crimes and destroying more than just souls and minds. Our television shows are super funny such as “Family Guy” while understanding it’s all a lie we would never dare downgrade it for you drunk scrub bastards will start to drool. Think you’re cool? Yo mang wuddup your humor be so funnay can I troll is it still cool? Trust me bro I can act like a major fool for I used to insult harshly I can make your life seem like its much more than just a pathetic weak plant that would not even survive a simply snow storm. Not being able to endure our lords’ natural punishments that are meant to fix this Earth. Hurricanes and tornadoes make us suffer, winds at high speeds created by the clouds and the sea which contain an eye where we are not harmed but outside is a project for catastrophe. Horrific nightmares that most average human minds cannot bare to see inside of their safe reality.

This Earth deserves much more than a world governed by only advancing in technology but gaining a cured mind being the mind of a priest and soldier, enduring powerful emotion of all areas to entering a world so much different than ours. To most it would be thought of a movie, called “Fairytale Earth” for this world is in the mist of entertainment and the cured mind is our natural punishment that nobody understands, asking myself “is it worth even trying to change, for none of them understand and are so bland.” The dead woods are their life, while green grass used to show energy, our minds are being magnetically pulled into reality. Cold air is here and making them freeze. Becoming a cold hearted self-absorbed disease banning the only cure we worked so hard for. Shall Jesus be reborn entering this world as a bird? Flying around singing songs to others we humans think it’s not important while living with nature we would have a major hard time trying to survive. We cannot go back we need to progress, listen to us for we are the best. Is that true? Shall I work hard for you? Na bro I be bumbum you see no sun, we feel like we need to own a gun and get a good look for the ladies make them all jelly for we are in the sunshine I make green money and buy many many bunnies. Am I creepy or be I lurky? Sitting silly for I am the oldkahperi feel my fury for it shall get scury. Lurk at night feel my bite Im ready to die for my lord you better put up a fight. Enter the woodz I’ll be with my cloaked broodz. See my eye for it opens wide makes you cry enter my home your already inside why would I lie? This earth is so messed up but I will never steal a women’s purse for it would cause her to curse and I’d have to add that to my list of confessions for there is a lower amount of priest’s that can cleanse me right.

Shall the terrorist’s make such a plan to blow up the White House? Or will the Gods understand the more powerful force must be weakened or destroyed to make things move quicker in reality so the human race can be saved. War is all about casualties is it not? Invade one country and lose (x) amount of soldiers, while other countries may invade which will make the war last longer. Making the cost of repair to gain “allies” shall rise and hate between nations will grow stronger and weaker. For this may take up all of our time left for the human race and our creators may have to either end us and let our planet burn for millions of years while our past minds from Earth have already moved on into Space Reality while others are living long amounts of time in Hell with the demons and evil minds praying to become blind from the inside of the purified light. Will our government create a new natural reality? Will they do it right and start to create this place before releasing it to the public? If this happened what joy or hate would this bring to the world? For my understandment it would bring great joy of countries knowing America of the United States is once again coming back on top with this incredible idea. So many countries would see this success and copy off of America, while we make allies instead of enemies. Giving large amounts of Marijuana and mushrooms to other countries for a low price, helping our economy greatly. Creating more jobs for marijuana factories. Would this be acceptable? To legalize marijuana across the nation? Or would it make more sense to create brand new natural realities for only the understood minds and ones that can get past depression with the natural medication. If not put into effect soon, our minds will become even more corrupt and nobody will ever understand. Is it worth the risk of finding out where next our Creators shall place earthquakes? This will put us even further behind by donating and spending money for repair on what will happen again and again just like a fly will be reborn and die.


Space Reality


                We all know that technology is amazing and we love to see the everlasting pictures of Space. Looking at intense galaxies created by billions of stars and gasses, with so many asteroids that create larger things because of rock. So many minerals traveling at thousands of speeds, creating life thanks to a molecule called DMT. Shall I explain the simple theory that you all wish you can see rather than on a TV screen? As we know, the Big Bang Theory created life. Stephen Hawking said Life created itself for God does not exist but he is so wrong. God is Life and God created of what we know as the Big Bang. Before the Big-Bang space was full of Antimatter which is all of Good and Evil which created everything from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil to our reality thousands of years from the Story of Adam and Eve. Created so many different realities on this one Earth. God’s Force is so enormous that it takes up everything and never stops expanding while his created life expands him at light-years in speed. All of his ideas have been made into Galaxies which were created by all of our theories. Our minds being stars we then travel throughout planets for what their emotion consumes. Hate full of mixed emotion traveling so fat causing explosions full of pure emotion, as our orbit contains a massive planet called “Jupiter” every living creature on Earth will travel to as not in form but a mind and soul. Enduring our punishment we are trying to become clean shooting out given long time to understand Life and our past mistakes. Life does not end on Earth for we live life to the fullest which is not bad. More we learn the bigger our star. Take in all of the information you can for this Earth is so fresh. It’s one of the best full of incredible knowledge we understand of natural success. Shall we get corrupt by the Devil or stand strong, becoming a part of the force with God moving in the right path of Life. Growing so large making our goal to become a black hole. Entering a new reality that I cannot explain for your simple brains will go insane.

                As we die out of our human body our past family and friends cry and asks others “why.” I will not lie, for death is full of sorrow and our current world is pouring it out so fast that I will commit my life to enter the one price of becoming an unknown entering the zone of only wanting to go back home. Feel the screams from the natural Tree that we are all a part of. Listen to him for you are his son and you can read my words but without the cured mind you might as well go back to technology for you will never understand anything that truly matters from the most powerful world above.

                A stars duty is great. For they almost instantly understand all the information of another stars past life. Full of depression and excitement, wondering what emotion they have received for their past duty. Miserable thoughts and horrible progress shall even the powerful go home depressed while entering the same world the next day. A stars mind will entering many invisible zones of grouped stars that we humans can see today as only light and not a mind being inside of DMT reality. A human can do nothing but smoke DMT entering an amazing new natural reality that every human being likes and wishes they can experience the feeling. Is it a sin or just right for a human to do these things while having very little understandment of how our brain thinks. Not even mastering marijuana as a daily thing definitely shouldn’t eat magical mushrooms for fun. Unless wanting to become closer to the most magnificent one, a human will suffer many years into Space Reality entering the maximum emotion not being able to hide for they are not in the world of material objects but your time of punishment.

Space Reality Viewing Earth

          Living as a human, we mastered many important goals that will be with us for all of our lives. Such as creating fire, melting rocks and metals together to create early armor and weapons which have made large impacts in our time-line that changed the world into the lives we live today. Figuring out genetic equations with facts and tests, thanks to great mathematicians full of knowledge of to complete Laws of Physics, while still quickly advancing into mechanical operations of creating massively large cities and different structures. We still are trying to figure out the questions of the past such as how Egyptians built the incredible pyramids and how they lifted thousand pound stone on top of each other without modern technology. Thinking that our Earth has been visited by extraterrestrials, still working on understanding the genetic mutations and the working manuscripts many are trying to decode today.


With all of this in mind, is it hard to believe that Space Reality, which is full of pure minds and emotion is watching emotion being release from all areas of this Earth? The human brain is made up of many areas that release sensitive information which release invisible emotion into the atmosphere. We cannot see this because it would be ridiculous of seeing colors being released from our body.

Let me explain – First, our world was all natural full of green trees, water, and natural storms, earthquakes which changed our planet’s land mass to what it is today. As we progress as a human race, we created buildings and societies, polluting many zones of our earth. And to all of you complainers out there about Global Warming, do you not think that our creators would not have protected us and given us a large enough atmosphere from our man-made technology?

 Many people have said “if I was a natural alien that came to earth and I looked down at planet Earth. I would see the natural life and our interesting technology as cancer and plaque on our Earth.” How much more do we really plan on tearing down for the advancement of the human race. I’m not a nature loving hippy that will protest against businesses for cutting down trees, but honestly. If our government doesn’t soon realize this, our over populated corrupt sick world will come to an end for this world has to many people and war many be our only fix.

My theory is, as humans experience life we give off emotion into the atmosphere. Look at the chart above and think of all of the emotion from all different countries being released. We have wars which are full of hate, surprise, fear, rage and anger, disgust and much more. For that one zone would release so many different colors from this earth. What would our possibly look like if we were to see this constantly changing orb floating in space? Other parts of the world contain joy and happiness and we live our daily lives and go to parties, meetings, socials events, as well as playing video games. Why is this important? To humans, because if we do not create a natural reality, our creators will know that we will never experience this much emotion will is the only cure for Mother Earth, the invisible Tree of Life that has created us. Our creators know that for this emotion to be release, our government and other large populations must come to an agreement and pass certain laws. Without this happening we will never even be close enter the kingdom of Heaven, until our minds have being corrected and cleansed.


After read all of this, you wonder if just because you haven’t read it in any past famous books such as The Bible, if it’s true or false. You ask yourself if Earth is the middle world that has the medicine and past facts to be able to understand in God’s Questions, listening to Jesus’s words to help us greatly. Having choice as an individual, working together forming groups. And hopefully in the end, coming together as one everlasting story. Living in the last world for eternity with so much more to figure out…

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Congratulations, that has to be the longest post ever.

I read it all, it seems to be a confusion of christianity, science fiction, conspiracy theory and political idealism.

One of the main messages seems to be that Magic Mushrooms and Cannabis are good things who's use should be encouraged as it would create a happier more peaceful society. I think I understood that correctly.

Like many christians the OP appears to believe he is in a position to sit in smug judgement over the rest of us, he refers to gay people as 'queers' and later suggests that the rest of us 'all need help'.

He makes a number of references to the Old Testament, recounting the story of Adam and Eve as if it is fact but has  conveniently substituted the whole 'god created the earth in 7 days'  thing with his own version which takes account of the Big Bang.

My thoughts are:

If you believe in the Old Testament including Adam and Eve and the 10 commandments surely you have to believe all the other nonsense like Noah and the Ark, Joseph living until he was 936 years old etc, I can't see how you can cherry pick bits and pieces and create your own convenient interpretations of the bits that are less convincing to people living in the 21st century.

You say that people choose their religion, I would say very, very few people do this, most including yourself believe what their parents told them to believe, if you are having trouble reconciling that with modern scientific knowledge its because what your parents told you was bollocks. 

There are all sorts of communities throughout the world that offer much of what you suggest would improve our society. Since you propose that radicle changes should at first be introduced in a small experimental way, why not give one of these communities a try?, I would suggest it's because when you arent so wasted you are pretty much the same as the rest of us, a wasteful consumer obsessed with attaining stuff. 

It was a good post though dude with some interesting ideas, I have no doubt you would be a fun person to get stoned with, speaking of which you should make sure you have company if you are going to take Mushrooms it will stop you doing anything daft like thinking you can fly or writing astoundingly long forum posts

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Did you feel better after that, no way was I going to read it, did you really want us to? I think if you did then you would have given a brief description at the start and pointers as to bit we might have been interested in, as you didn't then you didn't care for us or how we felt at all, that implies that you are not talking to us but preaching to us because you have already judged us, maybe you should join the church, as they love to do that to each other.

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  • 1 year later...

You bored me to laughter with the post title "Read this! Not a joke!"

Better luck next time.

Try stating a summary hypotheses & conclusion at the beginning in one or two sentences next time. This way we can decide if your post is even worth the time to read.

Have a great life.



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I did a quick search of one of the "The dead woods are their life, while green grass used to show energy" unusually constructed sentences and came up with this identical post from Feb of 2012.


Better luck next time.


You can also see it...

as a SPAM Post in http://palavas.biz/index.php?palavas=gb_palavas&page=16

as a 6 page post at http://www.disqorse.com/topic/12187-for-i-am-the-cured-read-be-cured/

as a Rude post at http://www.alonelylife.com/showthread.php?tid=22396


So How did this get trigged today?




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As I munch 2 toasted ham & cheese multigrain sangas for brekkie.... cause I'm on holidays.. 8P

& whether this relates to the OP's post or not idk cause I was busy reading both testaments..

All I want to say is that Wirtual Vorlds are indeed the playground of.. (lightning crack! & deep booming male voice).. ->Satan:matte-motes-evil:<- :smileysurprised: himself.

You may well laugh ye heathens! The amount of pixel bling, lewd dancing, vile cussing, unrestrained violence & restrained boinking is truly lamentable :smileysad: and that's just at the welcome centres Gor'ddamn it. aconfsd.gif

The whole concept of paying actual money for virtual space is just totally, absolutely, morally devoid & corrupt.

The good lawd made that virtual space 2 you know. *nods-> frowning at u ^~

I have also (after being led astray by long term SL devotees), consumed many pixel majik mushrooms and huffed through acre upon acre of virtual maryhoo-whaana.

Fortunately (as u can tell) It's hasnt affected me one iota.  

I have finally formed the opinion that SL should be renamed to: Lucifers Life... or wife, depending on your gender.

Gawd.. help sos.gif us all. 

Ps: I'm off to gods facebook page to dob you all in :P

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Ren Toxx wrote:

/* shakes head, always puzzled why some people find it so funny to make others waste their time just for the heck of it */


I'm curious, though... you knew we could Google for it, right? Or you didn't even care?

LOL - Ya little "Bumper" You. Breathing life into the long lost and buried - :D

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Alicia Sautereau wrote:

The joke is on you as this thread is 1.5 years old 

And the annoyance is that this thread, as well as other necro'd threads, show up as completely unread.  In this case I am certain I had read all posts up to the point it died the first time.  Another short coming of this forum system, or a Linden revenge on me for clearing my browser history and cookies and blocking ads?

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