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Try out the new Received Items Beta


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Hello Merchants,

We have just released a Beta on Aditi to test a new feature called Received Items. We are very interested in feedback from merchants. Please respond to this thread with feedback or file a JIRA for any bugs.

Check out the blog post about the Received Items Beta for more information. Note that you must go to specific regions to try this feature out. There is a wiki page with instructions which includes the slurls to these regions.

The Commerce Team

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I understood it when it was a differentiator for items received via Marketplace but i'm a little puzzled as to why it's now the destination for all things received.  Yes the name makes sense but you can bet that for many, "Received Items" will now become "Objects" by another name.  At that point, the benefit seems somewhat redundant to me.

Since feedback is being solicited, merchants have been begging for emails when review are left, attention given to WEB-4260, quality reporting, as well as other crucial features and instead we get a Facebook button and now what will effectively be an alternate to "Objects" folder.

Is this a feature that the merchant community has requested as a high priority?  What is the perceived benefit over how it works now?  Which focus groups were consulted here?

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Feedback: This is not a good idea at all. The only thing going into that "Received Items" folder should be the purchases from the MP. That's what we had always been told. Mixing everything together will just lead to confusion, not to mention one folder overflowing with items. Please do not implement this kind of change.

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I agree, this is not well thought out at all.  We will now have Objects, Lost and Found, and Received? As Sassy says, WHY?  Has whoever thought this one up ever had an inventory to try to keep at all organized into folders? Evidently not.  Please -- don't go there. Just drop the idea now before it's too late.

(And I tell you what, if Sassy says something is not good, it should make everyone's hair stand on end.)

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i also have to say no to it - as the writers before already stated, its going to be a huge mess. why changing a logical system like as we have now to something like a dump where everything gets mixed up that doesnt belong together? that will end end to a rush to flood the inventory with way more folders as before, noone cant find anything, new people in second life get confused, working on something gets a pain ... so: bad idea of ... uhm, sorting???

ONLY exception what i personally would take is a folder only for retrieving items from marketplace but that is not that badly needed in my eyes.

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I have a better idea! Why not allow for an XML ruleset instead that would allow people to direct items automatically into folders based on the originator, type of item, permissions, creation date, or anything else that makes sense? I'd much, MUCH rather have that, than a half-baked replacement for a perfectly serviceable Recent Items tab.

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OMG! Consolidating all received items into a single folder is just another Objects folder mess waiting to happen. For this idea to really work, you need a few more discrete folders. Marketplace Items, Purchased Items (as in in-world), Build Items and Returned Items or something along those lines. I think I'd rather live with the current setup and have only Marketplace items go into a discrete folder than mashing them all up.

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-_-! I guess the Lindens don't build or anything, or receive anything at all in world...notecards, scripts...items...anything! If they did, they would know how asinine this "feature" is! Just building something alone, you could get a few twenty objects in this folder alone, let alone purchases and items being sent to you. Grrr! Please fix other more important issues before messing with our inventory! Some of us have kept up with keeping inventory semi organized. This is going to make double work to MOVE things into their respective folders!!!!! Gah!, just GAH!
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CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

The Received Items Beta launches on Aditi today. Received Items is a new subsection of Inventory where all incoming items, including purchases, gifts, shared, and returned items, will be placed. Received Items is displayed in a separate section of your inventory panel in the Second Life Viewer, making it easier for Residents to see and manage incoming objects.

The Commerce Team

1. Why cant returned items go back in the folder they came from?

2. Was this a hugely requested thing?

3. Why not have a folder called "MP purchases"?

personally i think its a stupid idea. fix the MP problems and inworld search then worry about this type of stuff.


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How can one organize items (like a texture one received) if empty inventory folders are hidden?


E.g. a new resident receives a new texture, and instead of showing up in the textures folder (which was hidden before that) he receives it inside the RI folder.


Where should he put it then?


You really need to check whether one received a texture/notecard/body part and so on and un-hide the systems folder depending on that.


(apart from that: I really like the idea, it gives us more easier options to organize our inventory!!!!)

Kind regards,


MartinRJ Fayray

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Martin has a good point about the hidden folders :)

I'm not a merchant, but as a consumer, I love this idea.  I already have a folder in my inventory that is labeled "New" and I manually put everything in there until I have time to go through it, unpack boxes, etc...I don't like the way it is setup now, things are in one of two places, objects or scattered among my inventory list...makes a mess of it, IMO :(  Time consuming for me, especially when I go on a shopping spree.


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So here's a suggestion for this unasked for feature, add a button called


Give us a button and when we press it, it will perform the following actions on items in "Received Items":-


  • Objects go to Objects folder
  • Notecards go to Notecards folder
  • Textures go to Textures folder
  • Snapshots go to Snapshots folder
  • Folders of items go to "Inventory" as folders
  • Returned objects go to Lost and Found

One potential slight minor side effect could be that inventory received while the user is in BUSY state goes here, is this what will happen?  or will it still go to Trash or even just discarded if no copy?  If this isn't even going to do this, then seriously... WHY?

Although there's a 2 or 3 year old JIRA that I submitted which simply suggested that inventory offered while BUSY went to "While you were out".  It was never rocket science then either.

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This half baked idea from the Commerce Team shows once again how the team is so sheltered in their locked up rooms and not talking to ANY MERCHANTS coming up with their own ideas of what they think Merchants and Customers want... AND ARE WRONG AGAIN.

This stupid idea will just create another massive collection bucket of junk.

As so many have already said.....


  1. where did LL Commerce Team come up with this idea?  Who Told them this was a good idea?
  2. How did this half baked secret new idea from the team become a priority over all the features merchants have requested and the LL Team keeps ignoring?
  3. Who at the LL Commerce Team is setting feature development priorities that wasted precious resources on this?


WOW.... the continued demonstration of this team's complete disconnect with their customers is so obvious and yet Rodvik and Sr LL Management pretends this team is delivering and progressing LL's Commerce objectives.

Pretty sad and such a waste of time and effort.

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Kylie Jaxxon wrote:

Martin has a good point about the hidden folders

I'm not a merchant, but as a consumer, I love this idea.  I already have a folder in my inventory that is labeled "New" and I manually put everything in there until I have time to go through it, unpack boxes, etc...I don't like the way it is setup now, things are in one of two places, objects or scattered among my inventory list...makes a mess of it, IMO
  Time consuming for me, especially when I go on a shopping spree.


This idea might make sense for you since the idea completely meshes with the way you do things but this will likely become a huge bucket of not only one type of inventory (like objects).... it will become an even larger bucket of all kinds of obkects that most SL residents will not sort out and move into the buckets on a weekly basis.

For most I suspect it will become a huge junkyard.

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Ok so we knew this was coming, but for Markeplace purchase, not everything else.

I really fail to see the logic behind putting all received items in there, it's just going to end up another folder in the inventory full of stuff that nobody can find.

I could see how it might have helped merchants troublshoot apparently lost deliveries by pointing customers to the recieved items in their inventory, but everything else that you recieve is going to end up in there by default then customers are going to have the same problems finding things in there as they do finding stuff in the rest of their inventory.

I'd rather have a robust inventory system that works and loads consistantly every time (my inventory seems to vary from login to login, and I know I'm not alone in that.) than new feature that are just going to add to the confusion.  





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Oh for goodness sake PLEASE DO NOT do this! WE all have enough problems now keeping inventroy sorted.

This in my humble opinion,  would just become another nightmare folder like the current "objects folder" can be if not worked on every few days. Only with this one it presents so much more opportunity for my inventory to get in a mess.

If someone sends me a script, it should go to my Scripts folder. A notecard should go to the Notecards folder. A texture should go to the Textures folder.    Etc.

I loved the idea of having a new folder to which Marketplace Purchases would be directed, but i sure don't like the idea of every single thing I receive, no matter where it comes from, going into  a single folder like this.




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I just did a little testing with a fairly new account and thus not much inventory.


The hidden system folders that become populated when you do an upload are:


Photo Album



I have no idea how to make these hidden folders appear:

Body Parts



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Toy, thank you so much for the nicely worded reply, instead of just saying you don't know wtf you're talking about :matte-motes-silly: :)


I do see your point.  On second thought, it would most likely be a huge mess for newcomers as they are not yet aware about keeping inventory organized or have set up a system that works for them.  I can imagine 100's of items in one folder :(  Also, someone mentioned about things rezzed and then being brought back into inventory...going into that folder instead of the originating folder would be crazy.


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I've got mixed feelings about this new feature, but at least I would hope it means when we get enquiries on the forums from residents who are asking where stuff they just purchased from Marketplace has gone to, instead of getting them to check Lost and Found and Objects folder, all being well, they should just be showing up in the Received Items folder.

Maybe it will encourage people to sort their inventory into sub-folders, but I think it's more likely to just end up being like a big mash of objects and lost and found and returned items, just an extra-large folder.

However, anything that might encourage us to think about being more organised with our inventories has got to be worth a try, and I'll probably stick with the half-baked system I've got going currently in that whenever I remember, anything newly-acquired goes into a new folder for that particular month, until I get chance to unpack it, use it, delete it, etc.


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