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What is Live Chat for?

Pamela Galli

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Whenever I contact Live Chat, I am told to file a ticket. It has been years since I got any other response. So at the end of a Live Chat session today I decided to politely ask, "What is Live Chat for?"

The explanation was: "I am unable to assist with this matter. Please review the link provided and await reply to your support ticket."   (The link provided was about Marketplace delivery failures, btw, tho I was asking about inworld delivery failures not involving vendors.)

Hmm, guess she did not understand the question so I elaborated:

You: What sort of things does Live Chat address?
You: What types of problems?

The answer: "I am sorry, but I am unable to list all the issues Live chat is able to handle. For information on troubleshooting and help, please visit the knowledge base and search for solutions to issues as they arise. If you are unable to locate a solution, please file a support ticket."

Well, that's reasonable -- obviously there must be loads of things that Live Chat is for, way too many to list ALL, so I ask:

You: Okay well then tell me one type of problem that Live Chat addresses
You: Because I don't know

And the reply:

"Was there another issue I can help you with since we have addressed the issue that brought you into chat today? If there isn't anything else I may assist you with, you have a great day! Bye!
If you need additional assistance, please feel free to contact us again."
This chat has been ended by the operator.


So, anyone here have any clue what Live Chat IS for?  It would be nice to have some general idea so I would know when to file a ticket and when to call Live Chat -- I mean, I only call Live Chat when it is a time-sensitive thing, but I am always told it was the wrong thing to do, so why not give us some idea of when it is the right thing.



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I have used it to restart my region, and it has worked about 75% of the time. I guess I should be happy about that, but I'm not quite sure why they would deny a restart. That guy in Live chat must have caught me on a good day or something. Tho I do remember walking away from the computer scratching my head. I mean, I own the whole sim, I should not be asking for a restart, but telling them to restart it.

Beyond restarting my region, I get exactly what you get.

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The purpose of Live Chat is to support the illusion that you can actually talk to someone at LL if your willing to pay for a premium account and have a problem.  I've never got them to do anything for me other than tell me to 'file a ticket'. 

Actually the responses you received sound like a cut and paste response macro by a robot. 

Maybe you should ask this on Rod Linden's wall and see what he says.

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In this case, the customer is Premium and has a sim; I have four -- supposedly we are entitled to use Live Chat.  So I think we are entitled to at least be provided helpful information about which types of support issues Live Chat is for. What am I missing here? Is it a secret?  Do the support personnel not know?

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

The purpose of Live Chat is to support the illusion that you can actually talk to someone at LL if your willing to pay for a premium account and have a problem.

^^ that.

Actually the responses you received sound like a cut and paste response macro by a robot. 

^^ and that.

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

I have used it to restart my region, and it has worked about 75% of the time. I guess I should be happy about that, but I'm not quite sure why they would deny a restart.

I've had the region I'm in restarted too. At first the person said they wouldn't do it because there are too many people in it. So I removed my bots and it was restarted. That's one reason why they would deny a restart.

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WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote:

I have had good experiences with Live Chat, most recently during the last sim-crossing debacle.

But I'd agree, it would be a help to have a better idea of what issues they can give immediate assistance on. LL do not do very well on explaining stuff to the paying customers.

Oh good -- so you called Live Chat recently about a sim-crossing problem (I must have forgotten what it was) and they fixed it?  No referral to a ticket?  I wonder what about this problem qualified it?

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Pamela Galli wrote:

In this case, the customer is Premium and has a sim; I have four -- supposedly we are entitled to use Live Chat.  So I think we are entitled to at least be provided helpful information about which types of support issues Live Chat is for. What am I missing here? Is it a secret?  Do the support personnel not know?


In my case my company owned 9 sims.  We had a major technical problem with the estate and lost most of our tenants on the ones we rented and were unable to conduct our business on the others, as a result.  Live chat got us nowhere.  Once one of the people from live chat came in world to show us how it was 'our fault' and when I proved otherwise, he tp'd off without a word and we never heard from LL again or had any response to numerous tickets filed over a period of months.  We got rid of all the sims because paying the tiers every month for them made no more sense.

In my opinion, if you are paying hundreds of dollars per month you should be entitled to call and receive immediate help like you used to receive back when they had full concierge service for estate owners.

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Live chat's purpose is to direct you to file a support ticket, read the knowledge base, or anything other than use live chat.

Lol so true,

I have always been intensely annoyed by the fact that LL tout this as some sort of advantage in having a premium account, every time I have contacted them I have been told to raise a ticket, it's unlikely I would even bother to use the service again, its a pointless waste of time. The only time you are likely to use Live Chat is to solve some frustrating problem, all Live Chat does is to slow down the resolution of that problem as you waste your time talking to them and further frustrate you.

The support ticket system isn't much better, I recently contacted them to get my cash out limit raised, you would think I had asked for Rodviks credit card details they were so difficult about it, they said I hadnt earned enough L$s to qualify for a higher limit and to try again the following month, I wrote back and pointed out that I have easily exceeded their limit, and the rseponse was exactly the same email back, I write again pointing out again that they had made a mistake and that it was very rude to keep sending the same email and in response - yes - you guessed it - the same email back again. I wrote again and asked for the CSRs boss, he forwarded the email to her, she said he hadnt made a mistake he just 'couldnt see' my account transactions, and she again told me they would review it the following month. I gave up at that stage and I just use Virwox now, I will never ever cash out on the lindex again.

So if any Lindens are reading this you should take heed, its all very well slapping banner ads all over the internet to gain new business, you already had my business and lost it because the people you employ to face customers are totally disprespectful and arrogant.  

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The only thing I have used Live Chat for recently is to report when the sim I live on (mainland) has been down an extended period of time.  In those cases, I have been asked to file a ticket and it is resolved very quickly.

When I owned a sim, Concierge Service was still around and it was wonderful. 

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Well, apart from the 'file a ticket' auto response (and was way ahead of them with refs for the open ones I had already sent in)? We had a major problem for over a month where basically nothing on the sim would save (scripts, ncs) which made it pretty useless. After referencing said ticket, the bots at LC decided that I had a billing issue - which had been cleared 18 months before. That was impressive. Convincing them of that eventually (this was over several 'chats') the conclusion was (yay fill in the obvious), the confirmation that they couldn't actually refer me to a real functioning person  and, yes, the charmng ' is there anything else we can help you with'.I may well have answered along the lines of 'Oh so what are you capable of then...'

A real person did eventually fix the problem so something must have trickled through.  I still have those 'auto response' conversations logged so I can bring them out on those lonely cold nights..

So what are they for? No idea but if they are designed to convince you that you really don't gain anything by having access to them they do a fine job.

cheers =^^=

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

In my opinion, if you are paying hundreds of dollars per month you should be entitled to call and receive immediate help like you used to receive back when they had full concierge service for estate owners.

Absolutely! And not only for concierge members, but for ALL paying customers. All paying customers should expect reasonable customer service. Linden lab doesn't provide it, and I am pretty sure it will cost them another $75 a month as of Thursday.

Since I logged in on Friday morning (approximately midnight Thursday PST), I have had particles from Govenor Linden owned land floating across my quarter sim, so that the land is unusable at ground level. There are more particles, also on GovL owned land, that float into my store in the sky. I've been ARing them every day since then - 8 ARs so far - and I'll continue to do it every day. As well as that, I have written a notecard to Rod Humble, which I will send today when his working day has started. I have described the problem and what LL has not done about it in 3 full days, and I have asked him if he still wants me as a customer or not. I've told him that I expect reasonable customer service, and that I won't continue paying them for something they are not now providing - useable land. I've also informed him that my billing date is the 24th and, if nothing is done, the land will be abandoned.

$75 isn't much to them but,as a paying customer, I expect reasonable customer service and I will either have it or I will stop being a paying customer.

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Just the other day I called live chat support because of an issue I had.

She suggested I should file a ticket... I refused telling her that the last time I did I had to wait over 6 months for it to even be looked at.

She came to my sim to check the problem out, she even called a colleque to come look at the problem... and as they were walking around being confused and poking at the invisible blockage...  I found the solution and then had to educate them on what the problem was...

If you have an issue, this forum is probably a better way to get an answer.

Maybe LL should start paying experienced SL inhabitants to man the support lines.

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Ever since Linden employees stopped manning "Live Chat" support...it's become next to useless.

The only time this current lot were helpful,  was when my password had been compromised....or I needed a Mainland Sim moved onto another server (away from their guinea pig RC servers). All other related matters have been a waste of time....I was told to either file Tickets or use in-world AR system.


In essence.....it's a glorified switchboard.




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Rene Erlanger wrote:

Ever since Linden employees stopped manning "Live Chat" support...it's become next to useless.

The only time this current were helpful,  was when my password had been compromised....or I needed a Mainland Sim moved to another server (away from their guinea pig RC servers). All other related matters have been a waste of time....I was told to either file Tickets or use in-world AR system.


In essence.....it's a glorified switchboard.




hmmmm...I wouldn't even go so far as to call it "glorified" :(


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Ziggy21 Slade wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Live chat's purpose is to direct you to file a support ticket, read the knowledge base, or anything other than use live chat.

Lol so true,

I have always been intensely annoyed by the fact that LL tout this as some sort of advantage in having a premium account, every time I have contacted them I have been told to raise a ticket, it's unlikely I would even bother to use the service again, its a pointless waste of time. The only time you are likely to use Live Chat is to solve some frustrating problem, all Live Chat does is to slow down the resolution of that problem as you waste your time talking to them and further frustrate you.

The support ticket system isn't much better, I recently contacted them to get my cash out limit raised, you would think I had asked for Rodviks credit card details they were so difficult about it, they said I hadnt earned enough L$s to qualify for a higher limit and to try again the following month, I wrote back and pointed out that I have easily exceeded their limit, and the rseponse was exactly the same email back, I write again pointing out again that they had made a mistake and that it was very rude to keep sending the same email and in response - yes - you guessed it - the same email back again. I wrote again and asked for the CSRs boss, he forwarded the email to her, she said he hadnt made a mistake he just 'couldnt see' my account transactions, and she again told me they would review it the following month. I gave up at that stage and I just use Virwox now, I will never ever cash out on the lindex again.

So if any Lindens are reading this you should take heed, its all very well slapping banner ads all over the internet to gain new business, you already had my business and lost it because the people you employ to face customers are totally disprespectful and arrogant.  

Same here, if you need that cash-out limit raised, it's always a stalling, run-around game. The wife and I have been through that as well as a few friends. Months of dodging, tickets and phone calls.

That particular unethical practice needs to go. If you earned the money in "your world", they have no business dodging until you give up or they finally give in.

And it's incremental so each "income bracket" you hit, you have to go through it all over again. Not sure where else in the world this would possibly be legal from a business/account standpoint.

I can understand it once and exactly once in order to get the request on file to prevent fraud, if that process were as quick and easy as dealing with any other bank or business on the planet. It's a 48 hour process not a stall and hope you go away task.

That particular scenario doesn't work with any form of support.

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