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What's Up With Female Skins and Shapes

Morgaine Christensen

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Yes, the pear shaped body with the poutty lips? I've noticed that too.  Someone is making them and selling a ton of them but to me they look like IMVU avis.  I also notice a lot who have them (not meaning to say all mind you) are very obnoxious.

Oh yea, and your pants have to half way down your butt or your shoes (usually pumps) have to be huge.

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Chelsea Malibu wrote:

Yes, the pear shaped body with the poutty lips? I've noticed that too.  Someone is making them and selling a ton of them but to me they look like IMVU avis.  I also notice a lot who have them (not meaning to say all mind you) are very obnoxious.

Oh yea, and your pants have to half way down your butt or your shoes (usually pumps) have to be huge

lol, yeah, this!

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I hope this fad passes quickly! I for one do not see me spending any money to support it.  And, I tend to agree with you, the ones I have seen wearing them have been absolutely obnoxious. 

I like my butt covered...most of the time...unless there is a person I chose to show it to.  I am not sure what is worse,  half your butt showing or, uumm....the front of my intimacy showing.   I think both are obnoxious.   But the worse yet, I saw a guy dressed with these pants  completely open in the front with some type of jock strap holding his **bleep** up and showing.  He was in a public adult area acting like it was fashion rather than just being so newbishly gross and immature. Needless to say, he was heckled to no end.

But, I guess the adage of design it and sell it, someone will buy it still holds true.

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I've been seeing them for awhile now. They don't bother me, but it is starting to get repetitive. I think some of them actually look very nice, but not for me, and everybody's starting to look the same. It's a trend I hope fades soon.

I wonder, actually, if the trend in fact came from someone who migrated over from IMVU. Perhaps they saw this there, liked it, and thought it would sell in SL. And perhaps others who also migrated from IMVU saw these shapes being created and were excited that they could look more like their old IMVU avi here in SL.

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I wondered where they were coming from.  There's a small knot of newbies who like to stand in the unoccupied parcel next to mine and chatter while they try on every blessed thing in their wardrobe, and they all have that sort of chunky-body, puffy lipped look.  I agree, it's not a very flattering shape.

/me makes a note not to visit IMVU.

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I like to go to the events...you know like the black market..fashion garrett etc etc...but when I land..and I look around..and all I see is these type of body shapes in the advertising boards, I just leave.

Its not just because I find the "look" unappealing (although I do !) its because its so far removed from what my look is like..I have no idea what the clothing/skin.tatts etc would look like on me.

Im really really hoping this fad dies out soon.



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As someone who used to use IMVU quite a lot and still does venture over there occasionally, I can tell you that I'm pretty sure that the fad did not originate on IMVU, since I've not seen horseshoe shaped hips and fish lips over there, but I see them everywhere here on SL. :matte-motes-sour:

Here is a quick snap of my IMVU avatar for a bit of reference: 




I think (I could be wrong) the fad originated from a type of RL BJDs (ball-jointed dolls) that are apparently quite popular - Click here for a link to a flickr group about them.

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Morgaine Christensen wrote:

I have seen a lot of fashions come and go in my time, but what's up with all the female skins and shapes I am starting to see?  Seems like they all look like tweens or children with fat oversized lips? What ever happened to all the glorious sexy womanly  skins and shapes?

Stop by my shop. Lol

I don't understand the fish face, horseshoe hip fad in shapes right now, either, and I don't offer any.

I did see someone try on one of mine and turn it into that almost immediately, but that's up to them.

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I think there are a few common factors in both these styles.

1: The avatar mesh itself, and the "morphs" controlled by the Appearance sliders are really quite old tech. Yes, they're low-resolution, but there is a decade of experience out there, both for other games and for CGI. (Male AVs can have an odd ridge along the line of the bottom rib. And what should be a smooth line can go all over the place if you have the wrong shape.)

2: Some of the Appearance sliders really shouldn't be taken to extremes. For some, 0 and 100 are both extremes. Others are biased one way of the other. And the Avatar Physics--bouncing boobs--needs room to move in.

3: Women, pretty obviously, are going to be a different shape when wearing clothes than when not wearing clothes. And the Avatar Physics will be different too.

(Comic-book artists, as a class, are notorious for not having a good understanding of female anatomy.)

4: There might be a streak of unintentional caricature. I know that my own memory of people can be misleading.

I have one slight advantage as a furry AV: I don't have to worry about keeping my head and face unchanged when I change a Shape, and the whole thing is expected to be a bit unreal. And that does make it posasible to have a shape which suits the clothes I'm wearing without threatening my sense of having an identity.


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What bugs me most is those over sized butts, I mean like,  i dont mind big butts but like there the size of mt everest which are digusting really, no guy will ever want an overly sized butt (if they do then they are either werid in the head or desperate). And with the lips, what's up with that, people these days have bad taste in fashion (but thts just my point of view). But newsflash, nobody likes an overlysize butt, which comes with the question how do you even do the restroom with them? must take you a quite long time to take a dump. But anyways, whoever is selling these types of skins/shapes are really mess in the head or confused of latest fashion. But then again it's just my opinion others really like werid things which i totally understand why, everyone isnt the same so they have there own likes and dislikes.


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Akasha Sharpshire wrote:

As someone who used to use IMVU quite a lot and still does venture over there occasionally, I can tell you that I'm pretty sure that the fad did not originate on IMVU, since I've not seen horseshoe shaped hips and fish lips over there, but I see them everywhere here on SL. :matte-motes-sour:

Here is a quick snap of my IMVU avatar for a bit of reference: 


But your IMVU avatar -DOES- have the fish-lips. Just not the bubble butt. (Which is not a statement against you - I've never seeny ANY IMVU toons that didn't have that problem. Its one reason I never got an account there - the art style annoys me.)


The look also seems to be a zynga / facebook art style.


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