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Privately Changing Clothes


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I  know SL is make believe and perhaps I'm being silly here but I do tend to go somewhere private when I am trying on different items of clothing' less likely to get a silly chat up as well :womanfrustrated:

Do other readers do the same or am I going too far..



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When adjusting clothes or appearance I tend to go to some area where nobody else nearby. In longer adjusting sessions I prefer to go high up in the sky on a platform. It looks a bit silly if somebody does it in a crowd of people.

Changing clothes with outfits is a snap however, so I often do that anywhere. Only "danger" in that is if the rezzing is slow people might see a quick glimpse of "naughty bits".
:smileysurprised: :smileyvery-happy:

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I used to change in an empty or mostly empty sandbox - adult rated, so that I was absolutely sure not to get in trouble for nudity or anything like that. Now I change at home, usually with the curtains drawn but not always. I figure if someone is peeking through my windows, or worse camming through my house, they have no right to complain about seeing "naughty bits."

A lot of people prefer private changing rooms, or high-up platforms, etc. when changing clothes or adjusting things, or even editing appearance. In fact, because changing can be a very quick process, I don't worry about it much; whereas when I'm adjusting prims or editing appearance, I prefer to have the curtains drawn since it takes longer and there's a higher chance of people coming along and "peeking."

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nothing wrong with finding an av free area to dress i often change clothes in my skybox it always used to be out of the way of other av's then i got neighbours that often get within 96m on my mysti-tool within the double click to perv cam range of Phoenix/Firestorm's radar.
if i'm honest i'll dress anywhere it's very rare that i'll get totally starkers before putting on a new outfit 

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Since one doesn't need to take stuff off before putting another on, I see no need to leave just to change outfits. However, if it's a new outfit with prims or stuff that might need adjusting then I usually will TP home for that.. not like anyone cares to see me editing prims anyway... booooring.

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depends on the "audience" but i tend to change outfits in private because i also tend to mix and match and rather appear finished than looking "off". it's one of the things i love about SL, i can change outfits at a click of the button vs. RL. ;D

but i do try and change only in M or A areas if pressed for time for some reason, then i might find a quiet corner.

actually, this is one thing i noticed when i shop in SL, no changing rooms.  i guess it's the feasibility of it and the simplicity of just TP'ing somewhere else but often when i shop i have to stop after one or two items and TP somewhere to try things on.  tends to kill the shopping mood for me. :/

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I don't think it's silly at all :). When I was new to sl and before I had a residence, I used to change underwater at my favorite shop. The sim owner had made a wonderful underwater world, with sunken ships and lots of fishies, lol, made me want to be a mermaid. If she/he had a traffic counter, they must have wondered why I was there so much...between shopping at the store and diving into the water to change, I was almost a full time resident.

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newsue wrote:

I  know SL is make believe and perhaps I'm being silly here but I do tend to go somewhere private when I am trying on different items of clothing' less likely to get a silly chat up as well :womanfrustrated:

Do other readers do the same or am I going too far..



Welcome to the forums, Sue!


In my early days in SL, I changed clothing while hiding under a barge in a canal. Four years later, I've no qualms about changing clothes in the middle of a dancefloor while flirting. I'd like to say the same isn't true in RL, but there are photographs of me there that prove otherwise.

As for "silly chat ups", aren't those the best kind?

What's right for you is right for you, don't worry about the rest of us. What do we know?


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newsue wrote:

I  know SL is make believe and perhaps I'm being silly here but I do tend to go somewhere private when I am trying on different items of clothing' less likely to get a silly chat up as well :womanfrustrated:

Do other readers do the same or am I going too far..



/points to sigline

Yes, makes eminent sense to me as well!


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When I was a homeless newb I'd change in the deep ocean for privacy until I rented my first home.  Now though, I'll change anywhere  unless there is a lot of adjusting to do, then I'll go home. But when I buy something new I generally go home and do all that so I can wear it whenever I want.

God knows how many times I've tp'd somewhere fully clothed and arrived naked courtesy of LL!  Wish I had a $L for every time this has happened in the 5 1/2 years I've been here.  I could buy my own sim!


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Makes sense to me. I have a house that's basically a big room which I picked when I joined up to premium and I go there when I change. I put some curtains up and added some free furniture so it's not entirely barren. I personally don't need a house but it's handy to have.

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I'll have to look in to skyboxes and pose stands in the sky as I have no idea as yet how to use either.



That's all about owning or renting land. Once a plot's in your name, you can controll who has access to it. Good for setting up a barbie-dressup-stand in the sky, or even rezzing a barbie house, that swag pink car, and inviting Ken over to play with the new lovegen bed... :D



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newsue wrote:

Thanks everyone, maybe I'm not so silly after all :matte-motes-sarcasm:


I'll have to look in to skyboxes and pose stands in the sky as I have no idea as yet how to use either.



You aren't silly at all.

Hit me up inworld (same name as here) I can give you a pose stand. A lot of places give them with things you buy.

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

I'll have to look in to skyboxes and pose stands in the sky as I have no idea as yet how to use either.



That's all about owning or renting land. Once a plot's in your name, you can controll who has access to it. Good for setting up a barbie-dressup-stand in the sky, or even rezzing a barbie house, that swag pink car, and inviting Ken over to play with the new lovegen bed...



That would be awesome! :matte-motes-big-grin:

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Raven1 Short wrote:

newsue wrote:

Thanks everyone, maybe I'm not so silly after all :matte-motes-sarcasm:


I'll have to look in to skyboxes and pose stands in the sky as I have no idea as yet how to use either.



You aren't silly at all.

Hit me up inworld (same name as here) I can give you a pose stand. A lot of places give them with things you buy.

I "sell" a free one as well, that will switch between 3 poses - good for working on a shape.

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Imnotgoing Sideways wrote:

As for myself, I never developed the habit of wearing clothes.  It's a strange addiction and I figured the easiest way to quit was to never start. (


Oh, initially the main fun for me is the different outfits, all in my size :matte-motes-grin: and most fit quite well.



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Arwen Serpente wrote:

I used to change underwater at my favorite shop. The sim owner had made a wonderful underwater world, with sunken ships and lots of fishies, lol, made me want to be a mermaid. If she/he had a traffic counter, they must have wondered why I was there so much...between shopping at the store and diving into the water to change, I was almost a full time resident.


Sounds fascinating, I'll have to give somthing like that a try.



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