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Your World. Your Imagination. It's back!

Deltango Vale

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Logging into the main webpage, I got a surprise. The original slogan for Second Life is back. There is also an elegant ad for the new Linden Realms game. Having tried the game, I'm impressed. It does what it says on the box: simple, fun, addictive, engaging. I can easily see it hooking new residents. Sure, there is much yet to be done to get Second Life back on track, but, for the first time in years, I believe Linden Lab is showing signs of not only life, but of intelligence. The days of Jack Linden are behind us. The old guard is gone. I'm get the feeling that new blood is starting to flow.

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The Linden Realms game is absolutely contrary to the slogan of Your World Your Imagination. This is a prefabricated game by LL in a world where all content is supposed to be created by the customers. I guess you can't blame LL for this perversion of their old slogan but probably the customers for their lack of imagination.

Next question: do we want/need any noobs in SL which don't find anything more useful to do with their time then playing a primitive game? Yes, LL needs them to populate SL, to spend money, to pay premium fees, to buy land and pay tiers ... but are those "consumers" any good pioneer material? Do they contribute to the development of this new world? Do they create physical or social content? Do they make SL better for you and for me?

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Oh boy.......back to the "Your World, Your Imagination" vs the "My World, My Imagination" wars.  :matte-motes-big-grin:


I wonder if it's going to be as fun as it was back in the day...........I'm looking forward to it:


"It's my world, dammit.  LL told me it's mine and it's my imagination.  LL can't make a new lame game like "Realms" when it's my world.  I want it my way.......it's my world!!"


Or something to that effect.  :)

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Geeze, give them a break.  Why so hostile?  Don't forget that newbs grow up.  Some will eventually learn the skills to contribute to this world  If they don't they get bored and leave or they help support the economy (and incidently people that do create content) by becoming "paying consumers".  You did.  I doubt you could create content your first day week or month in world.  Most of us stumbled around for a while and were happy to do silly things like this.

LL isn't hurting anyone by doing this.  If it attracts more people, all the better.  "Your world. Your Imagination/" doesn't mean just you, or those you 'approve' of.  The grid is owned by Linden Lab and no where did I ever read that they were not allowed to add content to it.

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Your World. Your Imagination.

Join Now

Experience and create anything you can imagine.
Play games with friends, role-play with vampires, shop
for unique fashions and attend live music performances!

- That's what it says.

I like this. Now if we could just get Elvis, er, the Lindens, to re-enter the building... we might start heading somewhere.


There's another little sleight of hand in all this. The Linden Realms game is very much like a Facespam game - quick and easy to play, can jump out and back in at any time, easy instant rewards for minimal effort within an engaging visual.

- ie: it lets "casuals" play SL for a half hour here and there, until they get hooked. Funny how modern sales/marketing has learned so many lessons from certain addictive controlled substances... :)

But... put another way, Facespam has arrived in SL - without sacrificing SL itself. In fact having the added bonus of being 3D, this Facespammy game has a bit of an edge to it.



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Orca Flotta wrote:

The Linden Realms game is absolutely contrary to the slogan of Your World Your Imagination. This is a prefabricated game by LL in a world where all content is supposed to be created by the customers. I guess you can't blame LL for this perversion of their old slogan but probably the customers for their lack of imagination.

Next question: do we want/need any noobs in SL which don't find anything more useful to do with their time then playing a primitive game? Yes, LL needs them to populate SL, to spend money, to pay premium fees, to buy land and pay tiers ... but are those "consumers" any good pioneer material? Do they contribute to the development of this new world? Do they create physical or social content? Do they make SL better for you and for me?

I was (am) a noob once. I just came to play some silly little game. I would like to think that in the past year and a half I have contributed something to the world. Besides, if you spend all your time making stuff and creating content, who are you doing it for? Just yourself and a few friends? Wouldn't it be better to have more people coming in, for whatever reason, so that the stuff you make gets used and seen? If not for people, there can be no Second Life. What would be the alternative, a large open sim with water sky and what, no people? A huge sandbox where we all just sit around making cool stuff and wondering, man, I wish someone could see this! That noob that just joined and is bouncing about the realm now might be thinking, hey, I can make this! I can make this better! Before you know it, he is the next big thing, and we are all buying his stuff thinking, hey, I can make this! lol

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Orca Flotta wrote:

The Linden Realms game is absolutely contrary to the slogan of Your World Your Imagination. This is a prefabricated game by LL in a world where all content is supposed to be created by the customers. I guess you can't blame LL for this perversion of their old slogan but probably the customers for their lack of imagination.

Next question: do we want/need any noobs in SL which don't find anything more useful to do with their time then playing a primitive game? Yes, LL needs them to populate SL, to spend money, to pay premium fees, to buy land and pay tiers ... but are those "consumers" any good pioneer material? Do they contribute to the development of this new world? Do they create physical or social content? Do they make SL better for you and for me?

Rod said at this year's SLCC that LL would only do things in world to either test new tools or showcase what can be done on the platform.  Therefore LR is just that, a showcase, it may be that they also tested some tools, who knows.  No newb is going to open an account just to try out LR, but it gets them in to the world and engaging with it.  From that point on they can start discovering and see what other people have created or how others socialise.

As regards your second question, even you know that we need them.  Of course they don't contribute at the start, I'd wager a fair amount of money that you didn't either.  Like a child, you start by wandering and wondering till one day you learn a skill or find a social niche and then you start contributing.  LL's job is to make that path as easy and appealing as it can and if LR is part of that learning and inspiration then all for the good I say.

What is the alternative?  Drop them in a grey world and say, "Here's a build tool, here's a manual, now start creating to earn your place here!"

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Deltango Vale wrote:

Logging into the main webpage, I got a surprise. The original slogan for Second Life is back. There is also an elegant ad for the new Linden Realms game. Having tried the game, I'm impressed. It does what it says on the box: simple, fun, addictive, engaging. I can easily see it hooking new residents. Sure, there is much yet to be done to get Second Life back on track, but, for the first time in years, I believe Linden Lab is showing signs of not only life, but of intelligence. The days of Jack Linden are behind us. The old guard is gone. I'm get the feeling that new blood is starting to flow.

A new day, and a new response. LL are trying, and I agree with you, "new blood" and all that.  Looking at the World Map, there seems to be a lot going on, new sims popping up all over the place (see where the Greeter Islands are), more orientation islands have been put in place, and these are accessible now. 

While Linden Realms might not appeal to everyone, it certainly will to many.  The LR sims have been decorated in a purely fantasy way, that are bringing out my (happy) inner child. 

Anything that takes us away from the mundane, miserable, rainy, cold, debt-ridden real world surely has got to be a positive.

I'd actually like to see something like Hoppy Pay come back again. This was something I got involved with in my early days of SL.  I really wasn't in to be a creator; some of us have nothing to offer, but are here to be entertained, and appreciate (and pay for) the work and creativity of other people.  That's not to say I've never built anything (walls are my forte haha). Hoppy Pay was a HUD you wore, which you clicked on, and it gave you a teleport to a place you had to assess as being commercial, private, interesting, dull, etc.  It helped me to become familiar with lots of the grid, both mainland destinations and private island. Oh, and it paid a few Linden dollars all the time you wore it, whether you were on "official" business with it or not.

It was fun.

Linden Realms looks like fun.

Fun seems to be so under-rated these days.

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Orca Flotta wrote:

The Linden Realms game is absolutely contrary to the slogan of Your World Your Imagination. This is a prefabricated game by LL in a world where all content is supposed to be created by the customers. I guess you can't blame LL for this perversion of their old slogan but probably the customers for their lack of imagination.

Next question: do we want/need any noobs in SL which don't find anything more useful to do with their time then playing a primitive game? Yes, LL needs them to populate SL, to spend money, to pay premium fees, to buy land and pay tiers ... but are those "consumers" any good pioneer material? Do they contribute to the development of this new world? Do they create physical or social content? Do they make SL better for you and for me?


Actually Orca, I'd rather take those awful, horrible, clueless noobs who come in with high expectations and a sense of excitement, than your jaded views any day of the week.

I'd steer them away from folks with your attitude and show them what SL can do for them. You can sit on your back porch shouting at the kids to get off your lawn all you like. We won't bother you.

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jennylongview Innovia wrote:

Relax.. that sounded a little whinny.. Take it for what it is this holiday season. count your blessing and work at a homeless shelter and see what they complain about..\

thank you


Right on, Jenny. 

As far as LR, I think it's a bit of genius, and I wish they had that when I joined! 

People need to be involved in the creativity SL has to offer, or they will bore of it very quickly as SL lacks any strategies.  LL needs to create more environments with strategies.  What they should do is create "the poor" realms and let people have a strategy to work towards 'something' and with a strategy.  LR seems to fit that criteria, somewhat, but I've been saying this all along for LL to create some sims themselves and give us some strategies, not just slapping on clothes and a dance animation as anyone can do that.  SL needs some sims with strategies and a place to meet some goals.

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Hey hey peeps, sorry for my bad knowledge of the english language but  I guess I've done well enough not to be so completely misunderstood.

I didn't blame the game in itself, it might be fun. I didn't blame LL for making and showcasing it. As they say themself it's just supposed to show the possibilities of the new building tools.

But you can't honestly refuse to see how diametrical opposed it is to the lab's original policy to just provide the servers,and the code. As someone suggested, yes, I'd prefer they let us loose in a "grey world" (which in fact isn't grey at all, but green and blue). So we've gotta use our own imagination to build this world.

And to answer another question, yes, I don't mind doing my thing just for myself and my niche. Join in or leave it be ... meh.

I dodn't get the point of that "my world, my imagination" argument. So it's now terribly egoistical to take LL by their initial slogan? If there hadn't been any ppl who did exactly that we'd all still be running around naked with the old mesh hair and bad noob skins, we'd had no houses, no vehicles, no dance clubs, no RP, no pretty sims, no nothing.

And what was "whinny" in my post? I noticed a logical error in the OP and pointed it out is all I did.

The best was the last one: what makes you think I should get into any seasonal spirit? I'm not a christian but try my best to stay in my usual silly spirit all year long. It's hard to get any wintery feelings at all when you're living in the southern hemisphere. Sorry but it's best beach weather here. :)

So this all falls under my general criticism of SL turning from a world of makers to a consumers market, from a niche market for virtual world geeks into a facebookish mainstream application. And LL proactively (and understandable from a business pov) is a driving force in the dumbing down and neglecting of it's very own and very original product. Linden Homes and V2 are just examples of how they try to lower the hurdles for new customers by making the life of all the older residents more miserable.





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Orca Flotta wrote:

Hey hey peeps, sorry for my bad knowledge of the english language but  I guess I've done well enough not to be so completely misunderstood.

I didn't blame the game in itself, it might be fun. I didn't blame LL for making and showcasing it. As they say themself it's just supposed to show the possibilities of the new building tools.

But you can't honestly refuse to see how diametrical opposed it is to the lab's original policy to just provide the servers,and the code. As someone suggested, yes, I'd prefer they let us loose in a "grey world" (which in fact isn't grey at all, but green and blue). So we've gotta use our own imagination to build this world.

And to answer another question, yes, I don't mind doing my thing just for myself and my niche. Join in or leave it be ... meh.

I dodn't get the point of that "my world, my imagination" argument. So it's now terribly egoistical to take LL by their initial slogan? If there hadn't been any ppl who did exactly that we'd all still be running around naked with the old mesh hair and bad noob skins, we'd had no houses, no vehicles, no dance clubs, no RP, no pretty sims, no nothing.

And what was "whinny" in my post? I noticed a logical error in the OP and pointed it out is all I did.

The best was the last one: what makes you think I should get into any seasonal spirit? I'm not a christian but try my best to stay in my usual silly spirit all year long. It's hard to get any wintery feelings at all when you're living in the southern hemisphere. Sorry but it's best beach weather here.

So this all falls under my general criticism of SL turning from a world of makers to a consumers market, from a niche market for virtual world geeks into a facebookish mainstream application. And LL proactively (and understandable from a business pov) is a driving force in the dumbing down and neglecting of it's very own and very original product. Linden Homes and V2 are just examples of how they try to lower the hurdles for new customers by making the life of all the older residents more miserable.





You don't have to be a Christian to count your blessings and/or visit a homeless shelter, as they exist year 'round.  I think Jenny was simply making an analogy. 

However, you are entitled to your opinion and you are entitled to express your opinion.

I would love some sims that are supported by LL that invole some strategies and a reward system, and I've been thinking this all along.  LR seems at least a start in that direction. 

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You're right, I still can't build very nicely, and I can't script at all. Nevertheless am I trying to add some social content to the world. But where did you sense any hostility in my post? And of course LL is allowed to do whatever they fancy. But it's contradicting exactly that slogan they obviosuly brought back just now. In the beginning they would fight anybody telling them to do something in world and be ceative by their own.

Now SL is turning from the old LEGO (here are some bricks, now create anything you like) to the new LEGO (here are exactly the parts you need to build the racecar as pictured on the box).

All I'm saying is I very much prefered the old LEGO.

I understand LL needs more customers. And I'm happy for every new resident joining in. My reasoning is not about people I personally approve or disapprove of (regarding that SL would be empty and I had the whole world to myself). It's about how LL are guiding them into SL with false promises.

"It's your world, your imagination. Now what you wanna do is become a premium, get one of the houses we made for you and play our newest game we made for you and use our newest viewer which we stripped of all the functionality but made it super easy to move your nicely premade noob avie with just a mouseclick. Oh, and also we cleverly hid the worldmap so you won't be bothered with too much info and can stay a happy ignorant bunny for years to come."


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Maryanne Solo wrote:

Look if newbies fail at LR they could always become forum trolls
There's room for everyone you know!

Or they can be invited into groups with a veneer of fun-loving happiness, and be 'told' how to act and participate in SL.

ETA: I wanted to use the word indoctrinated but I felt it would have been lost on you.   

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They're still figuring out how to expose to regular residents the functions that make Linden Realms possible, without creating a new generation of super-powered griefing tools.  We scripters definitely want llTeleportAgent() for example, and some variant of the magically auto-attaching uninventoried HUD.

As to the desirability of newbies from the Facespace masses: Bring 'em on.  They can't be any more dangerous or depressing than the influx of "make money fast" virtual scam artists who swelled the ranks back when Anshe was on the cover of Business Week.

The reappearance of the old slogan is definitely a good sign. In addition to the aforementioned functions, I fully expect some of the not-yet-specified SL creativity tools that Rod has long promised, so we can bring more of our imaginations into our worlds.

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Actually Orca, I'd rather take those awful, horrible, clueless noobs who come in with high expectations and a sense of excitement, than your jaded views any day of the week.

I'd steer them away from folks with your attitude and show them what SL can do for them. You can sit on your back porch shouting at the kids to get off your lawn all you like. We won't bother you.


Oh, we're now dragging the thread down onto personal level, yes? Yawn :matte-motes-not-even:

But since I can't help myself and am always so friendly trying to feed the trolls I looked up the term jaded in my dictionary. Translates there as tired, matte, dull, exhausted. Right, after nearly 5 years in SL it meets my recent state of mind. Not my views tho, for this would be a wrong interpretation on your side.

So all your following assumptions are wrong as well. I have an attitude, for sure, but I didn't show it in this thread. In fact those discussions are not my most favourite pastime, and I just responded to the OP for the factual error. And I don't have anything against noobs neither. What I don't like is the way our new residents are guided (steered, indoctrinated) by LL into a certain direction. In fact it's not me calling them stupid, it's LL, if you look at it closer. LL doesn't believe in the imagination and sense of ownership of it's own customer base so they gladly do the job for them (us).

As a mattter of fact LL's slogan should be: OUR WORLD (you're welcome as long as you behave in the way we imagined and have laid out for you), OUR IMAGINATION (you play our game and follow our destination guide)

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I'm happy to see a return of the phrase. I just hope that Policy will read and embrace those ideals. Lead, follow, or get out of the way. 

I don't watch television but I saw one the other day. The news reporter kept saying "Life, Liberty and the American way". What happened to "the pursuit of happiness"?

New Blood? lol you're funny (maybe that "all lindens are vamps" thread was right :smileysurprised: )




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Quite recently I posted that, when people join SL, there's nothing for them to actually do, and we had a little discussion about the idea of giving them something to do, perhaps with rewards. I think the discussion concerned the number of new people who don't stay.  We didn't know that LL was already creating Realms. I can only think positively about it.

I'm curious as to what the rewards are that were mentioned in this thread. I'm not going to try it out for myself but, if anyone would like to tell us what they are, I'd appreciate it.

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Quite recently I posted that, when people join SL, there's nothing for them to actually do,

And that is ok I guess. LL are not a game manufacturer, they are not responsible for our entertainment, and I prefer they stay out of our way. Maybe I'm biased since I've never used my computer for anything else but typing stories and occasionally surfing the interwebz. And apart from the occasional round of solitaire I never played any games neither.

So when I first heard about this new hype thing called virtual worlds and joined SL I knew it wasn't a game. Heck, that is the reason why I joined! I didn't have any idea of what to do in Second Life but I knew it was gonna be exciting. And it indeed was. I travelled, I had sex, I had discussions, I made friends, I made enemies, I made some money as a dancer in clubs, I made even more money as an estate manager, all was fine and dandy. Then I found out about sailing in SL. Loved sailing in RL and always thought those boats in SL are just those boring point and steer vehicles like cars and motorcycles. So when I found out it's actually more like a real simulation I found my new hobby and knew what I can do in SL.

But know what I never did in SL? I never played any games or prefabricated RPs, re-enacting movies or other people's fantasies. And never, never ever, was I bored in SL. Bored people are boring people. I just entertained myself and didn't need big brother LL to give me any ideas. And that's what I loved the most about SL: LL's refusal to get involved with the residents. They are providers, nothing more, nothing less.


@ Venus: How do you "make your SL" by playing Realms? That is as much "making" as playing solitaire. Our world is still called Second Life, not Second Rank Gamers Life.



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