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SL Hall of Shame...what's your story?


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Ok...so I knew I liked SL...but does anyone else go to sleep in RL and instead of walking anywhere now you just levitate slightly, assume a very cool pose and fly smoothly toward your target? Just wondering....lol

I wish my lag was so low inworld as it is my dreams....

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I fly a lot in dreams, and my dream flight these days has taken on the characteristics of SL flight.  I will just gently rise up into a hover, and can fly around and hover at will.  I enjoy those dreams immensely.  I often get frustrated because I cannot cam around to the other side of an image on a static web page, sometimes going as far as hitting the keys to do so.  

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During a shopping trip recently while waiting on someone I stared for a good 15 minutes wondering what it would be like if I could just left click, buy, and have things sent to my home where they'd be waiting for me(I hate shopping). Same goes for being able to take copies of things, how cool would that be? Or being able to toss out prims and manipulate them right before my eyes into anything I desire, with very little work involved.

I have frequent flying dreams too. I actually attribute this to the fact that I do not drive so being able to fly for real would be wicked awesome for me in more ways than one and leave me less dependent on others to get places. So in my dreams I'm always flying practical places, like the doctor or grocery shopping. I even have an awesome flying vehicle (since I have rl kids, they need to be able to come too, lol). It's sad how detailed those dreams really get sometimes.

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The list is just too long.


I saw a lady showing off her new baby to people in the street.  I walked over, pointed at the baby and shouted "N00b!"


 I offer friendship to people I pass in the street.  When they ask why I think we could be friends I say,"Well.  I know we are the same timezone and that always helps."


I've started driving round and round and round the block in order to increase the traffic.


When next door's children kick their ball into my garden, I look in the phone directory for someone with the surname Linden, call them and demand to know what they're going to do about it.


When I got a phone call from a friend who told me that she was shaken up because she had been involved in a nasty crash on her way home from work, I said "Welcome back!"


I made myself a lucky chair.  I wrote my intitial letter onto a piece of card and stuck it on the wall by my toilet.  I put a box of clothes in colours I hate on the floor along with a CD player containing a CD of happy music.  If I need to visit the bathroom, I sit on the loo, take an item of clothing and play the happy music.  The only problem is that visitors get a shock when their request to use my bathroom is refused for this reason , "Your letter is not up".

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I had a dream a few months ago, that I was at RL work. I went out to the parking lot, selected all the cars,and rotated them all 180 degrees.

Everyone came out of the building doing the 'noob walk' and bumped into each other trying to find their relocated cars, while I watched and laughed:)

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Chosen Few wrote:

I knew I'd been in SL too long the day I walked out of a RL restaurant, noticed the RL stonework on the RL church across the RL parking lot, and thought to myself, "Wow, that's a really good texturing job."

Lol... I've done that, plus I'm always looking at things and wondering how many prims it took to make them.

Once my sister and I went to a friend's birthday party at a bar in RL and almost as soon as we get there she points out the red baroque wall paper.  I looked at it, then back at her and, right away, said "Twisted Thorn?"  She said yes and we both burst out laughing.


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Oh gawd I do this too.


When I used to create for Sims 1, I'd look at a coffee table and think "Hmm yes I'd do that on two tiles". Now, I look at rl objects as a group of potential prims, sculptsand textures.

And my holiday snaps are still all photos of brick walls and hedges.

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I am constantly looking at things in RL and trying to figure out how to make them with the least prims. I have a camera in my pocket at all times when i go out in case i find something that will make a nice texture. I have dreamt  about SL too many times to count. My wife and i had an argument about how many prims it would take to make our couch so we went in SL and built it... I was right btw.

oh yeah, I told my daughter she was grounded and her tv was now unscripted. :smileytongue:

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Three weeks ago visiting my sl husband and RL boyfriend on a trip to Epcot we were so exhausted and looked at the park ahead of us.   We had full desire to want to explore and take it all in but it seemed soooooo long.  We both looked at each other in and instant and sighed, simultaneously said "I wish we could just TP there".   Shocked by the actual phrase being exact we burst into laughter.  Still something we giggle at.

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Oh just had another one.  Was talking to friends at our place.  Somehow I just dozed off.  Im the owner of a popular sim, but I forgot to close my mic.  All night people came up to me to say hello, which I did not hear till early in the morning when one of my seargents yelled out,, "Jewels Close your mic.".   She woke me up to realize.  All day long I got the revisits  hehe  I was hear earlier but you were snoring.....gasps  OMG! Snoring on open mic all night long.  eh gads 

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Jewels Silverblade wrote:

Oh just had another one.  Was talking to friends at our place.  Somehow I just dozed off.  Im the owner of a popular sim, but I forgot to close my mic.  All night people came up to me to say hello, which I did not hear till early in the morning when one of my seargents yelled out,, "Jewels Close your mic.".   She woke me up to realize.  All day long I got the revisits  hehe  I was hear earlier but you were snoring.....gasps  OMG! Snoring on open mic all night long.  eh gads 

Snoring is nothing... at least you weren't watching porn. whistle.jpeg


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