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Don't Spam Me!

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I don't want any more merchant spam.

I know I haven't clicked to join the subscription group at some of the places that are spamming me. 

I haven't even bought anything in some of the places that are spamming me.

I haven't even been to some of the places that are spamming me.

There should be something in TOS against a merchant sending multiple note cards a week, IM announcements, landmarks and demos to someone who isn't interested. 

There should at least be a way to opt out in every note card or IM announcement that is sent.

Not to do so is spam and spam is illegal in the United States.

Who's with me?


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Clarissa Lowell wrote:

I don't want any more merchant spam.

I know I haven't clicked to join the subscription group at some of the places that are spamming me. 

I haven't even bought anything in some of the places that are spamming me.

I haven't even been to some of the places that are spamming me.

There should be something in TOS against a merchant sending multiple note cards a week, IM announcements, landmarks and demos to someone who isn't interested. 

There should at least be a way to opt out in every note card or IM announcement that is sent.

Not to do so is spam and spam is illegal in the United States.

Who's with me?



Sometimes merchants send multiple notecards because SL borks the send and not everyone in the group gets the information.  In that and many of the other examples you cite, muting the sender will take care of it.  

I do not know how you are getting on a merchant list if you never joined a group, subscriber, or purchased from the place (or at their MP page).  That seems very odd and annoying.

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I am...and its getting worse and worse. Sl used to be a place to go and escape that **bleep**, now it is fast becoming one of those websites the promise you free stuff, only so they can get you email address to spam the crap out of you......more and more i think, why bother coming to SL for the same **bleep** i get in RL. Mute buttons dont stop the spammers in the forums telling you wo watch the latest episode of some tv show and getting emails about it. MY email box gets at least 10 emails a day which are spam from the forums. am i to stop the emails and therefore cut myself off from the forums?.....................i HATE SPAM AMD SPAMMERS

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Mute the person or object. I've ended up subscribed to a coupel of things (back when I was newer, and didn't know what I was doing), and I got tired of the spam. I've also gotten the "Oh, you bought something from me once, here's fifty tons of advertisements for my new products!" things, mostly from things I've bought on the marketplace. If I don't want it, I mute it. It's easier than trying to find the unsubscriber, or messaging the merchant (who often times might SAY they've removed you from the list, but don't).

Technically, it is against ToS to randomly spam you - it's called "unwanted advert spam." There's an AR category for it and everything. I'd rather mute; SOME people might want the special offers and such. I don't. And as for the subscribers, it's my own fault, really, so I'll just mute and move on. I can unmute if I someday decide I want the advertisements again. (Or, let's face it, more likely I'll forget why I muted it, unmute it, and the get the spam again and remember.)

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i get on a lot of those list just buying thier stuff from Market Place..

i kept wondering myself..then i noticed one day that a few of them from the market place sending me a bunch of new release spam..


it's a shame because i may have kept shopping there instead of having to block them..but i figure..a spammer is a spammer and they all are gonna end up in the same spot nomatter who they are if they force their freaking spam on me instead of having some option to get it..

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I haven't even heard of some of the merchant spammers and I have no clue how to stop their spam. 

Some of the spam is sent from an object. I can't find that object in their store. 

There is no regulation on merchant spam and there should be.

Law requires an opt in and opt out button even if you do choose to sign up for their spam.

I think they get my name from other merchants or even from forum posts or group lists in world. I am not sure. Some people just grab your name out of a group they are also in.

Some other spammers grab your name if you went to or by their shop or mall in a hunt.

It really is out of control.

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I almost always AR any unsolicited spam -- but then I rarely shop so I am not in the stores of these people who are so desperate they put everyone who goes near the premises on their mailing list. I don't know if LL does anything tho. They don't seem to do anything to the inworld group spammers or the forum spammers.


I think if you click on the object spammer name you can mute it, then find the owner and mute him/her.

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My experience is as you describe. It is very annoying. I don't know how I am getting the spam either because like you I've not heard of some of these places. I participate in hunts. I wander the grid. I join some groups. It never used to be a problem. Since my SL IMs go to my email I'm getting spammed in RL. Spammed twice because I have to deal with the stuff once I come inworld.



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Yeah advertising in general is insane.

Fashion magazines are nothing but ads, radio is chock-full, and the worst is - like when you go to a movie where you paid $10 to get in and have to sit thru candy and car commercials, it bites.


For SL, yeah I made the mistake of getting on NOYA mailing list and now every time I log on there is some notecard about a sale or something free that had been given away 1,000 times before.

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Clarissa Lowell wrote:

I don't want any more merchant spam.

I know I haven't clicked to join the subscription group at some of the places that are spamming me. 

I haven't even bought anything in some of the places that are spamming me.

I haven't even been to some of the places that are spamming me.

There should be something in TOS against a merchant sending multiple note cards a week, IM announcements, landmarks and demos to someone who isn't interested. 

There should at least be a way to opt out in every note card or IM announcement that is sent.

Not to do so is spam and spam is illegal in the United States.

Who's with me?


I'll spam you if I damn well please... if you refuse to buy my anti-shark ointment, I will release my man-eating hordes on you.

Feel my wrath... Dres

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if you join a group, and that group spams you, you're out of luck.

if you didn't, nor signed up for messages from that group/store/vendor then it's is indeed spam, and is against ToS. report it.


I personally never join store groups..... ever. I have only made one exception to that policy for business needs and then only after confirming with the vendor that they do not send out notices (except in case of borkage)

I've personally seen at least 5 spammer accounts closed that I've AR'd, (verified by using comparing account status). I assume plenty of others AR'd them too.

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Melita Magic wrote:

Logged in a little while ago sick as a dog trying to sort through inventory and do some quick meeroo maintenance. Here comes a note card from some random place. Come shop our sale. Come buy my stuff. Blah.

I agree...Let's storm the cathedral.

What? No wrath? How dare you?


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Not only do i get random spam from people and places I've never done b usiness with I am getting quite a bit now of the 'come to my club' messages and landmarks.

I won't patronize any merchant or go to any venue that spams people who did not voluntarily join a group or subscritption service.  So their spam has the opposite of the intended effect.

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You are right, it wasn't such a problem 6 months ago and then someone created the advertising bots...grrrr. However I do see it as RL, junk mail delivered in the mailboxes, newspapers, windscreens and on the street corner. It would be interesting to do a demographics on age of avi in relation to age of owner, perhaps younger people are more hard sell than us oldies.

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GRRRR!!!  What I don't understand is how even though I block these incoming adverts I continue to get them?   One in particular that has been the worst, there isn't even an inworld store.  I absolutely did not join any kind of group or anything with this merchant, I believe I purchased one item 8 months ago on the MP and a couple of days a week I get junk from this person.  I've blocked object and person, but I continue to get them.  

I finally sent an IM asking to be removed from whatever list I'm on but I'm not holding out hope.  I've never filed an AR on anyone, is that what I should do here if I don't get a response? 

Is mute different them block? 


ETA: Maybe it wasn't okay to mention the name the merchant that I think is the worst so I removed it.


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  • 1 year later...

Venus Petrov wrote:

I do not know how you are getting on a merchant list if you never joined a group, subscriber, or purchased from the place (or at their MP page).  That seems very odd and annoying.

No doubt it's annoying but there's nothing odd about it. Anyone can gather a list of avatar names. If I wanted to do it, there are plenty to be found here in the forum and in other forums, and there are plenty to be found inworld, not to mention the inworld search. Lists of avatars are very easy to make.


ETA: duh! I didn't realise how old this thread is until I continued to read through and saw a post by Void.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Venus Petrov wrote:

I do not know how you are getting on a merchant list if you never joined a group, subscriber, or purchased from the place (or at their MP page).  That seems very odd and annoying.

No doubt it's annoying but there's nothing odd about it. Anyone can gather a list of avatar names. If I wanted to do it, there are plenty to be found here in the forum and in other forums, and there are plenty to be found inworld, not to mention the inworld search. Lists of avatars are very easy to make.


ETA: duh! I didn't realise how old this thread is until I continued to read through and saw a post by Void.

I do that all the time... what sucks is that I'll get all excited to see that someone like Void or Ishtara has posted, thinking they're back, only to be bitterly disappointed when I realize the truth.


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