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bitten by vampire, soul in limbo, how do i get it back

Xplorer3 Thor

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Well, you could simply ignore it, if you're not involved in that kind of Vampire role playing. If someone told me Ceera's 'soul' was in limbo or whatever, I'd probably reply with something like "Oh? Really? And how did you manage that? I don't play that game, and you saying it is so doesn't make it so.". I could quite happily roleplay with them how that attack actually would have quite spectacularly failed, if their vampire had ever been so unlucky as to try to attack my character, who is a Goddess of vengence and nightmares. :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:

On the plus side, most of those databases only let you get bitten once, and you're 'immune' to their attacks after that. No further vampires from that clan system will ever try to bite you.

If it really matters, most of them offer somethijng like a "free garlic necklace" that purges you from their database. But it also makes you fair game again for future attacks.

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You don't even need to worry about it, unless you want to play the Bloodlines vampire game.

I went around for years with my soul "owned" by my vampire friend, because I'd let her bite me out of curiosity.  I never missed it.

If it troubles you, get a FREE garlic necklace from the Marketplace.  Wear it, touch the garlic bulb, select Activate, then remove the necklace.  Voila...your soul is free and no one else can bite you and take it from you.

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i went through the same thing.afterwarda vampire told me that my soul was in'limbo',at first i was upset;not knowing any better but then i found out some interesting things.the first is that it is only a scare tactic aimed to get you caught up in the vamp game,and second my soul belongs to christ and my soul is his alone.don't worry yourself over nothing.at least now that you've been bit it won't happen again.

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simply potion your soul back , then wear a garlic necklace.... problem solved , but if you have joined the bloodlines game

you can never get your soul back to yourself.  or or or  just leave it in limbo and none other can bite you , and if you buy a hud from bloodlines your soul will become they'res ....

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simple answer hon wormwood potion will bring a soul back from limbo to its original body, as long as you don't own the bloodlines hud and are still human

this can be bought for 249L on market place I recommend using a garlic necklace after wards they are free on market and blocks vamps from random bite requests

hope it helps hugsss

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You need to get wormwood and take that..I am not sure where it is found but, that is what it takes...It costs Linden though to get the Wormwood potion though...And you will need someone I am told to buy your soul back for you...I have a friend in here that tells me his was taken a long time ago and he sees no difference in the game play...But, if you get your soul back get yourself a Garlic necklace and activate it. And do not take it off or deactivate it ever...


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i am a very religieus person and also bitten in a shopping mal just when i joined sl, now i understand my soul is dead, i want it back without any difficulties, or i will stop this game, i am very serieus about it, i can't live with nowing my soul is gone, even in a game. so anybody wants to help me, and i don't know much about computers, so if you help make it for me to understand.

Thank you

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1 hour ago, loenie1995 said:

i am a very religieus person and also bitten in a shopping mal just when i joined sl, now i understand my soul is dead, i want it back without any difficulties, or i will stop this game, i am very serieus about it, i can't live with nowing my soul is gone, even in a game. so anybody wants to help me, and i don't know much about computers, so if you help make it for me to understand.

Thank you

blunt but truth : forget it, move on. Perhaps wear the garlic for bloodlines, you can find it on MP for free. It will hide your name in the database, but you are not able to get it back.


I'm religious too, have a degree in theology. There is nothing wrong with your soul other than you are a bit confused: a avatar has NO soul, it doesn't live it's a pixel and is in no physical way connected to your real body.

The one and only soul you have to look for is the one you have in rl.



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On 31-7-2016 at 7:03 AM, MidnightRose1961 said:

You need to get wormwood and take that..I am not sure where it is found but, that is what it takes...It costs Linden though to get the Wormwood potion though...And you will need someone I am told to buy your soul back for you...I have a friend in here that tells me his was taken a long time ago and he sees no difference in the game play...But, if you get your soul back get yourself a Garlic necklace and activate it. And do not take it off or deactivate it ever...


not true, you can't get your soul back.

Also not true you need to wear the garlic all the time.

Only need to activate it and than you can take it off... or even delete it.

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Give me about 30 minutes.  I can perform a ritual here that will return your soul to you.  Bloodlines can say what they want because they will think they have your soul when in fact they do not.


Just be clear, you pronounce your name "loony." Correct?  I need to know how YOU pronounce it or it isn't a true name.



You need to drink a glass of pure water.  It doesn't have to be a large glass.  A shot glass is fine.

When you finish drinking this your soul will be free.  It means just exactly that, it will be free.  You will need to reaffirm your faith in your religion as soon as possible.


And don't accept any more bite requests.

Edited by Rhonda Huntress
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2 hours ago, loenie1995 said:

sorry i can't live with that, and because the fact the bite was illegal!!!!!


There is no illegal bite... you 100 % certain agreed to it, bloodlines doesn't work without you click "accept" on the pop up that the HUD sends.


But well... go sit in the dark for a few minutes, you might calm down.

If you'r this sensitive about your pixels i hope you won't ever see the red creatures with horns and hoofs in sl... 



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6 hours ago, loenie1995 said:

i am a very religieus person and also bitten in a shopping mal just when i joined sl, now i understand my soul is dead, i want it back without any difficulties, or i will stop this game, i am very serieus about it, i can't live with nowing my soul is gone, even in a game. so anybody wants to help me, and i don't know much about computers, so if you help make it for me to understand.

Thank you

Hi Loenie,

To me, religion (faith, more precisely) is a belief in things without evidence. If you are indeed very prone to do this (as you claim), it's not surprising that you believe someone has killed your soul, even though there is no evidence of it other than hearsay. The solution to this is in your own hands (head actually). Find a way to believe that your soul is impervious to vampires. I suspect you'll find that belief empowering.

If you're unable to do that, then see if you can believe in Rhonda. She put more effort into resurrecting your soul that than the vampire did in killing it. I've known Rhonda for years. She's a satirist, not a satanist, and evidence has lead me to believe she's a good egg.

If you can't do that, see if you can believe in Alwin. He was born grumpy, but is learning to temper it. Based on similar evidence, I believe he's a good egg.

Although I'm an atheist, I believe in mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.

Best wishes,

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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On 3/24/2017 at 10:14 AM, Alwin Alcott said:


There is no illegal bite... you 100 % certain agreed to it, bloodlines doesn't work without you click "accept" on the pop up that the HUD sends.


But well... go sit in the dark for a few minutes, you might calm down.

If you'r this sensitive about your pixels i hope you won't ever see the red creatures with horns and hoofs in sl... 



Well crap... 


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On 24/03/2017 at 11:31 AM, loenie1995 said:

sorry i can't live with that, and because the fact the bite was illegal!!!!!

There was nothing illegal about it no bloodlines participant can bite you with out first sending you a bite request and you accepting the request. Before activating the garlic necklace and 'removing' myself from bloodlines i used to find most of their vampires would ask if they could bite then send the bite request if i agreed. some would just go around sending bite requests hoping someone would accept

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On 3/24/2017 at 2:09 AM, loenie1995 said:

i am a very religieus person and also bitten in a shopping mal just when i joined sl, now i understand my soul is dead, i want it back without any difficulties, or i will stop this game, i am very serieus about it, i can't live with nowing my soul is gone, even in a game. so anybody wants to help me, and i don't know much about computers, so if you help make it for me to understand.

Thank you

Are you for real? What religion has believers that think a character in a computer can take their soul?


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25 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

Are you for real? What religion has believers that think a character in a computer can take their soul?


I can't think of the name of that particular religion, but c'mon Nalates, you know it exists.

I do know the name of a religion that uses patented(!) meters to measure souls...


And, though I'm not religious, I did once script a BS detector in SL. Several people pegged it. One caused it to spontaneously combust.


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