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Which social network ?

garey Solo

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Which social network do you use if any apart from SL to chat with SL friends? Facebook was great untill they started closing down avi accounts.  

I'm interested in the best networks , why we use them , what features are the best etc etc. Your feeback is very much appreciated.


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I'm an old person (48). In real life, I prefer the good old fashion meeting up in a coffee shop, or round at a friend's house for a good catch up.  Emails and snail mails for pals I've moved away from in real life, with the occasional contact via Facebook, for the less close friends and ex-workmates.

In SL, if I am feeling sociable, I go to sociable meet-up places inworld, but a lot of people are finding SL's own social networking lots of fun. https://my.secondlife.com/  Have you tried it yet?

And these forums, of course, are a great place for feeling like part of one big (happy) family (I can't find the smiley for sickly-fingers-down-the-throat). No, really, I love the level of camaraderie (although I think I can't spell that word),  and sibling-style bickering, that take place on these forums.

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Stealth advertising/promotion detected...

ETA: I'm sure this has nothing to do with the site you're advertising in your sig.  :matte-motes-evil-invert:

By the way, I hate "social networks". I only opened a FB account (using my SL name) last year to help out some friends promote their SL venue. When I want to talk with someone I call them on the phone or I hang out with them in world. I refuse to give up what small bit of online privacy I may still have to the data aggregators.

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Marigold Devin wrote:

I'm an old person (48).

:smileysurprised: Old???  Old??? Old????!!! Are you kidding? You are a baby Mari! :smileyvery-happy:

@ the OP: no social network for me. I think they are most antisocial invention ever. I'm with Mari, I like it the old way, and YES in these forums too.

Edited: Kind of smart way to promote your stuff, garey!

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Thanks for the compliments but really I'm interested in why people gravitate to some networks and not to others. What makes a user come back time & time again etc. As I mentioned Facebook worked well for avatars for along time, but now people are reluctant to spend much time on there due to accounts being closed. Personally I prefer an SL based networking forum. Just want to know other what people think?

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@Marigold ---  Way to make me feel really old, Mari.  I remember 48 ..... about 20 years ago. :smileysad:

I agree with both Val and Marigold.  I can't understand the hype about FB and Twitter.  Nothing beats sitting down face to face in a coffee shop.   Social networks seem terribly pointless and inane to me.

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@ valerie and Rolig

I am sooooo sorry - but thank you both for making me feel like what I am - I am the youngest child in my family - "baby sister" ! Just feeling old today because I've been...

.... oh I really should be adding this to Facebook or Twitter ...

1.   Working my way through a mountain of laundry (not that I have to take it down to the river and bang it on rocks or anything)

2.   Glowering at weeds in the garden (how dare they still be growing now that winter is on it's way?)

3.   Wrangling birds in Second Life

4.   Wrangling my pet cockatiel in real life

5.   etc etc

Social networks are 98% pointless and inane, and a real drain of time, without any grey matter getting any exercise in the process. (And heaven help the Facebook generation, a lot of whm sm enable 2 tok proply enywy). 

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I actually blame Stephen Fry for the rise in popularity of Twitter.  Just wish he could influence people regarding their use of the English language (he is trying to do so with a series of programmes on the BBC).

Not having a go at all at you Ciaran. There's nothing at all to criticise about your English.

(And I am not perfect.)

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Well, I guess I'm in the anti-social network crowd too.  It doesn't really have much to do with age though.  I just can't see the attraction to sites devoted to socializing only........socializing in person (like a coffee shop, living room, park, or even a club) is socializing for real.  Socializing on a website is too distant and unpersonal (is that a word? :matte-motes-big-grin: ).  I can see the advantage for folks that have some disavantage such as handicapped and not able to jump in the car to meet at your favorite coffee house...........but, anymore, those people seem to be such a minority on places like Facebook.  If you are so far apart that in-person meetings are not possible the phone is a nice invention.......and I understand you can Skype with video now, so that's a great alternative.  Maybe I'm just anti-social.........I don't have a Facebook account (never had the inclination to even consider one).  I do have a Twitter account..........used it one time and thought what a waste and never logged in again (I've long forgotten my password and not at all upset).  It's probably best that I don't network socialize..........I come across rather harsh in text communications (but people who know my sense of humor and my personality don't see me that way....and the only way you can know me is to meet me in real life).


I do socialize in SL...........but I don't actively go out and seek "friends".  I gain friends in SL by attending events and places mutually enjoyed........friendships "just happen" (like they do in real life).

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Thinkerer Melville wrote:

I am using MySL a lot now that more capabilities have been added:



I haven't found a good reason to use my.secondlife.com, except to log in and set all of my privacy parameters to their maximum settings.  I see all of my SL friends in world regularly, so I have no need for that site.

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i don't actively use any social networks for my av though i did sign up to linked prim at one point and had brief interest in it and now SL has my.secondlife.com i do find myself logging in to it once i've logged in to my dashboard the marketplace and forum just to see what my friends are posting. i remember that myplace site tried to bribe people with L$200 to sign up what the site didn't put very clearly anywhere was the L$200 could only be spent at Cr*ptastic furniture which no doubt dissappointed a few people
i don't actively use social networks in RL i have facebook and myspace that i occasionally log in to i have no interest in twitter i used it once 4 or 5 years ago that was enough for me

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if I'm forced to rely on a computer for the contact, then it generally goes through email, or the local community I belong to (such as PM here on the boards, IM and and such inworld, etc).

I also keep YIM strictly for the benefit of a select few people important to me that require near realtime response, even though I personally hate the software.

that's it, nothing else.

not because I'm a technophobe (far from it actually), but because I see no point in creating a monolithic structure where all my life and vague interests reside together. it holds no value for me. Further, I've seen how the senseless drama of one spreads to all the others multiplying misunderstandings and misinformation in an ugly cycle that just feeds on itself. no thanks, I've better things to do than continual damage control and explanation of context.

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Yea!  The Anti-Social Network thread...ironically started by someone promoting a social network?  *laughing*

I have a Facebook page, and almost never use it.  I find it tedious and annoying.  I also have a Google Plus account/page, and never use it.  I have a LinkedIn account and never use it.  

All of these accounts are tied to my RL name, not to my avatar.  My SL avatar is not who I am, but just a virtual SL representation.  There are other virtual world grids where I use my RL name, not my SL avatar name.

I do not have a Twitter account...as that seems to be totally inane...nor a  Plurk account.  I have no urge to broadcast my daily doings to the internet. 

To communicate with SL friends I use inworld IM.   For SL friends that are closer to me, we have exchanged personal information, and use RL emails in addition to inworld IM.  I also use voice inworld, and have used Google voice and Skype on occasion. 

This SL forum is about the only "SL social network" I utilize.

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garey Solo wrote:

Thanks for the compliments but really I'm interested in why people gravitate to some networks and not to others. What makes a user come back time & time again etc.

I'll tell you one thing that's 100% guaranteed to make me not use a particular social network. Repeated and obvious stealth spamming of a forum over a period of 12 months with various different alts. 

Mind you, tactics like that tell me one thing and one thing alone anyway. It's a fail. It's a desperate attempt to get people to prop them up. People hardly ever post there. It will dissapear into oblivion soon enough. Therefore, it's actually not even worth a second glance.


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garey Solo wrote:

Which social network do you use

I like to socialize at the hardware store. I've known Jim, the owner, since I was a toddler. He catches me up on all the important gossip and Kevin always asks "What'cha makin' now, Maddy?" and then, regardless what I tell him, says "Oh, that sounds dangerous."

Where else can I get hammers, blow torches and sawzalls... all things I could use to dispatch cans of spam?

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Marigold Devin wrote:

In SL, if I am feeling sociable, I go to sociable meet-up places inworld, but a lot of people are finding SL's own social networking lots of fun.
  Have you tried it yet?


aka the SLums, thanks to a suggestion by Void and additional detailing by Charolotte. I have successfully resisted both FB and Twitter and had planned to do likewise with the SLums but a friend (you know who you are) kept yammering on about them without cease and to shut her up I agreed to visit at least once a day.

I am forced to admit I enjoy it quite a bit. It's a great way to keep in touch when I can't be inworld.

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garey Solo wrote:

I don't get why people use twitter. What is the point in posting random messages about your life?? Can someone please enlighten me?

What makes you think people use Twitter that way?  If someone did, no one would follow them.

Your post is short enough to be a tweet. If you posted it on Twitter, would that make it silly?

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