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Why don't LL advertise Second life?

suki Actor

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suki Actor wrote:

 This has puzzled me for sometime now? Anyone know ?

I guess if anyone knows, it would be Kim Salzer who is Linden Lab's Vice-President of Marketing. Maybe her job is redundant, so I wouldn't dig too deeply into this area. It would be a shame to see another unemployed person on the streets of the US.

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The only "advertisments" I saw for SL were in 2 movies (RU There and Hot Tub Timemachine) and 2 documentaries (something on Oprah channel and HBO I think). What was LL's involvment, and were there any positive or negative effects from all this, that I wouldn't know.

Oh, there is one more place. Somewhere on Nvidia's site, they are using SL as a demonstration of how supreme is the new version of a driver for some graphics card, how in-world looks much better.

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i've always wondered why LL has never advertised, if it wasn't for a couple talking on daytime tv about how they met and married in SL then RL and an article in a true life stories magazine about the same thing but a different couple i would never have known about SL. similar MMORPG's like IMVU, Habbo Hotel, WoW, Travian, Evony and even something called fashion doll or star doll advertise out side of their community i often see ad's for them when i am listening to music on Grooveshark never SL though. i thought the ad campaign competition they put on this site last year where you submitted an RL pic and SL one to be in an ad meant SL would finally be advertised all over the net. so far i've only seen it on a few resident created SL sites and blogs who i assume have joined the affiliate program

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This is a question that has been asked for as long as I can remember (dating back to October, 2005).  Everyone seem to  want SL to grow.  I'm sure Linden Lab does too and dispite the apparent lack of marketing of SL, it has grown.  Not like many would like to see, but in 2005 (when I came into SL) concurrency was around 3 or 4,000 users on a fairly consistant basis.  SL had problems with stability when the concurrency reached much above the 4,000 mark and we experienced frequent grid wide crashes.  Had LL "marketed" SL back then like some would like and a major increase in concurrency occured SL would have collapsed under it's own weight.............there would probably not be an SL today.


For a period to time LL did market SL.  Their target was businesses and educational institutions.  That was mostly due to Philip Rosedales vision of what SL was to be.........a 3D platform to compete with the standard Internet.  With the inherent difficulty in maintaining stability when user content was allowed (and encouraged) businesses and educational interests were not all that anxious to bring their efforts to SL........some did (and even remain today) but not whole heartedly like LL wanted.  The technology of Internet delivered content (not to mention amateur created content) and maintaining stability as concurrency grew just was not there.........LL had to, more or less, develop that technology as it grew.  Linden Lab never wanted to be considered a "game".........they had bigger ambitions (businesses and educational.....deeper pockets and not so finicky about what they wanted out of SL).  LL has improved it's stability to the point that SL is fairly stable at 60,000 (even 70,000) concurrent users.  But, businesses don't see that as much............not when the standard 2D Internet can handle millions of concurrent users.  LL's big dream of a 3D Internet hasn't materialized............probably won't for several more years.  It looks like Rod Humble has shifted SL's targeted demographic to the social network crowd (probably workable).  However, the concurrency problem is still present...........there's no way, with the technology today, that SL can handle millions of concurrent users like Facebook.  Amateur created 3D content, amateur created scripts, constantly changing content, and the nature of Internet delivered content are huge hurdles to overcome........LL's is going to have to develop the technology as they grow (just like they've had to do since Philip's big dream back in 2003). 


If LL market SL as many wish them to do, without the ability to absorb the users that advertising brings in, SL would collapse.  I think LL knows that.  And it's a smart move on their part to keep SL pretty obscure until the platform is ready for a major influx of users.  LL is a profitable company and as long as they can make a little money, develop the platform, and grow at a pace that can be maintained without huge stability problems whatever "marketing" efforts they are doing is working for them.  The alternative is to completely change the way SL is designed, remove the user created content, drop the 3D environment, and push most (if not all) the content in SL to the users hard drives (as opposed to the LL's servers).  Then SL becomes some weirdly designed game with social networking.  That would be the end of Second Life as we know it..........it would be the failure of Philip Rosedale's dream.  And practically all the core users and creators in SL would leave.  Not to mention I don't think SL can compete with Facebook.  SL would be just some historical mention in the journals of the evolution of the Internet.


That's my take on why LL does not market SL any more than they do now.  Some day, maybe...........but don't hold your breath until some major advances to how the Internet works and how computers use the Internet.  Five years from now we'll still be getting this question asked. 

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  • 10 years later...
"You are about to reply to a thread that has been inactive for 4015 days. Please take a moment to consider if this thread is worth bumping" - Heck yes why not??? SL still existing too so...why would i not answer to this after so many years and nearly no change when it comes to marketing :D


Now 11 years later, in 2022 where a pandemic kept everyone inside their homes for the past 2 years....LL in my opinion should definately have done marketing, but it doesnt look like they did at all. Its sad how residents try to make it better in all kinds of ways but LL is not really anywhere to be found when it comes to this. This pandemic was THE moment to step up for LL and to advertise the new perks, mesh, animations, skins, events etc etc, grab those new-comers or older players and show them what SL is like now! Many people dont even know about the evolutions that took place in here over the years. But during the pandemic LL was busy on cloud solutions, after selling LL. nice but i think something is wrong with the priorities within SL.

Most heard question everrrrrrr: "is Second Life still a thing?"

- Oh hell yes!! They just gave up marketing 🤷‍♀️


A simple promotion video would do it, ask existing players to spread it too, share it, reward it if needed.

But creative ideas are just not a part of the marketing i guess, I wish i could do the marketing for them, i would know what to do with it :)

I wish that SL was packed like in 2008 again... ❤️


Not even sure if anyone will still/again read this, but if LL does: please please consider to promote it again!

Residents are more than willing to help, and we want it so badly!





Ps. why did SL went down so fast around 2010? Heres some things that might have had some kind of impact...


- Marketplace (no shopping inworld as much as before, less shop rentals inworld and too many affiliates, but at least LL earns 10% of the market sales, maybe save this for marketing?)

- Mesh (a great improvement, dont get me wrong, but Sandboxes are now empty and creators work off-world on their new projects, get online for 5 minutes to put it in MP and then disappear again)

- Lack of Marketing (seen this before on MSN, Facebook, Hyves, Google and all kind of websites, but these days theres simply......nothing.)

- Lastname: Resident  (the origin and reason of chosen last names totally disappeared, big shame as no more creativity with first- and lastnames is anywhere to be found) Instead you now pay 30$ for a lastname change, another way that LL earns money they should spend on marketing :)


Maybe even make it a contest for the best marketing ideas from residents hihi that would be so cool, SL will become one and grow bigger!




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What is there to advertise?

[saracstic mode]

"Come over folks, we have better shading now and nicer sunsets!"
Wow, people will be impressed and come in by the droves.

[/end of sarcastic mode]

SL has nothing new to offer since the 2007 hype. Not one real new usability added.
It is still dress up, decorate your place, pay plenty for that, socialize, roleplay, create stuff for those who can't or don't want to.
SL is the same SL as in 2007, only with shiny added but zero extension in usabillity.

Sadly LL notoriously doesn't think outside the box when it comes to SL.
No new frontiers are explored since the early days.

Edited by Sid Nagy
I love to edit.
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Yeah, the first thing I thought...after checking the date of the OP was what would they advertise it as?

It's not really a game. You can build and make...stuff

It's not social media

It's not really easy to use

It doesn't use any of the trendy buzzwords like Blockchain and NFT

That's a hard sell for the masses.

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40 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

[saracstic mode]

"Come over folks, we have better shading now and nicer sunsets!"
Wow, people will be impressed and come in by the droves.

[/end of sarcastic mode]

Dont forget we have floppy ding-dongs now that flap around when you dance. 

But yeah.....we have had plenty of incremental improvements, but no game changers since mesh.

And SL is good at being kind-of-like many things, but not very good at outshining any of them individually. 

Edited by AnnabelleApocalypse
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1 hour ago, AnnabelleApocalypse said:

Dont forget we have floppy ding-dongs now that flap around when you dance. 

But yeah.....we have had plenty of incremental improvements, but no game changers since mesh.

And SL is good at being kind-of-like many things, but not very good at outshining any of them individually. 

Maybe nothing wonderful is happening here because you don't believe intensely enough. Your expectation steers your path through manifold space-time. In the choose-your-own adventure story of your life, we must choose the best, most magickal, most loving, most wonderful, most expansive choices. Otherwise maybe we dig our own graves, or beat a path to our own dystopias, getting the results we expect, as low or as high as they may be. 

I guess I'm trying to say, I wish people could take a more positive approach. It's an iterative process, but right now the biggest problem with SL may not be technological so much as social and spiritual.

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1 hour ago, Sid Nagy said:

SL has nothing new to offer since the 2007 hype. Not one real new usability added.
It is still dress up, decorate your place, pay plenty for that, socialize, roleplay, create stuff for those who can't or don't want to.
SL is the same SL as in 2007, only with shiny added but zero extension in usabillity.
Sadly LL notoriously doesn't think outside the box when it comes to SL.
No new frontiers are explored since the early days.

If that is really everything SL has to offer for you, then you must be one of those bored trolls out there :D And i wasnt aiming for ppl that already gave up or are only complaining since 2007......... you do what youre good at, being stuck in 2007  :DTheres been plenty of new things worked on since 2007, not everything succeeded, but that also can be the lack of perseverance. Wake up, we are 11 years ahead!

Start maybe with explaining what you would like to see out there, it might work better than just frown and complain :)

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