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What did you do as a noob(ie)?

Pamela Galli

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The SL Facts thread reminded me of some of the misconceptions I had when I was new, one thing in particular.

When I think about this I just can't understand how I could have been this clueless, but I was.

I had no idea I could buy Lindens to pay the vast sum of 100L it cost to start a group, so I began camping (it took me a while to figure out that's what ppl were doing lying silently on their beach towels).  Here's how really clueless I was:  it never dawned on me that I did not have to sit there at the computer while my avi camped. Pretty boring at times, I tell ya.

100L -- that's like 40¢ :matte-motes-tongue:

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In the beginning day after day I logged into Help Island. Then I started to to adjust my shape, try out different clothes right at the landing spot in front of all people there! :smileysurprised: And I looked terrible with those early times noobie skin and clothes. For a long time it was a total mystery for me how others could look so beautiful. :smileytongue: I often heard somebody saying "If you need any help just IM me". Well, I had no clue what an IM was, heheheh...

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I think it was not that good that I pretty early found out how to change avatar appereance. I remember there was a very good looking female avatar next to me and I tryed to look like her and moved all sliders but I didnt understand why I cant look like her. Soon my avatar was looking like a troll with a very long nose from world of warcraft. Not that I wanted to look like a troll or monster.. no it happened to me because moving every slider I found.

I remember that I made a skirt with the build in tool.. it was looking horrible and again I could not understand how others made there own  skirts lol. Later I found out that it is not possible with the SL appearence editor as it was flexi skirt.

I think two days later or so I met a person who told me that I can go shopping and that I can earn much L$ in SL. She gave me some free stuff in a box.. soon I found out there is a landmark I can click.. arrived I met her again and then she did show me the cool beach and told me this is the place to get much L$. I remember sitting there for hours and days until I reached a total amount of 100L$ or so. Damn I was happy.. I went some meters away and bought a flexi skirt. You know what? Today I believe it was her shop as well, lol. Me as a noob made maybe 0,5% of her traffic and thought I get much L$ which I soon spend in her shop lol. Crazy.

But later I was often go to clubs and listen music. Soon a clubowner told me that she will buy me some nice clothes and I can choose an avatar.. yea for sure in her shop! ;D Nevermind but my avatar was now more visual appealing then before so it was good. but the conditio nwas to work for her. She thought I am a happy person.And I must say this was the first time I got really much L$ compared to camping. Earned round about 1000L$ and more per event.. this is 4 years ago. I think it is still much compared to what they do with noobs today. Look at the forum here.. they want noobs to work for free but give them 80% tips and so. I believe my start was a bit better with those 1000L$ +100% tips for a shift of 2 hours.

While I was working in this club I met another person there and we talked a lot. When he asked me for my hobbys and I told him that I play with 3d software and stuff like photoshop he was wondering why I dont make thinks in SL. Well I didnt eeven know that this is possible. But he supplied me with differend links in the internet and I stil remember how I did absorb all these informations he gave me.

Soon one of these sandboxes was my home for more then month. I started with very basic stuff and became more better each day. Well you know you meet more builders there and you will have lots of discussion. I did gather really much from peopels there.. at least much know how. And made very good friends. Most of them arent active anymore today.

But compared to my 3d app... SL prim building was very easy to learn. I found out you can make lots of stuff out of these basic shapes. So I think this was the time when SL catched me really. But I still have to laugh about my start. But I think it is not that hard like what they do with noobs today. Really.. I remember times when clubs payed you 100% tips + a basic amount of L$.. most 500L$ or 1000L$. When I read forums here today I found it very hard what they demand from newbies. Today lots of club owner want workers for free. I know this here is not RL... but again.. when I was a noob.. clubs payed me some stuff. Today most clubs dont.



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One of my early n00b experiences was purchasing a cool pair of shoes.  In addition to the shoe base, each shoe had two other parts: one for the foot and one for the ankle.  I wore all parts but the ankle bit on one foot was turned perpendicular to my leg.  WTF, I thought.  This is broken!  I went back to the shop to find out the name of the seller (rather than inspect the item..duh), and IM'ed her.  She replied the next day, not understanding my problem.  I am sure she was thinking 'Just edit the part and rotate it.' but I knew nothing about that.

I ended up ditching the shoes.

I purchased my first hair from Calla.  I went there because I saw someone with hair that I liked and she told me where she bought it (again, I was not inspecting yet).  While the hair was mod, I did not know how to do that so I lived with a teeny bald spot on the back of my head for weeks.  It was very tiny.  After awhile I figured the hair was defective and I went elsewhere to purchase hair--I think it was Calico--I have a friend who was crazy about Calico at the time.  That hair fit perfectly. YAY!

Once I learned about editing, I had a major laugh at myself for all of my silly mistakes and ignorance.

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I think I have told it before, ages ago...But I was really a naive noob.
After being born on Orientation Island in 2007, I thought that was it. As in: this was Second Life! W00t!
I had no clue there was more land or what the grid was. I opened the map, but figured it showed the land I was on.

I spent around 3-4 weeks on Orientation Island, and found it amazing! I editted my 'Girl Next Door' avatar into a colourful person, not knowing how ridiculous I looked. Well, I hardly had any other examples, living in between other noobs!

I did found it odd lots of people dissapeared and some I never saw back, till one day a guy told me you could actually leave this place and you were not supposed to stay here forever. Hang on? There was more?!

So, I took a big jump into the world and landed in Waterhead Welcome Area, with the infamous Torch in my hand.Whoa!

A Mentor took me by the hand and showed me how to get nice (freebie) skins, shapes, hair and clothes and other places to explore..It was even more amazing than Orientation Island and I think this was the start to my urge to keep exploring, something I never stopped doing and still enjoy!

By the way, I never regret spending my first weeks on Orientation Island and doing all the tutorials and basics. I sometimes sigh and wish the N00b of today has some more patience, instead of teleporting away 4 mins after arriving in SL and end up feeling even more clueless than I was when I arrived in Waterhead.


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Caitlin Tobias wrote:

I think I have told it before, ages ago...But I was really a naive noob.

After being born on Orientation Island in 2007, I thought that was it. As in: this was Second Life! W00t!

I had no clue there was more land or what the grid was. I opened the map, but figured it showed the land I was on.

I spent around 3-4 weeks on Orientation Island, and found it amazing! I editted my 'Girl Next Door' avatar into a colourful person, not knowing how ridiculous I looked. Well, I hardly had any other examples, living in between other noobs!

I did found it odd lots of people dissapeared and some I never saw back, till one day a guy told me you could actually leave this place and you were not supposed to stay here forever. Hang on? There was more?!

Bwahahahaha!  original.gif


That is hilarious Caitlin -- I did the same thing but for about two days.

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I was orange for a few days having accidentally put on a skin from the 'library' without realising it.

I went to a very cool blues club whilst wearing system hair.  I actually thought it kind of resembled my RL hair.  *blush*  To their credit, they were polite and welcoming.

I trespassed inside someone's home and got pulled up by a security guy.   I didn't understand that land and homes could belong to someone.

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Caitlin Tobias wrote:

I think I have told it before, ages ago...But I was really a naive noob.

After being born on Orientation Island in 2007, I thought that was it. As in: this was Second Life! W00t!

I had no clue there was more land or what the grid was. I opened the map, but figured it showed the land I was on.

I spent around 3-4 weeks on Orientation Island, and found it amazing! I editted my 'Girl Next Door' avatar into a colourful person, not knowing how ridiculous I looked. Well, I hardly had any other examples, living in between other noobs!

I did found it odd lots of people dissapeared and some I never saw back, till one day a guy told me you could actually leave this place and you were not supposed to stay here forever. Hang on? There was more?!

LOL!  Ok, this is exactly the sort of thing i would normally do...   Idk why i didn't.  I went off wandering.  Then again, i embarrassed myself totally in other ways!  :-D

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  • I flew around and picked money off of the Trees
  • Camped
  • Joined a lucky chairs group to get free clothes
  • Teleported my Lucky Chairs friends to party at the good Mob Vend locations
  • Waited on release dates for FirstLand and then tried to click faster than 50 other newbies to buy it first
  • Took tons of newcomer and free building classes

The now departed Diversity Hair shop gave noobs a free hair.  I tried to raise it on my head a bit and it ended up 2 feet from my body and could not figure out how to get it back.  The wonderful owner Alerie Darks took pity on me and gave me another set...I still remember her kindness

Very little was free so I saved my money for a very long time to get a skin - was a noob with horrid skin for months. It took me weeks to figure out what skin I wanted and hours to pick out the makeup.  The cost of skin was a vast sum and so a hugely important decision!

I would not pay 1L for a demo it seemed a lot of money.  I once tipped a person 5L thinking it was a huge sum


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Storm Clarence wrote:

My experience mimics that of Cait's.   I was lost then I was found.  

Oh to be a N00b again. 

"I was lost then i was found".  

That line is guaranteed to... well, never mind. :matte-motes-big-grin:  Suffice to say, i'm curious. I doubt that i'm alone.

Exactly HOW were you found, Mr Clarence?   WHO rescued you from info-hub / welcome area 'hell'?  Did you acquire a mentor/mentors?

Tell, and tell all!

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squashy Beeswing wrote:

Ohhh!  I sort of gathered you two were friends...   :matte-motes-grin:  You were fortunate to bump into such a knowledgable person. Venus has helped myself and many others on the forums.  She is always disinterested and unbiased.  You were / are extremely lucky.  I mean that.  

We are the best of friends.  Yes, I am lucky.  

ETA: We are thinking of starting a blog together; you know, forum life and things like that.  :matte-motes-bored:

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I built loads of avs using nothing but the shape sliders, av hair and library textures. They must have looked awful, but my fellow newbies all seemed to like them. Hardly any of us had prim hair or proper skins. Then we found a freebie place, which became a popular hangout. We'd play with the goofy toys and dance.

About the same time, we discovered clubs and camping. Back then you could often camp for L$20 an hour, and my friend wanted to camp for money to start a group. The thing is, y6ou could often strike up conversations with other campers, so it wasn't the antisocial activity you might think. We figured we might as well get money for dancing as not, since we'd probably be dancing anyway.

My biggest newbie mistake (other than the skin/hair stuff) was probably buying a jetbike thing with most of my starting L$. It took me ages to work out how to rez it to ride it, and when I did, I inevitably crashed it from lag. In hindsight, it was almost certainly a repackaged freebie. I had considerable buyer's remorse over that, but it did teach me that anyone able to rez some boxes could be a shopkeeper, and there was no guarantee of quality.


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Ahh, the days of camping.  

As a Noobie, I did camping to get $L to buy some green eyes (my very first SL purchase) and I did actually have to stay at the computer, as the camping script required that I click on a drop-down menu periodically to prove I was not a bot.   But, I did manage to get enough money to buy my green eyes.   

I was lucky when I came to SL, two day after arriving my long-time building partner TPd me into his location and gave me safe harbor. (the person who first told me about SL)    He sent a lot of time teaching me how things worked in SL, giving me things to help my new avatar, tutoring me on building, etc.  He bought me my first prim hair, and showed me how to manage my inventory, and alter my avatar, etc.  I owe him a lot, as he helped me accelerate the inworld learning curve a lot. 

As a Noobie I was obsessed with learning how things worked in SL!  I took things apart, looked at stuff, modded things, went through all the tutorials at the Particle Laboratory, and the Ivory Tower of Prims, and read blogs, etc.   I was constantly trying to add to my inworld skill set. 



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aww i remember i went around and bought every free thing i could find. When i found a free house i decided i had to find somewhere to put it so i could live in it. I had nooo idea you had to buy land. I went to a sandbox and rezzed it and put a freebie bed and couch in it and then when i came back i was like...hey..whered it go?!?!


lmfaooo!!! I didnt have an AO for like a month either...i didnt even think i was walking funny.

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Ahh the wonderful AO!  I did not get one until a friend hauled me to a shop so I could buy one just like hers.  It was expensive at the time, like L$1500.  I purchased it and the first thing I did was open it and unpacked all the animations from the HUD.  Ohmy!  Was that stupid.  I bought another one because I thought that I had destroyed the first one.  Ugh!

Once I had it working, I was happy.  I have moved beyond that first one and the one I now use I put together with individual animations, as so many do nowadays.

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A few months after I joined, a friend of my sister was trying to show me something he thought I'd find interesting, only it was transparent... so he told me to click Ctrl+Alt+T.  The problem was, he didn't explain what it did, so all of a sudden everything around me was red.  I freaked the f out. 

I kept saying... something's wrong, everything is red... and I can see my penis.  He must have been laughing too hard to tell me how to fix it right away, because it seemed like forever until he did.  I really thought I broke something.

I also did that once by accident, only this time it was with the keys that turned on wire frame.  Again I thought I broke something and I was on my own... luckily, by then, I learned that restarting can fix a lot of things.  A while later, I realized there are some things a restart doesn't fix...

That happen the first time I noticed the wonkiness of the crotch area of the SL avatar mesh.  Maybe I was wearing an AO with an animation that exaggerated it or pants that did an exceptionally poor job of covering it up or both, but it scared the hell out of me. 

I restarted and it was the same way... I really thought I broke my avatar.  I was almost too embarrassed to leave my house, but I'm glad I got over it.  Once I saw that everyone else's crotch did the same thing, I felt a whole hell of a lot better.

Now that I think of it... that was the second time I thought I broke my avatar.  The first time, I tried on a crazy avatar then switched back to my regular one, only I forgot to put on my regular eyebrow shape.  So I had these horrible, extremely pointed eyebrows that made me look like a monster... took me forever to figure out what I did wrong... lol.

I'm sure there are many, many more... I was so naive for so long, it wasn't funny.  Oh, who am I kidding... of course it was.


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