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A folder for every item in the new Direct Delivery System for Marketplace ????

Kurt Ludd

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I watched the SLC presentation on Marketplace and the new Direct Delivery System... I like the idea of no Magic Boxes...

However, the way I understood it will work is...I will need to have a folder with the item being sold in it...

Some of us have a lot of single items for sale on Marketplace...I have almost 3000 Gestures...Does this mean I will have to set up 3000 folders when we go with the new system?


I still like the basic idea, just wondering if I will need to schedule my next RL vacation to make folders LOL

Kurt Ludd

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i was under the impression you needed a folder in inventory you put everything in your magic box(s) in there and thats it everything would get delivered from there 

i don't have a huge amount of stuff forsale but if it's going to need a folder per item it's going to take me a long old time to either put the boxed product in a folder or unbox everything to make folders that way

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Wow that will totally mess up my inventory  I do not have 1000's of items but I do have 100's and each product has multiple components 7-12. Today once a product is created and boxed I save the box only and delete the individual components as I really have no need to access them. Keep boxes of completed products in a total of just 4 folders named by product lines.. 

This change would mean adding 300+ folders to my inventory which would be so ugly.  It will be even worse if the folder cannot hold just a single box....having to keep the loose components to each product would add 3000 or so items to my inventory load.  > groan.  Sounds like another wonderful idea from someone who has never lived in our world.

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Jacki Silverfall wrote:

I don't care how it's done as long as I don't have to change all the listings. Can you imagine retyping 100's of listings!

And I only have 25.

/me hate typing new listings..Grrrr

Even if this is the case you wouldn't have to retype every listing. Just edit the existing listings and click the "Edit Associated Object" button.

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I wouldn't mind this as an option, but I'd prefer they allowed me to continue using magic boxes, also.

My reason being that, once 99% of merchants have migrated to DD, there's really no reason for someone at LL to keep cooking up new ways to keep me from using the magic boxes effectively.

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The easiest way to create the folders will be to copy your magic box contents into your inventory and then one by one open them and copy to your inventory - that way they have the same name as the current box and should link to the listing and you have everything in the folder waiting to be delivered.  Then it's just a matter of moving all the folders into your main DD folder.

ymmv and of course the chances are LL will come up with a way to make this "simple" workaround more complex but hey ho.  They're not in the business of making life easy for us ;)

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When the marketplace team makes changes to the marketplace, I think they should analyse first how much time these changes will steal from merchants. And come with a solution when this is an unreasonable amount of time.

I would like to see a 'one click convert magic box to DD folders' feature when DD is released.

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The People that know for sure are the LL Staff and the DD Beta Merchants that are in a GAG order and cant tell you.  Apparently LL thinks is so crucial that their work on DD needs to be a secret that they gagged the Merchants in the Beta.

The way I understand the way that DD works is that there will be a SPECIAL new SLM DD OUTBOX Folder.  In this folder will be a FOLDER for each item you plan to sell as a listing. 

If you want the listing to deliver a complete set of UNBOXED individual listing items (i.e. like 25 textures, license note, demo poster, index texture, etc.) then you can place all these items unboxed into this folder. 

IF you currently sell your items as BOXED set of these items, then the folder will only have 1 item in the folder that will be delivered to the Customer as 1 boxed item.  The customer will then need to rez and unbox the item as they would normally have done with magic boxes.

Personally, my strategy will be like many other Merchants I have talked to - they will continue to sell their items as a BOXED set as they have done prior to DD.  for many reasons.

There you have it.  If I am wrong.... then its up to LL Staff to correct me.  If they dont correct me - then this is how it works.



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I agree Kurt...I will not be selling any unboxed items.  I don't like the idea of 300 new folders but having 3000" new items immediately, and more in future, from box contents would be infinitely worse.,,maybe even enough to abandon the marketplace.  Online sales are a tiny % of profits compared to inworld store sales; it would not take much for LL to make the effort and mayhem outweigh the revenue benefit the marketplace offers.

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Lyra Blackthorne wrote:

Wow that will totally mess up my inventory  I do not have 1000's of items but I do have 100's and each product has multiple components 7-12. Today once a product is created and boxed I save the box only and delete the individual components as I really have no need to access them. Keep boxes of completed products in a total of just 4 folders named by product lines.. 

This change would mean adding 300+ folders to my inventory which would be so ugly.  It will be even worse if the folder cannot hold just a single box....having to keep the loose components to each product would add 3000 or so items to my inventory load.  > groan.  Sounds like another wonderful idea from someone who has never lived in our world.


It won`t add any load to your inventory, because the stuff doesn`t stay in the folder, it gets sent to the marketplace & disappears from the Outbox folder.

You also wouldn`t need to "make" folders for anything. You can put stuff into the Outbox exactly as you have it in your Magic Box if you want to & it will get delivered to your customers the same as it is now. The option to put stuff in a folder instead of boxing it, is just that, an option, so that customers don`t have to find somewhere to rezz & unpack stuff.

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Jacki Silverfall wrote:

I don't mean to derail the OP but I have lower prim products that I woul like to replace the higher ones in my mp store. I thought I could just switch out the boxes in the magic box. Same name, same everything. But the mb started a new listing..?? Sheesh. I wasn't going to do the rest of them.


If you are replacing a high-prim item (in its box) with a new low-prim version of the same product, you must:

  1. Delete the old box from your Magic Box
  2. Put the new box into your Magic Box
  3. Repeat this for every Magic Box that has the old boxed item inside it.

The name of the new boxed item MUST BE the SAME or you will create a new entry in your Inventory on Marketplace. When you add an item with the same name as one that already exists, it actually creates a new item in the Contents with a slightly different name (for example, if you add "Shoe Box" to a Magic Box that already has something in the Contents tab named "Shoe Box", what gets created is a new item in the Contents tab named "Shoe Box 1")

Hopefully this will help you in the future.

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Good succinct explanation Toy, that is exactly how I understand the proposed change as well. When the Direct Delivery idea was first mooted a year or so ago I thought then it was simply just a case of placing the packs we already have in our magic boxes into a new dedicated folder. Which would then send the item direct without the need for a third party not so Magic Script to clog up the works during lag storms.

Simple easy done no fuss no bother - carry on trading as normal. I WAS all for it!

But then someone in their infinite stupidity thought that  it would be a cute idea if we just deliver our customers already opened folders. Thus denying them the handy and important pop-up notecards we include and doing away with all those nicely crafted boxes and packaging that made so much difference to brand presentation. That for me is  like handing over a birthday or Christmas present without any wrapping yeeeeeeuch! how tacky is that!

I'll give the commerce team top marks for consistency though. Ever since LL aquired and created their marketplace monopoly, they have  periodically forced us down the road of perpetual time wasting revisions and alterations to our listings. But then as Couldbe said in her post LL are "not in the business of making life easy for us"



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Lasher Oh wrote:

Good succinct explanation Toy, that is exactly how I understand the proposed change as well. When the Direct Delivery idea was first mooted a year or so ago I thought then it was simply just a case of placing the packs we already have in our magic boxes into a new dedicated folder. Which would then send the item direct without the need for a third party not so Magic Script to clog up the works during lag storms.

Simple easy done no fuss no bother - carry on trading as normal. I WAS all for it!

But then someone in their infinite stupidity thought that  it would be a cute idea if we just deliver our customers already opened folders. Thus denying them the handy and important pop-up notecards we include and doing away with all those nicely crafted boxes and packaging that made so much difference to brand presentation. That for me is  like handing over a birthday or Christmas present without any wrapping yeeeeeeuch! how tacky is that!

I'll give the commerce team top marks for consistency though. Ever since LL aquired and created their marketplace monopoly, they have  periodically forced us down the road of perpetual time wasting revisions and alterations to our listings. But then as Couldbe said in her post LL are "not in the business of making life easy for us"



That is just my understanding of it since it hasnt been explained by LL Staff or Beta Merchants in detail. 

And u r right Lasher.... LL comes up with these grand new features and concepts because most of them have NEVER been an actual merchant.  They only know about the life of a merchant through what they think they see we do.  They dont understand the importance nor feel the real impact of the features we ask for that are missing or the changes they put into play because they THINK its a good idea.

Brooke to this day doesnt understand why merchants would want to continue offering BOXED items to customers.  Likely because a few of her inner circle merchants told her it was a cool idea or she didnt know why things are boxed now.

LL didnt understand why we wanted independent inventory from main inventory when they first started the idea of DD.  I still think they dont grasp the risks.

I was going to create a new thread about this topic..... HOW MANY LL COMMERCE STAFF have ever run a SL Merchant operation?  Created and sold on SLM and Inworld? 


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Lasher Oh wrote:

Good succinct explanation Toy, that is exactly how I understand the proposed change as well. When the Direct Delivery idea was first mooted a year or so ago I thought then it was simply just a case of placing the packs we already have in our magic boxes into a new dedicated folder. Which would then send the item direct without the need for a third party not so Magic Script to clog up the works during lag storms.

Simple easy done no fuss no bother - carry on trading as normal. I WAS all for it!

But then someone in their infinite stupidity thought that  it would be a cute idea if we just deliver our customers already opened folders. Thus denying them the handy and important pop-up notecards we include and doing away with all those nicely crafted boxes and packaging that made so much difference to brand presentation. That for me is  like handing over a birthday or Christmas present without any wrapping yeeeeeeuch! how tacky is that!

I'll give the commerce team top marks for consistency though. Ever since LL aquired and created their marketplace monopoly, they have  periodically forced us down the road of perpetual time wasting revisions and alterations to our listings. But then as Couldbe said in her post LL are "not in the business of making life easy for us"




It's not so bad for me as I rarely leave my land but for the landless or those out and about when they buy stuff it's a pain to get a box, find somewhere to rez it (not everyone knows the hand trick - which is a kludgy work around at best) copy it into the inventory, remember to take the box back, fish around to find the folder and only then actually get to the item.  A folder is quick and easy and will make life a lot more bearable for consumers. 

And a common newbie complaint is that they buy and item and all they get is a box - this will remove this roadblock and make shopping more seamless for them.  Which is a big win.

Even though this is yet another time overhead for me, I think this one is actually an extremely positive change.  I'm all for making it easy for people to buy and enjoy stuff.


yes, I have a vested interest here - I'm all for ease of use. I refuse to use networked vendors in my shops as I prefer one prim vendors where people can see what they are getting (including perms) and it delivers a folder to them.  I rarely have delivery issues with this and it reduces lag on my region because I'm not running script laden vendors.  It's a lot more work for me particularly with my satellites but it's clean, easy and user friendly. Which I'm all for, in all its forms.  Particularly with the way the sl economy is at the moment we should all be trying to make shopping as easy as possible for people. 

And no, I'm not looking forward to unboxing something like 600 odd items to create the folders to set this up but considering all the rubbish they've put us through down the last few years for very little gain, I think this one is a winner.

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

LL didnt understand why we wanted independent inventory from main inventory when they first started the idea of DD.  I still think they dont grasp the risks.


I have to agree with this.  There's a couple of issues that I'm not too comfortable with and past performance indicates that it's most likely going to go horribly wrong but for better or worse we're stuck with whatever they deliver.

Since this is already running a couple of months late obviously there's major issues on their side.  LL aren't usually shy about dumping sub standard rubbish on us and calling it beta just to make their project delivery dates, so I'm assuming that it's not a bed of roses in NDA alpha test land.

I'd like to say that they're trying to get it right before they inflict it on us but we know that's not true, don't we? ;)

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My concern about DD and delivery of unboxed purchases boils down to this: Boxed Item Delivery is a staple of SL. It's one of the "basic skills" that everyone must learn at some point in time. Like how to pay for things, how to give inventory to someone else, how to accept inventory, etc. .. the unboxing of boxed items is something everyone must learn and use from time to time.

Yes, DD delivering unboxed items will help some folks some times, but eventually everyone has to learn about it and basing the entire premise and benefit of DD on this one "ease of use" feature is a hollow argument.

The other benefit, highly reliable direct delivery right to the recipient's inventory is a major improvement, no argument there. But stating that we are saving newbies the trauma of confronting a boxed item as a reason for DD is the same as dragging your kids around in a wagon to save them from having to learn how to walk ... eventually they WILL have to learn and protecting them from it is more a disservice than a benefit.

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