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Mesh Support on the Marketplace

Brooke Linden

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You're right, however skins work everywhere on the grid, with all viewers. Encouraging sales of skins is fine.

Encouraging sales of a product not supported on all of the grid and only with select viewers... That's something else entirely.

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I wholeheartedly agree with you!

The Viewer 2 will never be the main viewer but Firestorm probably will be, at least it will be the most used and since it is based on Viewer 2 it will be mesh compatible. If all the rumors are true and Viewer 1 functions will be disabled it will be a matter of days until Phoenix, SIngularity or Imprudence are history!

The Viewer question is not my concern, someone who is out there to be a pioneer in mesh designs is probably smart enough to have a notecard and/or a warning on their vendors / marketplace entries. While customers might be able to understand the concept of viewer compatibility they won't understand why their products work only on particular sims! The average Joe and Jane have not become famous for reading things especially not when it comes to specifics and fine print! Sure everyone can lay back and say, Hey it is explained "somewhere" like the Lindens like to do it, but this coporate arrogance is not working for developers like us, when they feel screwed they hate us and won't return!

The questions is... why bringing Mesh to real time while it is still beta and why not keeping it at the beta grid??? Hence the semantics!!!!

While this is a minority problem and only affect a few people, it is however a recurring problem to go live with Beta!
When i picture a LL round table meeting i see a bunch of cute little monkeys jumping up and down screaming "ooh ooh uuhw uuhw" with a red and a green button in front of them and the button that gets hit the most is the decision maker if a Beta Toll goes live or not! Well you won't get a banana from me Linden Labs! Just keep things they way they are meant to be, once a new feature is tested and functional... release it because it sucks being a lab rat!

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This is the reason I had to remove all of my items from the market place the use shared media. I was spending too much time with customer support, and dishing out refunds because the products were unusable. I tried to keep the listing updated with a notice explaining which viewers were able to display these items, but that really didn't help.

As it is, I've pretty much scrapped that product line since shared media still isn't supported on most viewers.

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Was also very excited at the new features of V2, and still am. While I'm not at all against TPVs and lots of choices, the downside is that not having one official viewer "period" is that it holds up the entire community making use of new features, and slows SL down from moving forward that much faster and adapting to new users and staying fresh and relevent.

Not saying that TPVs should be done away with, but at the very least every TPV should be required to support the full 2.x feature set. New features should be merged into any TPV in a timely manner or be disabled until they do.

Like you, I was excited that Shared Media would be a major boost to SL, in even small things like making many notecards obsolete. Instead, you could put a prim in with your packaging that points to a web page. Changing documentation at once, for all customers would be as easy as changing the web page.

I do know that some people are doing well with 2.x feature related products, and I think we'll get there. But again, not against TPVs at all, but they are seriously holding us up. Probably a bit off topic but there it is.

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Products are more consumer led than supplier led, shared media simply didn't grip users and when you consider the security issues on top of the usability issues, that's not that surprising and I say this as someone who likes the concept of shared media.

I wholeheartedly disagree that TPV's should have to support the feature set of the official viewer, especially when the feature set includes features people aren't taking to.TPV's are about offering choice, that's how it should be.

On the other hand, Linden Lab shouldn't feel obligated to support older features just because they are popular with people who use TPV's.

You can put a prim in your packaging that opens a web page without using shared media though




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That's an alternative. Just thinking that a year and a half and counting to gain full adoption of Prim Media, extra clothing/tattoo layers/etc. is a bit of a stretch. Something has to give somewhere. How long for Mesh? People have already blown thousands of dollars and spent thousands of hours in anticipation.

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Dartagan Shepherd wrote:

Was also very excited at the new features of V2, and still am. While I'm not at all against TPVs and lots of choices, the downside is that not having one official viewer "period" is that it holds up the entire community making use of new features, and slows SL down from moving forward that much faster and adapting to new users and staying fresh and relevent.

Not saying that TPVs should be done away with, but at the very least every TPV should be required to support the full 2.x feature set. New features should be merged into any TPV in a timely manner or be disabled until they do.

Like you, I was excited that Shared Media would be a major boost to SL, in even small things like making many notecards obsolete. Instead, you could put a prim in with your packaging that points to a web page. Changing documentation at once, for all customers would be as easy as changing the web page.

I do know that some people are doing well with 2.x feature related products, and I think we'll get there. But again, not against TPVs at all, but they are seriously holding us up. Probably a bit off topic but there it is.

So exactly why should TPV be forced to incoprorate ALL of LL's V2 feature set?  If a TPV decided not to and LL's V2 has the feature, and if the SL Community truly believes it has "must have" value, then market demand dictates that LL's V2 viewer would be the most popular viewer.  It also would assume that since LL has all the feature set - TPV's should not have the marketshare they continue to enjoy.

If LL put in a feature that the market has deemed not to be important - the market will speak - and it has.  Clearly your love for the Shared Media feature is not shared by the majority of the SL community.  If so, LL's V2 would be the dominent viewer.  In fact with all the advanced features that LL's V2 has had over all the TPV's V1 deployments, the current V2 marketshare has spoke loudly that these advanced features alone were desirable.  The SL Community wanted and still wants a viewer with a clear understandable UI more important than all of LL's bells and whistles.

Even if there were no TPV, LL couldnt even get the SL Community go freely abandon the V1 viewer.  Doesnt that speak loudly that LL clearly screwed up the V2 deployment?

Finally, if you state TPV should be forced to adopt all of LL's V2 featureset, then LL should be forced to adopt the TPV's features that LL has not adopted.

Although I know what you are wanting with your wishes.... I also would 100% disagree with your opinions on this matter.

The TPV's have been one of the only aspects to SL that has actually forced LL to improve their product for competitve reasons.  When Firestorm leaves Beta - it will push LL's V2 to the side and become the #1 Viewer.

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It wasn't about pointing fingers at TPV's or LL, or any specific feature, or pro/con Viewer 2. It was about fine tuning the process and determining that a feature released by LL should be considered part of the core experience.

An expectation of say 3 months from release of that feature by LL to the point that it's available to everyone doesn't seem unreasonable. and is an improvement on the long times that we've had to wait in the past until everyone can enjoy that particular feature "as" part of the core experience.

The code after all is freely available to TPV's, although there is an exception with Mesh that might require more lead time than usual, where code could not be provided.

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Gadget Portal wrote:


Encouraging sales of a product not supported on all of the grid and only with select viewers... That's something else entirely.

Yep, that is something very different indeed. I will be interesting to see what will happen with this gap between LL's plans and the viewer choice of the majority. I'm most curious. I think it's one of the major issues that determine the succes or failure of mesh.

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Hello im Donna Rickena and i have Dylexia and was told all my life i would not ever be come anyhting or anyone and just be who i am a mum with Dylexia omg well i gees works like that cam mack you fight hard to be better and thats what im trying to do second life has given me that chance to be some one and lern and be who i want to be and in no way has it been a easy road but im here and still trying still lerning but in so much harder when you can not read or understand what your reading i need help all the way and im now stuck becuse im on xstreet and not listed when it says i am

im not shoing in market plase and cant understand why can some one help me please

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Donna Rickena wrote:

Hello im Donna Rickena and i have Dylexia and was told all my life i would not ever be come anyhting or anyone and just be who i am a mum with Dylexia omg well i gees works like that cam mack you fight hard to be better and thats what im trying to do second life has given me that chance to be some one and lern and be who i want to be and in no way has it been a easy road but im here and still trying still lerning but in so much harder when you can not read or understand what your reading i need help all the way and im now stuck becuse im on xstreet and not listed when it says i am

im not shoing in market plase and cant understand why can some one help me please

Hi Donna, your stuff is on the marketplace, your store is at https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/89245

The old Xstreet SL web site is mostly closed down now, it is only there so people can retrieve old information.

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Say Brooke when would you say mesh products are safe for consumption inworld?

I don't want to sell stuff that might later break due to Linden changes or whatnot to how meshes are handled, and I've seen the warnings on the mesh-enabled beta test sims on main grid.

I have some mesh creations basically ready to go.... but I get the feeling it is a little premature to put mesh items out for sale, is it? I want to give this responsible approach.

Most residents cannot see meshes or interact with & this is a big issue for the seller & the buyer of mesh until rollout completes.

Where & when might we see a solid "ALL CLEAR!" from Lindens to know it is okay to release mesh works for sale?

Only when I see some message like this, then I will get my stuff released on marketplace! :matte-motes-grin:

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Well, actually, the only control LL has over when some1 can release a mesh creation is when they release the public viewer and server code. After that, they have no control over it. As to when a creator should release mesh, when they feel like it and are ready to support it. As for those who don't want to use a V2 version, who the hell cares. This is their problem, not mine. With all the current options, and the fact that the 2 major tpvs that have gone V2 function very much like V1, I don't see why any1 is using 1.23.

Mesh is not prim media, and there is not a question of whether it will be "adopted" or not. If you are 1 of the naysayers, then be advised that you "will" be eating crow and buying mesh, whether you want to now or not, in some form or another. Mesh is not just another asset, it is THE asset. Not only will it change the whole look of SL and our avatars, but it will reduce lag way beyond any other change LL could make. Will there be issues? Undoubtedly, YES. Is LL doing everything right? Most likely, not.

Me, I'll be releasing mesh as soon as all regions on the main grid are enabled. All of my mesh items will be clearly labeled, have explainations about mesh, and notecards with similar explainations. Whatever I need to do, to support mesh, I will do. If this means reuploading the models and sending out updates, Oh well, big fricken deal. This is no different than anything else I might have to do for any other product.

Sorry, but my primary business is animation. This being the case, I've seen LL screw it up more times than not. To this day, there are many unfixed simple animation problems. When LL gets around to fixing them, or likely breaks another animation function, I will have to go back and redo things and send out updates, as I have done hundreds of times already. Ok, it is understandable that many creators don't have these issues, as they don't deal with animation. I'm just saying that none of this crap is new to me.

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WADE1 Jya wrote:

Say Brooke when would you say mesh products are safe for consumption inworld?

I don't want to sell stuff that might later break due to Linden changes or whatnot to how meshes are handled, and I've seen the warnings on the mesh-enabled
beta test
sims on main grid.

I have some mesh creations basically ready to go.... but I get the feeling it is a little premature to put mesh items out for sale, is it? I want to give this responsible approach.

Most residents cannot see meshes or interact with & this is a big issue for the seller & the buyer of mesh until rollout completes.

Where & when might we see a solid "ALL CLEAR!" from Lindens to know it is okay to release mesh works for sale?

Only when I see some message like this, then I will get my stuff released on marketplace! :matte-motes-grin:

I know what you mean Wade1, I personally am waiting until its rolled out 100% across the grid and expect that will be the unofficial/official 'All Clear'. I do think there should be a very clear, seperate and defined category for meshes that pre warn users that buying said mesh products will require V2 based viewers, I have no doubt that we as merchants will be pointing this out in our descriptions but an official 'pre buy' window should pop up with that warning.

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