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New SL-Dedicated Social Media, Blogging, and Photography Platform PrimFeed Opens! What Are Your Impressions?

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9 minutes ago, ValKalAstra said:

Interface for aliens, what in the devils is that. What. Is. That. See this is one of those NIna problems but I can't figure it out. Everytime I try, I sit there going ??? and give up after an hour of looking around.

Lol, you aren't the only one, don't worry. I haven't visited that site in eons because the entire thing was a hot mess to navigate (and even harder to look at).

For my own purposes, Flickr is totally fine. I don't need Pro, I don't advertise/blog, the layout's nice, it's got a good mix of virtual and real life photography to browse, groups work well enough with a good mod team, decent privacy tools, etc. I do occasionally wish for more control over the Photostream (being able to exclude certain albums so, say, my fashion photos don't get dumped in there next to my other stuff), but that's just a minor gripe with it.

Primfeed seems like it'll turn into a good place to keep up with sales and events, but I don't really need that. I use in-world groups, Discord, and Seraphim for that info.

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15 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Bloggers need a platform where they can not only reach an audience for their blog posts, but also link directly and easily to the creators whose work they are featuring. This platform has very much been designed with those needs in mind (and they may, in fact, have been the primary impetus for the creation of this platform).


( I can't figure out how to quote people on different pages of the discussion)

If people without accounts can't see the site, there can be no mass audience for bloggers, and the site is dead in the water.

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4 minutes ago, Quistess Alpha said:

If people without accounts can't see the site, there can be no mass audience for bloggers, and the site is dead in the water.

Hmm..a "walled garden" (or "closed ecosystem", or whatever you call it) blog system.  Not much of a blogging platform if nobody can see it!

Probably they should consider making "actual blog posts" public vs. "social platform" posts.

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 Signing up on a website that doesn't even have a disclaimer introducing the company or people behind said website and stating which (personal) data they store, where, on what purpose, etc.? No, thank you! At least I know what I'm up to with Flickr and they're compliant with the EU regulation. 🙄

And why would I sign up on PrimFeed anyway? To see SL nudes that are - still - far too often found on Flickr even when you don't search for them? To follow people I may already follow on Flickr or couldn't care less about? Yeah, right. 🙄🙄🙄 As for the stores who've jumped on the band wagon, if this is another attempt to make their customers sign up on yet another website after they've moved from inworld groups to FB to Discord to whatever, I can do without all that too since I've never had FB or Discord, don't intend to ever have them and I'm still living a nice life in both worlds (i.e. RL or SL).

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16 hours ago, Modulated said:

Using a payment processor does not give them your name, only if they require it for their site for some verification I think.

The websites I build that use payment systems ALL require I submit the correctly spelled card/account holder name with the other information. It all has to match up.

If you pay in-world (SL) using L$, you may be able to avoid using a RL name as the SL-User name would suffice.

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There are some pretty huge concerns that are unresolved (and these are just off the top of my head)


  • The ToS and privacy policy are not written by an actual lawyer, which makes them worthless.
  • Content on primfeed can't be seen without signing up to and into primfeed, this is bad practice.
  • No one can ever complain about IP addresses ever again once they rush open arms and link (potentially multiple) SL identities to their IP address on a  website operated by another SL user.
  • The subscription is paid in L$ which appears to be a ToS violation - People have been banned for using L$ to pay for external services (this is how money laundering works).
  • Linden Legal need to sign off on this.




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15 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

There are some pretty huge concerns that are unresolved (and these are just off the top of my head)


  • The ToS and privacy policy are not written by an actual lawyer, which makes them worthless.
  • Content on primfeed can't be seen without signing up to and into primfeed, this is bad practice.
  • No one can ever complain about IP addresses ever again once they rush open arms and link (potentially multiple) SL identities to their IP address on a  website operated by another SL user.
  • The subscription is paid in L$ which appears to be a ToS violation - People have been banned for using L$ to pay for external services (this is how money laundering works).
  • Linden Legal need to sign off on this.




ALL of this!

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4 hours ago, brodiac90 said:

My question is, why would you use this over Flickr? If someone could convince me that it's better or more useful than Flickr then I might consider using it, but in all honesty, I find it hard to keep up with social media at the best of times anyway without adding more to it. 

I'm with you on that.  Flickr is perfectly fine for what I use it for.  I don't blog, though.  I also don't have other social media accounts that I use.  I have a twitter on an unused alt just for store announcements that only use that.  I don't post there.  I used to have a FB for Rowan but deleted that awhile ago.  I did join 1 Discord group when they switched over to that option only for their giveaway.  I think I entered it twice but haven't kept up with it.   Social media is just not my thing.

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37 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

There are some pretty huge concerns that are unresolved (and these are just off the top of my head)

  • The ToS and privacy policy are not written by an actual lawyer, which makes them worthless.
  • Content on primfeed can't be seen without signing up to and into primfeed, this is bad practice.
  • No one can ever complain about IP addresses ever again once they rush open arms and link (potentially multiple) SL identities to their IP address on a  website operated by another SL user.
  • The subscription is paid in L$ which appears to be a ToS violation - People have been banned for using L$ to pay for external services (this is how money laundering works).
  • Linden Legal need to sign off on this.

1. There is nothing worthless about a ToS not being written by a lawyer.

2. One person's bad practise is another person's desire, and the one who designs the practise is always right.

3. "No one can ever complain about IP addresses ever again once they rush open arms and link (potentially multiple) SL identities to their IP address on a  website or into a programme such as a viewer operated by another SL user." I completed it for you ;)

4. Quote the relevant part of the ToS or it doesn't exist.

5. That's entirely to do with LL, and they have already shown support for it by having account there. It's not the concern of we users.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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7 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

There is nothing worthless about a ToS not being written by a lawyer.

In your not a lawyer opinion. I'm sure someone with a lawyer could rip it to shreds.

8 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

"No one can ever complain about IP addresses ever again once they rush open arms and link (potentially multiple) SL identities to their IP address on a  website or into a programme such as a viewer operated by another SL user." I completed it for you ;)

Viewers do not keep logs of who uses them and certain don't store IP addresses. We are expressly forbidden from doing so.

9 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

Quote the relevant part of the ToS or it doesn't exist.

Section 3, pretty much all of it, but specifically.


Each Linden Dollar that you may acquire constitutes a limited license granted to you by Linden Lab to access and use Content, applications, services, and various user-created features in Second Life

That's a real legal document. "in" means something.

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25 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

In your not a lawyer opinion. I'm sure someone with a lawyer could rip it to shreds.

Viewers do not keep logs of who uses them and certain don't store IP addresses. We are expressly forbidden from doing so.

Section 3, pretty much all of it, but specifically.

That's a real legal document. "in" means something.

You made the 'lawyer' statement that isn't true. If you  really think it was true, you rip it to shreds.

No doubt TPVs don't extract data, but they could if they wanted to. We all simply trust that they don't. And we all remember what happened when one TPV did things with users' login data that nobody expected. So your comment about IP addresses and such applies equally to TPVs - or to any programme, such as thin viewers.

You'd better inform LL about Primfeed and L$ then, because they approve of it ;)

It's actually a set of rules for using Primfeed (that's what a ToS is), and the owner can make whatever rules he chooses. He doesn't need a lawyer to write them. If he ever takes anyone to court over it, he may wish he'd had a lawyer to write them, but a lawyer isn't a necessity, and it's not something that needs to concern us.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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57 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Content on primfeed can't be seen without signing up to and into primfeed, this is bad practice.

No, this is good practice. For example your profile picture gets automatically displayed on that site (which I think is good). If this limitation were not in place, the same people who complain about this limitation would be the first ones to outrage because it gets displayed to users outside of SL. (as it happened with bonnie)

Edited by xDancingStarx
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1 hour ago, Nalates Urriah said:

The websites I build that use payment systems ALL require I submit the correctly spelled card/account holder name with the other information. It all has to match up.

If you pay in-world (SL) using L$, you may be able to avoid using a RL name as the SL-User name would suffice.

Worked with multiple vendors and this depends.  Some websites ask for full Name and that is sent to the processor, others surname or just card number and zip code.  Hell, some companies until recently used just card number for authentication purpose. Let's all give a prayer and RIP for their chargeback teams that probably were working after-hours. Their health suffered.

Edited by Irina Forwzy
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1 hour ago, Coffee Pancake said:

There are some pretty huge concerns that are unresolved (and these are just off the top of my head)


  • The ToS and privacy policy are not written by an actual lawyer, which makes them worthless.
  • Content on primfeed can't be seen without signing up to and into primfeed, this is bad practice.
  • No one can ever complain about IP addresses ever again once they rush open arms and link (potentially multiple) SL identities to their IP address on a  website operated by another SL user.
  • The subscription is paid in L$ which appears to be a ToS violation - People have been banned for using L$ to pay for external services (this is how money laundering works).
  • Linden Legal need to sign off on this.




If Linden has already added them into their own website, as someone has indicated I would assume their legal team has already vetted the website.

Furthermore,  lawyers do not need to write TOS. This is a fallacy.  For a larger enterprise yes, but you are basically legitimizing any smaller enterprise and forcing people to believe lawyers are a necessity in all scenarios. Not the case. We have enough with people assuming the only politicians that matter are lawyers (some of the best policitians can be engineers for instance).  Let's not assume everything needs to have legal reviewing it.

As for the content, it's not good or bad practice.  That terminology can be used in how they handle data etc.  As for whether your images or videos should be released outside of the platform is more to do with whether it's a planned or unplanned platform limitation.   They may view it as a limit that they want to build into it, in order to reduce bad actors that potentially follow with rl pictures that break TOS (We all had those followers).  Alternatively due to that they may loose some views because of it. That's a limit where ROI may have been analyzed already and taken into account. We don't know this yet. We will overtime depending on platform outcome.



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6 minutes ago, Irina Forwzy said:

If Linden has already added them into their own website, as someone has indicated I would assume their legal team has already vetted the website.

Linden Lab also has an account in Primfeed. They are promoting the 21st birthday stuff.

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25 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

In your not a lawyer opinion. I'm sure someone with a lawyer could rip it to shreds.

Viewers do not keep logs of who uses them and certain don't store IP addresses. We are expressly forbidden from doing so.

Section 3, pretty much all of it, but specifically.

That's a real legal document. "in" means something.

Someone that is a lawyer would rip a TOS created by lawyers to shreds as well.  That's what they do for a living. There's nothing that is 100% concrete. I''m afraid to say. Even legally signed off documents are in countless dispute realms. It's not different for a TOS. 

But you can be blocked from the service, and as a private enterprise they have the right to block you.

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1 hour ago, Coffee Pancake said:
  • Content on primfeed can't be seen without signing up to and into primfeed, this is bad practice


That is surprising to me. It kind of defeats the purpose of a social network to a degree. I can share my Flickr posts, Twitter, Instagram, etc.. and they can be viewed without having to be signed in unless it is mature content. Having a walled garden is a bad idea.

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4 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

Linden Lab also has an account in Primfeed. They are promoting the 21st birthday stuff.

Yup,  That's why I'm  of the opinion that LL's legal team has already vetted the website.  They have greenlit it and may collaborate with it over time.  And it's also why I think eventually, LL will acquire it after it's shifted from minimial viable product to the either the full version with all the features and security risks minimized or as close to that stage as possible. Less overhead costs for LL if they wanted to create it, and another revenue stream.

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18 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


I have mixed feelings about social media platforms, and avoid some of them -- namely anything having to do with Meta -- like the plague.

I avoid Meta like the plague too.  Never been on it --- never will.  Funny thing is recently my man needed a new phone and while in the store the sales person helping called someone over and said "he'll put FB on the new phone and you're ready to go." My man said he doesn't touch socials and the sales lady said "Well, the phone won't work without it." I jumped in and called BS and said it will work fine without it.  The buy from the Meta booth wasn't happy! lol

As for Primfeed --- I'll take a wait and see on it since I'm rarely in world nowadays.

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6 minutes ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

I avoid Meta like the plague too.  Never been on it --- never will.  Funny thing is recently my man needed a new phone and while in the store the sales person helping called someone over and said "he'll put FB on the new phone and you're ready to go." My man said he doesn't touch socials and the sales lady said "Well, the phone won't work without it." I jumped in and called BS and said it will work fine without it.  The buy from the Meta booth wasn't happy! lol

As for Primfeed --- I'll take a wait and see on it since I'm rarely in world nowadays.

What in the world? What phone brand was this?    I have an 11 Pro model and I really never had to use Socials to get in.  I have some, sure but added that weeks later if not months.

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2 minutes ago, Irina Forwzy said:

What in the world? What phone brand was this?    I have an 11 Pro model and I really never had to use Socials to get in.  I have some, sure but added that weeks later if not months.

It was at a small store chain.  Think Zuck is trying to get their little fingers out to get more peeps trapped into their mold.

I forgot to put in my post it was a no-sale and we went to another retailer who sold us the same phone with no hassle.  It was the other store that's in bed with Meta.

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A lot of the advertising posts on Primfeed appear to be reposted by other people (alts?) without any additional comments. Looks like 'bumping' to keep adverts at the top of the page, if you ask me! The Primfeed TOS says you're not allowed to re-post an image you've already posted. Not a problem if you use alts to re-post. 😁

Edited by Conifer Dada
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Looks like it was a hit!  


ey, it's been 24 hours ... And oh my god.

In case you're wondering why you are having a bit of issues sometimes, and why I went a bit silence:

24 hours later, Primfeed is:

- 8000 users
- 38000 posts
- 33000 images uploaded

While I was ready for some traffic, this is nowhere the level of traffic I was expecting on the day of launch.

I'm doing my best to manage the messages, support requests, moderation, management of the team and the infrastructure as I can. (The server never crashed.)

Features that you can expect this weekend / next week:

- Update on the names, you will be able to update your name with your current one, and change your display name.
- The mute feature.

You are just insane. Thank you everyone, thank you so much. ❤️


Kudos to them, may it continue to do well.

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