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Irina Forwzy

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Everything posted by Irina Forwzy

  1. Honestly, Don't kid yourself with this. There's not as many people that want to pay children that will match the adult revenue.
  2. Including myself for about 1 hour to see the Egyptian exhibit.
  3. You mean 2094 or 2194 as their completion date for VR? After four erroneous attempts, mind you.
  4. It's why I made my comment. There's both the age factor and the image the game has. The name itself causes some to view it negatively without any knowledge of what is going on. "Oh so it means you have no first life." To top it off, you have the sexual deviance stuff and the few cases of infidelity that have propped up on documentaries outside of the game. It's for a very niche market. And it's hard to get others to join.
  5. I used long skirts as an example. It's not the only style or item that creators are not creating due to demand for other items. But it proves a point that creators in and of themselves aren't only creating because they like something.
  6. Well I mean, thankfully they don't deal with physical locations like Sears did. So someone can swoop in and vulture their way to millions simultaneously as they basically drink all the life essence from a company. But it means that they have to be careful.
  7. While the failure in and of itself for Sears/ToysRUs was through the Private Equity/Investment Fraud scheme that sometimes happen when the land itself is sold off to a "company" that usually has ties to the Investment company for a lease/rental price which then augments and shifts what could have already been an amortized cost in old mortgages to a sunk one now.. the point still stands. The reason why they got away with doing these behaviors was because the companies didn't have enough sale to yield over the debt and the financial failures of the management behind them. Leaving them exposed to the risks that they were. JcPenney, Macy's etc are also in that risk category. All companies can rack up debt, and if they don't have the wiggle room of increasing revenue, any mistake or bad executive decision can leave them on the border of bankruptcy. LL needs to start to realize that back when money was flowing without much Fed Rate hike on it, mistakes were not deadly. Now they can be. Which means they need to be focused on the revenue and sim creations in the next three months and six. If they see a slow influx of steady revenue, they need to talk to the developers to not black access to the grid with older viewers. They also will need to potentially slow down PBR or introduce more PCs into their Beta environments (and I mean with better communication than just Forum and Sl University) and try to iron out as many kinks.
  8. Morning without coffee but both of these store types have been failing as of late. Department stores and Big Box Stores have been bleeding for years. Now Sears also had a CEO that was using the company as a revenue stream (if I remember he had a company that acquired the land and then Sears had to rent from it)... but overall besides Sears that was being fleeced by a CEO.. The rest have been struggling for a decade or more. And we know what happened to ToysRUs...
  9. While true: Macy's, JcPenney, and Sears would like to have a word with you. Big Box stores such as these were a highlight of a time. Now they are having financial issues and we all know how Sears disappeared. There has been a change in people's behavior especially in the last 20-30 years. In fact, it's impacting even cruising industries (where the main point which was Casinos is now having to change because the younger generation doesn't like casinos). Some things do follow age. You may not like a particular game for instance when you are 20 because your parent's played it or it's as old as your parents, at thirty you may no longer care as much for the stigma. At seventy, you may have heard about it from a child and you want to be hip. Anomalies do exist. But, the golden age of LL has been over and attracting the Fortnite users (or what's the newest game?) may not be as profitable as they think.
  10. Except they are trying to attract the younger crowd not the other ones within the same age range. The younger one that used to have disposable income and doesn't have as much anymore and the younger ones that have not gone to the old retailers.. hence why so many brands have actually had to file bankruptcies. They shift to try to cater to the young, but they don't really hit well with them.
  11. Personally, I don't feel Gen Xs or the newer generation which are the current target of this will be wasting time in a game that their parents may have played. But I don't know, having seen their psychology and how it's impacted retail and other enterprises in real life may play completely different here. Maybe they can also rebrand the game, Second Life to hmmm... "Third Life"?
  12. I would say it wasn't that it was released to early as much as a change of this magnitude which a complete new rendering system should have been treated completely different from the get-go. It should have included mass communication BEFORE it went into beta phase. With a thorough beta staging, where Emails/Coms are sent out to the vast number of users to try to lure different Computer specs into the environment. And if our viewers do show that to us, that means LL has a means of collecting that data (as in the type of systems) and targeting 95-98% of them in their beta testing. Once that started, they should have started to implement weekly or biweekly changes to the Beta environment to fix issues. Then, once they rolled it out the 1-5% with the last remaining issues could have been worked on by TPVs. Instead, it's been a hot mess. This is not mesh, where a sim can still operate without it. This is a complete overhaul of how you look at the world regardless of whether it is nonmesh, mesh, or this.
  13. Well, Roman Empire's demise wasn't decadence as much as spreading too thin to the point they had to divide the seat of power into the West and East side. Followed by the level of corruption which lead to many catastrophes including the burning of Rome and several other failures until Rome fell to the Visigoths. Though some would say it just changed it's government style and is still existing today. Now France was the decadence and overspending on the US Revolution while throwing the cost to the peasants to pay. So let them eat cake! While i lounge in a 10k gaming desktop that makes me fly through SL for about 1 year before one update breaks it.
  14. Don't worry the "Creative" defenders will claim the majority that are in events every month to try to make sells are just creating for the sake creating. If that were the case, they wouldn't be creating as much lingerie passing off as clothes. Considering many of us have complained in the past for that When you see something you like being created it's not because of "Creativity" it's because what you want isn't being sold; especially if you look around and majority are dressing the way do now. I had a conversation with someone I loved in sl, an old vintage, quirky store. When I asked her why she wasn't making as much vintage and was mostly doing lingerie she admitted it. The vintage pieces weren't selling as much. She ended up getting mad once and making several vintage pieces before she completely left SL (the store is still there but hasn't produced much in years).
  15. But that's not the majority of creators. At least not the ones that are going to multiple events and producing for them.
  16. Those are sometimes still wearing nonmesh. I went to one the other day and I thought the whole of space and time was going to implode!
  17. Because if their aim is to make money their time spent on production is time they prefer to spend actually earning Lindens. Now, if the creator is just creating for themselves then that's different. The sales are just an added bonus.
  18. But if no one buys your product, why are you going to continue to make? Majority of creators aren't creating just for the sake of creating. They are making for those that shop their products. If they were creating for just themselves, you'd see more long-skirts and knee-length skirts for instance, than what we see...
  19. It still doesn't matter. If someone doesn't want to purchase from a creator then they have to close shop.
  20. You realize the reason people usually make fun of SL isn't due to the graphics but rather due to what it supposedly means. And the RL issues that have stemmed from it, such as someone having an emotional affair rather than staying married. Etc.
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