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Second Life Mobile 2023 - First Look

Linden Lab

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On 6/9/2023 at 1:22 AM, davidventer said:

This comment reeks of petty ignorance and self-importance. 

Just because YOU don't have a valid reason doesn't mean you need to dismiss others' needs or preferences. This doesn't affect you in any way. Providing access to a mobile viewer doesn't mean you'll stop having access to a desktop viewer.

But you wanted valid reasons? Here you go:

The main reason: Accessibility, especially for those with disabilities who aren't able to use keyboard and mouse input (the iPad does support touch, keyboard, mouse, Apple Pencil, voice, and game controller input). I personally know someone who is no longer on Second Life because a motor accident left them disabled. They're no longer able to use a keyboard and mouse but they now use an iPad and Apple Pencil to do everything they used to do on a desktop. They'll most probably return to Second Life once the mobile viewer is released. 

My reason: My iPad Pro M2 is a powerful beast, about 3x more powerful than my old iMac 4k. Since getting it, I've been using it as my main driver for pretty much everything because it's fun, it's portable, the battery lasts all day, and I'm not chained to a desk. I also experience frequent power cuts in my country and can't get much done on my desktop as a result, whereas a battery-powered device enables me to stay productive even during blackouts. The screen is anything but microscopic; sure it's not as large as an iMac or MacBook but surprisingly, that's not an issue. It's easy to hold and fun to use. I have been able to do almost everything on the 11-inch iPad that I'm used to doing on my 24" iMac, Second Life being the exception -  the screen size is a non-issue, and if I ever want a bigger screen, when the power is on, I can Airplay Mirror my iPad onto my massive TV and chill on my bed or on the couch rather than having to sit at a desk. 

Rather than proclaiming "Nope" on things that other people are excited about and have a valid need for, maybe try to allow others to enjoy things, even if you don't. Don't yuck someone else's yum. Live and let live. No one is forcing you to use a mobile viewer but many of us would love the option, and fortunately, Linden Lab is working on giving us the option. ✌️


people like myself wih a disability and and Ipad would use to access our SL that is why


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I have multiple devices butbwhen my disability my eyesight plays up an ipad whi use can be easier for short term use. As I also have dyslexia using and ipad saves me typing so i congratulate the developers on their project. Just because someone is different from you either by looks disability or sexual persuasion should not be abused either we are all here to enjoy what SL gives us so appreciate that humanity is so diverse and enjoy this platform..

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On 6/7/2023 at 12:24 PM, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

I don't get it.

Please describe a single valid reason for anyone anywhere to use Second Life on a battery-powered handheld wi-fi device with a microscopic screen covered in greasy fingerprints.


I personally daily drive my Galaxy Fold as my main "PC" and would LOVE to see a mobile version made. Hey, it you like being tethered to a wall then good for you. Some of us out there like to explore the great outdoors and still play games on our little microscopic battery powered handheld wifi devices. A lot more freeing than being tethered to a wall by a power hungry brick that you can't bring anywhere with you. 

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Looking awsome! Don't forget to add support for keyboard and mouse! A lot of people (me) use it for their phones directly or for example by using Samsung Dex. 

It would also be awsome if it's possible to run "full screen" in Samsung Dex. 


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/10/2023 at 11:56 AM, Linden Lab said:


Learn more about Second Life on mobile, and other upcoming features, changes, and our roadmap for 2023 on Lab Gab. In this episode our VP of Engineering Mojo Linden shared that a beta version of Second Life mobile will be coming later this year. Keep an eye on this thread for future updates!


This is awesome, I really hope it works out this time. Right now I’m on Zepeto as LilBabyLulu and PrincessLillithea ( two avi accounts) It’s on mobile & is like secondlife mixed with TikTok/ Likee. I love it but I would really like Secondlife to be mobile. Secondlife shaped my life interactions & growth from age 15 on LittleNekoRose, age 17 on LittleBrokenNekoAngel and into my adult years on PrincessLillitheaRoseAllen (this account my main) and AlanaRoseAllen (my alt depression little space account) 

I had to step away from computer secondlife because I didn’t have time to be in it: takes more time to pull up a computer & u can’t travel with it and hook up to internet everywhere. 

I remember the first attempt was only chat and only up for a few months. 

However I also remember turning from clay figures into beautiful mesh and fitted mesh Avis and then came Slink and Maitreya. Now there’s even VR options and soon Ai integration I’m sure. How cool is that: in 20y (for me 15-28 in age secondlife has evolved by leaps and bounds) 

I’ve no doubt with creative minds that it can continue to progress positively with time. 

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3 hours ago, bigmoe Whitfield said:

this was the wrong move by epic and tons of people are looking at their options.  

Not Epic. Epic sells Unreal Engine and Fortnite, not Unity.

Unity's pricing policy change is causing great turmoil in game dev right now. Is SL's mobile viewer  using Unity?

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3 hours ago, animats said:

Not Epic. Epic sells Unreal Engine and Fortnite, not Unity.

Unity's pricing policy change is causing great turmoil in game dev right now. Is SL's mobile viewer  using Unity?

I just figured that out and went "crap" and was going to edit my mistake.   my fault, I thought epic owned unity too.

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59 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:
7 hours ago, animats said:

Unity's pricing policy change is causing great turmoil in game dev right now. Is SL's mobile viewer  using Unity?

It is.

Restating my question from earlier (which I think was not answered):

I had seen in the news that Unity was charging a fee "per download".  At the time, I assumed this was for software using Unity which is downloaded directly from Unity-hosted servers by end users.  Is it correct that the charge would be for each end-user download of software using Unity, regardless of where the software is downloaded form (Android store, Apple store, etc.)?

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31 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Restating my question from earlier (which I think was not answered):

I had seen in the news that Unity was charging a fee "per download".  At the time, I assumed this was for software using Unity which is downloaded directly from Unity-hosted servers by end users.  Is it correct that the charge would be for each end-user download of software using Unity, regardless of where the software is downloaded form (Android store, Apple store, etc.)?

In short, installs from any platform are counted.

The slightly longer answer is that the fee is specifically about the Unity Runtime (which to my understanding is "the game") which is downloaded either from Unity or from a distributor ("the developer"). If Unity Runtime is downloaded from a distributor, that distributor is responsible for paying the fee to Unity.

You can read more about it here: https://unity.com/runtime-fee

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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11 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

In short, installs from any platform are counted.

The slightly longer answer is that the fee is specifically about the Unity Runtime, which is downloaded either from Unity or from a distributor. If Unity Runtime is downloaded from a distributor, that distributor is responsible for paying the fee to Unity.

You can read more about it here: https://unity.com/runtime-fee

Thanks! * Reading info at the link *

At least it's a "sliding fee"..for "Unity Pro" and "Unity Enterprise".

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