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Come and get your Homesteads (P+ only, of course)

LittleMe Jewell

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1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

This came up in another thread, and it's all a question of how important it is to own that Homestead (paying directly to Linden Lab) vs renting it from an Estate. For the end user, there are advantages to ownership, but it can be significantly less expensive to rent instead (especially with VAT, if I understand correctly).

(I'm not promoting one way or another, I'm just anticipating Estate owners complaining about this new offer "competing" with them, which I don't think is a very compelling argument. If people are willing to pay this much extra to own their own Homestead, Estates might want to look at why.)

That is the point. To some people it is worthy, and that is great.

To me it is not since with VAT, It would add up to around 1700€/year, and SL is not important enough to me to make such an investment 

Edited by Elena Core
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9 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

I would never rent an island from anyone though.

Just the principle of not paying anyone little extra? With smaller landlords I get why, one day they are here and another they are not. Lots of headache to setup it all again even if you'd make a backup of all builds.

But the day when Chung empire vanishes from SL will be the day when whole SL dies (unless LL would buy their business like they did with Casper). That's thousands of regions and not just residental, but also a great amount of stores, clubs, events and so on. They are far from the cheapest option compared to some smaller landlords, but I suppose such safety is worth it. Not arguing or anything, do it how it works the best for you, just curious.


Either way, this offer doesn't really interest me in any way. I do have a full region (directly from LL) for a numbers of years already, but even if I didn't, then this PP+homestead combination would be absolutely last option I'd go for if I needed/wanted region or a homestead. Not cheaper than renting a homestead and premium/pp perks are absolutely worthless to me. Group slots would be nice to have, but not 29k L$ (that's counting full price of PP minus 650/week stipends) kind of nice.

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10 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

I would never rent an island from anyone though.  I only want to have to deal with LL for land

I'm in the YMMV column on this.  I've rented homesteads 3 times from reputable private island estates.  They didn't charge much (if any) over LL cost; basically they did it to increase the size of their "continent". All were themed estates, and of course we had to build in-theme and guarantee waterway through our region, which in our case was what we wanted.

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It is a hard decision for me.

How do you compare Homestead benefits / drawbacks (performance) vs. 1/2 Region?


Pro: 65,535sm

Con: 5000LI

Con?: "20 concurrent Avatars"

Con: "Reduced performance"

About the same: USD $112/Month

1/2 Region Mainland: 

Con: 32,768sm

Pro: 11250 LI

Pro?: How many?? "Concurrent Avatars"

Pro: "Full performance" - but sharing resources with others on Region / other Regions

About the same: USD $109/Month



Edited by Love Zhaoying
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25 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Remember folks .. if you have a friend or two looking at doing this, clubbing together for a real full region will be a better deal. You get more beans, more primbs and less social isolation.

Was coming in here to say this. You could even go to the 30K level and wind up with 15,000 beans each. The downside is that it's SL and finding anyone to 100% trust to keep sharing that sim cost, pay on time, and maintain a sim you both like looking at is a crap shoot.

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3 hours ago, steeljane42 said:

Just the principle of not paying anyone little extra? With smaller landlords I get why, one day they are here and another they are not. Lots of headache to setup it all again even if you'd make a backup of all builds.

It's just my preference to go directly to the service provider that provides the service to everyone.  Everyone else should choose what's right for them.

2 hours ago, Nika Talaj said:

I'm in the YMMV column on this.  I've rented homesteads 3 times from reputable private island estates.  They didn't charge much (if any) over LL cost; basically they did it to increase the size of their "continent". All were themed estates, and of course we had to build in-theme and guarantee waterway through our region, which in our case was what we wanted.

Of course it's YMMV, I didn't suggest otherwise.

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Next for wish list , have a way for PP members with a homestead to pay by week/month when we spin them up-- would bring back seasonal folks and the education market. 

Lazy richie richs can have pre -decorated seasonal homesteads.  The off seasons are just dormant code and only pop on the grid on paid request. 

If the PP stops being funded ,after a while --say 60/90 days  the program brings the region(s) back up, returns the items and buh-bye. Same ending to  the region as now but a reason to keep PP funded , sell more homesteads and cement SL as a home base.

Would there be a cost to Linden after the coding for there to be dormant regions aside from an assigned berth on the map? Seems to me it would be revenue for them and flexibility for us.

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44 minutes ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

Was coming in here to say this. You could even go to the 30K level and wind up with 15,000 beans each. The downside is that it's SL and finding anyone to 100% trust to keep sharing that sim cost, pay on time, and maintain a sim you both like looking at is a crap shoot.

There is literally nobody over the internet I would ever trust with this.  People may disagree with me and again that's their risk to take.  I just wouldn't.

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16 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

My new region has just been delivered.  A quick response without any problems.  Thanks LL and in particular to @Whitney Linden

Just put in my request with Whitney too. She's been stellar to deal with. 

Just in time as my tier is due in a few days on the private estate I'm renting with. Ghosty already has put in his dibs on where he wants his house to go lol.

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Since I already own a full region, this new feature doesnt really affect me... even before it I could get a homestead if I wanted one... I just did not want one.

But I think it is nice that the feature is available to those who want it. Some people have been longing for this for a long time.

So I am glad LL did it.

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5 minutes ago, Lloyd Overland said:

Sorry to ask a very basic question but what are the options/rules regarding where the homestead can be located? Due to my love of mainland sailing I'd snap one up if it could connect to an existing mainland water region. I have a feeling that's not an option :(

It certainly isn't an option you can select when placing your order.  LL does have program to request connecting private estates to mainland but I doubt they would do it for a single homestead.  Here are the details for that: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Community_Land_Partnership_Program

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Nah, homestead-owning is not for me. Back when I still had a store and lots of breedables on top of that, it could have come in handy, but now? Nope. I can't see what I would use more than a few hundred prims for anyway. I guess I'm a SL-semi-minimalist? (A prim-minimalist? A priminalist? 😁)

Edited by Miro Felix
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Dumb question since I've never owned a Homestead.

Got my land delivery, yay!

Am I able to swap out the one I asked for for another shaped land mass? Now that I see it in person, it feels rather overwhelmingly high in spots. Obviously I know I can terraform but if I could do that from a better starting point, all the easier.

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6 minutes ago, Elora Lunasea said:

Am I able to swap out the one I asked for for another shaped land mass? Now that I see it in person, it feels rather overwhelmingly high in spots. Obviously I know I can terraform but if I could do that from a better starting point, all the easier.

I believe you can purchase terrain maps on the marketplace for your homestead, although I can't find any for the linden homestead maps.

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22 minutes ago, Istelathis said:

I believe you can purchase terrain maps on the marketplace for your homestead, although I can't find any for the linden homestead maps.

I'll take a look also.

I mean, I know how to terraform. I'm just inherently lazy and if there's an easier way I'm all for it 


EDIT: I think, I found it


Edited by Elora Lunasea
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