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14 minutes ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

Well if the bed if PG you could eat cookies in bed on the front lawn.

Probably only if it's a flower bed.

(A bed outside might be reported as being "out of theme", though I doubt Goverance would care.)

Edited by Persephone Emerald
To explain my comment
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4 minutes ago, Han Held said:

Now, see -when you talk about garbage on mainland you're talking about me. You're talking about my builds.

I don't intentionally build horribly, mind you -but I'm aware that I will never ever in a zillion years be close to being professional quality. VERY aware. I don't believe it matters (what matters is if I actually put effort into it and try to learn more as I go on ...and I do both).

Second life encourages -or at least in my mind ought to encourage everyone to have a voice, and a place to express or play out whatever...regardless of skill level. That's not it's only strength but IMO it's a core part of it's appeal -otherwise it's just a *****ty 3d app running on a 21 year old engine.

I'm even less in favor of any rhetoric about "cleaning up" mainland than I am of the whole place turning into a GTFO hub. I just watched a guy build two sims by hand...that has my respect, if nothing else.

A curated mainland has no room for me -and to be honest I wouldn't want to be on it in the first place.




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17 minutes ago, Orwar said:


   .. Also that I couldn't find that one thing I came to look at because it turns out the store if properly gargantuan. Bleh!

Omg [Peeve], trying to pick out something at DRD with their awesome $L 475 store credit from Shop & Hop when their store is a humongous warehouse of stuff.

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7 minutes ago, Han Held said:

A curated mainland has no room for me -and to be honest I wouldn't want to be on it in the first place.

I have absolutely no desire to live in a chaotic sandbox, which is why I have always lived on private estates.  However, I really do agree that there has to be a chaotic counterpart to Bellisseria for those who just love to build crazy stuff and those who can appreciate neighbors who make crazy stuff. That's what I have always thought Mainland was for.  It sounds like you've found your happy place in SL.  If your neighbors don't care for your style, they can either suck it up or move on ... or you can.  

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59 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

And my own mainland parcel is surrounded on three sides by a giant GTFO rail hub that is HUGE.

GTFO is the biggest single-purpose mainland activity after all the adult stuff everyone absolutely doesn't do (ever), and pretty much the only activity propping up G mainland at this point. It is single handily responsible for a lot of rejuvenation around roads and coast lines.

Kinda makes me wish that parcels in SL would just get darker and darker the longer they unused (like old sim city plots) just so people could see how utterly sunk the land market has become.


Peeve : The SL economy is actually tanking and no-one leaves their bubble long enough to notice. If we don't pull up after summer, a lot of people are going to be tapping out and cutting back. It's the worst it's ever been for small creators.

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3 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

I have absolutely no desire to live in a chaotic sandbox, which is why I have always lived on private estates.  However, I really do agree that there has to be a chaotic counterpart to Bellisseria for those who just love to build crazy stuff and those who can appreciate neighbors who make crazy stuff. That's what I have always thought Mainland was for.  It sounds like you've found your happy place in SL.  If your neighbors don't care for your style, they can either suck it up or move on ... or you can.  

The old Linden Homes Regions were not too bad.  I had a couple nice homes - one right on the edge of Park land. Quite neighbors... it was almost like Bellisseria is (even without the Covenant).

My current "chaotic" Mainland parcel luckily has protected land on two sides, a waterway on one. So I can always look towards the water if I have to.  Neighbors on 2 of the sides are "stable", and a few others sell often due to inflated land process.  Short version: It could be a lot worse.

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

And my own mainland parcel is surrounded on three sides by a giant GTFO rail hub that is HUGE. I wouldn't mind it so much if it were even a teeny bit "realistic," and actually urban, but it's just a sterile glass and steel monstrosity with big full-bright signs.

At least the train is quiet..!

I'm reminded of the movie "7even" (I think that is the one), where they moved in and THEN they found out that the train ran every few minutes right by their house. The Real Estate guy was careful to only take them to the apartment was the train was not running.

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6 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

That's what I have always thought Mainland was for.

Mainland is also cheap, especially if you stack premiums to pay for it, and the landlord really doesn't care what you do so long as it doesn't annoy anyone else.

Which is why there is so much adult content on G regions .. Mainland : No one cares.

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8 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Peeve : The SL economy is actually tanking and no-one leaves their bubble long enough to notice. If we don't pull up after summer, a lot of people are going to be tapping out and cutting back. It's the worst it's ever been for small creators.

Some macroeconomic details would be great! (Not just anecdotal stories about individual users who are affected.)

I hear "The Sky Is Falling!" from different people on here a lot, but not many actual details.  Aside from creators who aren't making as much - not enough MP sales, fees went up, that kind of thing.

And I do "get it" that if Creators leave, "we are in trouble".

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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I hear "The Sky Is Falling!" from different people on here a lot, but not many actual details. 

Peeve: Getting tired of actually hearing this. For five years that is all I've heard. If LL doesn't do something SL is doomed and here we are five years later. That would be pretty crappy of them to sell lifetimes memberships when they know that the platform is going to be taken down so even if we do nothing I don't think SL is going anywhere.

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51 minutes ago, Han Held said:

Now, see -when you talk about garbage on mainland you're talking about me. You're talking about my builds.

I don't intentionally build horribly, mind you -but I'm aware that I will never ever in a zillion years be close to being professional quality. VERY aware. I don't believe it matters (what matters is if I actually put effort into it and try to learn more as I go on ...and I do both).

Second life encourages -or at least in my mind ought to encourage everyone to have a voice, and a place to express or play out whatever...regardless of skill level. That's not it's only strength but IMO it's a core part of it's appeal -otherwise it's just a *****ty 3d app running on a 21 year old engine.

I'm even less in favor of any rhetoric about "cleaning up" mainland than I am of the whole place turning into a GTFO hub. I just watched a guy build two sims by hand...that has my respect, if nothing else.

A curated mainland has no room for me -and to be honest I wouldn't want to be on it in the first place.

My parcel is mostly commercial mesh, but with a few prim-built things made by myself. I still enjoy building a lot, but mostly when I do that, it's for photo backdrops. I just finished building the Globe Theatre stage almost entirely from prims and textures I made myself; I did cheat and use a commercial curtain (cuz draping is hard with prims) and columns (cuz fluting). It was fun to do! (The best part, in some ways, was making normal maps and watching the textures just suddenly pop out. I'm a little sad that we're going to be doing away with that soon.)

I agree about a "curated mainland" . . . generally. I think some very general form of zoning might not be a terrible thing but, again, the mainland is a glorious mess, and if a lack of oversight means there's a lot of eyesores, it also means that there are hidden treasures.

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21 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

GTFO is the biggest single-purpose mainland activity after all the adult stuff everyone absolutely doesn't do (ever), and pretty much the only activity propping up G mainland at this point. It is single handily responsible for a lot of rejuvenation around roads and coast lines.

Kinda makes me wish that parcels in SL would just get darker and darker the longer they unused (like old sim city plots) just so people could see how utterly sunk the land market has become.


Peeve : The SL economy is actually tanking and no-one leaves their bubble long enough to notice. If we don't pull up after summer, a lot of people are going to be tapping out and cutting back. It's the worst it's ever been for small creators.

I have zero objections to GTFO as an activity. And I've seen some pretty nice GTFO builds.

This one, though, is . . . not nice. I have an airstrip overlooking my parcel, about 10 m. in the air. And I've never seen anyone there, tbh -- and I've been there quite a long time.

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15 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

At least the train is quiet..!

I'm reminded of the movie "7even" (I think that is the one), where they moved in and THEN they found out that the train ran every few minutes right by their house. The Real Estate guy was careful to only take them to the apartment was the train was not running.

The train tracks running in front of my parcel are a feature, not a bug: they're why I kept this bit of land (which is actually also the ancestral first home of the SLLU, going back to . . . 2006?). We had nearly two regions worth of land elsewhere that I ended up abandoning because 1) the tier was ruinous, and 2) it was landlocked, about a kilometer away from the highway, hard to see, and impossible to get to except via TP.

Union Station, on the Heterocera Atoll SLRR, on the other hand, does get occasional visitors from the rail line -- I'll see someone zipping by on some form of rail transport about once an hour or so.


In RL, I love living near train tracks. Seriously. I love the sound. The only thing I don't love about them is the way the vibrations eventually make your doors go wonky.

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17 minutes ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

Peeve: Getting tired of actually hearing this. For five years that is all I've heard. If LL doesn't do something SL is doomed and here we are five years later. That would be pretty crappy of them to sell lifetimes memberships when they know that the platform is going to be taken down so even if we do nothing I don't think SL is going anywhere.

Peeve: There's probably users who have thought SL was closing for the past 10, 15 years.  I bet some of them even sold all their stuff and came crawling sheepishly back, with new names.


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29 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Peeve : The SL economy is actually tanking and no-one leaves their bubble long enough to notice. If we don't pull up after summer, a lot of people are going to be tapping out and cutting back. It's the worst it's ever been for small creators.

Economy or not ...SL isn't going anywhere -not for a few years, at least. And when it finally does:

1)I'll always have opensim (I even have friends there)

2)AI (and how it's leveraged) will have remade the social and internet landscape to such a degree that the internet will probably be unrecognizable anyway

3)It's quite likely that we'll have larger real-world problems (economic and ecological) making the matter moot.

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

The train tracks running in front of my parcel are a feature, not a bug: they're why I kept this bit of land (which is actually also the ancestral first home of the SLLU, going back to . . . 2006?). We had nearly two regions worth of land elsewhere that I ended up abandoning because 1) the tier was ruinous, and 2) it was landlocked, about a kilometer away from the highway, hard to see, and impossible to get to except via TP.

Union Station, on the Heterocera Atoll SLRR, on the other hand, does get occasional visitors from the rail line -- I'll see someone zipping by on some form of rail transport about once an hour or so.


In RL, I love living near train tracks. Seriously. I love the sound. The only thing I don't love about them is the way the vibrations eventually make your doors go wonky.

YOU are a feature! I'd live next door to that beauty!

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   Having a bunch of GTFO hubs all next to each other is just annoying when you're playing it. When you start a 'job', you get a menu to select your destination, and having 50 hubs within 1 kilometre just means you'll have to flip through a bunch of pages before you actually see the jobs that have you, you know, drive/fly/sail anywhere. 

   And it's one of those things that people plonk down expecting a bunch of traffic, a bit like fishing buoys. Some hubs don't even have road access so you end up having to drive through someone's garden to get there. And since the listed hubs are added/removed manually, you'll occasionally drive out into the middle of an empty region of abandoned land as the owners closed up shop and didn't bother to tell anyone.

   Still, it's fun!

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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: There's probably users who have thought SL was closing for the past 10, 15 years.  I bet some of them even sold all their stuff and came crawling sheepishly back, with new names.


I suspect so, yeah.

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57 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Omg [Peeve], trying to pick out something at DRD with their awesome $L 475 store credit from Shop & Hop when their store is a humongous warehouse of stuff.

Hop on that little shopping forklift and motor around! 
(Honestly, I couldn’t decide yet either but I think I at least narrowed down my choices). 

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