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16 hours ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

Hard crash, like with a Bugsplat or the usual teleport bug with soft lock/teleport failure followed by "you've been disconnected" ?

Soft crash. It hangs on the teleport screen, I click cancel and suddenly everyone is gone. Cue a guaranteed disconnect about 10 seconds later. Maddening.

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27 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Only if you "spill the tea".  

Since I often see Kermit in the "Drinking tea" / "But that's none of my business" memes, I assume Kermit mastered the art of "spilling tea" without "spilling tea"!

ETA, anticipating: "But since Kermit drinks tea made with Lipton teabags, he OBVIOUSLY knows NOTHING about Tea!"

You probably did #memehistory as well, but that's none of my business… | by  Sara Conde | Medium

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Peeve: Watching a 41-year-old spin on her head is making me feel real old right about now. I don't care what those lil 17-year-olds are doing as I remember those days but this hits different. 😤

Brb, finding some cardboard. Hmpf.

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27 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Peeve: Watching a 41-year-old spin on her head is making me feel real old right about now. I don't care what those lil 17-year-olds are doing as I remember those days but this hits different. 😤

Brb, finding some cardboard. Hmpf.

I'm reminded of this classic video.


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6 hours ago, BriannaLovey said:

They probably just haven't had anyone say something about this issue before. From our conversation, I recall you use Ubuntu with the GNOME desktop environment. Most other desktop environments (Cinnamon, KDE, XFCE, etc.) have some sort of hint that another window has been opened, such as a flashing taskbar icon or a little box displaying the number of windows open for a particular application. So many other Linux users will realize that another window is opened, but just not in focus.

I have never used GNOME before, but it is possible that it doesn't hint that new windows are being opened very well.

Manjaro XFCE here and said dialog pops up when it is supposed to, in the foreground.

6 hours ago, SandorWren said:

I know so little about Linux, I wouldn't even know to look. Either way, FS is unusable for impromptu pics if I have to choose a folder each time. I need it to save when I press save. And that's even too slow.

See above with the addition that the only time I need to tell it where to go or what to name the file is when choosing to Save As.

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2 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

Manjaro XFCE here and said dialog pops up when it is supposed to, in the foreground.

See above with the addition that the only time I need to tell it where to go or what to name the file is when choosing to Save As.

Thanks!!! FS froze for me even when i didn't use "save as". I will check it again though. it might change since I have a location set.now.

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2 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

Manjaro XFCE here and said dialog pops up when it is supposed to, in the foreground.

See above with the addition that the only time I need to tell it where to go or what to name the file is when choosing to Save As.

Peeve: I am missing your contributions, especially in "certain threads".

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6 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I'm reminded of this classic video.


Woof. I LOVED that song back in the day.  I only found it because they played a clip of it in a Mitsubishi commercial, so I tracked it down and bought the cassette album.  Most of the songs were pretty good too. 

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11 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Tell them you don't believe in "Dr. Spock Consciousness"   pfffft

It's like displaying emotion is considered evil these days (in the West anyway).  Many other countries value emotional expression.

Yeah, when I do have feelings, I'm never afraid to show them, despite normally being more of the Science Officer Spock sort. They get all Dr. Spock on me, I raise my Mr. Spock eyebrow on them in response.

It is, after all, the only logical thing to do.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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11 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: That happens to me too, when apparently out of the blue, people say I "must be having a bad day", or accuse me of being "passive-aggressive"!

It's like, you almost have to put little hearts and smiley emojis on everything or people just make up their own "moods" for what you write!

I've totally done that before myself, and to you, no less. One day I didn't see you being as overtly "cheery" as I expected or hoped for, and totally spun myself a fictional pattern due to lack of factual data. I should have simply asked how you were.

Peeve: When I see stuff I don't like, and realize I don't like it because I've done it myself before and disliked what came of it, and hate seeing others go down the same spiral staircase of caca, knowing there is no way of stopping them.

Oh, and for what it's worth, Love, I'm glad we have you around here. And if anyone ever doesn't feel the same way, they just need to pull the twig out of their behind. You're one of the people I'd invite to a "people from the forum" party if I ever threw one inworld.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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6 hours ago, PheebyKatz said:

Oh, and for what it's worth, Love, I'm glad we have you around here. And if anyone ever doesn't feel the same way, they just need to pull the twig out of their behind. You're one of the people I'd invite to a "people from the forum" party if I ever threw one inworld.

You're nice! 

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On 8/8/2024 at 8:54 PM, PheebyKatz said:

Peeve: Even with inworld mirrors that work, people still haven't learned to reflect upon themselves.

I'll explain. I did a brief stealth survey last week or so, gathering stats on people's experiences with griefers, by talking to various people about their experiences with it all, recollecting details of when they were attacked.

In almost every case, it eventually came out that the attacks weren't out of nowhere, for no reason, etc.

There was always some form of interaction preceding, and the person who was attacked always said or did something to the other(s) that turned the situation from tenseness to open conflict, thus making it into an interpersonal dispute, and thereby releasing LL from any responsibility in sorting it out.

A very well-known and notorious SL military organization is often referenced in people's recollections of being attacked. I myself was present for one of said attacks, at a playground whose rules openly stated that all avatars were welcome. They showed up, people reacted as if they were already being attacked, and the next thing you know people are pushing each other and it's a griefer attack.

When the same group showed up at my home sim, I greeted them like I would greet any other group of visitors. We hung out for almost 2 hours, and nobody fought anyone. I was even invited to join them, and I was presenting as my child self at the time. If they were haters, they wouldn't have friended me.

As a member, all of the "raids" I saw were on the same 3 or 4 sims, and all of them were announced with "So-and-so is waiting for us, and ready to fight,  if you need gear hit up HQ", or words to that effect.

And after the raids, scores were posted for both sides.

These groups are in SL because they like combat. If you see a soldier and you say something rude to him and tell him to naff off, he might just think you want to fight, too. If a group of soldiers shows up and you react defensively, they're probably going to assume there's at least some kind of a fight to be had.

And as soon as one of your peeps calls one of them names or shoves them, or shoots at them, or orbits them, that's consent. It becomes a mutually-agreed-to combat at best, and at worst, in the eyes of LL, just some people sorting out their differences, and none of LL's business.

They've been doing it for longer than most of us have even been in SL. And even communities whose members will swear it was griefing have staff/leaders who are in the same combat groups.

I realize not every case of griefing is like this, but a lot more of them are than people think. So, my hope would be that people consider that nothing happens in a vacuum, and if they're going to expect courtesy and respect from others, it starts at home, with the individual. How you behave towards others decides if they see you as friend, foe, or prey.

Schopenhauer wasn't really a pessimist, and neither am I. I'm just saying that if we take how things really are into consideration we might find we have a lot less to fear, and a lot less to complain about.

I tend to agree with you that there has been previous contact in most cases. Unless someone particularly enjoys grieffing a random stranger, there would be no point otherwise. I've been griefed twice, and in both cases it was by an ex. This is why I have extensive security, and have reports on who comes in to all of my home locations. Plus, rezzing is only allowed for group members.

I haven't heard of that military group, but from what you described I don't think of that as griefing.  True griefing is malicious. That sounds like it's supposed to be fun for everyone!!!


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On 8/9/2024 at 2:39 AM, Zalificent Corvinus said:

To be fair...

Less that 1.5% of SecondLifers are members of the Linux Cult. So expecting large numbers of people to know about the assorted reasons for not using Linux, ever, in detail, is probably a bit unrealistic.


It's Linux, it not working as expected is apparently "part of it's charm".

On the occasions I've used linux, (I am right now), I've always found it to be very stable, and everything DOES work as expected. It's Wndows that has issues. I have a Windows network at my office, which develops random glitches, Things just suddenly don't work. @BriannaLoveymay corect me on this, but it has been my experience.

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2 hours ago, SandorWren said:

On the occasions I've used linux, (I am right now), I've always found it to be very stable, and everything DOES work as expected. It's Wndows that has issues. I have a Windows network at my office, which develops random glitches, Things just suddenly don't work. @BriannaLoveymay corect me on this, but it has been my experience.

Your mileage will vary greatly depending on the distribution you choose. Some are built with stability in mind, and are difficult to break things on (OpenSUSE, Ubuntu, Mint, etc.) Others like Arch Linux are more prone to faults.

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1 hour ago, BriannaLovey said:

Your mileage will vary greatly depending on the distribution you choose. Some are built with stability in mind, and are difficult to break things on (OpenSUSE, Ubuntu, Mint, etc.) Others like Arch Linux are more prone to faults.

I'm using Ubuntu LTS, because that's what Firestorm is tested on. I won't use Linux for anything other than SL. Unless you give me ideas to use it for something else!!!

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YMMV indeed. I've never seen much incentive to move to Linux, because I've never had problems with Windows. Well, maybe a mild exaggeration. I do remember having problems with Windows 95, back when that was a thing. I'm on Win 10 now, though, and quite happy -- happy enough that I'm not eager to move on to Win 11.  Like so many other things in the mysterious world of computers, I think our experience is very personal. I find it hard to believe that there's a universal "best" operating system.

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9 hours ago, SandorWren said:

I tend to agree with you that there has been previous contact in most cases. Unless someone particularly enjoys grieffing a random stranger, there would be no point otherwise. I've been griefed twice, and in both cases it was by an ex. This is why I have extensive security, and have reports on who comes in to all of my home locations. Plus, rezzing is only allowed for group members.

I haven't heard of that military group, but from what you described I don't think of that as griefing.  True griefing is malicious. That sounds like it's supposed to be fun for everyone!!!


Some people do SL to go shopping, some do SL to play pirates or EMTs, and some do SL because the platform isn't anywhere near as limited as most combat/shooter games. They're combat enthusiasts. If a bunch of boating enthusiasts showed up somewhere, people would just say, "Ah, cool, you guys all like boats!" A bunch of combat enthusiasts show up, and everyone goes into fight mode instead. On a bunch of combat enthusiasts.

I'm sure some of them are even hoping things go that way, because some people are always going to be buttly no matter what, but yeah. It's just that most residents don't seem to be aware that even their own home sims' owners might be combat enthusiasts on the side, and like to watch the headless chickens.

An entire sim in a region I no longer visit had full damage enabled. It was a literature-inspired region with whimsical art, lovely landscaping, and an entire sim set up for mass combat. Nobody ever seemed to know anything about why an entire sim in their region was arranged to allow people to have limbs blown off and be "killed", but I could venture a guess or two.

At least one sizable furry community is consistently and actively engaged in mock warfare with said unnamed "griefer group" as well, and every time there's a raid, they arm up and fight. If it wasn't consenting, they'd just kickban the "enemy". They like to fight, even if they can't admit it.

The only solution I can see is that if armed factions are clashing and you aren't into it, just TP away and come back later when it's over. It's like getting caught up in the midst of a flashmob or an impromptu game of no-holds-barred rugby or something. Just get out of the way and it will be over when everyone gets it out of their system, willing "victims" included.

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10 hours ago, SandorWren said:

I tend to agree with you that there has been previous contact in most cases. Unless someone particularly enjoys grieffing a random stranger, there would be no point otherwise.

That's kind of the definition of a griefer, really.

I've seen a gang of griefers launch an attack on a place they had never been to, and where they knew nobody, JUST because the locals didn't appreciate the Hal Titanium Artificial Idiocy Chat-spam bot.

I've seen those pvp-military-tard types visit a non combat sim, and grief it because "weirdos who don't do combat, and just do [whatever] instead should get out of SL or die"

A lot of personal reports of grieferrs may involve "previous contact", the whole "my ex bf's toxic gf's griefer alt is staling me" thing for example, but there have always been a great many "lets just scr*w up SL for as many people as we can" types.

There are also the "Lets drive people not into our fave activity off the grid because we don't like THEIR fave activity", like the pvp-Military-tards who hate people who just shop or chat, or SLex, or decorate, etc., or those maritime pests in the SLCG and other fake cop-wannabe groups.



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5 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

YMMV indeed. I've never seen much incentive to move to Linux, because I've never had problems with Windows. Well, maybe a mild exaggeration. I do remember having problems with Windows 95, back when that was a thing. I'm on Win 10 now, though, and quite happy -- happy enough that I'm not eager to move on to Win 11.  Like so many other things in the mysterious world of computers, I think our experience is very personal. I find it hard to believe that there's a universal "best" operating system.

There isn't a best universal operating system.  That reluctance to upgrade to Win 11 though you are experiencing goes away under Linux, there is no pressure to move forward, you still get security patches, etc.  You move when you want to or something works in a newer version.  There is no "your computer doesn't meet minimum requirements either" for some arbitrary reasons when you do move forward.  That for me is worth more than anything else.

Edited by Gabriele Graves
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I was a Linux geek in the 90s/early 00s, whenever I install a modern distribution I'm just amazed at how everything works.

Okay not everything but it's nothing like it was. I got into desktop Linux because I liked making things work, learned a lot. There was a whole lot less support online back then too, still a dedicated community but not every problem had been encountered before like it has now and for the most part stuff didn't just work without your intervention like it does now.

I've no real desire to run desktop Linux again though, I like the Windows 'ecosystem' (ugh) if there is such a thing and find Windows to be just... fine? perfectly stable, never really have to think about it too much. I don't know about Windows 11 though, I do get the sense I'd be working hard at de-crapifying it if I did choose to use it, I got it on a new laptop I bought and wiped it clean to install Windows 10 within an hour of trying it.

It does feel like Microsoft are really forgetting what an OS is supposed to be though. I wish they'd ditch this free-to-play nonsense business model they're running now and just charge an appropriate amount for an OS without all the nonsense.

Anyway I do occasionally use modern desktop Linux and it's great, I can see how it could be perfectly usable for just about anyone and that's a huge thing. I tend to just use it for other tasks though, an SSD with Linux installed is a great troubleshooting tool.



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9 hours ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

Teleport bug makes me want to smash things.

If you've ever spent 20 minutes carefully resizing bangs, accessories etc then always remember... detatch and re-attach before going anywhere.


A quick way, especially if you spent a lot of time on it is, make a quick outfit folder and change from one back to what you have on at the moment.

I hate losing all that time because of a stupid teleport.

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