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5 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

What I don't get is . . .

. . . this guy has like one visible group. It's one of those stupid Libertarian Techno-anarchist / Hactivist groups that were so big like 12 years ago or so. Very Woodbury U, with a right wing flavour.

The guy griefs me regularly -- I'm sure I'm a favourite target, but I'd lay money that I'm not the only one. And I'd also bet he's been doing it for the better part of his 13 years in SL.

So, like, for real: what exactly do you have to do to get permabanned for griefing? Cuz apparently targeting the same person over and over again ain't sufficient.

Or is this guy a "special case" with some kind of immunity for some reason?


ETA: Forgot to mention, he came by on an alt to watch the fun. I was on my sky platform, and got an IM from a three month old avatar with an unpronounceable name on the ground level of the parcel, wishing me a "Happy SL." I greeted him back . . . and noticed after a couple of minutes that he was still hanging around down below, which made me immediately suspicious. So I opened my Land dialog to check "Objects," and . . . there it was. He sped off when I TPed down.

What's weird is that he didn't use the alt to do the griefing. He used his 13-year old account. The object belonged to the oldster, not the new account.

It's like he feels he's got some kind of protection or immunity.

It sounds like the original av gave his griefing tools to an alt before he was busted/banned. Then the alt could repeat the process giving tools to another alt before griefing.  So even though the original and the alt who planted the grief get punished, the tools continue to exist to be used again. Leaving you no choice but to report it every time with no hope of preventing another assault.  Very poor governance indeed.

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5 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Thanks Quiet, that's lovely and appreciated. ❤️

Truthfully, this guy is an annoyance more than anything else. While he has griefed the parcel when I was away, and so wasn't around to fix it for a few days, I know people who have undergone much worse.

I just don't understand why he's permitted to just keep on doing it, without any apparent fear of retribution.


ETA: And as to the why . . . I don't get that either. But it was a whole culture some time ago, and there are still some remnants of it. People here will remember groups like Woodbury U, the Patriotic N******, and The Wrong Hands. On the one hand, they pretended they were being very edgy and subversive, and undercutting the Establishment "normies." On the other, they just thought it was a gas.

Like this guy sending in an alt to watch. He may kid himself that he was striking a righteous blow against wicked and vile Lefties, but mostly, this is his idea of having a good time.

Which says rather a lot about him, I think.

When you AR the jerk, do you reference previous ARs? Have you filed a support ticket? Yes, you can file one for griefing issues.

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The latest version of Firestorm makes my poor puter's fans go mad all the time at my usual graphics setting.  It doesn't stop until I put it down to Mid, which doesn't give me the view I like.  So it's revert to the previous version or upgrade my card, I presume.

If there's a special place here in which to discuss other viewers, I'm sorry but I just haven't got the energy to find it.

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3 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

The latest version of Firestorm makes my poor puter's fans go mad all the time at my usual graphics setting.  It doesn't stop until I put it down to Mid, which doesn't give me the view I like.  So it's revert to the previous version or upgrade my card, I presume.

If there's a special place here in which to discuss other viewers, I'm sorry but I just haven't got the energy to find it.

Don't use the general graphics slider as is, start with Mid settings and add ALM and stuff.

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5 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

The latest version of Firestorm makes my poor puter's fans go mad all the time at my usual graphics setting.  It doesn't stop until I put it down to Mid, which doesn't give me the view I like.  So it's revert to the previous version or upgrade my card, I presume.

If there's a special place here in which to discuss other viewers, I'm sorry but I just haven't got the energy to find it.

'Pooter's gotta poot!

Maybe https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/308-second-life-viewer/?

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22 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

The latest version of Firestorm makes my poor puter's fans go mad all the time at my usual graphics setting.  It doesn't stop until I put it down to Mid, which doesn't give me the view I like.  So it's revert to the previous version or upgrade my card, I presume.

If there's a special place here in which to discuss other viewers, I'm sorry but I just haven't got the energy to find it.

Limit your framerate (FPS) , Garnet. Set it to 45 or 60 max. You will notice the fans will not need to go full throttle anymore.


Edited by Ted McGregor
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26 minutes ago, Ted McGregor said:

Limit your framerate (FPS) , Garnet. Set it to 45 or 60 max. You will notice the fans will not need to go full throttle anymore.


Thank you so much.  That made all the difference.  It's been years since I bothered with fine-tuning so I was lost amongst all the options.  I copied all your settings shown, just in case. :D

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It's happened again.  I stopped for a 20 oz cup of coffee, which costs $2.14.  I had a $5 bill but I'm not eager to load up on small change, so I gave the woman at the counter the $5 bill and a quarter, expecting to get three dollar bills and eleven cents change.  Instead, I got TWO dollar bills and a dollar and 11 cents in small change. It's the third time this month that's happened, not with the same woman and not at a busy time. Doesn't anyone learn how to make change any more?  PEEVE, peeve, peeve

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10 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

And so, it is once again time for me to gripe about the apparently utterly ineffectual so-called "Governance Team" that deals with in-world abuse reports.

For roughly the 6th time in the past 3 or 4 years, my parcel, and my group's, has been griefed by same guy. He's got a nearly 14 year old account: this isn't some throw-away avi he's using. And I've reported him before: he's littered one of my old parcels with self-replicating objects, surrounded it on abandoned land with insulting signs, and, most recently, been rezzing huge cubes with insulting messages on the adjoining SLRR land, and pushing it across into my land so it blocks entry into my parcel, as well as taking up most of the ground level.

So, seriously: this is utterly obvious griefing. This isn't some guy encroaching on my land with his flower bed: he's planting a HUGE cube with texts like "Communists are boring" on my land.

How many times does he get to do this before Governance actually does something? Is he a buddy of someone in LL, or what?

Regarding encroachment/object entry on your parcel, Governance won't do a damn thing because "self-policing", sure there's an AR category for encroachment, but you're supposed to return the stuff your self, object entry? turn that off your self in parcel properties, , trespassing, throw up banlines sand buy your self an orb, etc. They literally won't respond at all.

About the only time they respond to encroachment AR's is if the land encroached on belongs to the LLDWP or Gov Linden, and even that is iffy.


Why is response so bad ? Just a guess but:

ARChecker Linden wrote:

"OK, 9:10 am Monday morning, at my desk, frothy coffee and donut in hand, open the AR app and see what's in the inbox...


OK, better make a start. 'Dear LL I r a bellicosian, and I saw a mainland parcel wif banlines wot are against Bellicosian Law!' assign to Trashcan, 'dear LL Bellicosian here, somebody on mainland had a zero second orb' assign to trashcan, 'dear LL I am a 18 yr perma fossil, and somebody publicly disagreed with me, please ban them for trolling' assign to trashcan, 'dear LL I saw somebody standing still at a shopping event for 15 mins, obviously a filthy bot, ban them' assign to trashcan...

*7 hours and 40 mins later*

... assign to trashcan, "Dear LL Scylla here, I'm being griefed by a 14 yr old account, I've reported this guy hundreds of times ' *stops reading* assign to trashcan, and log out of AR app, finish last donut of the day, get coat and time to go home."


They are snowed under, with false AR's, about "all avis in the ssky are bots, all avis with numbers in their single names are bots, all avis younger tham me are trolls and alts and bots, orbss are banned on mainland, banlines are banned on mainland, they wont let me drive on their lawn, he has an offensive wife, this dress makes my ass look big and the merchant wont refund my 99 ls, and so on.

They don't have time to read all the AR's all the way through, they are running speed scan triage to trashcan most, and concentrate on the "serious ones" like  the stuff with kids, etc


The Overentitled Tinfoil Hat Club nonsense about bots, didn't help, that's for sure, and whatever the next tinfoil hat club overentitled scaremongering will be, it too will cause more overload.

Edited by Zalificent Corvinus
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2 hours ago, kali Wylder said:

It sounds like the original av gave his griefing tools to an alt before he was busted/banned. Then the alt could repeat the process giving tools to another alt before griefing.  So even though the original and the alt who planted the grief get punished, the tools continue to exist to be used again. Leaving you no choice but to report it every time with no hope of preventing another assault.  Very poor governance indeed.

The original griefer's account is still around.

In fact, this is just about the only text on his profile now:

"Possible griefer who dumped a LOAD of sh*t at Flagg"

Flagg is the region that used to be the site of my group's main land holdings until I sold it two years ago. It's the place that he griefed with self-replicating objects.

So, not only unbanned, but even happy to boast about the fact.

2 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

When you AR the jerk, do you reference previous ARs? Have you filed a support ticket? Yes, you can file one for griefing issues.

Yes, I do reference the previous ARs, exactly because I want to make clear that there is a pattern here.

I haven't filed a ticket. Possibly I should.

6 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Have you blocked Object Entry on your parcel? Doing so should prevent him from pushing objects into your parcel, but wouldn't prevent people from riding vehicles or horses through it.

Yes, object entry is blocked. I think the reason that doesn't matter is that he doesn't try to shift the entire object onto my parcel: he leaves about 1/5th of it on SLRR land. In other words, it's not really "entering" my parcel: it's just intruding upon it, in the same way that a neighbour's building or a fence might sometimes cross a parcel boundary a bit. Except in this case, the "bit" is most of it, and it's huge.

The last time he did this, I had a difficult time returning it (I eventually worked it out using land tools) because he kept the root prim on public land.

6 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Send me your parcel SLURL and this guy's account names inworld, so I can report him too. Multiple reports should get the attention of Governance faster.

I assume it's probably too late to do this now, as I've returned the object, but it might be a thought to consider next time. (And there is bound to be a "next time.")

6 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

As well as reporting him, there might be some other actions we can try, though we don't need to discuss these in the forums.

I'm all ears!

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6 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

About the only time they respond to encroachment AR's is if the land encroached on belongs to the LLDWP or Gov Linden, and even that is iffy.

I'm sure that your imaginary account is a pretty accurate portrait.

The only times I've seen tangible actions from Governance was when he was placing objects, signs, and flags around one of my parcels, on abandoned land that, for some reason, they hadn't reset perms on. Governance did remove those . . . eventually. Or, alternately, they just finally got around to fixing the perms on the land, and my AR was incidental.

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6 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

As well as reporting him, there might be some other actions we can try, though we don't need to discuss these in the forums.

Ah hell, here we go again... Return of the Justice League Vigillante Club.


They were keen on *cough* "other means" *cough* too, and they got banned right alongside the griefer clubs they were "defending us all against".


Don't even think of going down that road, as the enemy will simply spam untraceable spoofed ip/mac alts to file AR's against you for griefing.

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Just now, Zalificent Corvinus said:

Ah hell, here we go again... Return of the Justice League Vigillante Club.


They were keen on *cough* "other means" *cough* too, and they got banned right alongside the griefer clubs they were "defending us all against".


Don't even think of going down that road, as the enemy will simply spam untraceable spoofed ip/mac alts to file AR's against you for griefing.

I'm assuming that's not what Persephone was going to suggest, as I don't think she's the vigilante type.

But yeah, I have zero interest in waging a war here. I just want this to stop.

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11 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

my parcel

Is this on mainland?  I quit working there due to people shoving big prims onto the land, covering it so I couldn't see to do any work.  Big prims will now self-delete if they intersect with an avatar who does not own them, but it appears he's placing them when you're not around?

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Just now, Gabriele Graves said:

I wonder if the SLRR might be willing to ban him from their rezz zones?  If it's possible I mean, I would assume that those zones will be on group owned land.  After all it is an abuse of their land too.

It's LPDW land. Or Linden-owned, anyway. This is Heterocera.

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

Is this on mainland?  I quit working there due to people shoving big prims onto the land, covering it so I couldn't see to do any work.  Big prims will now self-delete if they intersect with an avatar who does not own them, but it appears he's placing them when you're not around?

It is mainland, yeah. I didn't know about the self-deleting thing, but, yes, he's doing it when I'm not there.

And then drawing my attention to it because *whee! Look at me, edgy, subversive, and scary!*

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5 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I'm sure that your imaginary account is a pretty accurate portrait.

So am I, I remember a thread from last year(?) in which somebody who admitted to being a regular hangout at a place known for its resident trolls, complained that he had filled loads of AR's against somebody "trolling" him via voice, and had submitted a screenshot showing the enemies name in the people list as proof of "trolling" and wondered why none of his AR's were benign actioned and the enemy banned.

I've also seen threads where people complained that that and their friends had filed "thousands" of AR's against people for basically disagreeing with them in public.

One time I was at one of my regular hangout spots when some guy TP'd right on top of me from the landing spot 50 m away, then IM'd me with

"Now don't fly off the handle"

I sent back "/me closes the im window" and he started ranting in local that I'd refused to IM with him, and copy-pasta'd my response into local, and DEMANDED that everyone present AR me for being un-social, they mostly laughed, but it indicates the kind of mindset some people have.


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14 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

It's LPDW land. Or Linden-owned, anyway. This is Heterocera.

I think I used to live in that region. Rented a skybox from a Frenchman (France) for a couple of years. There wasn't anything at ground level, but the LP and the skyboxes were nicely done. 

It was kind of cool to be able to file a ticket to get the region reset when things went wonky even though it was mainland, and I didn't own the parcel.

Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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