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/me places a vague, unnamed peeve here and sighs heavily.  😕 



Okay, not unnamed... I'm allowed to have a bad day or a bad week. I don't always want to interact with people and it has nothing to do with (general) you. I "fake happy" at work all the time, but I don't want to in SL.  

Sometimes I just want to spend 3 hours taking a picture. Alone. Again, this has nothing to do with (general) you. Keeping up a conversation can be stressful and exhausting if I'm not in the right frame of mind.  

I use away/busy messages. Please read them and try to be understanding.

/me cries into her teacup for no reason and dives back into sorting/purging inventory 


/me also tosses some catnip to @Love Zhaoying because I didn't realize this lion was vegetarian. 


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6 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Flickr peeve. Probably not an uncommon one,

People who "follow" you without engaging even once, in any way, with any of your pics.

I mean, c'mon, people. Provide some evidence that you've actually looked at the images of the person you've decided to follow! There has to be a reason you're following me -- is it just because you want a follow back? (In most cases, I suspect that is the case.)

I get that people -- bloggers and merchants, for instance -- almost need to game the system a bit in order to get follows, but I can't imagine following someone without faving and/or commenting on at least some of the images on their front page. It's not that I particularly care about faves: even one of those stupid badges counts as far as I'm concerned as a form of engagement. But I'm not going to follow you back if I don't see some indication that you actually have looked at and like at least one of my pics.

I'm horrible about looking through people's pictures.  I generally just post mine and done.  I haven't made a follow request in quite some time although I probably get 3 or 4 daily.  I check their stream, note they already have 47495737 followers, see they are blog type photos(or ALL sideways shots) and just ignore their follow request.  I enjoy more the pictures from people in the forums to be honest.  It just seems more.personal with you all rather than some random people to follow me for numbers.


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3 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

I'm horrible about looking through people's pictures.  I generally just post mine and done.  I haven't made a follow request in quite some time although I probably get 3 or 4 daily.  I check their stream, note they already have 47495737 followers, see they are blog type photos(or ALL sideways shots) and just ignore their follow request.  I enjoy more the pictures from people in the forums to be honest.  It just seems more.personal with you all rather than some random people to follow me for numbers.


I totally get what you say about the difference between Flickr and our own picture threads. The latter are an actual community of people who mostly know and like each other, and make a point of being supportive. Flickr is, by its nature, much less intimate.

That said, my experience of Flickr is a bit different from yours. I've made real friends on Flickr -- people I wouldn't know at all but now am friends with in-world because of our interactions on that platform. Heck, I got invited to an SL wedding by someone I basically only know through Flickr.

So I get what you're saying -- it's much more work to engage with people there. But one of the reasons I didn't leave when they changed the rules there was that it would have meant leaving behind a group of people I now feel surprisingly close to there.

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10 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Flickr peeve. Probably not an uncommon one,

People who "follow" you without engaging even once, in any way, with any of your pics.

I mean, c'mon, people. Provide some evidence that you've actually looked at the images of the person you've decided to follow! There has to be a reason you're following me -- is it just because you want a follow back? (In most cases, I suspect that is the case.)

I get that people -- bloggers and merchants, for instance -- almost need to game the system a bit in order to get follows, but I can't imagine following someone without faving and/or commenting on at least some of the images on their front page. It's not that I particularly care about faves: even one of those stupid badges counts as far as I'm concerned as a form of engagement. But I'm not going to follow you back if I don't see some indication that you actually have looked at and like at least one of my pics.

I TOTALLY feel you on that one! 

The only interactions I've been getting on my photos(not that I post often) lately are the so called group rewards. Thanks... what f*%^$ am I suppose to do with that?! I understand if it was a recognition for well made art, but when I open one of those groups and browse around I see the same reward on random basic screenshots. Sooo stimulating.... NOT!

I try to be as supportive as possible to the artists I know and interact with them, showing them I've seen their new work. One particular person here knows that all too well. 


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Maybe this is just me? But my new peeve is a recent one...people replying "No problem" out of context on email :S It feels like people at work have started using it instead of 'thanks'...I'll send over some info they need and they reply "no problem!" I wasn't apologising for sending it...it should be me saying 'NP' after they say 'thanks!' xD

Edited by Rat Luv
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2 hours ago, Rat Luv said:

Maybe this is just me? But my new peeve is a recent one...people replying "No problem" out of context on email :S It feels like people at work have started using it instead of 'thanks'...I'll send over some info they need and they reply "no problem!" I wasn't apologising for sending it...it should be me saying 'NP' after they say 'thanks!' xD

No problem.




I'll show myself out....

Edited by Sid Nagy
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In RL: people who ride my ass in the rain going 10+ over the limit. Are you suicidal or am I missing something?


In SL: coming to places I think are going to be new and exciting, but then local chat is just constant gesture spam nonsense. I was invited to a very nice looking dance club yesterday, but local sounded like mfing WW2 or some crap in the background. Completely ruined the vibe.

Edited by epiclolz
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6 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

No staff / managers cared or intervened?

Wow! I guess they cater to the chat spammers! ("It's 'children's hour'!")

I was told by the person who invited me that it's completely normal there. It was a very professional looking place, had a good setup with a DJ and all, and then that's allowed? No standards I guess, just get as much traffic in as possible and let them do whatever to keep them there. Damn shame.

Edited by epiclolz
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32 minutes ago, epiclolz said:

I was told by the person who invited me that it's completely normal there. It was a very professional looking place, had a good setup with a DJ and all, and then that's allowed? No standards I guess, just get as much traffic in as possible and let them do whatever to keep them there. Damn shame.

I suppose it is "normal" for a lot of people to turn off local sound/voice..and listen to the stream instead.

Was local "text" chat (not sound/voice) also showing all the gesture spam (or was it just the sound/voice)? If so, that ain't "normal". Although, I've been places where the reg'lars get frisky with chat crud "occasionally". 

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2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

So, after peeving yesterday about people who follow without any engagement, I woke up this morning to a new follow who "faved" almost 200 of my pics . . .

/me blinks

Quick, make a wish and write a Peeve about it! You could be on a roll..

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5 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:
5 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Quick, make a wish and write a Peeve about it! You could be on a roll..

I believe I just did.

Whoa..! If you peeve about something, then peeve when it happens..it's like two Ghostbusters crossing the streams of their Proton Packs!  Anything could happen!

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2 hours ago, epiclolz said:

In RL: people who ride my ass in the rain going 10+ over the limit. Are you suicidal or am I missing something?


I have a bumper sticker on my car...

Running Late?

Tell me how riding my a** is going to help you get there faster.

I normally go about 5 over the limit around town.  I also know where the police like to hang out and wait for speeders.  What those tailgaters fail to understand is that when you DO ride my tail, that just makes me go the actual speed limit.  Idjits!

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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

I have a bumper sticker on my car...

Running Late?

Tell me how riding my a** is going to help you get there faster.

I normally go about 5 over the limit around town.  I also know where the police like to hang out and wait for speeders.  What those tailgaters fail to understand is that when you DO ride my tail, that just makes me go the actual speed limit.  Idjits!

I have been known to keep it about 5 below the limit when idjits tailgate. I love watching them get pulled over while I go about my merry little way.

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6 hours ago, epiclolz said:


In SL: coming to places I think are going to be new and exciting, but then local chat is just constant gesture spam nonsense. I was invited to a very nice looking dance club yesterday, but local sounded like mfing WW2 or some crap in the background. Completely ruined the vibe.

I just had my 13th rez day last week.  In all those years in SL I had never used a gesture.  I was at a club yesterday and the DJ was using gestures interactively with everyone there.  Seemed like a fun way to use them.  I was sent the gesture and then had to ask publicly how to use it.  More than one eyebrow was raised when they discovered my in-world age. 😄

I'm now an SL teenager at 13 and I just learned how to use gestures.   Not really a peeve, but I'm putting it here anyway, dang it.  Maybe it will peeve someone enough to be on topic.



Oh!  Peeve: I couldn't be bothered to learn this aspect of SL, so I had to look a little foolish. 🙄 

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2 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

I'm now an SL teenager at 13 and I just learned how to use gestures. 

Don't feel too bad, I'm 10 and it took me 9 SL birthdays to figure it out. And only because someone sent one to me and it finally clicked.

And don't get me wrong, I do LOVE gestures,. I use them and I laugh at a lot of them because they're funny af. It's when it gets ear piercing that I take issue with it. Which is very very rare, mind you.

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18 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

I'm now an SL teenager at 13 and I just learned how to use gestures.

Oh..now you'll be making silly fart noises, and the classic "whoo!!!" (from Japanese comedian "Hardo Gai"), and gesture-triggered animations and particles, and giving people "the finger", etc. etc. etc.!  

Oh, to be young(er) and more easily entertained again!


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7 hours ago, epiclolz said:

In RL: people who ride my ass in the rain going 10+ over the limit. Are you suicidal or am I missing something?

I hate tailgaters, I have a bumper sticker that say's I brake for tailgaters..

I can spot them coming up on me , because it seems like there are so many bad drivers where I live..

They get up on me, I brake and then drive 5 below the speed limit. then turn the music up and forget they are even there.

Can't stand them..  If I can't see their front end, I'm getting a new bumper..

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