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The way this is handled is soooo LL.
I think it comes straight from LL.

If you run a forum, you can only be successful if you believe in free speech and only react to excesses like cursing, nudity, flaming, naming and shaming etc.
The rest is only top down bullying. Look at me: I has the God powers.

Not a smart move from the Lab in my book. Yet again.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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12 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Moderation costs money, because you have to pay people to do it. Any reduction in the amount of human moderation is cost savings. The more money LL saves, the longer SL exists. 

This is a win-win!

Their new guidelines only will take more policing, if they want to live up to their own new rules.
If they do this only for costs saving, I have a far better tip for the forums: Simply pull the plug and discontinue the forum part and only do the blogs without the possibility to respond.

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Forums are about community building.
And communities want to talk. And just as in a work environment, people don't only talk about work.
At the coffee machine, during lunch breaks and at good companies even during work time at slow moments, people can talk about holidays, home, politics, romances, cars, sports, cats, whine, you name it.

I wonder if the people at LL are only allowed to talk about SL and Tillia when they are at the office?

Hint for the Lindens: The coffee machine area in most forums is normally called General Discussion, sometimes Off Topic.

Edited by Sid Nagy
Added the hint.
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9 hours ago, Maryanne Solo said:

*mash up piccy Messiah double neck below.
Maton, (Australia) 🙀❤️ *faints...said they would make me one, meaning there would only ever be one in existence.
Cost is irrelevant quite frankly. $10? $20k? Who cares.
It would also have custom argentium silver inlays etc made by me.

lovely idea - I've played, but never owned, a couple of the Ovation double-neck models over the years and a buddy in the USA when I lived over there had an old Washburn acoustic double-neck I'd noodled around on a few times too. Love the idea of the custom inlays, for such an instrument the first priority is obviously to get it built by somebody like that who can get it to play great and sound even better, but if you're doing that why the hell not make it as pretty as it deserves to be?



I am getting older and finger strength could be an issue, so the secret plan is to "model" its exact tone into the variax software/DAW custom synth/voice and program it instead of physically playing it.
(studio use only except for family and close friends)
I can do that - as I am a very good programmer, synths/midi etc etc. 
It's sole purpose would be THE showpiece for my little personal jewellery company. 
Due to cost & time to craft, Ill probably get it the day before I die lol.
Bury it with me please. Its all I have ever wanted. 🤔🙏😻


If you're that good, I think the only real challenge you'd face is the differences in sound on a 12-string from an upstroke or downstroke, changing the order in which the fundamental string and its octave are struck and the resulting slight phase difference in their combined sound - it is, after all, one of the reasons the sound of a Rickenbacker is so distinctive because they reverse the order of each course of strings compared to all other 12-strings. (love the sound, dislike the guitars - the neck profile and string spacing is uncomfortable as F for my left hand, it's why it's taken me so long to find and acquire an electric 12 that suits me as well as my Takamine acoustic)


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If we do see further clamping down on SL content it will likely only be broad strokes aimed at the adult community.

The inner happenings of SL tend to be beyond the purview of LL and outside parties, no one can say with any degree of certainty what we actually do aside from all the big bullet points that miss the actual point.

The only point that does remain however, is if they're cleaning up, they're probably expecting visitors.

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4 hours ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

lovely idea - I've played, but never owned, a couple of the Ovation double-neck models over the years and a buddy in the USA when I lived over there had an old Washburn acoustic double-neck I'd noodled around on a few times too. Love the idea of the custom inlays, for such an instrument the first priority is obviously to get it built by somebody like that who can get it to play great and sound even better, but if you're doing that why the hell not make it as pretty as it deserves to be?


If you're that good, I think the only real challenge you'd face is the differences in sound on a 12-string from an upstroke or downstroke, changing the order in which the fundamental string and its octave are struck and the resulting slight phase difference in their combined sound - it is, after all, one of the reasons the sound of a Rickenbacker is so distinctive because they reverse the order of each course of strings compared to all other 12-strings. (love the sound, dislike the guitars - the neck profile and string spacing is uncomfortable as F for my left hand, it's why it's taken me so long to find and acquire an electric 12 that suits me as well as my Takamine acoustic)


Reports you for not posting about SL.

(Not really. Is bad joke because I'm upset.)

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6 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

This has also been my thought. "Tidying up" and "staging" a place for prospective buyers is part of the process frequently.

If this were the case, I'd think the Adult section would have been nuked completely.  One needs to be logged into the forums but they don't specify only accounts that are over 18.   Those accounts are restricted to General areas inworld but can read all about Adult topics on the forums?

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Peeve - I figured out that Google Chrome won't load email sometimes on my "home" PC even if I am NOT running Second Life.

Bigger Peeve - Gave up and setup Edge (just for those times when I want Email to work but it won't on Google).

Buried the Lede - I use AOL for email.

Get off my lawn!


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Major Peeve - Knowing I'll not enjoy the Forum as much until y'all settle down. 

Related Peeve - I like reading all the Forum posts, in whatever thread, but not when they are all Triggered posts.

Sad Peeve - Seeing that all the posts by "followed" people are also Triggered posts, so not reading those for now.

Encouraging Peeve - Y'all can be better! 

Disappointed Peeve - Seeing people use "Silenced" profile pictures. 


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1 hour ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Reports you for not posting about SL.

(Not really. Is bad joke because I'm upset.)

Lass, way I see it, as a SL performer, talking ABOUT performing and about the stuff we might use to do that, should count as OK.

Far as I'm concerned, I'm gonna keep on posting what I post, where I post it (k, I'll stay off the politics and social commentary on the forums, just keep singing about 'em like all folk musicians). If LL decide to slap my wrist for any of it, then I'll make changes. This is, after all, THEIR space and they can choose what's ok here and what's not. For my part there, I reserve the right to form my own opinions of them based on those decisions and lampoon 'em mercilessly in song all over the grid if I happen to disagree :D

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2 minutes ago, Krystina Ferraris said:

My favourite and only strings I can use on my 8c lute are now only €120 per set 😂🤯

Try restringing a bandura sometime. Or stop by and watch (from safely behind the pile of sandbags) when my daughter is online searching for reasonably-priced and reasonable-quality replacement string sets for one of her harps (over 600 at a minimum for the big pedal harp and the smaller ones aint much nicer).

At least for my guitars - the things I need fresh strings for most often - I can go to stringsDirect... (Martin Silk&Steel for my acoustics, Elixir Nanoweb for my electrics)

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10 minutes ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

Try restringing a bandura sometime. Or stop by and watch (from safely behind the pile of sandbags) when my daughter is online searching for reasonably-priced and reasonable-quality replacement string sets for one of her harps (over 600 at a minimum for the big pedal harp and the smaller ones aint much nicer).

Gee yes I feel blessed, maybe I should invest in a new set of scalpels instead 😳

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Thank you all for making this thread exist so I can actually kvetch about things and not feel bad for doing so. And yeah, the forums get a lot of drama, but who cares? I can lose it and log off and fume and kick dirt and stomp, and a week later I come back and everybody's the same, because we're all used to it. Hooray for this.


People who walk up into the middle of a party and criticize everything, like they're out shopping for a place that's cool enough for them to be there, but, alas, this place is probably too tacky, oh dear, some of it made of primitives, and who ever heard of riding a dolphin, and oh no, this place doesn't mirror the Los Angeles I had envisioned in my mind when I read the description of the sim and it told me about this little beach where people dance because they're all online at the same time and have loved the place for years together.

Guess what? Stick it. Someone built all of this wonderful world, not for YOU, but for ALL of us to enjoy, and if any of it's not as perfect as you would have it, either shut up and get busy making it the so much better that you think you can make it, or shut the EFF up about it and go back to shopping for sex organs and botox lips, because if I'M having a good time somewhere, guess what, it's an AWESOME place, and the PEOPLE are awesome, and even the stale old 80's music playing on the stream is AWESOME, because WE say so. Walk into a party I'm enjoying and start slamming the place? How about go find somewhere else? You... you expletive~!

We build a world and have fun in it, what do YOU do? Critics exist because there will always be people who think they could do it better but can't or won't, and would rather just let sewage pour out of their faces than turn that critical eye on themselves. So XP.


My profile states very plainly that I'm not in SL for sex. I realize people are human, and everyone's different, and shouldn't be judged for how they can't help feeling, but I have feelings too, and when I say I don't want to hear it if you're perving over my avatar, I MEAN IT. I play a CHILD.

People treat "adult" subjects like it's all some sort of dirty joke they're playing, and when people treat SL like it's nothing but a place to perv on people without consideration for their feelings, it makes me rage. Guess what? There's a whole other SL out there full of everything your heart desires, so you don't NEED to hang out where I'm building and make comments about my body.

If you're on my friends list, you have even less of an excuse. I don't need to hear every few minutes that you have a thingy and it does things. I don't want to hear that I have a nice butt, I made it as normal-looking as I could because I don't want to walk around with a misshapen butt. If anyone thinks I'm gorgeous, well, thanks, but I always look this way. I didn't put it on for you.

This is the art section, the pornography section is over there, see all those places labeled "A"?

SL is awesome, because I get to be a kid again. Only drawback is that now the creepy people population is higher, and everyone acts like it's normal.

Realizing someone I wanted to have as a dear friend only sees me as pornography breaks my heart. I could even overlook it, MAYBE, if there was more to our friendship than me being some weird fetish object and not even a person. I've put a lot into my Second Life, and none of it was for the sake of people who would engage in behaviors that could get me banned just for being in the same groups and being on each other's friends lists.

TL;DR: I don't care what's in your pants. I don't want to know what you're doing at your keyboard. If you can't even fake being a friend without everything revolving around your junk,  find someone else to act like that around.

I'm usually the shortest person present anywhere I go, and all day long I see grown adults acting like immature little dirtbags out to get in trouble. Grow up. If you wanna play an adult, how about acting like one? How about behaving like a mature person? Why do I have to be the grownup?

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