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300.000 "Elements" in your inventory?

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Tonight I was in a chat with good friends and one of them told me,
that she could not log into 2nd Life, as soon her inventory reached 300.000 Elements?

She then had to contact the Linden Labs that explained to her, that 300.000 Elements is what "you"
maximum can keep inside your inventory and then she had to clean up inside her inventory.

A lot of things bought, needed to be thrown out...And
she had to throw things, she really had liked to keep.

I have cleaned up a lot in my inventory some years ago, but have now 279.000 + Elements.

Is it really that bad, that your account stops to work because you're a good customer,
having spent a lot of lindens on Outfits, Heels, Make up's, Hairs, Accessories, Skins,
Bodies, AO's, etc, etc, etc?

This was totally new information to me.

If you know anything about this, it would have been nice of you to share that information.

Thanks in advance!
Best Regards Sara


"""""""Imagine that you buy a house. You live there like... 25 years ...and you invest in all from furniture
and renovates and expands your house size. But one day your keys will not fit? You can't get into
your home??? You have bought too much things and have invested too much? You now have to tear down
parts of your house and get rid of some many furniture, to be able to get inside your house again? Really?"""""""

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I would have dumped my note cards and landmarks,add images and other things that accumulate, before throwing things away I bought..

If there are 300,000 items in there, she would have made a dent getting rid of those first since they count as an item each one..


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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Hi and ty so much for your reply :) 

Yes you are right there. She did all that first. Then she had to get one other account on top of that, to be able to go on creating things as well,
because she is a creator.... So it all seems  very strange. I have never heard of this. Never read of this. And it's not exactly a crime to own things
"you yourself" have invested in. But to loose this much bought items, because of some limit/roof, never heard of....really feels bad i must say?

Edited by StilettoSara
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I think a lot of creators do do that with having the alts..

Myself ,I never even knew there was a limit.. But I don't think I've ever even gotten above 70k items.. But I'm not a creator either..

I was building things for a few years and know things can accumulate.. But I didn't really ever hear of a limit before..

I wonder if it's something new or new'ish, this limit..

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I wasn't aware either that there was an overall limit for the number of items in inventory. 

Mainly we just hear about how having a 'flat' inventory (too many items at one level without using folders and sub-folders) can cause issues (especially login issues) if there are too many items. 

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Wouldn't "moving objects into other object's inventories", then deleting the originals, also work?  (Sounds dangerous, I know.)

Also - if this happened "all of a sudden", then was that due to some change LL made (part of the inventory effort we were told about)?

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Thank you all for your replies.

I sorted out around 30.000 items some 6-7 years ago. just because I felt I would never use them again.
Not because I was forced to do so. I will go through a lot of my things and se what eventual not necessary 
items i can get rid of. I have stayed around 220.000 and 240.000 for many years. but as soon we get into
too many bodies, it goes fast up in amount inside your inventory.

Yes true that it's faster to have a little inventory. Good order with main folders and subfolders and a good order
of our things makes it way easier to handle and find. 

A good tip then to move faster inside your inventory. If you mark not only just 1 item you have bought, but at least 2 items,
hold in shift and start to drag the items tho the main folder of that body you wearing (If now both items are for same body.
This will increase the speed inside your inventory when u drag the items up/down. It can be well worth it to drop both items
inside the correct folder for one item, but wrong for the other item. The wrong placed item will now just have to be moved a shorter
distance. I noticed that 3-4-5 items marked increase the speed further more so it's a good way to drag items longer distances .

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14 minutes ago, StilettoSara said:

Thank you all for your replies.

I sorted out around 30.000 items some 6-7 years ago. just because I felt I would never use them again.
Not because I was forced to do so. I will go through a lot of my things and se what eventual not necessary 
items i can get rid of. I have stayed around 220.000 and 240.000 for many years. but as soon we get into
too many bodies, it goes fast up in amount inside your inventory.

Yes true that it's faster to have a little inventory. Good order with main folders and subfolders and a good order
of our things makes it way easier to handle and find. 

A good tip then to move faster inside your inventory. If you mark not only just 1 item you have bought, but at least 2 items,
hold in shift and start to drag the items tho the main folder of that body you wearing (If now both items are for same body.
This will increase the speed inside your inventory when u drag the items up/down. It can be well worth it to drop both items
inside the correct folder for one item, but wrong for the other item. The wrong placed item will now just have to be moved a shorter
distance. I noticed that 3-4-5 items marked increase the speed further more so it's a good way to drag items longer distances .

This LL blog entry may explain some things...


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Well it's not the inventory itself that is a problem. Mine loads fast, I have a good structure inside it.

It is not slow. If I clear all cashes, it takes like 1-2 minutes maximum and then all items are visible.

The question is, of why there is this "invisible" rule of that you will not be able to log into your account,
as soon you reach 300.000 Elements or more? That is the question... 

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2 hours ago, StilettoSara said:

You have bought too much things and have invested too much? You now have to tear down
parts of your house and get rid of some many furniture, to be able to get inside your house again? Really?""""""

You need to toss the stuff you no longer use, because you have no walking space left.  Your door won't open because it's blocked by the stuff you bought:


It's time to clean up your inventory:


Edited by Jaylinbridges
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Well i almost got it, that someone would love to send some pictures of rooms with crazy overfilled areas.....
It was not at all what i meant.... And yes, you so know it ;) 

If you have a good order in your inventory. It should not affect anything.
I have no problems what so ever, because I have as said, a very good order inside it.

Okay so the database has limits....True. but why isn't that something we have information
of as we start here? I mean ...What are the maximum amount of Elements?

Ok ...300.000 Elements is much ....But not really, after 10 years.


So tell car collector:
- You must sell some cars? Why? This person must be able to build a bigger garage, or get some more garages? No?
"No" because there is a limited amount, of that you only can own 76 cars? Hmmmmm ...Wow how comfortable, then we all know ....Zzzzzzz

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Really? 300,000 Elements in ten years is "not really much"?

15+ years in. 107,000 Elements - some of that being the system Library.

I'm just a normal user - there's quite a few Content Creators here that use varied methods for Inventory management as well.

The comparisons being made? Stop. Not a one is accurate to the reality here: It is a Database with finite storage, finite entry space and one that is checked on each and every log-in - it has to be thus as one can receive inventory items when offline.

This is not a difficult concept.

Why aren't new users given this information? Why should they be given it? If you've hit 300k Elements in Ten years time, there's something quite wrong there. Even for a Content Creator.

Edited by Solar Legion
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LOL.... "Just" a normal user. Okay so you walk around as some given guideline here for what is normal?
Good to know... Thank you!

You have no clue and that is fine. But don't tell me that it's wrong. Some people have been here for 15 years +
and have not spent 1 single linden here. They have same outfit every year in and out and not even wearing an AO?
That's fine, but that is their choice right? As much as I and many with me, see this it in a complete different way.

I can understand that males not have too much to buy concerning clothes.
Like ok... let's buy some other 500 suits in black or blue or gray. We have a little, "just a little" more to buy in compare to males.

If you have many different bodies, you will need a lot of things for them, all over again and again and again. You don't throw away
all contents concerning 1 body, just because you buy yet another body. I don't have that many bodies really. Just 9, but still...

Edited by StilettoSara
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That's nice.

Over that time I have collected more than one mesh body (with a few different versions of one or two of my earlier forays), many all-in-one solutions (early days for Anthropomorphic types required quite a bit more parts than they do now) as well as some rather ancient freebies collecting dust. While I really ought to get rid of quite a bit, I simply do not have the patience to do so.

Funnily enough, even with all of that I'm still a good 293,000 Elements away from hitting the apparent maximum.

I have no clue? Try again. Try again. Try yet again.

Then go and learn how to manage your Inventory.

Unless you're actively using (or planning on actively using) all nine of those bodies then there is no reason to keep them or any bit of fashion that only works with them.

That is just one of the many Inventory management steps one can take.

Do yourself a favor - stow the attitude.

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2 hours ago, StilettoSara said:

Ok ...300.000 Elements is much ....But not really, after 10 years.

Yeah, it kind of is a lot.  12+ years and just over 100K.   ETA:  And I shop A LOT.

From the Wiki....

Maximum number of inventory items displayed in a single inventory folder: Several thousand.

This was discussed during [1] "the folder will load up to the limit number of items, and remaining ones won't show up in the viewer. you still own them, they aren't lost, but they will be hidden until the folder size is reduced."

There is no specified limit for total avatar inventory, very large folders can be split.

There was discussion in the Third Party Developers' UG (4/10/2015) meeting about new inventory and login problems from having large numbers of items in a single folder. AISv3 removed server-side limits on the number of items in a folder. Flat inventories are bad. No one is certain at what number of items in a folder cause a login problem. The fix is to clear the inventory cache (not the viewer cache) and log into a deserted, empty region then move inventory items into folders and sub-folders. - The problem appears at different a number of items depending on your computer and connection speed. Hopefully being on an empty region will give one enough edge to get logged in and do some corrective work before being dropped. If not, you will need to contact support for help. They will divide large folders into smaller groups so you can log in.

Edited by Rowan Amore
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Alwin beat me to it, but yeah I've been in SL over 11 years now, and my inventory level is still under 20,000 as well.

My actual inventory level is probably 3 times that - but I either delete stuff that's pointless or outdated - notecards and landmarks being the main items, or more importantly, I archive stuff by boxing it up. That alone saves a huge amount of space

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1 hour ago, Gwin LeShelle said:

I have 321.600+ elements in my inventory. So nope that is not the limit. There was more at some point ;) it just shouldn't be flat. Folders in folders in folders is the key x3

Yeh, there's no hard limit on inventory size, it's just known that once you have "too much," your viewer will fail to load it all during login. Connection quality seems to be the main factor (which is why a non-flatly structured inventory is better, so the viewer doesn't have to receive huge amounts of data at once).

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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I knew someone with 450,000 items in their inventory.

I have managed to keep mine to under 210,000 (so far) without much problem, I just organise into sub-folders every now and then to keep it relatively flat. 

This 350,000 limit must be a new thing, if it is actually real. 

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