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Oh hell yes! -- Pet Delights!

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I am going to single handedly keep this thread going if it kills me, lmao. The world needs more delights and I'm waiting for my dad to bring me dinner and a different med. Have I mentioned how much I love my parents? 

Since I posted a peeve, I should also post delights, I'm breaking my own rule if I don't.

This is a silly one, and it's both sweet, and kind of not. Yesterday I had one of the students in another class ask me out for her older brother. Not because he told her to ask me out, mind you, but because she, I quote, is "worried about him, 'cuz his girlfriend was mean and left". She said she was asking me because she thinks that I don't have a boyfriend and she doesn't want either of us to be sad, so we should date.

No one told me about this part, where in the manual does it cover these kinds of awkward situations? I have had a lot of them since I started teaching, absolutely nothing prepares you, just have to roll with the punches. 

Also, I didn't think I was giving off "sad and need a man" vibes, I'm still fairly certain I don't. I could be wrong, lmao. 

Kids are wild man, wild. They pick up things you don't even know you're putting down. Still, at least she thought she was doing a good thing, right? It's still sweet, mostly, if a little weird.


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6 minutes ago, Casidy Silvercloud said:

I am going to single handedly keep this thread going if it kills me, lmao. The world needs more delights and I'm waiting for my dad to bring me dinner and a different med. Have I mentioned how much I love my parents? 

Since I posted a peeve, I should also post delights, I'm breaking my own rule if I don't.

This is a silly one, and it's both sweet, and kind of not. Yesterday I had one of the students in another class ask me out for her older brother. Not because he told her to ask me out, mind you, but because she, I quote, is "worried about him, 'cuz his girlfriend was mean and left". She said she was asking me because she thinks that I don't have a boyfriend and she doesn't want either of us to be sad, so we should date.

No one told me about this part, where in the manual does it cover these kinds of awkward situations? I have had a lot of them since I started teaching, absolutely nothing prepares you, just have to roll with the punches. 

Also, I didn't think I was giving off "sad and need a man" vibes, I'm still fairly certain I don't. I could be wrong, lmao. 

Kids are wild man, wild. They pick up things you don't even know you're putting down. Still, at least she thought she was doing a good thing, right? It's still sweet, mostly, if a little weird.

Yeah, kids are wild and wonderful and spontaneous and natural.  They want to show that they care about you but have limited ways to do that, so daydreaming about a brother being with someone she cares about instead of the mean girlfriend makes perfect sense.  Kids share everything too as I learned when I volunteered once a week in my daughter's kindergarten class.  I soon heard everything about every family in the class, much, much more than I ever wanted to know.  😊

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Not quite sure where to put this, but this seems as good a spot as any.

How lovely to see an LL feature story on our own @Charlotte Bartlett!


You’ve been creating content in Second Life for many years, how and when did you get started?
I started creating content right from the beginning when I joined, so ouch 17 years. I got super lucky and connected with an inworld architect back in 2006 named Scope Cleaver who built me something called the Bartlett House. I was looking at it for more wider user cases (part of my RL world back then). We called it the Bartlett House and it was pretty unique for it's time and the limitations then. During this, I got to build for the first time using the prim tools and created the swimming pool water for the house (it was all I could be trusted with ha). It was like a light bulb going off. I was hooked immediately on being able to create things in real time and interact with them.


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9 minutes ago, Charlotte Bartlett said:

Thank you!!!   Obviously I first joined at age 10!! 😂

Obviously! What a very precocious woman girl you were!

Anyways, congrats! That's a nice feather in your cap! And the rest of us can all say we rub shoulders with a SLebrity!

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My pet delight isn't just for today, but, for a while.

I've decided that I need to leave peeves at the door.  This has been, is currently, and will continue to be a rough season in my life, I've come to realize. I don't have room to let peeves get in the way, for now, not even little ones. I've decided that I need to give myself all the grace I need now and might need in the future to deal with such a season. I am doing all the things I need to do, in order to  do that. Hopes and dreams, when I come out the other side, definitely not fully unscathed, I'll have afforded myself all the grace that was necessary.  We shall see.

I have enough stuff to face, and don't have the wherewithal to allow even the teensiest negativity to slip through the open cracks. So, I shall leave my peeves at the door where they belong, ignoring their existence makes it easier to find what I need to find, instead. It's certainly easy to find peeves, or let them find me. I've realized that even itty bitty baby peeves grow up and turn into big adult peeves, they're a lot more difficult to defeat and I'm ill-prepared. Best to not engage, encourage or acknowledge them at all.

I'm only typing this out for my own benefit. Once it's out there, I can't take it back! 


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2 hours ago, Casidy Silvercloud said:

My pet delight isn't just for today, but, for a while.

I've decided that I need to leave peeves at the door.  This has been, is currently, and will continue to be a rough season in my life, I've come to realize. I don't have room to let peeves get in the way, for now, not even little ones. I've decided that I need to give myself all the grace I need now and might need in the future to deal with such a season. I am doing all the things I need to do, in order to  do that. Hopes and dreams, when I come out the other side, definitely not fully unscathed, I'll have afforded myself all the grace that was necessary.  We shall see.

I have enough stuff to face, and don't have the wherewithal to allow even the teensiest negativity to slip through the open cracks. So, I shall leave my peeves at the door where they belong, ignoring their existence makes it easier to find what I need to find, instead. It's certainly easy to find peeves, or let them find me. I've realized that even itty bitty baby peeves grow up and turn into big adult peeves, they're a lot more difficult to defeat and I'm ill-prepared. Best to not engage, encourage or acknowledge them at all.

I'm only typing this out for my own benefit. Once it's out there, I can't take it back! 


Now you can't even edit it away. You're welcome~! XD

Anger is sometimes the healthiest feeling in response to certain things. How we deal with anger is always the hard part. I think one of the best things a person can do is to cultivate the ability to be unaffected by stupidity. It is literally everywhere, so reacting badly to it is kind of like reacting badly to being surrounded by air, and the ground being made of dirt.

Reacting badly to stupidity means you're a decent person, because if you thought stupidity was fine, and reacted happily to it, you'd be helping stupidity win. The hard part is learning how to be unaffected by it without just saying heck with it and letting stupid run rampant.

It's very much like learning how to defend yourself from a violently out of control person without hurting them. Just because they're stupid doesn't mean they should be treated the same way they'd treat you. You can be better than all of that without even getting any of it on you. And then the stupid doesn't win.

It might grumble and walk away all disappointed, but it won't win.

Now, mind you, I also think too much positivity can be a bad thing, and lead to being stupid. Saying everything is fine while the house is on fire is bad. But being willing to simply get up and put the fire out, without panicking and running around all crazy, that's worthy of cultivation, in my opinion.

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This is actually a timely follow-up to exactly the sort of situation I was discussing in the Peeve Thread. It's the other side of the coin, when the party pooper stops pooping at people, or when the "troll" realizes it's more fun being accepted than being outspoken about everyone being all make-believy all the time or whatever.

Someone I myself (among others) had the explosive poop encounter with contacted me after being on the same sim for a while as an alt. I knew he was an alt already, and was like well, if nothing bad happens, maybe a second chance is called for, because yeah.

We had a pleasant conversation. I welcomed him back. And I could tell he wasn't being all fake. I think he's going to do fine. Not even an icky vibe. And I can detect those.

Delight of the Night: Getting to see someone get a second chance, just like I've been given so many times, and knowing they're sincere about wanting to make it work, because they actually love the sim we're on. Pretty cool stuff when an angry person cools off and realizes it's all able to be okay still.

And by that I mean both of us.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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I'm now immersed in my first actual roleplay with housemates, making use of the "MyStory" RP system I had no idea existed before all of this. It's kind of like the Sims in a way?

It's intriguing and a lot different from what I'm used to, which is sim hopping and doing whatever just wasting time. Now I have a character to keep up and people to hang out with who like keeping me around.

It feels like this is what SL was really meant for.

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1 minute ago, Missy Starchild said:

I'm now immersed in my first actual roleplay with housemates, making use of the "MyStory" RP system I had no idea existed before all of this. It's kind of like the Sims in a way?

It's intriguing and a lot different from what I'm used to, which is sim hopping and doing whatever just wasting time. Now I have a character to keep up and people to hang out with who like keeping me around.

It feels like this is what SL was really meant for.

Please keep us updated! Most of the posts about MyStory seem to be about making/growing things.

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17 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Please keep us updated! Most of the posts about MyStory seem to be about making/growing things.

I will! I'm not sure how to make things yet so I'm just using it to feel like I'm actually in my avatar's shoes.

Four of us went on a road trip around a college campus yesterday (Woodstock I think it's called) stopping for pizza, all the while they were making jokes about how shapely my avatar is over VC. It was hilarious good-natured fun.

Anyway I'll look for some RP thread to post more about it in rather than spamming here.

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22 hours ago, PheebyKatz said:

Now you can't even edit it away. You're welcome~! XD

Anger is sometimes the healthiest feeling in response to certain things. How we deal with anger is always the hard part. I think one of the best things a person can do is to cultivate the ability to be unaffected by stupidity. It is literally everywhere, so reacting badly to it is kind of like reacting badly to being surrounded by air, and the ground being made of dirt.

Reacting badly to stupidity means you're a decent person, because if you thought stupidity was fine, and reacted happily to it, you'd be helping stupidity win. The hard part is learning how to be unaffected by it without just saying heck with it and letting stupid run rampant.

It's very much like learning how to defend yourself from a violently out of control person without hurting them. Just because they're stupid doesn't mean they should be treated the same way they'd treat you. You can be better than all of that without even getting any of it on you. And then the stupid doesn't win.

It might grumble and walk away all disappointed, but it won't win.

Now, mind you, I also think too much positivity can be a bad thing, and lead to being stupid. Saying everything is fine while the house is on fire is bad. But being willing to simply get up and put the fire out, without panicking and running around all crazy, that's worthy of cultivation, in my opinion.

I appreciate your post, a lot. I've read it a couple of times now, and I completely agree.

My whole post was triggered not so much by negativity and stupidity around me, as much as it was in my own head and some realizations I came to. On Friday I had to do something that was monumentally difficult (technically didn't have to, but, for self-preservation measures, had to), and for reasons no one needs, I had to do it by myself. Being by myself made it a million times worse. One of the hardest things I have ever done in my entire life.

What I expected to get out of it, I did not, in fact, the opposite. Nearly everything since Friday my brain has decided to turn into an annoyance, a peeve if you will. That made me focus more on other things that have bothered me, or will bother me, and things I have coming up that will undoubtedly bother me on an even greater level. Maddening, every thought process I'd had since Friday, utterly maddening. All it took was one tiny annoyance (a cart, literally a cart with a bum wheel) after Friday's experience and the levy just shattered into a million pieces. 

So I choose to let those things be whatever they want to be, but I am locking feeling annoyed completely out. Little annoyances build up too easily and then it becomes insanely easier to find them anywhere, in anything, without even realizing you're doing it. One thing bugs you, and it will not just open the door, but rip it off the hinges. I had a pipe leak earlier today, rather than be annoyed, I shut off the water, got to fixing it, had it repaired, water back on and mess cleaned up in less than an hour and  a half (bad valve). Before, that would be an hours long project, probably a lot of expletives, most likely a headache at the end and I'd still be annoyed even after it was done, lol.

I like this way better, so far.  And, I can't take it back, so, there's that. 

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I don't think I've ever considered joining Reddit but thanks to a post by @AmeliaJ08 I went over there so I could see a clip showing SL in a tv show (whose name I can't remember, and I'm not moved to see the whole show).  The platform was unexpectedly easy to use, and I discovered some new places to discuss my faith without hindrance or self-censorship.  It gets quite lonely here in this forum. :/ 

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Not sure if anyone has been playing with the inventory preview option but dang, I'm loving it!  I purchased a pack of BOM leggings today.  Of course they all have names which might not correspond to what color I'd call them so...I used the new feature to add a pic...Just an awesome new feature!  Btw, it's FREE!


Edited by Rowan Amore
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2 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

Of course they all have names which might not correspond to what color I'd call them so...I used the new feature to add a pic...Just an awesome new feature!  Btw, it's FREE!

   Oh, that's awesome. Where's that feature at? 

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