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Being ejected from groups?

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15 hours ago, Ayeleeon said:

Have you tried contacting the group owner with an explanation of your inactivity and asked nicely to be reinstated?maybe you can get back in the group without having to pay again, and if so you have nothing to complain about.

Possibly if they had done it before making a thread on the main community hub that has been viewed nearly 400 times?

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32 minutes ago, Blaise Glendevon said:

Possibly if they had done it before making a thread on the main community hub that has been viewed nearly 400 times?

400 views, does not mean 400 viewers, and even if it did, the odds of the group owner having seen it are slim. She should go ahead and contact them.

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21 hours ago, Sabine Starlight said:

I have recently been ejected from a couple groups that I paid to join. One reason was "inactivity in group". I guess meaning I have not visited the club/sim lately? I get busy in real life and don't make my way to all clubs I am member of. But, my question, is can people create paid entry groups and then turn around and delete people? I am not being banned, just booted from group because I haven't been to club in awhile. Personally I think its really bad business but also very deceptive. I mean, no rules were stated about having to visit club to stay in group. They are taking my lindens but then booting me from the group a short time late. Should I make a complaint to LL?

This practise is not against the Terms of Service and group owners are free to eject members for any reason whether the group is paid or not.

The solution is either be active, or don't join the group to begin with.

So no, you can't complain to LL about this. Well, you could, but they will ignore you.

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For some groups it makes sense to remove those who are not active but those groups shouldn't be pay to join. It would be ridiculous to have to pay to join an RP group only to be kicked from it because real life required you to be gone for a long time just as it would be ridiculous to join a paid store group and be expected to be active all the time in the group. 

Sometimes the expectations of group owners/managers cross the line. Not knowing the nature of the group it's hard to say if that is the case here. Either way, the group owners need to get a better handle on things because they are mistreating people who haven't done anything to deserve ill treatment.

If you are going to remove people for inactivity, put that in your group description so people know and can make an informed decision before they join. It will save a lot of headaches and hassles on both sides. If someone doesn't bother to read, that's on them.

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6 hours ago, Lyssa Greymoon said:

Phase 1: Find people who want to give you money.

Phase 2: Kick them out.

Phase 3: Profit?

Sounds like my ex-roommate. 1. Get people to feel sorry for you so they give you money. 2. Act badly and complain publicly when your friends don't give you money. 3. Go look for new friends to feel sorry for you and give you money. 4. Rinse and repeat until there's nobody left to feel sorry for you an give you money.

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7 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

One reason for reducing group size is chat lag. The more people in the group logged in with the chat open, the more the chat will lag.

That's a pissy reason to boot people who PAID to join the group/club. 

I would think a paid group/club would have far fewer numbers than than your typical free group.


This is EXACTLY the reason I don't join paid entertainment groups. I HAVE paid a fee to join a group to get a butt load of free group gifts.  It was worth the L$


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1 hour ago, Doris Johnsky said:

That's a pissy reason to boot people who PAID to join the group/club. 



No, it isn't. Not when you have a group as large as say the main FS support group. Granted, that particular group is not a pay group, but that wasn't the point of my post. The main FS support group is one of those that MUST be purged once in a while or no one will ever be able to get any help because no one will be able to use the chat due to horrendous lag. So, the choice is either do some purging now and then or don't purge. When you don't purge, then you get the irate IMs and notecards complaining about the group chat lag.

I've seen it happen too many times.


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I would think people want to keep the traffic I never been in a group where it booted people for not being active I know they so that in guilds on other games people can come back with out paying.  Club or place may have moved or not around any more some people keep the group it can be bit confusing.    If you got booted it was saving you as you can all way's start again some where else just take as it is some times things save you from the cost not all groups come with a fee some do.  But try to find a place where you look around before having to get a fee.  But if you been away some time a group can also start new they will make a new one make a free then make a fee later some places have fee they want to keep trolls out.  Find your tribe where you feel all I can say really not for me to say  only you know where you will be.  Take it was only a experience a moment in time  move on in your path that is now  do things bring you joy.

But what I have learned I don't get mad this different world  not for you go some where else log off take a break come back. We come here to be are self be free you can start new every day.  don't ask don't beg just flow I am sorta quiet at times but make conversation keep the vibe but can be distance if you have to at times but still be social keep the energy going. But if I need to do anything I will earn on my own never ask generosity is nice but its rare  but just like friendship its earned in energy and exchange in trust not just given things can not just be given.

Edited by EmzaRose
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The only paid groups I join (rarely) are store groups where the group gifts available at the time are worth the join fee. There are some groups that ask a token fee of like 1L to help deter trolls and griefers. THat I don't care about. I would certainly not pay a 'membership' fee to a club where I would then be presumably expected to tip performers/DJ's

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On 11/29/2021 at 6:00 PM, Silent Mistwalker said:


No, it isn't. Not when you have a group as large as say the main FS support group. Granted, that particular group is not a pay group, but that wasn't the point of my post. The main FS support group is one of those that MUST be purged once in a while or no one will ever be able to get any help because no one will be able to use the chat due to horrendous lag. So, the choice is either do some purging now and then or don't purge. When you don't purge, then you get the irate IMs and notecards complaining about the group chat lag.

I've seen it happen too many times.


I see your point, but you left off part of my statement:


"I would think a paid group/club would have far fewer numbers than than your typical free group."


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39 minutes ago, Doris Johnsky said:

I see your point, but you left off part of my statement:


"I would think a paid group/club would have far fewer numbers than than your typical free group."


Because if that is what you think, you would be thinking incorrectly. There are groups that have a 500L (or more) join fee with hundreds of members.

The first one that comes to mind is Frank's. Before it was sold last year. They lost a lot of people when the ownership changed. I was one of them.

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There are some ridiculous attitudes in this thread.

It's only acceptable if the group's description explicitly states members will be ejected after xx days of inactivity. Otherwise the assumption is towards permanent membership, as has been standard practice in SL.

Unfortunately there's no recourse for the OP, it's a situation where you live and learn, and don't engage with that club of bottom feeders again.


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3 hours ago, cunomar said:

Only groups i pay to join are because i have to in order to buy something i want . Once bought i turn off the group notifications .

Surely that means i don't contribute to group chat lag ?

No it doesn't, because every time someone else chats, the system goes through the entire member list checking who is online and who has chat enabled or disabled. It has to check, otherwise it wouldn't know to exclude you. 

The only ways to not contribute to the chat lag are to leave the group, or join with an alt who is offline the majority of time.

Group notifications are entirely different from chat and generally the notifications do not suffer from lag

Edited by Maitimo
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We don't really know the whole story behind this.  We're assuming it's just a regular ol' dance club like so many others, where the group is nothing but an event notice billboard, but in my experience there are only 2 types of club that typically charge a fee to join the group -

  • Exclusive clubs like Frank's Elite, or sex clubs, which charge the fee to give you access to a restricted area.
  • Broad-range activity locations like Tortuga Beach, which charges a fee to join the group in return for additional privileges such as the ability to rez boats and other objects on the region(s). This typically grants similar privileges as a renter, to group members who choose not to rent, they can pay the group fee instead; the one-off fee usually significantly less than a week or two's rent.

If the club isn't offering something similar to any of the above in return for the group joining fee, and it really is just an event-notice billboard, then I would question the ethics of the club owner and the sanity of anyone actually joining the group.


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It's like joining an exclusive golf club in real life. As long as the owners of the club aren't kicking you out because you're from a certain ethnic background or because you're differently abled or something that would be legally considered discriminatory they can kick you out for whatever reason they like. They don't need to warn you, they don't need to cover all the reasons you might get kicked out in their rules. They can do this because it's their right as owners of that club. Same thing with SL. If you're looking to join a group that has a fee to join it's in your best interest to ask the owner what their conditions are for remaining a member of that group. Otherwise unless you have proof they kicked you out for reasons that violate LL's TOS you're ***** out of luck. 

If you know you aren't going to visit places associated with groups that have a fee to join all that often I don't understand why you'd pay to join them anyways. There are plenty of clubs with groups that don't cost money that don't care how often you show up they're just glad to have people in their group at all. Stick to those. 

Edited by Zidaya Zenovka
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