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1 hour ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Where you saw "nothing overly exciting," I had fun zipping around from exhibit to exhibit in the short time I had. 

I meant nothing exciting in the "adult" area we were in. You know the things Cat and I have. Nothing like that there as far as we saw. And sure, I'll go snail racing. Why not?

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2 hours ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

I am more than happy to have you join me, but do keep up. I move fast. *eye-rolls at your suggestive pics*  

Cinny, you know this, but I don't think some people realize that being leashed is the most effective method of following someone. It allows for length changes and freedom of movement within a range. Follow Huds aren't nearly as flexible. And no need to add screen clutter and lag with yet another HUD when someone already has a collar. They aren't just kinky, they can be practical.

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Having a mini mosey on round SL20B using the guide to find the less busy places. I don't do much shopping, but like an explore, and always love a water slide. 

There is an art gallery at ground level too.

https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SLB Blissful/59/125/3

temp laugh.jpg

23.06.2023 SL20B 4 - Water Slide Art Gallery.jpg

Edited to add, I even found I was part of an exhibit! The History of Giant Snail Racing! I am chuffed to bits.

https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SLB Delightful/172/141/23

23.06.2023 SL20B 5 - found I am part of the exhibition for Giant Snails in History.jpg

Edited by Marigold Devin
to add more pictures and SLurls
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Waiting for the potato to bake



That's the gift area at the bday after about 10 mins or so. Before anyone thinks it's a complaint-it's not-this is entirely on my end and I know it. This is exactly what I expect with graphics turned way down draw distance at 112 or so and a lot of people around-which you can't really see here can you haha since they're mostly behind me. After about 5 more mins it gets a better.


Going about my business now and putting draw distance back down where it goes.  Nice area and really glad it's not congested or I'd have to stand around longer to see things. 


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On 6/22/2023 at 1:48 PM, Fauve Aeon said:

A taste for summer with hydrangeas, lemon curd (dispenses both jar and spoon) and for the cocktails, a Rosemary & Blueberry Shrub in a deep coupe.



Hydrangeas and lemon curd would fill my real life with absolute joy right now, alas my hydrangea has decided not to flower this year and I only have strawberry jam in my cupboard. This photo is just so lovely, depicting some of my favourite things. 

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9 hours ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

I listened to Patch's opening speech.  It is the first year adult regions are represented.  They don't seem to be hiding it.

Where you saw "nothing overly exciting," I had fun zipping around from exhibit to exhibit in the short time I had.  (I will have to take you snail racing.) I hope to spend more time there over the next few weeks going down memory lane and listening to music. It was not as crowded as I expected, but I still saw 5 or 6 people I knew in less than an hour.

I am more than happy to have you join me, but do keep up. I move fast. *eye-rolls at your suggestive pics*  There are hundreds of displays to see and only a few weeks to get it all in.  Also, someone has to keep you out of trouble while Caitlin is away.  

I hope some of the forumittes who got parcels to decorate will post landmarks to them or I'll never find them.

The giant snail racing was and always will be the most fun and unusual thing I ever did in Second Life, but my computer couldn't cope with it, and it would give me a migraine (possibly from all the laughing rather than all the bright colours). I can still feel the pain from cows hitting me on the first mushroom-filled hill. 

Landmarks and recommendations are going to help enormously. I want to see and experience as much of this year's landmark birthday celebrations as possible. 

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I pushed my computer to the limits, to try to get a picture covering most of SL20B, but it was not quite enough for this old laptop to handle.


Lots of textures did not load, it did not cover all of the regions, but somehow it did not crash either.  I try to do this every year, and never quite get it all.  This is after about 20 minutes of letting things load.

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14 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

The giant snail racing was and always will be the most fun and unusual thing I ever did in Second Life, but my computer couldn't cope with it, and it would give me a migraine (possibly from all the laughing rather than all the bright colours). I can still feel the pain from cows hitting me on the first mushroom-filled hill. 

I did this one year xD I think it was for RFL...I remember following a dozen snails and then suddenly getting completely lost and ending up about 5 regions away...9_9 I found it really hard to control, especially in lag, lol.

I also got lost at a SL Drivers' Group rally...I couldn't see any of the other drivers and asked somebody I saw if they were also lost, and they said "It's my garden, this is so-and-so Estates 🤬!" :$

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Tiggie and I visiting The Tapestry of Time for the first time and planning to return again and again.  I remember all of these events from my birth year of 2007 sooooooooooooooo well but not this unrecognizable Patch Linden!!



Edited by Leora Greenwood
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On 6/23/2023 at 10:35 PM, Istelathis said:

2019 woohoo!



I found the above wearable car in SL20B while exploring 😊 I decided to put it on for a moment while posing for a pic.  Look, it is Patch in the screenshot behind me!  🤭

Nice! Where did you get the car from, please? :)

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19 hours ago, Rat Luv said:

I did this one year xD I think it was for RFL...I remember following a dozen snails and then suddenly getting completely lost and ending up about 5 regions away...9_9 I found it really hard to control, especially in lag, lol.

I also got lost at a SL Drivers' Group rally...I couldn't see any of the other drivers and asked somebody I saw if they were also lost, and they said "It's my garden, this is so-and-so Estates 🤬!" :$

Oh yes, the RFL, across mainland regions. That was particularly excellent fun. Sim crossings were perilous. I got stuck underneath the road at one point and my avatar was flailing about in the tarmac for several minutes before the organiser rescued me with a teleport. We managed to crash a region as we reached the finish line on another, and many a landowner was a little shocked to say the least at the sight of a giant snail in their front garden (at least we weren't eating their plants 😁😂 )

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SLB20, Motown, yeah yeah, whatevs. Today I pursued the true meaning of Second Life!

I went SHOPPING!!!!

I've bought some nice outfits over the last while -- mostly dresses and gowns, or everyday wear, really. But today, for the first time in a while, I picked up something that I thought was actually a bit different and rather stylish -- a top and jacket from Bauhaus. And then happily spent an hour or so putting together The Look.

And then because The Look needed The Setting, I went to one of my favourite urban regions, Cravone City. I like Cravone because it's not grungy and dystopian, like so many urban areas, nor is it sterile looking. It looks like a well-run city. A bit like Toronto in parts, really.

ANYWAY, it seemed a good backdrop for my new outfit. I wandered around, wondering if I'd run into @Aiyumei, who know hangs out there sometimes, but no such luck, so I got a bubble tea and drank it by myself in the tea shop, feeling just a teeny weeny bit stylish.

Just a wee bit.


Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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Like every other Sunday, mine is typically dedicated to prepare for the week to come.

As I was strolling around the city on errands when my phone suddenly rang, interrupting the music playing in my ear, because that's what most phone notifications usually do. I didn't pay attention to it at first, thinking it's probably one of the group chats I'm in and continued on my stroll... Half and hour later just as I was about to enter the subway and catch a train home I decided to check my notifications since the reception is pretty bad down.
To my surprise it was notification from someone across the world, walking the streets at night and thinking of me. That put big smile on my face! <3 

Thank you @Scylla Rhiadra and lots of hug from across the world!

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8 hours ago, Bagnu said:

Hanging out with @Cinnamon Mistwood in my female AV.

Lost power on the mountain for 14 hours last night while they hauled supplies up here.  Sorry I didn't get back in, but I am back in the saddle today.... er... I have an internet connection.

Edited by Cinnamon Mistwood
spelling ugh
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16 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Lost power on the mountain for 14 hours last night while they hauled supplies up here.  Sorry I didn't get back in, but I am back in the saddle today.... er... I have an internet connection.

Nothing you could do. We'll get you back in the saddle today and make up for it...

Edited by Bagnu
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1 hour ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Our year!  The year I rezzed for the first time ever and for him the year of the account I partnered.  He's been in SL since 2006.



Happy 20th to SL and Happy 13th to us! ❤️ 



That moment when you are the only 2 people in a crowded club. *boop*



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Exploring SL20B still, and I found this really cool room! 




http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SLB Captivate/118/12/23

Lots of neon in motion, digital rain, floor that has waves, it was really well put together 💖

Snapshot_060.thumb.png.7beb8e5492631e116e05cb5c68bb2a36.pngIn the other section are a lot of pictures with headphones on each that will open a link to music so you can zone out while drifting off into the imagery, really lovely spot to chill out ☺


If you pop in to the exhibit, check out the sky while you are there, they have a great EEP (I think that is what it is called) sky setting.

Edited by Istelathis
Wrong link 😳
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