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Sim cannot be reached, support cannot be reached, web panel not responding either.

Count Burks

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Yes I did manage to speak with support.

Support did inform me that Linden Lab appears not to be handling offline region issues anymore outside of support hours. In the past @Linden Lab concierge support always claimed they had staff at hand outside of regular chat support hours who looked into tickets about offline regions. This appears to be no longer the case now. 

Since support is only working 8 hours per day and there are issues outside of the hours such as offline regions it can take a long time now before sim issues get solved.

23 minutes ago, Miller Thor said:

@Count Burks So we had no problem contacting the support. 
Quote Eveline Linden
Hello there! I apologize for the delay with that region.
Our specialists are currently working on it, but it is taking some time.

Thanks for asking Miller. 


The sim is back online now. @Linden Lab should really look into guaranteeing they have staff available to bring back simulators online outside of normal support hours.

What if someone has a large event planned and their region goes offline outside of support hours? Keeping regions online 24/7 and having technical staff at hand to do this seems like basic service. Especially when the price for such a region costs much more than what one would pay for dedicated servers.

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56 minutes ago, Count Burks said:

Support did inform me that Linden Lab appears not to be handling offline region issues anymore outside of support hours. In the past @Linden Lab concierge support always claimed they had staff at hand outside of regular chat support hours who looked into tickets about offline regions. This appears to be no longer the case now. 

Since support is only working 8 hours per day and there are issues outside of the hours such as offline regions it can take a long time now before sim issues get solved.

This was precisely what I feared would happen once the region hosting was moved out of LL's own server farm.  It may well save LL's new owners money but SL is no longer the 24/7 operation that it has always claimed to be.  No point in us saying this is not good enough, it is a fait accomplis and it is a significant degradation in the service.

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37 minutes ago, Aishagain said:

This was precisely what I feared would happen once the region hosting was moved out of LL's own server farm.  It may well save LL's new owners money but SL is no longer the 24/7 operation that it has always claimed to be.  No point in us saying this is not good enough, it is a fait accomplis and it is a significant degradation in the service.

That's not unusual after a leveraged buyout. This tells us more about the new ownership.

Watch what they do, not what they say.


Edited by animats
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19 minutes ago, Lucia Nightfire said:

To be fair, support went to 8 hour shifts years ago.

And it has been a bone of contention with non-US customers for as long as I have been using SL.  But that's not the Grist in my mill: that is the revelation, if you can call it such,  that SL's servers are no longer under Linden Lab's direct control.  We have seen numerous recent indications (map tiles, Aditi inacessibility, lack of new Regions, TP routing issues and regions being offline or inaccessible for hours) of what that means in the last couple of months.  To me, it does NOT bode well for the future operation of SL.

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7 minutes ago, Aishagain said:

And it has been a bone of contention with non-US customers for as long as I have been using SL.  But that's not the Grist in my mill: that is the revelation, if you can call it such,  that SL's servers are no longer under Linden Lab's direct control.  We have seen numerous recent indications (map tiles, Aditi inacessibility, lack of new Regions, TP routing issues and regions being offline or inaccessible for hours) of what that means in the last couple of months.  To me, it does NOT bode well for the future operation of SL.

Map tiles was due to LL prioritizing it last, thus being worked on post Uplift.

Aditi accessiblility has been a problem before Uplift, same with lack of new regions.

TP routing seems to have been introduced after Uplift.

Regions showing online, but not allowing entry has been caused by grief vectors for years. Did support explain in recent instances that AWS was to blame?

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17 hours ago, Lucia Nightfire said:

To be fair, support went to 8 hour shifts years ago.

Except for the fact that Linden Lab always claimed there is staff available outside of the regular support hours to look at offline regions. This region could not be reached for 17 hours which is a very long time. I received several complaints from people who could not reach their home or store. 

It is not like Linden Lab has no money to hire people for a nightshift.

Edited by Count Burks
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3 minutes ago, Count Burks said:

Except for the fact that Linden Lab always claimed there is staff available outside of the regular support hours to look at offline regions.

I doubt you'll see that in official writing or terms anywhere.

"always claimed" is as good as the words "we guarantee" coming from a Linden who hasn't been with the company since 2009.

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14 minutes ago, Lucia Nightfire said:

I doubt you'll see that in official writing or terms anywhere.

"always claimed" is as good as the words "we guarantee" coming from a Linden who hasn't been with the company since 2009.

Downtime happens I'm afraid, with this pandemic going on hiring isn't exactly the easiest thing to do. I'm sorry to hear you experienced downtime but in relation to what Lucia said, it's not like Linden Labs promises 100% uptime. These things happen and all you can really do is be paitent and go through the proper channels (which you did).

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1 hour ago, Lillith Hapmouche said:

For the $$$ they are asking, it better be 99.9 %.

Yeah that's not even going to come close to happening,  SL is way way different than webhosting,  webhosts can pull that off, if LL has a service tank, it can take everything down and take hours to come back up.   look at the influxes of 07/09 and hitting 88k and the whole system went "NOPE!" I remember people coming ungluded then thinking "well we pay for it, we should have a full say in it and it should always be up" nobody takes the time to learn this is way way more complicated than webhosting. 

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4 hours ago, Lucia Nightfire said:

Regions showing online, but not allowing entry has been caused by grief vectors for years. Did support explain in recent instances that AWS was to blame?

As a matter of fact that is PRECISELY what they told me.  I was informed that my region could only be restarted once the AWS technicians had been informed and were available to do it!

It had NOTHING to do with any griefing activity in this case but had occurred (speculation on my part admittedly) due to an incorrect procedure having been applied to the region.

Also while Live Chat hours have been severely limited in recent times (for as long as I can recall, in fact) region offline issues have been attended to by LL technicians very promptly at any hour of the day.  Clearly this is no longer the case.

I have been a regular in SL since 2008 and I have never been so misled by support in all that time. Frankly I am sick and tired of people who are telling us outside the USA that this is an US company and they do things the US way.  SL is world wide and it is high time that LL and a good many US institutions learned that there is a big world out there beyond the US coastline, and we WILL be heard.

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I get having to wait a day for name change support issue etc but regions being down for 17 hours with no recourse at all is a non-starter.

Why pay for land if you are on when the Lab doesn't staff?

I thought AWS was a wonderful  concept-that's why they bought into it-- can't an off-hours support person just flip an off line region to a crispy new one from AWS? Linden doesn't own the servers so why should we wait for what-- AWS staff to look at the box on their shelf? Wiggle the wires?

Linden shouldn't  care about the server equipment- just that they are providing what they are getting paid to provide. Access.

Indeed why aren't down region issues automated-- xxMistyCaterpillarxx  files ShinyGreenLeaf region down, LL support bot verifies, reboots , checks in an hour if running, if not moves SGL region to another AWS server and files a ticket informing AWS that prior berth defective and blocks it from being used by another region.

Then they can review the defective berths, say monthly,  with AWS to see if SL needs server upgrades or if they need to tweak commands.

Instead of "we can't" for 17 hours a day the engineers need to say "how can we be 24 hrs?"

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6 minutes ago, Cam Mode said:

I get having to wait a day for name change support issue etc but regions being down for 17 hours with no recourse at all is a non-starter.

Why pay for land if you are on when the Lab doesn't staff?

I thought AWS was a wonderful  concept-that's why they bought into it-- can't an off-hours support person just flip an off line region to a crispy new one from AWS? Linden doesn't own the servers so why should we wait for what-- AWS staff to look at the box on their shelf? Wiggle the wires?

Linden shouldn't  care about the server equipment- just that they are providing what they are getting paid to provide. Access.

Indeed why aren't down region issues automated-- xxMistyCaterpillarxx  files ShinyGreenLeaf region down, LL support bot verifies, reboots , checks in an hour if running, if not moves SGL region to another AWS server and files a ticket informing AWS that prior berth defective and blocks it from being used by another region.

Then they can review the defective berths, say monthly,  with AWS to see if SL needs server upgrades or if they need to tweak commands.

Instead of "we can't" for 17 hours a day the engineers need to say "how can we be 24 hrs?"


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4 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:


Which they'll be losing if they aren't providing what they sell. Grid is in a good tread water position right now  , COVID SIP  sadly helping. But when you want your region and can't get it for 17 hours--there is a whole planet of leisure options that ARE running 24/7.


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11 hours ago, Cam Mode said:
11 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:


Which they'll be losing if they aren't providing what they sell. Grid is in a good tread water position right now  , COVID SIP  sadly helping. But when you want your region and can't get it for 17 hours--there is a whole planet of leisure options that ARE running 24/7.

Just this.  Without our income Linden's new owners will lose a great deal of their revenue stream from SL.  That ought to concentrate their minds.

Edited by Aishagain
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My guess is that they've taken a chance on people accepting it based on the fact that there isn't anywhere else to go where you can take your inventory with you. The majority of Slitizens are committed to what they have. Eye of a needle and that sort of thing.

I would hope that what people are seeing at the moment is a combination of the newness of being in the cloud and the issues from the pandemic. It'll sort itself out in time, provided we make it plain what we want. The new owners would certainly want to preserve the revenue stream, I doubt they've initiated a run-it-down-to-the-bones policy.

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37 minutes ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

The new owners would certainly want to preserve the revenue stream, I doubt they've initiated a run-it-down-to-the-bones policy.

I have plenty of thoughts on this but put most of them in another thread last night and the remainder would likely get deleted :D so  I will just leave a reminder quoted  from  Google that this was a leveraged buyout and what that means. 




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  • Lindens

Hi all! I wanted to pop in and hopefully help to clear up a few things! While the regular support staff you are used to communicating with in Live Chat are available only during support hours, we do have processes in place to ensure that the majority of "after hours" offline regions get taken care of. Sometimes; however, they do require more specialized intervention which can delay bringing them back online for longer than we're used to. This has been support's process for quite some time now, long preceding uplift.

- Dottie Linden

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