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Age definition


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Hello to all the friends. I met a friend, when she signed up for the game she probably defined herself as not an adult (probably by choosing an age), is it possible to make her user an adult, in the other world. Or is it stuck like that? 

If the question is not clear, tell me, I will try to write better.


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59 minutes ago, ynck said:

If the question is not clear, tell me, I will try to write better.

Can you rephrase that?

Because, from what I understand now, your friend signed up, stating that her real-life age was in the non-adult range. For SL, you cannot sign up if you declare that you are younger than 16 years old. So what I understand here is that she signed up declaring she is between 16 and 21 years of age.

Is that assumption correct?

If so, why is that a problem?

Or is her avatar looking 'youthful'? And are you simply asking how to make her avatar look more adult?

But then again, I deem it unlikely that this is what you actually meant to say. So, please try to word the problem in a different way.

Edited by Arduenn Schwartzman
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Good understanding! She defined that she was 17. The problem that she can not enter the areas classified as "adult" Is that the problem? Or does it just have to change its display to choose which areas to display?

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4 minutes ago, ynck said:

Good understanding! She defined that she was 17. The problem that she can not enter the areas classified as "adult" Is that the problem? Or does it just have to change its display to choose which areas to display?

If they gave a birthday that is younger than 18 on sign up, LL won't even change that date.. They'll have to wait until that account birth date turns 18 before they can enter adult areas..

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2 minutes ago, ynck said:

Well, thank you very much everyone !!!, I will pass .... maybe you will really open an account. Anyway thanks for the clarification!

My husband made the same mistake when he opened his account a few years back.. He scrolled the wrong birth date on sign up and made a premium account..

We had a hell of a time with LL over it..

Finally he just canceled the premium part and made another.. I made sure I watched him that time so he didn't mess it up.. hehehehe

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42 minutes ago, ynck said:

Well, thank you very much everyone !!!, I will pass .... maybe you will really open an account. Anyway thanks for the clarification!

If she is actually 17 in RL, she has no business being in adult areas or participating in adult activities.  Making a new account and lying about your age?  Good way to get banned if anyone finds out.

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2 hours ago, ynck said:

Good understanding! She defined that she was 17. The problem that she can not enter the areas classified as "adult" Is that the problem? Or does it just have to change its display to choose which areas to display?

LL is in the US. In the US you must be 18 years of age before you are considered adult by law. Your friend will just have to wait until she turns 18. Being underaged and lying to LL about it is a sure way to be banned from the grid. I'd tell you to go talk to a certain person about it but she's been banned for life for claiming to have been 13 and escorting in SL.

Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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I'm pretty sure if your friend put in a birthdate making them 17 when they claim not to be and they want that changed they'll have to provide proof they are aged 18+. Other choices are make an alt with real birth date/minimum date to be 18, i don't recommend this in case your friend slips up and reveals they aren't actually 18 or wait however many months are left before that accounts birthdate makes them 18

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1 hour ago, Syo Emerald said:

Nobody is "probably wrong". You don't "define" to be 17. You enter your birthdate and when that makes you 17, you are 17 and therefore not an adult.


34 minutes ago, Cinos Field said:

One might enter a younger birthdate thinking it'd be the age of their character.

I think Syo was replying to the OP but when I used the word 'defined' it was my polite way of saying fibbed.  The sign-up asks for a real age, so I don't see how that can mean roleplay character age, if that is what the OP means.  In any case, I'm very wary about 'underage' problems. 

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14 hours ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

Unless you enter the wrong birthdate by mistake.

Those "mistakes" seem to happen a lot after people notice the "sexy" stuff happens in age restricted areas... 😁 But maybe LL can be convinced to aid such cases, if the account holder can provide some legal document. Although I never heard of anyone actually trying that and reporting back, if it works.

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22 hours ago, Cinos Field said:

The lindens will probably change the birthdate if asked, but they might request scans of passports or such.

My husband tried to get them to change his account to his actual birthday by offering his ID or whatever they would want or need for it..They still told him there was nothing they could do and that he would have to wait for the account to turn 18..

He filed a ticket, did live chant as well as called them on the phone..

He finally just asked them, Can I just make another account.. they told him, yes..

Sure wish he'd asked that question from the beginning, it would have saved a ton of time.. hehehe

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