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think the new Biden (censored) bomb shell tells us alot about everything. I think if you are a straight  line Democrat won't matter much. GOP will of course be outraged. But those in the middle - swing voters? They see not only corrupt politicians and their kid cashing in on daddys name and position, but primarily, they see the full on censorship and the full on control and utter obience the MSM has to the Democratic Party. If so called "Russian election interference' was of any concern - I think many are starting to open their eyes now and starting to see it isn't the Russians, or even the Chinese, that really interfere in our elections, it is our very own press corp and the so called Social Media Giants. It has gotten to the point to where you actually seek out and look for alternate news sources, you simply have no idea any more what is really happening. If you rely on network news or like CNN or read 'main stream' news websites, it is really no different than being a citizen in China and reading what the CCP determines you are allowed to read. Everybody has known the MSM has a left bias for a long time now, but now, they no longer even try to pretend that they don't get daily talking points from the DNC. I know all the left always makes fun of Fox News, and even if it is all right slanted (It isn't) that is at least one network, versus the dozens on the left, and new Big Tech Social Media has taken it upon itself to make see you see only what they want you to see, and punish anyone that dares go against what is an allowable point of view to have

When the Constitution was written and Freedom of Speech/Freedom the the Press was enshrined, no one then imagines that those at the time who ran the printing presses for a citizen to make a poster calling out a certain politician or a certain cause to be displayed in the town square - that those who owned the printing press would be the ones who decided what was to be printed and what would not based on their own political biases - and if anyone tried to have something printed they didn't  like they would ban and black list them for life!

Edited by Jackson Redstar
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2 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

so much more fractured

Wish I could say this isn't so, but the Pandemic with time to spare to focus has made this blazingly apparent. I've sharpened my skills on recognizing and falling for red herrings. 

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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

We also shouldn't forget the social gains the Democrats pushed through -- marriage equality for the LGBTQ community, protections for the Trans community, the Violence Against Women Act, continued support for Affirmative Action, abortion rights for women, and much much more. Truly they are the party that believes in rights for all and not just the wealthy, white, straight male. I just want more from them.



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Because we have officially "abandoned all hope"... and because I'm in a mood and work avoiding :::points to huge line of staples down gut and feels sorry for self:::

As per my earlier post here with the big "I voted" jpg, I did vote. I did straightline party vote, Democratic (not the GOP & KKK endorsed as joked). I know: Surprise.

I have a brain and I use it. I get my information from many sources. If something seems weird and sensational, I fact check it. Sadly, for the past 4 years "weird and sensational" have been a daily, factual occurrence. News sources can be biased, sure. That's always been the case. People also need to learn the difference between op/ed and news (and so do some news outlets).

CNN saying "The president lied when... (name a day and topic)" is not bias, it is just sadly the truth.

I don't normally vote straight ticket but this time, I don't care if someone from the GOP is the messiah, I want them gone. I want this "thing" that has morphed into the GOP GONE. Wipe it out. Start over. 

I consider myself to be a centrist. I think I'm fairly common in my beliefs that I'd like to be fiscally responsible while being socially liberal. I used to consider myself to be on the "right" and centrist. My views haven't changed all THAT much over the years. I've gotten a bit more socially liberal. But now, my views put me damned near far left. Why? Because the GOP has just gotten totally out of control and uber extreme in so many ways.

I do wish we'd get viable third parties, or even ranked votings and get rid of the corrupt party system. How very founding father of me. George Washington famously said at his farewell speech,  "The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism."


cat mom shes touching me.gif

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3 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:
5 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

We also shouldn't forget the social gains the Democrats pushed through -- marriage equality for the LGBTQ community, protections for the Trans community, the Violence Against Women Act, continued support for Affirmative Action, abortion rights for women, and much much more. Truly they are the party that believes in rights for all and not just the wealthy, white, straight male. I just want more from them.



"Identity politics" does not exist except as a far-right meme to deny equality to those seeking protection under the law.

Bringing awareness to the plight of minorities denied their rights and attempting to procure these equal protections does not "create a division" -- the division was already created by those in power. Created by those in power who denied the rights and benefits to gay couples that heterosexual couples have always taken advantage of. The division was created when the founders decided a Black person is only 3/5ths of a White person, and when they refused to give Blacks the many benefits afforded to White veterans after the war, giving them an economic advantage that continues to this day. The division is created when banks are less likely to give Blacks a loan compared to Whites, or when judges give Blacks longer sentences for the same crime committed by Whites.  And on and on and on and forking on!

You simply cannot increase rights for all workers unless you break it down and see the specific ways in which rights are denied to specific groups -- this is how the biased laws applied to these groups are struck down. Only then can the working class become unified. As it stands, the poor (usually straight & white) working class frequently vote down the rights of these marginalized groups in an attempt to have a leg up.

I think I'm going to give you a meme now, Arielle, you are the poster child for those believing memes (and conspiracy theories) created by right-wingers. However my meme applied to you is a true one.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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1 hour ago, Kyrie Deka said:
1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

so much more fractured

Wish I could say this isn't so, but the Pandemic with time to spare to focus has made this blazingly apparent. I've sharpened my skills on recognizing and falling for red herrings. 

Yes, at first glance it appears that a protective dynamic designed to minimize injustice in a large country (a division of federal/state powers) contributed to a disaster when a more centralized response was needed (such as is needed in a pandemic). Yet I can't place all blame in this system, as it functioned very well when a centralized approach was needed in WW2, and so I have to place the failure square on our leaders head.

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Not a Trump supporter but I think he was (is) needed to shake up both the political system and the perception the public has of the politicians and news organizations. Trump defeated both the Republicans and the Democrats in 2016. His win was a message to both parties that they are absolute poop. 

Edited by Bree Giffen
Removed an ‘a’.
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36 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

I have a brain and I use it. I get my information from many sources. If something seems weird and sensational, I fact check it. Sadly, for the past 4 years "weird and sensational" have been a daily, factual occurrence. News sources can be biased, sure. That's always been the case. People also need to learn the difference between op/ed and news (and so do some news outlets).

CNN saying "The president lied when... (name a day and topic)" is not bias, it is just sadly the truth.

I consider myself to be a centrist. I think I'm fairly common in my beliefs that I'd like to be fiscally responsible while being socially liberal. I used to consider myself to be on the "right" and centrist. My views haven't changed all THAT much over the years. I've gotten a bit more socially liberal. But now, my views put me damned near far left. Why? Because the GOP has just gotten totally out of control and uber extreme in so many ways.

Interesting post in that I relate to it very much except for the following changes:



I consider myself to be a centrist. I think I'm fairly common in my beliefs that I'd like to be fiscally responsible while being socially liberal. I used to consider myself to be on the "left" and centrist. My views haven't changed all THAT much over the years. I've gotten a bit more socially liberal. But now, my views put me damned near far right. Why? Because the Dems (some?) have just gotten totally out of control and uber extreme in so many ways.

ps I'll acknowledge that my view of Dems has been negatively biased in a large part because of Luna's and some other anonymous posters extremisms which have sought to normalize their positions as being standard leftist. The only one who has made me question whether I am really Conservative is Jordan Peterson in this vid:


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10 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Conservative is Jordan Peterson in this vid:


You know, listening to this guy, I'm sort of imaging how he would speak for twenty minutes about all the inadequacies of a woman, freshly raped, expressing herself to the world and the cosmos in rage at the violation. He'd spell out sophistries about why she should be utterly ignored, how there's nothing to see here, and that he definitely wasn't the one who helped hold her down and gag her while his buddies just gang raped her.

Edited by Chroma Starlight
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2 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Interesting post in that I relate to it very much except for the following changes:


ps I'll acknowledge that my view of Dems has been negatively biased in a large part because of Luna's and some other anonymous posters extremisms which have sought to normalize their positions as being standard leftist. The only one who has made me question whether I am really Conservative is Jordan Peterson in this vid:


I'm a *relatively* conservative person, at least in the old, traditional sense of the word, and again, primarily fiscally.

I do not have a Party.

I think a lot of people do not have a Party.

However, that being said, once the GOP started down the awful slope of "moral majority" (years ago) it soon lost me. It has become the anti-science party, the anti-99%, anti-woman, pro-WASP, etc. AND horrible fiscally party. I have no problem with anyone who labels themselves as "conservative" but I have zero respect for anyone who can vote for Trump, his party, his ilk. 

The screaming ultra left? Annoying for sure. They are the loud, squeaky wheels. They are the idiots who because they didn't get Bernie voted Trump. (Whaaaaaaaaat????) They are the folks that, because while very liberal socially I dared to voice something outside of their groupthink, they labelled me as a KKK supporter. They want to shut up discussion *just as much* as the far-right idiots. I think, and hope, that the vast majority of folks are huddled somewhere in the middle, some more to the right, some more to the left, but with a lot of common ground. The last four years and all the rhetoric around it, that fact that Trump still has a significant loyal base... well my hope of "more centrists" is pretty well shaken.

/me shrugs

Edited by Gatogateau
got a pro mixed up with an anti
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3 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

You know, listening to this guy, I'm sort of imaging how he would speak for twenty minutes about all the inadequacies of how a woman, freshly raped, expresses herself and why she should be utterly ignored and there's nothing to see here and he definitely wasn't the one who just raped her.

Interesting that i posted it 9 minutes ago and you responded 9 minutes ago claiming to have listened to him. ::eyerolls::

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13 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Interesting that i posted it 9 minutes ago and you responded 9 minutes ago claiming to have listened to him. ::eyerolls::

It didn't take long for him to fatally fall into fallacy. What a worthless premise for a video. There is no such thing as American Leftism, there is only Leftism, and so he'll have to go look for something else to try and cut. If 'American Leftism' is in reference to individuals or groups who fail to meet the standards demanded by the Enlightenment Age political philosophies, then they are not of the left at all, full stop, and when he complains about such people, he is not complaining about the 'left' nor about the people in The United States who are truly aligned with that value system, worldview, and spirituality. He's complaining about something else and then purporting that it is the same thing as authentic leftism. The true essential standards of the left are universal and timeless.


Edited by Chroma Starlight
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2 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

I'm a *relatively* conservative person, at least in the old, traditional sense of the word, and again, primarily fiscally.

I do not have a Party.

I think a lot of people do not have a Party.

However, that being said, once the GOP started down the awful slope of "moral majority" (years ago) it soon lost me. It has become the anti-science party, the anti-99%, anti-woman, anti-WASP, etc. AND horrible fiscally party. I have no problem with anyone who labels themselves as "conservative" but I have zero respect for anyone who can vote for Trump, his party, his ilk. 

The screaming ultra left? Annoying for sure. They are the loud, squeaky wheels. They are the idiots who because they didn't get Bernie voted Trump. (Whaaaaaaaaat????) They are the folks that, because while very liberal socially I dared to voice something outside of their groupthink, labelled me as a KKK supporter. They want to shut up discussion *just as much* as the far-right idiots. I think, and hope, that the vast majority of folks are huddled somewhere in the middle, some more to the right, some more to the left, but with a lot of common ground. The last four years and all the rhetoric around it, that fact that Trump still has a significant loyal base... well my hope of "more centrists" is pretty well shaken.

/me shrugs

Yes I understand  that and though as a Canadian I could not vote, for the 2016 election it was a case of anyone BUT Clinton. I firmly believe that party politics aside that if she had won, we'd be in a lot worse shape globally than we are with Trump.

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49 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

"Identity politics" does not exist except as a far-right meme to deny equality to those seeking protection under the law.


If that were the actual case, then are one group of people subject to our immigration laws, and another are told they can just ignore our immigration laws?

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5 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Yes I understand  that and though as a Canadian I could not vote, for the 2016 election it was a case of anyone BUT Clinton. I firmly believe that party politics aside that if she had won, we'd be in a lot worse shape globally than we are with Trump.

I am not a fan of Clinton, at all. However, I just think you're wrong about being worse than Trump, for so many reasons. So, so, so many reasons. Competent adult being just one. Trump is evil and sick and dangerous. I honestly, truly, from the bottom of my heart and brain, cannot think of a "worse" than Trump and still be in the USA.

/me shrugs. There's no middle ground there between us. Thankfully, as a US citizen, I can and did vote. Time will tell (but not without a struggle, I'm afraid, given the hate and coup rhetoric from the POTUS).

Edited by Gatogateau
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