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9 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

I was going by some friends of mine that were telling me about their grandmother..

They are southern baptists.. she would talk in tongue..They said her church is wild..Snakes and everything.. hehehehe

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22 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Ahhh, so now we see your fears...this evil socialism.  And all this "complaining" of Blacks is really an effort to usher in a more socialist state and has nothing to do with the fact that we've made them the latrine of America?

Your mind was made up from the get-go, from your very first posts. You don't believe people are still prejudiced against Blacks today.

You're wrong, and if you talk to the majority of Blacks they will tell you how they've been discriminated against or looked down on, and scientific tests in the Social Sciences prove the bias still exists today, as well as our monuments to white supremacy we are so reluctant to take down or rename.  You can dig up all these Youtube exceptions you want, or a minority of Black conservatives, but that doesn't change reality.

* You didn't answer me...do you live in the US?

I didn't say the complaining of the Blacks was an effort to usher in a socialist state (though considering BLM's stated objectives that could be argued) but wondered if it was yours.

Yes, I'm sure there is still predjudice against Blacks, just as there is against whites, asians and aboriginals, as there is against skinny people, fat ones. short and tall ones. The list of potential discriminations are as varied as there are people on the face of the Earth. 

As far as the Youtube videos I come across, I don't have to dig for them. Seem to be quite a few out there, even more then one's focused on the racism. What they point out is that perhaps there is more then one solution to racism. And honestly, I think it is too important of an issue to drag it down with petty politics.


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11 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Yes, I'm sure there is still predjudice against Blacks, just as there is against whites, asians and aboriginals, as there is against skinny people, fat ones. short and tall ones. The list of potential discriminations are as varied as there are people on the face of the Earth. 

Oh sure, humanity has a penchant for making fun of others in an attempt to push themselves up a notch and gloat for a second or two on an otherwise annoying and dreary day. But have we ever enslaved tall or fat people, dragged them across an ocean far away from family and culture so we could profit off them, fought a war over keeping them enslaved and deprived of all human rights, and then erected monuments to glorify the generals that tortured tall and fat people, and then insisted they remain in public to this very day to remind all of our noble cause of abuse?   Did we build 'separate but equal' facilities for them in public life to make sure that fat person knows his place. Did we incarcerate the fat man at a higher rate to maintain a modern day slavery state so as to continue to line our pockets, and murder him at unequal rates to maintain our power over him?  

It's a far different and more severe hate that we reserved for Blacks as the ultimate scapegoat for America.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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11 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

From what I understand about your country so far it seems your conflicts there relate more to ethnicity (learned behavior,culture) vs the racial issues (biological factors, skin tone) now taking center stage in America.

Somewhat, though there are other just as pressing factors (economic and political). There has certainly been tensions between the resident diaspora and new arrivals from the motherlands, technically the same "race". Cultures diverge over time.


11 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

This attitude -- that Whites are better -- is what fuels the disadvantages POC endure in this country.

Do you question people of your acquaintance who hold this attitude? What is motivating them to think such a thing? I struggle to understand it.

10 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

What is the root issue of the multi-billion dollar industry known as "skin lightening products", a global phenomenon, and a problem in Singapore too?  Having lighter skin is thought to be better than having darker skin, and having a lighter skin confers privileges all over the world -- better prospects for marriage, for employment, among other privileges.

The abuse of colonialism caused this shame of darker skins -- caused POC to feel they could only have a decent life if they became like the Whites who dominated them and had all the power for so many years.

Lol. Sorry, it is not a "problem". You do realise it is very hot year round and UV protection and lightening isn't to try to become a white person, but to protect skin and return to non-baked state? If you read the social media responses by Singaporeans to this latest craze for eliminating whitening products, we're having a good laugh. Some are asking if tooth whitening will be banned next. Yellow teeth to fight colonialism! 😁  

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11 minutes ago, Akane Nacht said:

Do you question people of your acquaintance who hold this attitude? What is motivating them to think such a thing? I struggle to understand it.

Lol. Sorry, it is not a "problem". You do realise it is very hot year round and UV protection and lightening isn't to try to become a white person, but to protect skin and return to non-baked state? If you read the social media responses by Singaporeans to this latest craze for eliminating whitening products, we're having a good laugh. Some are asking if tooth whitening will be banned next. Yellow teeth to fight colonialism! 😁  

By contrast among the formerly enslaved African Diaspora skin lightening IS sold to appease a desire to 'clean away the blackness' - and even has been marketed expressly so. And we even still gets ads now and then that show a white person in some context relating to clean and a series of dark skinned folk in a context relating to dirty.

The same is often in beauty products - with light skinned or white women held up as the standard for beauty and until recently black women could even find themselves directly depicted in the ugly camp. I remember the sheer outrage in a lot of America when the first black woman was crowned Miss America - which seems so bizarre now and also 'weird' because Miss America itself as a concept has basically been irreparably linked to President "Grab em by the p*ssy" but it sparked outrage in the white community my mother had us living in at the time... trying to remember if that was the 70s or 80s...

There have been cases of black children scrubbing themselves till they were bleeding in some misguided attempt to 'get it off' after facing so much hate from their peers...

Colorism is a real thing. And I spent a half decade in Asia and among the many races in me is Chinese - so I know it exists over there too.

But it takes a particularly nasty turn here because it gets aimed like a weapon at black folk.


There is an extremely long tradition in the USA of claiming non-whites don't have the same mental and physical capability as whites. When Blacks first broke through in sports and were allowed to play alongside whites there was some outrage when they proved themselves physically. When Asians managed to slip past the attempts to defund schools minorities went to and make it to universities... they had to start carving out a "these ones are not stupid like the other coloreds" exception. But I am old enough to remember Asian people being presumed to be dumb... It's as recent as the 70s. I even remember learning to refer to my fellow Asians as things like 'cat/dog/horse eating savages' (but stated less politely) until I was old enough to realize what they had me saying...


I was quite literally raised to hate and devalue myself...


So I know where that black woman comes from when she harps for her enemy in the video a page or so ago... A whole lot of us POC were her at one point because they worked really hard to destroy our self esteem...


I am always surprised at how often I still hear the claim the blacks don't have the same IQ because it flies radically in the face of so many black geniuses even right here in my country. Neil DeGrasse Tyson isn't the exception. Lot of folks out there with that level of intellect. I don't even have to look to unconquered people in Africa (where I won't be able to walk 10 feet without tripping over greatness)... Black people who have ability and talent are all around me. I owe a big debt there too... I would literally be drunkenly whoring it out in a club somewhere in Asia... or dead by now... had a black guy not found me a bar in Korea and asked me WTF a person with my intelligence was doing there... then showed me how he lifted himself up and put me on the first step... But having come from around Oakland, CA - I grew up surrounded by amazing black folk who had no path over the walls to get out and so fell down. I figured their path was also mine... but the guy who found me in that bar had risen up from even further down than I was...

The best thing for my sense of hope is I am now old enough to have met a lot of African Americans who are not the first generation to make it - but people for whom success was carried forth like it so easily is for whites. Yet I still see people presume every black man is a thug, every black woman is a whore, and none of them are educated... despite so much proof to the contrary...


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4 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I was going by some friends of mine that were telling me about their grandmother..

They are southern baptists.. she would talk in tongue..They said her church is wild..Snakes and everything.. hehehehe

That's a particular "branch" of Southern Baptist, not your average run of the mill Southern Baptist. I had the misfortune to grow up around Southern Baptist/Baptist. My great-grandparents were Calvary Baptist. When I was very young I used to go to church with them just so I could be with them. They never tried to force me to believe or anything, They were just happy to be able to spend time with me.





Getting back to the speaking in tongues thing, my best friend from high school was Catholic turned Pentecost. She did the speaking in tongues thing and it was obviously faked. She admitted it later on when she finally got shut of the abusive guy she was married to and left the Pentecost church.

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I must say something. 

Everyone, I think, have their voice.  And with respect, saying what you believe, it is OK.  


Lord Jamal, a rapper, say he doesn't believe in BLM because it is a pre organized movement to control people (just an extract of all he said)
And I've been watching Bret Weinstein on his podcast.
I'm sure a lot more serious and educated people have a lot to say about it, around internet.

No person alive in USA lived as a slave.  But sure are slaves in some parts of this world.  Researching about all that, for me, means awoke, unless, you care about what the trending movements are saying, the extremist ones, and only in your country. 

Black people can be free and have money and do what they want and like. 

Being white, I've never felt privilege, and I know what bullying is, because I've been a victim even as an adult (by the way, talking about racism, was a native american, and I didn't take it as "I'm white and I'm being discriminated".  I know the difference).


I watched live The Second Life Book Club with Draxtor, when he invited LL McKinney, and she said:

"I think people need to comprehend the difference between fault and responsibility.  It's not your fault (slavery) but it's you're responsible for that legacy, because you are the legacy, like it or not.  I'm a descendant of slaves, whether I like it or not.  And if you are not the descendant of the people who enslave my people, you're a descendant of the people who put into place a society that benefits from that....."

I made my comment saying: "I don't believe that, I'm not responsible", something along the lines.  With respect.  And not only YouTube bury my comment by the algorithms, not being visible by others, but now I've found that my comment was deleted.

So, like, it is a book club.. and that censorship reminds me of Fahrenheit 451, The Handmaid's Club (they burned books too), because they are censoring and silencing people.
And it is sad because I find Second Life as a part of something that I really like, I find joy, I even find friends (not longer playing) and thanks to one of them I met my boyfriend, so important to me.   I invested a lot of my time into.  I even make videos about it to help people and to come and enjoy this game.  So it is so sad that some dude censor my voice.  Ebbe Linden is so pro BLM and I consider that extremist movement ridiculous and and left-wing fascist, but I wouldn't censor anyone with different thoughts.  They are doing just the same they are complaining about.

I wish nobody censor or bully this.




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1 hour ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

But it takes a particularly nasty turn here because it gets aimed like a weapon at black folk.

Thanks for that explanation. If that is the case in America I can understand better why some are upset at products that play into that.

1 hour ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

Colorism is a real thing. And I spent a half decade in Asia and among the many races in me is Chinese - so I know it exists over there too.

A little more context - Outdoor labourers who spend hours under the sun often were, and to some extent still are, looked down on in South and South East Asia (ie "dirty jobs"), as opposed to the execs and professionals who remain indoors in comfy air-conditioning. We still have issues over people trying to import caste notions, which in the diaspora are frowned upon. I can't speak for the situation in contemporary China, but historically, similar thing - the farmer is likely to be swarthy, pampered nobleman likely to be pale. Could be same ethnicity - they may even share a clan name. If that's what you mean by colourism, then yes, it's real, however it is strongly linked to economic class. 

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11 minutes ago, Akane Nacht said:

A little more context - Outdoor labourers who spend hours under the sun often were, and to some extent still are, looked down on in South and South East Asia (ie "dirty jobs"), as opposed to the execs and professionals who remain indoors in comfy air-conditioning. We still have issues over people trying to import caste notions, which in the diaspora are frowned upon. I can't speak for the situation in contemporary China, but historically, similar thing - the farmer is likely to be swarthy, pampered nobleman likely to be pale. Could be same ethnicity - they may even share a clan name. If that's what you mean by colourism, then yes, it's real, however it is strongly linked to economic class. 

I actually have never been to Southeast Asia though I do have a sister-in-law from Thailand. What I HAVE noticed is that colorism in Asia also mixes with nationalism. The way people I know from Japan or Korea describe people from your part of Asia... is disappointing to me from people who tell me they aren't biased...

Nationalist conflict is kind of a universal human flaw.

Ethnic conflict is also.

Both of these are why many folks think 'racism' is natural. But racism is a different beast.

Racism is a manufactured system to make ethnic conflict permanent.


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'Privilege' is what anyone who is not from the underclass of an oppressive system has. Almost the very fact of not thinking you have it is a fact of having it... because it is privilege to be able to be blind to injustice so thickly all around you that many of us are literally dying from no longer being able to breathe with it on our necks... Privilege is being able to sit there and think that it's extremist for another person to ask to be allowed to live...

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36 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

The way people I know from Japan or Korea describe people from your part of Asia... is disappointing to me from people who tell me they aren't biased...

It saddens me to hear that, esp Japan. There are still living survivors of the Occupation here. 

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28 minutes ago, Akane Nacht said:

It saddens me to hear that, esp Japan. There are still living survivors of the Occupation here. 

On a national level at least Japan are the 'Southern Good ol Boys' and Conservative "very fine people" of Asia in that they are in complete denial that their ancestors ever did anything wrong.

Largely for the same basic reason: Just like in America, they're not taught the history.

So instead they spend all their diplomacy on whining about how the Koreans, Chinese, and others need to 'get over it' and so on...

Japan even went so far as to lodge a diplomatic objection when San Francisco put a statue memorializing the 'Comfort Women' of Korea (women Japanese soldiers used as sex slaves).

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Free and meant to be redistributed:



You can also get the textures by going here:
- which is the protected road outside some land I control. Cam into the rezzing spot where you can see a BLM sign, and it can be copied. All 4 textures are inside of it with all the perms needed to use them.


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4 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

That's a particular "branch" of Southern Baptist, not your average run of the mill Southern Baptist. I had the misfortune to grow up around Southern Baptist/Baptist. My great-grandparents were Calvary Baptist. When I was very young I used to go to church with them just so I could be with them. They never tried to force me to believe or anything, They were just happy to be able to spend time with me.





Getting back to the speaking in tongues thing, my best friend from high school was Catholic turned Pentecost. She did the speaking in tongues thing and it was obviously faked. She admitted it later on when she finally got shut of the abusive guy she was married to and left the Pentecost church.

I don't even attempt to try to know the different denomination's that are out there.. I can only go by what I'm told and my experiences.. it seems like there are so many..hehehehe

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7 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

'Privilege' is what anyone who is not from the underclass of an oppressive system has. Almost the very fact of not thinking you have it is a fact of having it... because it is privilege to be able to be blind to injustice so thickly all around you that many of us are literally dying from no longer being able to breathe with it on our necks... Privilege is being able to sit there and think that it's extremist for another person to ask to be allowed to live...

The riots and the looting did seem going to extremes to me.  I still don't understand whom was being targeted as nearby Malibu businesses where in flames.  I thought why businesses...what did they do?  I still don't understand it but I did understand the statues and the statues mean nothing to me and that needed to be done as far as statues and other things...it really helped me understand.  

But, why the businesses...what did they do wrong and how were they involved?  I don't see businesses as out to hurt anyone nor fascist, so I didn't get it and I thought extremists too.  

The burning of a police station seems more on target as that happened too.  

But, speaking of extremist group, that's the Nazis and the Neo-Nazis.  It's about ethnic cleansing to them.  Anything below a white (but with the Germans only a Protestant is okay or one who at least believes in Martin Luther as Martin Luther was German) is lower on the evolutionary chain and closer to an ape.  Some crazy things like that with white supremacy.  And, often times this is in the name of religion too with the Nazis.  I don't know what kind of Christianity Nazis or Neo-Nazis believe in but it's a truly insane Christianity they believe in.  


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24 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

The riots and the looting did seem going to extremes to me.  I still don't understand whom was being targeted as nearby Malibu businesses where in flames.  I thought why businesses...what did they do?  I still don't understand it


angela davis incredible 2.gif

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13 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

I didn't say the complaining of the Blacks was an effort to usher in a socialist state (though considering BLM's stated objectives that could be argued) but wondered if it was yours.

I can't see how the struggles of Blacks, or poor Whites for that matter, can be divorced from the changes America must make in their political/economic system in order to function in a healthy way. Far too much wealth is funneled to the wealthy in what amounts to a Socialism for the rich, and the lower classes are suffering with wages that barely increased from 40 years ago.

You can call these changes a movement toward one of the many types of Marxism, or encompassing a greater Socialism that other wealthy nations employ which gives all people health care and a less-expensive college education, or a movement toward a more regulated type of Capitalism, or a move away from the exploitative Neoliberalism ruining our country -- it really doesn't matter -- what matters is that something needs to change in America because the poor are getting poorer and the wealthy are hoarding more and more money.

This is why when you talk to most BLM people they advise we move away from Capitalism, as its very nature is to divide people into layers via competition in its quest of placing profits above all else, before people and the common good. Unregulated Capitalism has never served minorities or the poor well, as it has been the very instrument used to keep a lower class working hard in order to support the wealthy. It is the very system which made humans slaves in the beginning of America, using Blacks as free labor to create wealth for those who enslaved them. Pure Capitalism without any regulation is abusive.

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:


angela davis incredible 2.gif

You know what Luna...I think I got it after I wrote it.

I think the riots may have been to cause a diversion so they could burn the police station down.  I don't think they would have been able to accomplish burning down a police station if there hadn't been chaos going on all around.  

I think they wanted to target the police station.  

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18 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:
19 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

I remember a strange family gathering long ago, and there was an older relative from the South there who had some Baptist religious influence during her upbringing. At one point she kind of lapsed into what almost appeared to be a trance, like some Youtube 'medium' who channels long-departed loved ones and spirits, and began saying things in a low, weird tone, things like "the races should not mix". The older kids just looked at her out of the corner of our eyes with a 'wtf!' expression on our faces. It really was like she'd been brainwashed and suddenly some kind of conditioning from her younger days was erupting. I think a little alcohol may have been involved at the time too...lol.

Was it tongues?

That's usually what the baptist call something like that..But a lot of times it's more just babble..

No it wasn't tongues, as I've seen that phenomenon on TV. It was more like she was lapsing into some sort of religious mumbo-jumbo, learning from her past which was given to her via religious teachings. She spoke as a preacher would speak, emotionally and as if her decrees were from some higher place which proved their validity. There was definitely a sense of nobody quite being in the drivers seat...lol...but not as severe as when someone is in a trance, or channeling, or speaking in tongues, and I was being a bit hyperbolic in equating her with such someone in a trance. There really are similarities though... someone who is so enmeshed in a religious philosophy that their conscious mind appears to be absent while their subconscious mind flows freely, exhibiting their bias and conditioning.

Anyway, although there are alt-right hate groups today who believe the White race should remain pure, the experience was probably the closest I'll ever come to experiencing in RL this strange fusing of religiosity merged with notions of how the races should behave, so prevalent in the South during Civil War times and beyond.  The races should not mix, or marry, was her warning -- this would corrupt the White race.

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11 hours ago, Akane Nacht said:
21 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

What is the root issue of the multi-billion dollar industry known as "skin lightening products", a global phenomenon, and a problem in Singapore too?  Having lighter skin is thought to be better than having darker skin, and having a lighter skin confers privileges all over the world -- better prospects for marriage, for employment, among other privileges.

The abuse of colonialism caused this shame of darker skins -- caused POC to feel they could only have a decent life if they became like the Whites who dominated them and had all the power for so many years.

Lol. Sorry, it is not a "problem". You do realise it is very hot year round and UV protection and lightening isn't to try to become a white person, but to protect skin and return to non-baked state? If you read the social media responses by Singaporeans to this latest craze for eliminating whitening products, we're having a good laugh. Some are asking if tooth whitening will be banned next. Yellow teeth to fight colonialism! 😁  

Well that did make me laugh, maintaining yellow teeth as a way to fight the Whiteness and its effects of colonialism, as I like hyperbolic humor, and I do know these struggles for equity and rectifying the injustices of colonialism can go too far and even become absurd at times. I do understand what you're saying -- that the issue in some Asian countries has more to do with socioeconomic status vs adherence to Western beauty standards. In the US during Victorian times economic factors related to skin color came into play as well -- having the lighter skin indicated you were not in the lower class who had to work, earning their living out in the fields and getting a tan in the process. However, I did read that becoming too Westernized is a concern by some in Singapore, so it seems likely skin-tone issues apart from the division of classes could come into play there ?

Here's a good article about the issues in Africa. The links at the bottom point to many excellent books and articles regarding skin color in other countries as well as Africa, and how such focus on skin color can be detrimental to quality of life.

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12 hours ago, Akane Nacht said:
On 7/2/2020 at 10:13 AM, Luna Bliss said:

This attitude -- that Whites are better -- is what fuels the disadvantages POC endure in this country.

Do you question people of your acquaintance who hold this attitude? What is motivating them to think such a thing? I struggle to understand it.

I imagine this would be difficult for many others outside the US to understand. Too many in the US don't even believe it's real, as the attitudes are often in our unconscious minds -- we were socialized through our many experiences throughout life to believe it -- that we are superior to Blacks.  In other words, we were taught to believe it. The teachings began in the early stages of slavery when it was necessary to think badly of the darker skins we wanted to enslave so as to enjoy free labor to increase profits. Once a kind of scapegoat is created in order to dominate them they became the blame for the ills of society. It's hard for people to let go of these stereotypes and it takes many years to completely eradicate them, if they ever will actually be completely gone.  I think you'd need to study scapegoating to fully understand it. Even as I try to describe it the whole thing seems crazily unbelievable to me too!

Perhaps a parallel could be drawn between how we thought of mental illness in the past (as a moral failing), or how we thought of gays (subhuman, perverse). Yet over the years these faulty beliefs were modified for many and we realized our prejudice was based on unfounded assumptions/bias which became ingrained in us via socialization.

Tests used to determine bias is one way to reveal our prejudice in a clear manner -- we more often think of Blacks as criminal, incompetent, and generally less-worthy than Whites.  And this reminds me that I never did respond again in our discussion about tests to determine bias and how accurate they are when discoveries transfer from the test lab to the real world outside the test environment.

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24 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

You know what Luna...I think I got it after I wrote it.

I think the riots may have been to cause a diversion so they could burn the police station down.  I don't think they would have been able to accomplish burning down a police station if there hadn't been chaos going on all around.  

I think they wanted to target the police station.  

No, I was responding to this statement. You said:

"The riots and the looting did seem going to extremes to me." 

I realize you clarified your beliefs though, seeming to accept some of the riots and looting if done on the correct building, and you appear to believe the extreme is only when the protesters went after the wrong buildings?

Many, however, think any sort of rioting and looting from Blacks is wrong. We just had a person a few posts back calling BLM people fascists and no better than the oppressive society that committed unspeakable violence against Blacks for centuries.

So with the Angela photo and quote I was actually speaking mostly to this other poster who had decided BLM is wrong due to some minor violence within the marches and riots.  I think that if anyone fully studies and comprehends the absolute horrors we have perpetuated on POC in this country they would have to be totally insane to question the violence we see in some of these protests..  (btw, it is minor violence and not so prevalent as the media paints it).

One could compare it to a woman being abused by her husband, where he hits her over and over and over for many years. But one day she takes a swing at him and does a little damage, and so people then cry "omg, that horribly violent woman -- SHE is the bad one in this conflict'.!!

Anyway, here is Angela Davis's full quote:

"When someone asks me about violence, I just find it incredible, because what it means is that the person who’s asking that question has absolutely no idea what black people have gone through, what black people have experienced in this country, since the time the first black person was kidnapped from the shores of Africa."

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11 hours ago, Akane Nacht said:
23 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

This attitude -- that Whites are better -- is what fuels the disadvantages POC endure in this country.

Do you question people of your acquaintance who hold this attitude? What is motivating them to think such a thing? I struggle to understand it.

The most extreme of it comes from the white supremacist belief that whites are higher on the evolutionary scale; the people of color being lower and closer to the apes - this would be the KKK and the Neo-Nazis.

It may be the crux of other white superiority beliefs as well.   

Other white superiority beliefs come from the fact they are more educated, the rich, and have breed with good lineage rather than love or sex.   It also comes from beliefs such as whites are civilized and "ruly"; other indigenous types of people are not civilized and unruly.  

It's all kinds of things.  

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51 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

No it wasn't tongues, as I've seen that phenomenon on TV. It was more like she was lapsing into some sort of religious mumbo-jumbo, learning from her past which were given to her via religious teachings. She spoke as a preacher would speak, emotionally and as if her decrees were from some higher place which proved their validity. There was definitely a sense of nobody quite being in the drivers seat...lol...but not as severe as when someone is in a trance, or channeling, or speaking in tongues, and I was being a bit hyperbolic in equating her with such someone in a trance. There really are similarities though... someone who is so enmeshed in a religious philosophy that their conscious mind appears to be absent while their subconscious mind flows freely, exhibiting their bias and conditioning.

Anyway, although there are alt-right hate groups today who believe the White race should remain pure, the experience was probably the closest I'll ever come to experiencing in RL this strange fusing of religiosity merged with notions of how the races should behave, so prevalent in the South during Civil War times and beyond.  The races should not mix, or marry, was her warning -- this would corrupt the White race.

They should be worried..hehehehe

Cause we are damn freaking seksay and they want us badly!! \o/

If they only knew, We have underground task forces of special OP's Seksay teams planted all over the country with key targets in mind that have been diluting  generations of genetics..

Slowly but surely the country is becoming  diverse.. We have to do it slowly or they may find out what's happening..

But yes, They should be worried.. They should be in Holy Crap!! \o/ mode..


ETA:Oh crap, did I say that last part out loud?!! \o/

Hate when that happens..






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3 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

No, I was responding to this statement. You said:

"The riots and the looting did seem going to extremes to me." 

I realize you clarified your beliefs though, seeming to accept some of the riots and looting if done on the correct building, and you appear to believe the extreme is only when the protesters went after the wrong buildings?

Many, however, think any sort of rioting and looting from Blacks is wrong. We just had a person a few posts back calling BLM people fascists and no better than the oppressive society that committed unspeakable violence against Blacks for centuries.

Well, you have to understand we have dissed the Nazis behavior as in any way appropriate.  Poland was at one time thought could belong to Germany or Russia.  Poland is kind of like the Ukraine with Russia not wanting it to be a free state.  Though the Wiki on the Nazi invasion of Poland of WWII doesn't list Poles nor Catholics as being killed by the Germans, although the whole country of Poland was looted by the Germans and the Russians; they just stole the whole of Poland.  

Also, at the time of the Nazi's, they were not being suppressed nor oppressed from Protestantism, they wanted the land.   I'd like to know more of what the Nazi's were really after.  It appears the Nazi's had some beliefs in Germania also.  The Polish people were not German.  

As far as the riots, after I wrote that about the Police station being burned down.  I don't think they would have been able to accomplish the burning down of a police station if they hadn't created a diversion of chaos.  

It is important to look into what was going on here rather than it was just rioting.  I think it was more than just "rioting" at businesses.  It made me wonder what was really going on here.  

But, you have to understand, there are a lot of us who are pacifists.  We don't believe in violence as an answer.  Many blacks are pacifists as well.  It wasn't easy to understand.


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