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Do you need to vent about things COVID-19?

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I've been at work for like 3 months now, I think.. Something like that..  Even when I was off for like two months, it wasn't too bad for me.. But I can go riding or do just about what I normally would anyways around the farm..

The only thing different is , not as many people stopped by when I was off..

Work, you would,nt even know a pandemic was going on ,the way everyone is up on each other like before the virus..

The real strange thing is, not a one of them has gotten it yet.. As careless as they are, they have all dodged the bullet so far..

I'm wearing a mask the whole time and gloves and shower the moment i get home and throw my clothes in the wash before i even get around my kids..

These guys are probably hugging them at the truck door soon as they hit the driveway..

it's crazy..

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1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

The real strange thing is, not a one of them has gotten it yet.. As careless as they are, they have all dodged the bullet so far..

Well not everyone has it or will get it.. Approximately 0.3% of global population got it and 0.01% has died.

Still though you are doing good for being careful..

Edited by Nick0678
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8 minutes ago, Nick0678 said:

Well not everyone has it or will get it.. Approximately 0.3% of global population got it and 0.01% has died.

Still though you are doing good for being careful..

One guy at work did say his mother had it and was pretty much on her death bed..She even had some respiratory problems before the virus..

They were close to putting her on a breathing machine, but he said they gave her some sort of anti viral or antiretroviral, I forget which one and she made a pretty quick turn around and is doing fine and home already..

that was like a month ago, if i remember right..

Still he walks around like nothings going on..

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Personally I am not going to blame politicians for how this went down as far as quarantines, distancing lockdowns etc. Its not like they are trained when they become a leader of what to do in the event of a pandemic. The medical establishment however is the ones that really dropped the ball for this, flip flopping from one supposed solution to the next. Advising against face coverings in the beginning, swearing they were of no value and generally minimizing any precautionary measures other than hand washing until the virus was well established in the population.

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15 minutes ago, Nick0678 said:

Who knows maybe it was bullsh*t or he is simply asymptomatic or didn't get it by pure luck or whatever. No one can really know for sure.


He doesn't live with his mother.. They wouldn't let him near her..

He wasn't lying about it.. He took some time off after they called us back to work.. they only called 12 of us back at first and he was one of the 12.. They had to fill his spot with someone else..

Everyone knew she had it.. When he came back is when i talked to him about it.. it was a pretty big deal at work at the time..

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4 minutes ago, Nick0678 said:

Well then he simply doesn't care.

He had to be tested to be able to come back...

I think some people actually think that if they are tested they are good to  go or something..

I just know that on our shift only 3 of us wear protection for the virus.

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1 minute ago, Ceka Cianci said:

He had to be tested to be able to come back...

I think some people actually think that if they are tested they are good to  go or something..

I just know that on our shift only 3 of us wear protection for the virus.

Yes i understand, some really don't care at all. It is an immature behavior but happens and not just with covid.

That's why at the end of the day what really matters is you and you are doing great having your mask on all of the time until you are back home.

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41 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Personally I am not going to blame politicians for how this went down as far as quarantines, distancing lockdowns etc. Its not like they are trained when they become a leader of what to do in the event of a pandemic. The medical establishment however is the ones that really dropped the ball for this, flip flopping from one supposed solution to the next. Advising against face coverings in the beginning, swearing they were of no value and generally minimizing any precautionary measures other than hand washing until the virus was well established in the population.

I can believe it wasn't the fault of your politicians in Canada. In the US however, different story.  The previous administration had a hefty playbook for the inevitable pandemic and it was tossed out when the new administration came in as they wanted to wipe out every single thing the previous administration put in place.  Plus the dangers were downplayed by our current president too, while it was actually the medical profession that attempted to get him to take it more seriously.

In your country, as in Europe, there is more emphasis on the public good in your health system -- the lack of that here was a primary failing in our Covid-19 response. Privatization of health systems is a recipe for disaster in a pandemic as there is less of a united response and profit too often takes precedence over public health and safety.

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28 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I can believe it wasn't the fault of your politicians in Canada. In the US however, different story.

As a dual citizen living in Canada, I'd give Canadian politicians (federal, provincial, and local) about a B grade: they did what the public health officials told them to do, without obvious attempts to "spin" or push one way or another. In fact, the Ontario premier who'd always seemed a buffoon before, did a pretty darn good job of getting the public on board with whatever public health officials said needed to be done. And as far as we know, they coordinated responses among provinces and with the feds instead of being forced to compete for resources.

Canadian public health officials, on the other hand, were way too slow to act -- almost as slow and timid as in the US -- and suffered from the same misinformation, initially emphasizing surface spread and discouraging masks. They seemed to start out treating COVID-19 as if it were just a nastier-than-usual influenza until the corpses started piling up outside long term care facilities and it became evident R was out of control. Toronto and especially Montreal were on the very brink of becoming New York and Milan before they imposed effective spread-reducing measures.

Public health officials were just as bad in the US -- except when they were worse, and they were almost always worse at the bidding of truly evil politicians. Yes, evil, not merely misinformed or overly optimistic. They used that misinformation and those absurdly optimistic projections as sales pitches, but the motives were pure evil: They intended to profit from the pandemic, politically or financially, on the backs of suffering and death. They downplayed the threat to make the economy seem more robust and re-election-worthy, and to prop up a collapsing economy by marching immigrants off to contaminated meat-packing plants as if The Jungle were a fairy tale. They stocked the nation's strategic reserve of snakeoil, squandering opportunity to fix testing that's still inadequate to the crazy high need resulting from months of under-controlled viral spread. (Sure the US has performed more testing -- because its situation is so dire that it needs more testing, and still needs much more than its current capacity, else the positivity rates wouldn't be the highest in the world.)

Every part of the US response has been disastrous. Even the much-touted ban on travel from China was so badly mismanaged it very likely increased the infection rate as every US national fled in panic, through crowded airports, back to the States. Then all the denial, the snakeoil -- oh, in case foreigners haven't followed, as if the hydroxychloroquine hoax weren't sufficiently "Forsythia"-like, now there's Oleandrin, hyped by a political donor with a financial stake, otherwise known for hawking bedding on cheap late-night TV commercials. And the sole shred of justification a months-old, unreviewed preprint suggesting viral suppression in vitro with zero replicating studies.

Hanlon's Razor be damned. It's not ineptitude. Nobody can be this inept. It's evil.

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2 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

Hanlon's Razor be damned. It's not ineptitude. Nobody can be this inept. It's evil.

It doesn't sound so good in Canada either, and though you have half the Covid deaths there compared to the US I don't think you're doing as well as Europe.

I know, about 'evil' vs ineptitude --  there comes a time when you just can't believe people can be this inept, even knowing how easily misunderstandings can happen and how difficult coordination at a large scale can be. I have to check myself over and over when I start to think something evil is occurring, knowing how easy conspiracy theories and blaming can take root in chaos and fear.

I often wonder just what 'evil' is -- some say it comes from personal hurt and a desire to punish others in revenge. But what we have in the US is a different kind -- this cult of individualism which has no empathy or caring beyond self. It almost seems like psychopathy, or at the very least narcissism. Trump is even attempting to circumvent democracy by disabling the postal service so we can't vote by mail.

I don't know if I'm just trying to grab on to anything at this point for hope's sake, but I'm feeling inspired by the current Democratic Convention, now at day 3. I'm liking the new Biden plan to combat this virus:

Edited by Luna Bliss
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59 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

It doesn't sound so good in Canada either, and though you have half the Covid deaths there compared to the US I don't think you're doing as well as Europe.

Just to clarify, Canada had half the mortality rate per 100,000 of population, (24 vs 52 per 100,000) not half the total deaths.

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10 hours ago, Storm Clarence said:

The problem was he acted too late and consequently over 50K dead! 

The rest of what you wrote agreeing with me but not agreeing with me.  Using the same words I wrote but only understanding what you wrote. Seriously?

As to the 50k dead, whilst that is true and is a shame, you misunderstood what I said in him acting late. I am not saying it is his or anyone's fault for that - as you are seeming to imply, it happened elsewhere and your mayor and governors response was appropriate as it stopped and then made the infection rate go down. Sure 50k is horrendous but you also have to realise that NYC also has the second busiest international airport in the USA and one of the busiest in the world and so it would have been near impossible for there to not be some large collateral infections from that. I wouldn't be surprised if it was in NYC prior to Trump banning China or perhaps even in very early January, well before anyone realised the situation for what it was.

10 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

None have been wiped off the face of the earth. They still exist. They will always be an issue. The best we can work towards is minimizing the spread. Containment. That is the real purpose of vaccines in addition to quarantining and social distancing. Vaccines alone aren't always enough.

There are two diseases that have been removed from the planet transmission wise. Smallpox and Rinderpest. Whilst yes the actual disease still exists on earth in the form of lab samples or sudden mutations their presence and transmittance in the human population has been entirely removed. That is what I meant.


There is no vaccine to prevent Hepatitis and they've only developed a "cure" in recent years. Not soon enough to save my brother who died only 6 years ago from the liver damage it caused.

Hep A and B have a vaccine. https://immunisationhandbook.health.gov.au/vaccine-preventable-diseases/hepatitis-b

Edited by Drayke Newall
deleted stuff cause i can
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7 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

I often wonder just what 'evil' is -- some say it comes from personal hurt and a desire to punish others in revenge. But what we have in the US is a different kind -- this cult of individualism which has no empathy or caring beyond self. It almost seems like psychopathy, or at the very least narcissism. 

At the individual level we have Cousin Mary's book about origins. At the cult level, there's Hannah Arendt:


Evil comes from a failure to think. It defies thought for as soon as thought tries to engage itself with evil and examine the premises and principles from which it originates, it is frustrated because it finds nothing there. That is the banality of evil.”

So our musings will always bottom-out without a satisfying answer. For parsimony, there's something to be said for Satan.

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8 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

 I don't think you're doing as well as Europe.

Depends on which country of the European continent and deaths according to the country's total population. (European Union isn't a country.)

For example Belgium is classified number 2 worldwide in regards to most death cases (860 per 1 million) while here with about the same population as Belgium we had 23 per 1 million.

San Marino, Andorra, Spain, UK , Italy and Sweden are classified #1, #4, #5, #6, #7 and #8 (deaths per 1M population).




Edited by Nick0678
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On 8/20/2020 at 1:42 AM, Qie Niangao said:

At the cult level, there's Hannah Arendt:


Evil comes from a failure to think. It defies thought for as soon as thought tries to engage itself with evil and examine the premises and principles from which it originates, it is frustrated because it finds nothing there. That is the banality of evil.”

So our musings will always bottom-out without a satisfying answer.

She certainly examined evil, writing in the time period of Hitler and his atrocities. I like her conclusion (or how I'm viewing it at this time) -- that so much of 'evil' is simply people going along with the crowd and not really examining what might be right or wrong.

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On 8/20/2020 at 1:42 AM, Qie Niangao said:
On 8/19/2020 at 6:00 PM, Luna Bliss said:

I often wonder just what 'evil' is -- some say it comes from personal hurt and a desire to punish others in revenge. But what we have in the US is a different kind -- this cult of individualism which has no empathy or caring beyond self. It almost seems like psychopathy, or at the very least narcissism. 

At the individual level we have Cousin Mary's book about origins.

Mary Trump has been on a number of TV shows lately. Strangely, I ended up feeling some sympathy for Trump due to his upbringing. Most don't realize that at the heart of narcissism is extreme self-loathing.  Not to excuse the damage Trump has done, of course, but I could better see what drives him to commit such acts.

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8 minutes ago, foneco Zuzu said:

There is the co virus and then there is the stupidity virus; the 1st can be eradicated sooner or later the 2nd sadly never!

It's not such much a "stupidity virus" as it is an ideological pandemic of thought-stopping toxic viral memes for which some people's minds cannot mount a successful immune response because they are spiritually enfeebled by a poisoned culture. They fall into mental illness and many succomb. They need pity and help and a world free of destructive viral memes, not condemnation. They must be guided by light back onto their individual paths of progress, or at least afforded  opportunities to step out of their self-imposed mental prisons and transcend out of this darkness and into the light.

Edited by Chroma Starlight
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1 hour ago, Chroma Starlight said:
1 hour ago, foneco Zuzu said:

There is the co virus and then there is the stupidity virus; the 1st can be eradicated sooner or later the 2nd sadly never!

It's not such much a "stupidity virus" as it is an ideological pandemic of thought-stopping toxic viral memes for which some people's minds cannot mount a successful immune response because they are spiritually enfeebled by a poisoned culture. They fall into mental illness and many succomb. They need pity and help and a world free of destructive viral memes, not condemnation. They must be guided by light back onto their individual paths of progress, or at least afforded  opportunities to step out of their self-imposed mental prisons and transcend out of this darkness and into the light.

You seem very aware of History. Was there ever a time where an 'us and them' mentality which gained momentum was reversed in its tracks without some sort of cataclysmic event occurring in the process?  If so, this might ease my growing fears as we head toward this momentous election...

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On 8/19/2020 at 1:45 PM, Nick0678 said:

Yes i understand, some really don't care at all. It is an immature behavior but happens and not just with covid.

That's why at the end of the day what really matters is you and you are doing great having your mask on all of the time until you are back home.

A funny thing happened Friday when everyone came into work.. There was a notice up on our board that said, Anyone working with anyone else or near anyone else while in the plant, they must wear a mask..

That's break room and anywhere..

plus they have to abide by the 6ft rule because it will be enforced from here on out..

Still people were sitting at the same tables and not wearing masks and being stupid about it..

Some saying, I'm not gonna wear a mask I don't care what they say..

I said, they might not say anything about the mask and just tell you they don't need you anymore.. Because I can guarantee you , they don't give a damn if you stay or go..


So, everyone that works with someone else and are within 6ft of each other has to wear a mask..


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Just now, Ceka Cianci said:

plus they have to abide by the 6ft rule because it will be enforced from here on out..

So, everyone that works with someone else and are within 6ft of each other has to wear a mask..

Bad news, friend. The 6ft premise was based on a now-unfavored optimistic theory that this was not an airborne virus. This was readily apparent by mid-springtime.

8/21/2020 DW News:


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