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Scientific Data on Covid

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55 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:


Good video. I felt like I was back in Anatomy & Physiology class. :) I also worked in conjunction with UCDavis ages ago, with feline coronavirus. At that time (and again, it was a while ago), the tests they had were rife with false results and the specificity sucked.  They also were unable to come up with a feline coronavirus vaccine (that did any good). (And, no, the feline isn't transmittable to humans.) I have long lost touch with the recent state of things in combating feline coronavirus. Hopefully the veterinary work can help the human work. 

It was interesting to learn about the state of testing. I didn't realize the current PCR is so crappy. 30-40% false negatives? Yikes. I did know there is not yet an ELISA test. The information in this video is slightly positive in terms of can reinfection occur, but too much is still speculative imho at this point. There are several factors that point to the positive/negative/positive again patients in China NOT being reinfection, but still... too early. So, I'll keep worrying. :/

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25 minutes ago, ItHadToComeToThis said:

Well I’m in the U.K. so I didn’t realise that about the CDC. I knew about trump however, but I almost never include him in my statements about governments or organisations these days as he just witters absolute nonsense at the best of times.

However, I have yet to go wrong paying attention to the NHS and WHO which is where I get my advice from. I have seen so much misinformation over the last two weeks, woolly journalism with no sources and partially reported truths that paint only one side of an argument that I am now slightly jaded towards any other sources of information in regard to the things we can do to keep ourselves safe and prevent ourselves from catching the virus.

So without knowing about our govt sources, without looking at what I posted, and seeing that I am female, you assumed I was too stupid to evaluate information. 

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32 minutes ago, ItHadToComeToThis said:

Well I’m in the U.K. so I didn’t realise that about the CDC. I knew about trump however, but I almost never include him in my statements about governments or organisations these days as he just witters absolute nonsense at the best of times.

To be more accurate in your commentary regarding our government here in the USA, you can't be this dismissive of Trump and his agenda (which is based upon his quest for re-election). He has a huge amount of influence over what the various agencies do and what information they give to the public, which is why some people look elsewhere for accurate information. It's not just a matter of harmless "wittering" that can be easily ignored. 

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1 minute ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

To be more accurate in your commentary regarding our government here in the USA, you can't be this dismissive of Trump and his agenda (which is based upon his quest for re-election). He has a huge amount of influence over what the various agencies do and what information they give to the public, which is why some people look elsewhere for accurate information. It's not just a matter of harmless "wittering" that can be easily ignored. 

An example, Dr. Fauci has a security detail because he often publicly contradicts Trump, who would fire him if all hell would not break loose.

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6 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I recommend never actually ignoring his ramblings - they provide many laughs when viewed with the right outlook.

It’s like watching a train wreck:

My ratings are like the Bachelor Finale!

I rate my performance a ten!

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"Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R), while announcing a statewide stay-at-home order, said Wednesday that he only recently became aware the coronavirus could be spread by asymptomatic people."

I hope the Governor will be as resistant to COVID-19 as he is to knowledge.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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3 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:


"Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R), while announcing a statewide stay-at-home order, said Wednesday that he only recently became aware the coronavirus could be spread by asymptomatic people."

I hope the Governor will be as resistant to COVID-19 as he is to knowledge.



As I've said so many times during this:  The stupidity of people just keeps amazing me.


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You know, I'm not so sure that playing dumb is the best reason to give for why it took so long to issue a Stay at Home order.  He's basically saying that not only is he stupid, but so is his staff -- or he admits to not listening to anything his staff tells him.

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3 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:


"Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R), while announcing a statewide stay-at-home order, said Wednesday that he only recently became aware the coronavirus could be spread by asymptomatic people."

I hope the Governor will be as resistant to COVID-19 as he is to knowledge.

And to think, Georgia could have had Stacey Abrams. 😐

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6 hours ago, Pamela Galli said:

It’s like watching a train wreck:

My ratings are like the Bachelor Finale!

I rate my performance a ten!

In 20 seconds you can check Facebook and see that Trump is around 30 million and Obama is over 50 million so that means Trump's numbers ARE the highest! (Michelle Obama is 17 million. Melania Trump is 2 million and her photo thumbnail looks like a 2010 system avatar!)

And yeah, I read about the stupid GA gov. who didn't know that asymptomatic people could pass along the disease. Fun fact: The CDC is in GA. 

It was bad enough when we just had the apocalyptic nightmare of the MAGA thing, then we had to add a pandemic? Like 2017 was the good old days? There's just not enough cheap white wine to handle this...


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I always look to more local information than anything.. I haven't listened to what the fed has said in a good while unless they are actually  medical personnel..

If i want to learn about the virus, I  research virologists and people that have been dealing with pandemics and outbreaks and so on for a good while..

If anything smells political, I jump away as quick as I can..

Right now Local information has been pretty informative... Our governor just shut Tennessee down yesterday because of noticing that people were starting to head outside..

Where when he first asked Tennesseans to practice social distancing and staying home unless you had to go out.. We were doing really well, but they noticed a trend starting up at the beginning of the week and finally figured it was a trend by the time we got to Thursday..So he locked us down..

But while i was watching him talking about locking the state down, there was good information about what they will be doing and what they have been doing the whole time..

For me, politics has no place in my life at the moment.. Survival mode has kicked in..

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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42 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

For me, politics has no place in my life at the moment.. Survival mode has kicked in.

I am the opposite, since politics is how we got to this disaster on top of catastrophe. Politics, for example, is why red states get more medical supplies than they request, blue states less. Politics is why ignoramus grifter dilettante Jared Kushner is in charge of the catastrophe now. 

Edited by Pamela Galli
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6 minutes ago, Pamela Galli said:

I am the opposite, since politics is how we got to this disaster on top of catastrophe. Politics, for example, is why red states get more medical supplies than they request, blue sets less. Politics is why ignoramus grifter dilettante Jared Kushner is in charge of the catastrophe now. 

I just see it as my family needing me to be productive and more positive for them.. Politics for me most times ends up with arguing and I just feel in times like this that,arguing is distracting and a waste of energy that could be spent best else where on something constructive..

I just see a lot of people all over the net on both sides arguing about politics right now.. people going on about the election or who's fault this is or that is, Taking shots at each other and so on..

I guess I was expecting something similar to how people were when 9/11 first happened and we actually seen a lot of that set to the side and people came together more..

Maybe it's that people have more time from being cooped up or something and getting really edgy from it..

Myself, I've still had to go to work and been able to get out of the house for 8 hours a day.. Well, until today when they put everyone in the plant on Furlough for two weeks..So I'm about to get my taste of it pretty good.. I may be jumping out of my skin and ready to get back there in a few days.. hehehe

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22 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

Though I also follow WHO, they've been a bit behind the eight ball on COVID-19. I wonder if the Eurocentrism of the organization hasn't blinded them to some aspects of containing the pandemic.

Ever notice how the vast majority of things like Covid-19, bubonic plague, ebola, etc always come from Africa, Europe and Asia and rarely from the Americas?



Geographic origins. To an overwhelming degree, the 25 major human pathogens analysed here originated in the Old World. That proved to be of great historical importance, because it facilitated the European conquest of the New World (the Americas). Far more Native Americans resisting European colonists died of newly introduced Old World diseases than of sword and bullet wounds. Those invisible agents of New World conquest were Old World microbes to which Europeans had both some acquired immunity based on individual exposure and some genetic resistance based on population exposure over time, but to which previously unexposed Native American populations had no immunity or resistance (Crosby, 1986; Diamond, 1997; McNeill, 1976; Ramenofsky, 1987). In contrast, no comparably devastating diseases awaited Europeans in the New World, which proved to be a relatively healthy environment for Europeans until yellow fever and malaria of Old World origins arrived (McNeill, 2006).

Why was pathogen exchange between Old and New Worlds so unequal? Of the 25 major human diseases analysed, Chagas' disease is the only one that clearly originated in the New World. For two others, syphilis and tuberculosis, the debate is unresolved: it remains uncertain in which hemisphere syphilis originated, and whether tuberculosis originated independently in both hemispheres or was brought to the Americas by Europeans. Nothing is known about the geographic origins of rotavirus, rubella, tetanus and typhus. For all of the other 18 major pathogens, Old World origins are certain or probable.


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22 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I recommend never actually ignoring his ramblings - they provide many laughs when viewed with the right outlook.

Only problems I have with that is I can not look at him nor listen to his voice. Text isn't really tolerable but I can at least skim before violently regurgitating.

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20 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:



As I've said so many times during this:  The stupidity of people just keeps amazing me.


My highschool sweetheart taught me something back then that I've never forgotten.

"The stupidity of the human race never ceases to amaze me."

I've been saying that for 40 years now.

I should have never let him get away.

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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Good resources on Corvid-19 can be found on

WHO Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic

John Hopkins University & Medine -  Coronavirus Resoruce Center

CDC - Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Academic information: Science reports -  some very scientific oriented, specialized medicine etc


National health authorities information, at least in western world.


News, for example BBC News - Coronavirus pandemic

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This may not be scientific but I'd thought I'd post it here for thoughts.

Any substance to the old wive's tale (for lack of a better term) about drinking TEA when you have a cold or the flu or a virus?

Can tea actually help us fight a virus?

This rumor is circulating now on social media to drink TEA three times a day.

I drink tea once a day and still caught that horrible whatever it was flu-like illness in January of this year.  



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5 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

Any substance to the old wive's tale (for lack of a better term) about drinking TEA when you have a cold or the flu or a virus?

Can tea actually help us fight a virus?

This rumor is circulating now on social media to drink TEA three times a day.


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I have no words for the greed and selfishness of the so called leaders of this country. 

We do not have a President.

Our federal government is crippled thereby crippling state and local governments by the very same greedy and selfish people.

They want us to die so they don't have to deal with us since we refuse to bow down to them and worship the ground they contaminate.



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