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17 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

You're not alone. I grew up with Kool Aid (and abandoned it after Jonestown gave it a bad name), but I didn't get it either. 

I still drink Kool-Aid sometimes. I make it Stevia, rather than all the sugar my mother used years ago




and sometimes add more flavor via my vodka bottle


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   Where should you leave your dog whilst you go shopping?
   In the barking lot.

   What do you call a bee that comes from America?

   What do you call an elephant that doesn't matter?

   What do you call a magical dog?
   A Labracadabrador. 

Edited by Orwar
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What did the horse say when it fell?
I've fallen and I can't giddyup!

A pony goes to the doctor and tells him, “Doc, I think I’m dying. I have this terrible sore throat."
The doctor assures him, "It's okay, you’re just a little horse."

You're riding a horse full speed, there's a giraffe right beside you, and a lion nipping at your heels. What do you do?
Get off the carousel and sober up.

How do you make a small fortune on horse racing?
Start with a large fortune.

A cowboy buys a horse from the town pastor. The pastor explains, "to make the horse go, you gotta yell, 'Thank God!' And to make it stop, yell, 'Hallelujah.’” The cowboy rides off. He rides all day and starts to nod off in the saddle when he notices he is about to ride straight over a cliff. Searching his memory, he yells to the horse, "Hallelujah! Hallelujah!" The horse grinds to a stop just at the edge of the cliff. The cowboy wipes the sweat off his forehead. ”Phew!” the cowboy sighs. “Thank God!"

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   Why has no Norwegian ever sat seen The Hulk to the end?
   Because when they see a green man, they walk.

   Why do Norwegians usually keep an empty beer bottle in the fridge?
   In case they receive a guest that isn't thirsty.

   After their third child was born, the Norwegian told his wife that they'd had enough kids.
- "How come?"
- "I've heard that every fourth child born is Chinese."
- "Would that be a problem?"
- "Well, I don't speak the language."

   A Norwegian was bragging to his friends.
- "I bought a puzzle, it said years: 7-12 - but I completed it in less than 3!"

   How did the Norwegian break his arm when raking leaves?
   He fell out of the tree.

   A Norwegian comes home to find his brother sitting on a chair with a rope tied around his arm.
- "What are you up to?"
- "I'm sick and tired of people making fun of us for being dumb, so I'm taking my life!"
- "Oh. Isn't the rope supposed to go around the neck though?"
- "I tried that, but then I couldn't breathe!"

   .. And so that it doesn't seem like I'm only going after the Norwegians ..

- "Do you know how to rescue a drowning Dane?"
- "No?"
- "Good."

   How do you sink a Danish ship?
   You launch it.

   Two Finns were standing at a street corner in Helsinki when a tourist stopped by to ask them for directions. He first tried in English, then German, then French, but as the two Fins just gave him confused looks he shrugged and walked away.
- "Hrm, perhaps one should have learnt a second language?" grunts the first Finn.
- "Nah, I don't know. That one learned at least two, and see how much good it did him." replied the other. 

   A Finn and his wife were hiking through an African safari park when a large lion leapt out of a bush and caught the woman by her leg, and quickly began to drag her off.
- "Shoot the d*** beast!", the wife shrieked at her husband.
   The Finn took out his camera, fumbled with it a bit, and then shrugged.
- "Can't. Out of film."

   When does a Finn get wet feet?
   When his mother washes his socks.

   A Finn was picking his mother up from the hospital, as she had just had hip replacement surgery. After twenty minutes they'd made it about half-way across the parking lot when the Finn finally, with some reluctance, asks:
- "Want me to carry those d***ed crutches for you?"

   A ventriloquist was in Copenhagen as part of his tour, and as per his usual routine he made the dummy tell some pretty harsh jokes about the locals. After a few jokes an infuriated Dane stands up in the audience and starts yelling:
- "How dare you make fun of us and call us stupid?!"
   The ventriloquist is somewhat taken aback by the temper, breaks character, and begins to apologise.
- "I meant no offense, it's all just jokes, no?"
- "And you -", the Dane continues, "You stay out of this, this is between me and the little f**ker!"

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I've been trying to break up with my girlfriend; she's an optician, which makes it really hard. Every time I tell her I can't see her any more she steps an inch closer and says "How about now?"


I got a speeding ticket, and I asked the issuing officer what I was supposed to do with it. "Keep it," he said. "When you've collected four, you win a bicycle."

Edited by Lewis Luminos
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