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19 hours ago, chibiusa Ling said:

1. If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?


1. If it could be answered,I would ask the exact day and time I was going to die.. Not how,just when..

It might suck at first to know..But once that feeling wore off, I can see all kinds of benefits of knowing ahead of time, after really thinking about it..

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19 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

The really BIG questions generally require Divine Intervention.

@Lindal Kidd?

Oh, very well...

21 hours ago, chibiusa Ling said:

1. If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?

2. What are some things that sound like compliments but are actually insults?

3. What’s something your brain tries to make you do and you have to will yourself not to do it?

1.  What is the ending to The Unfinished Symphony?

2.  “You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing after they have tried everything else.”  - Winston Churchill

3.  Solve Fermat's Last Theorem.

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2 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:


1. If it could be answered,I would ask the exact day and time I was going to die.. Not how,just when..

It might suck at first to know..But once that feeling wore off, I can see all kinds of benefits of knowing ahead of time, after really thinking about it..

I can arrange for you to die in massive fireball, but my schedule is such a mess I can't give you a date and time.

(I like your question, and hope the answer gives you time to plan one hell of a party.)

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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4 hours ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

I'm not even kidding. If I was offered an absolute truth to any question, I'd decline, fearing the answer would cause the universe to cease existing because of some paradox it would imply, which would tear up the fabric of space and time.

I think I'd decline as well. The unknown is what gets me up in the morning. If there is a God, I pity his omniscience.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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4 hours ago, MissMagicCakes said:

: Do I actually sound like a young boy or is it that guys would rather believe they're playing with a 12 year old than believe they're playing with a woman and thats the only way they can explain my voice?

It really grates on my nerves when some jackanape calls on the phone and continues to call me sir after I have told him I am not (and never have been) a sir. The last one's response was, "you're not?" Another number blocked.

And it's only the guys who do that crap. They seem to think it's going to accomplish their goal to either sell me something or get information out of me by continuing to insult me. One of them even used the excuse that it was "a habit". BS. 

My response is to immediately hang up and block the number. Then take amusement from the number of times they try to call back and block each new number they try using. Guys that pull that sort of crap in SL get the same kind of response. Life is too short to put up with that sort of garbage.

I've found the best solution is to just keep voice turned off. I have high frequency hearing loss and tinnitus so it's just less stressful for everyone. No one likes to have to repeat things several times and I don't like having to ask repeatedly. If people don't like that I have voice off, that's their problem, not mine. 



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On 26 October 2018 at 6:24 PM, chibiusa Ling said:

1. If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?

A) Why does England have to have neighbours like the French?

B) What exactly is Belgium actually for?

On 26 October 2018 at 6:24 PM, chibiusa Ling said:

2. What are some things that sound like compliments but are actually insults?

"Congratulations! You are smarter than a duck!"

On 26 October 2018 at 6:24 PM, chibiusa Ling said:

3. What’s something your brain tries to make you do and you have to will yourself not to do it?

Punching teenage middle class suburban vegan girls repeatedly in the head while screaming "Remove head from arse, grow a brain, eat BACON, you jaundiced, sallow skinned, stuck-up freak!"

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On 10/26/2018 at 1:24 PM, chibiusa Ling said:

1. If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?

Where do the socks go?


On 10/26/2018 at 1:24 PM, chibiusa Ling said:

2. What are some things that sound like compliments but are actually insults?

That's interesting the way you did that.

On 10/26/2018 at 1:24 PM, chibiusa Ling said:

3. What’s something your brain tries to make you do and you have to will yourself not to do it?

I always let my brain do what it wants.

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On 10/26/2018 at 8:24 PM, chibiusa Ling said:

Tad bored of seeing the same threads being hashed out over and over again in the forum, reminds me of a phrase regarding the flogging of a dead donkey. Too many people arguing, too much lefty hates righty and righty hates lefty and OMG SL isn't fair to me etc etc. So....

Lets do something a little more fun.

What would you answer to the following :

1. If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?

2. What are some things that sound like compliments but are actually insults?

3. What’s something your brain tries to make you do and you have to will yourself not to do it?

 1. If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?
Omg, why is SL so unfair to me?

2. What are some things that sound like compliments but are actually insults?
Idk, i'll answer later when i know.

3. What’s something your brain tries to make you do and you have to will yourself not to do it?
To flog a dead donkey.

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20 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

I can arrange for you to die in massive fireball, but my schedule is such a mess I can't give you a date and time.

(I like your question, and hope the answer gives you time to plan one hell of a party.)

I just think there is too much time spent on being worried about dying or trying to squeak out a couple extra years.. I'm not scared of dying,that's something that's coming no matter what and it's more than likely never going to be at a convenient time for those that I leave behind..I worry much more for the people I leave behind.

I wouldn't want it to be something where we automatically knew,but something that if we wanted,we could find out and know..

Knowing when,I could then make it more of a convenient time for them and myself..

I imagine how much less time would be wasted in the world on silly things,if everyone knew how much time they had left..

The only surprise I would want to keep is how..

If someone had say,80 years to go,would they want to risk spending it in prison or maybe in some other way..


There is a pretty interesting movie that got me to thinking about it a few years back..I mean I always think about wasted time,but it really got me to thinking more on it..

It was about time being a currency..

It got me to thinking,how much time and money do I really waste on trying to avoid that final unavoidable moment vs spending it on other things.. How much time have I wasted already in the past on other silly things,like arguing about things that really I have no dog in the fight? How many first world problems do I let eat up my time and so on..

The answer was for me,way too much..My list grew pretty long pretty fast..Things just kept popping into my head to where I had to stop myself..hehehe

The movie wasn't the greatest but the idea for it got me thinking about Time really hard..What if it really was a clock we could see and count down...hehehe




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3 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I just think there is too much time spent on...

I like this question because of the massive potential it gives the Law of Unintended Consequences.

Let's say you know you're going to live to  be 110. Would you take a job in a bomb disposal unit? You could reason that your Deathday suggests you're going to be very good at it, and never get blown up... or? What if, on your first mission, you get blown into a coma and spend the next 86 years aware of your surroundings, in pain, but unable to respond. Does knowing your "deathday" do anything to reduce uncertainty in your life?

Let's say you know you're going to live only to 18. When you enter high-school, you discover that 109 of your classmates share the same deathday. You look at the calendar and realize that will be graduation day. It doesn't take long for a "worse than Sandy Hook" theory to arise. There is nothing that can be done to save you and your friends, but there is a lot that can be done to save the school, so they move graduation forward one week to ensure that the 110 of you die in hopefully unrelated events during summer vacation.

So, I am that bomb disposal gal, and I'm called to remove a dynamite backpack from a suicide bomber who's plan to kill her high school graduating class was foiled by a change of date. I know the bomber is going to die in a few minutes, so there's no possibility of saving her. My only goal is to maximize the quality of life (because I can do nothing about the duration) for everyone who survives the incident. I isolate the woman in a cornfield and wait for the bang. At that precise moment, 451 people die in various acts of violence around the community, committed by 16 of the high school's doomed students in attacks pre-planned to copycat what they all expected to happen on graduation day.

There are endless ways to imagine unintended consequences that make knowing your deathday worse than our current predicament.

Given a little more time, I could probably imagine a humanity that had grown up with this knowledge and put it to overwhelmingly good use, but I don't know if I have a little more time.

ETA: Answering "how" along with "when" makes it even easier to imagine darkness on the landscape.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I just think there is too much time spent on being worried about dying or trying to squeak out a couple extra years.. I'm not scared of dying,that's something that's coming no matter what and it's more than likely never going to be at a convenient time for those that I leave behind..I worry much more for the people I leave behind.

I wouldn't want it to be something where we automatically knew,but something that if we wanted,we could find out and know..

Knowing when,I could then make it more of a convenient time for them and myself..

I imagine how much less time would be wasted in the world on silly things,if everyone knew how much time they had left..

The only surprise I would want to keep is how..

If someone had say,80 years to go,would they want to risk spending it in prison or maybe in some other way..


There is a pretty interesting movie that got me to thinking about it a few years back..I mean I always think about wasted time,but it really got me to thinking more on it..

It was about time being a currency..

It got me to thinking,how much time and money do I really waste on trying to avoid that final unavoidable moment vs spending it on other things.. How much time have I wasted already in the past on other silly things,like arguing about things that really I have no dog in the fight? How many first world problems do I let eat up my time and so on..

The answer was for me,way too much..My list grew pretty long pretty fast..Things just kept popping into my head to where I had to stop myself..hehehe

The movie wasn't the greatest but the idea for it got me thinking about Time really hard..What if it really was a clock we could see and count down...hehehe




Ok now that's just creepy. Last night that movie was brought up in conversation that also touched on dying in the Phoenix Lounge group. O.o


Stop that! xD

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15 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

I like this question because of the massive potential it gives the Law of Unintended Consequences.

Let's say you know you're going to live to  be 110. Would you take a job in a bomb disposal unit? You could reason that your Deathday suggests you're going to be very good at it, and never get blown up... or? What if, on your first mission, you get blown into a coma and spend the next 86 years aware of your surroundings, in pain, but unable to respond. Does knowing your "deathday" do anything to reduce uncertainty in your life?

Let's say you know you're going to live only to 18. When you enter high-school, you discover that 109 of your classmates share the same deathday. You look at the calendar and realize that will be graduation day. It doesn't take long for a "worse than Sandy Hook" theory to arise. There is nothing that can be done to save you and your friends, but there is a lot that can be done to save the school, so they move graduation forward one week to ensure that the 110 of you die in hopefully unrelated events during summer vacation.

So, I am that bomb disposal gal, and I'm called to remove a dynamite backpack from a suicide bomber who's plan to kill his high school graduating class was foiled by a change of date. I know the bomber is going to die, so there's no possibility of saving her. My only goal is to maximize the quality of life (because I can do nothing about the duration) for everyone who survives the incident. I isolate the woman in a cornfield and wait for the bang. At that precise moment, 451 people die in various acts of violence around the community, committed by 16 of the high school's doomed students in attacks pre-planned to copycat what they all expected to happen on graduation day.

There are endless ways to imagine unintended consequences that make knowing your deathday worse than our current predicament.

Given a little more time, I could probably imagine a humanity that had grown up with this knowledge and put it to overwhelmingly good use, but I don't know if I have a little more time.

It's not really a save the world reason behind what I was thinking..There is still going to be positive and negative no matter what..We're still human and there will always be us crashing into each other..

As I said in my post..If someone had 80 years left,Would they rather spend it in prison or would they rather spend it doing something else?

There are many people that have a good idea of when they are going to die.They get it many times in the form of bad news..

Some know the exact moment they are going to die..They hear it usually from a judge..

I just think for me,If I could ask that question and have it answered, rather than be given it as bad news.. I might grasp life much more like those that already have a good idea of when or know exactly when..

I'm sure I could come up with a zillion horror story reasons as to why it might not be a good thing for the world knowing..But I can come up with a zillion horror stories of how fear of dying gets used as well.. History is full of them.

I appreciate life and grasp it as much as I can..I'll spend hours in the mountains just looking at a tree and whats going on in the world that lives on that tree..

It's a whole other world in itself.. A drop of water holds  a whole other world and an ocean or forest holds universes..Even deeper than that I would love to see..

That's the kinds of things that takes my fear away..Just knowing  where we occupy isn't all that there is to the world or the universe..It takes me out of that static feeling.

There was no time before this  life,there is time during it,there will be no time after it's done..

If I knew when it was,I probably wouldn't wear a watch or keep a calendar on me..But I would check up from time to time,if I ever felt the need to be grounded..

I just think for myself, I would appreciate my life and my time more,just knowing how much of it I had..


When i was a child I couldn't wait to grow up..As an adult I wish I would have known better..hehehe



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45 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Ok now that's just creepy. Last night that movie was brought up in conversation that also touched on dying in the Phoenix Lounge group. O.o


Stop that! xD

That's extra mega strange, because I was in the ,Rise of the Phoenix sex group last night talking about How Hawt I thought Justine Timberlake was in that movie!


I'm kidding,there is no Rise of the phoenix sex group..It's just a regular old sex group..


kidding again,I'm not in any sex groups.. hehehehe


ETA: I better actually check on that last one..O.o



Edited by Ceka Cianci
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Just now, Ceka Cianci said:

As I said in my post..If someone had 80 years left,Would they rather spend it in prison or would they rather spend it doing something else?

Well, if I know I've got two hours left, the threat of prison sure isn't gonna stop me from breaking out the blowtorch.

I don't know if the movie you mentioned delves into how deathdays change the attitudes of people towards each other, but I don't imagine I'd ever want to go on a first date with someone who'll die during it. Nor would I marry someone who's going to die one minute after me, because the idea of murder/suicide would haunt me. Nor would I enter a synagogue knowing 11 people inside have only minutes to live.

Ignorance really is bliss.

All this said, I enjoy the way you think about your own life and imagine I'd enjoy you all the same in the strange world of deathdays.

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45 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

Well, if I know I've got two hours left, the threat of prison sure isn't gonna stop me from breaking out the blowtorch.

I don't know if the movie you mentioned delves into how deathdays change the attitudes of people towards each other, but I don't imagine I'd ever want to go on a first date with someone who'll die during it. Nor would I marry someone who's going to die one minute after me, because the idea of murder/suicide would haunt me. Nor would I enter a synagogue knowing 11 people inside have only minutes to live.

Ignorance really is bliss.

All this said, I enjoy the way you think about your own life and imagine I'd enjoy you all the same in the strange world of deathdays.

Well it's a good thing everyone only gets the one absolute truth question to ask..


Also,just because I would know when I was gonna die,doesn't mean everyone else would..I sure wouldn't want to be looking over my shoulder all the time with people trying to prove it wrong..:ph34r:


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4 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

I like this question because of the massive potential it gives the Law of Unintended Consequences.

Let's say you know you're going to live to  be 110. Would you take a job in a bomb disposal unit? You could reason that your Deathday suggests you're going to be very good at it, and never get blown up... or? What if, on your first mission, you get blown into a coma and spend the next 86 years aware of your surroundings, in pain, but unable to respond. Does knowing your "deathday" do anything to reduce uncertainty in your life?

Let's say you know you're going to live only to 18. When you enter high-school, you discover that 109 of your classmates share the same deathday. You look at the calendar and realize that will be graduation day. It doesn't take long for a "worse than Sandy Hook" theory to arise. There is nothing that can be done to save you and your friends, but there is a lot that can be done to save the school, so they move graduation forward one week to ensure that the 110 of you die in hopefully unrelated events during summer vacation.

So, I am that bomb disposal gal, and I'm called to remove a dynamite backpack from a suicide bomber who's plan to kill her high school graduating class was foiled by a change of date. I know the bomber is going to die in a few minutes, so there's no possibility of saving her. My only goal is to maximize the quality of life (because I can do nothing about the duration) for everyone who survives the incident. I isolate the woman in a cornfield and wait for the bang. At that precise moment, 451 people die in various acts of violence around the community, committed by 16 of the high school's doomed students in attacks pre-planned to copycat what they all expected to happen on graduation day.

There are endless ways to imagine unintended consequences that make knowing your deathday worse than our current predicament.

Given a little more time, I could probably imagine a humanity that had grown up with this knowledge and put it to overwhelmingly good use, but I don't know if I have a little more time.

ETA: Answering "how" along with "when" makes it even easier to imagine darkness on the landscape.

I'm so gonna pitch this—it'd be a dynamite movie, might even work as a series. I know some people at Amazon....

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